MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 66 evolutionary theology

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   Staring at the gobbling fat man for a while, Fang Yu finally couldn't help but say, "Eat less."

   Fatty quickly put something in his mouth when he heard it. He swallowed it without chewing it. After swallowing a few gulps, he stopped and said, "I'm sorry, I can't help it."

Fang Yu recalled the experience at the convenience store next to Miaomiao Experimental Primary School, and understood Fatty's behavior very well, so he tried his best to give a kind smile and said, "It's alright, there is no shortage of this food. I'm afraid that you will have problems if you eat too fast. Are you hungry?"

"That's not it." The fat man nodded with lingering fears, "I haven't eaten anything decent for a week, and I lost a lot of weight. The pain in my stomach, the burning pain, I really want to even root grass. eat."

   "So now you can't overeat, and you must chew everything before swallowing." Fang Yu wanted to continue to talk about the precautions for resuming his diet, but was stopped by Yang Xiaoqian.

   Now that the guy's mood has stabilized, it's time to get some useful information out of his mouth.

"What's your name?"

   "Tikun, Tikun." Fatty said twice, thought for a while and then added, "It's not high or low, and it's not Kunlun's Kun... It's more complicated, just call me Fatty, hehe, it's convenient."

   Looking at the innocent and honest smile on Fatty's face, which is harmless to humans and animals, Yang Xiaoqian scolded: "Don't smile, ask you what to answer."

   "Yes, yes, I'm sorry." Fatty kept apologizing in a low voice.

   "Why did you just beg us not to eat you?" Yang Xiaoqian didn't want to dwell on meaningless issues after spending more than half an hour on this fat man.

   "This..." Fatty's face became bitter, and the flesh on his face was twisted into a ball.

   "Answer my question!" Yang Xiaoqian was fierce, and the black ghost lifted the fat man up in the air again.

   "I said, I said, I said, I said!" When Fatty got excited, he would rewind and repeat like a repeater.

   "Speak, come down after you're done." Yang Xiaoqian was unmoved.

   This is the second time Fatty has been mentioned in the air. After a few flutters, he found that there was no great danger. He quickly calmed down, swallowed and said, "Because you are all awakened ones."

   Yang Xiaoqian raised his eyebrows. The Awakened was the name he chose casually. It would be normal for others to name the superpowers as the Awakened because of the influence of various movies and novels.

   It can be heard from Fatty’s words that he must have seen or heard of the existence of other awakened beings, but…

   "What does the Awakened have to do with cannibalism?" Yang Xiaoqian had a bad premonition when he asked this question.

   The fat man seemed to recall something horrible, trembling all over his body, and said in a trembling voice, "Don't you know? Where did you come from?"

"Don't do it the other way around, it's me asking the question, you answer!" The black ghost bent a finger and flicked it on the fat man's belly. The fat man only felt that he had been punched hard in the stomach, and he almost slammed it under the severe pain. I vomited everything I just ate.

   "Ask again, what does the Awakened have to do with cannibalism?"

   Fatty didn't dare to talk nonsense this time, and answered in pain, "The Evolutionary God, the Evolutionary God."

"explain more clearly!"

"Put me down, I can't do it anymore, let me down, I promise to say nothing, vomit!" After all, the fat man couldn't hold back, opened his mouth wide, and spat out the food residue that was half digested by gastric juice, mixed with disgusting liquid , the waterfall generally splashes to the ground.

  Yang Xiaoqian was far away from being splashed, while Fang Yu, who was sitting beside Fatty, was splashed on his trousers by the sour yellow and stinky liquid, and his face was blue and white.

   "Oh, I'm still in a hurry." Yang Xiaoqian looked at Fatty's pitiful appearance and didn't bear it much. It's just that on the one hand, I feel that my actions are becoming less and less bottom-line, and on the other hand, there are reasons for having to do it. This feeling of entanglement and conflict is really annoying.

   After thinking about it, Yang Xiaoqian still put the fat man back on the ground. After the fat man finished vomiting, he took out his mobile phone and did something that Fang Yu couldn't understand: took a picture of the fat man.

  Fang Yu remembered that there were always people on campus who liked to take pictures of other people's embarrassing photos and spread them around and ridicule them. Didn't expect Yang Xiaoqian to do such a thing?

   When Fatty stopped vomiting and started to tell, the audience present could feel an even more nauseating stench and evil pouring out of his mouth.

  The story goes like this:

  Before the disaster, a strange man lived on Zhonghua Road. He was in his 40s and had no children. He wandered the streets every day wearing old, patched clothes.

   He told everyone he met, "I'm looking for my faith."

   Of course, everyone regarded him as a lunatic.

  Because this seemingly fanatical believer has joined many sects, such as Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Halalism, Jesusism, etc., every time he apostates due to doubts in his heart, and he has turned against his former believers.

  Everyone said that it was a miracle that this man survived to this day, and he himself thought it was a miracle. According to his words: This is all arranged by God and guided by God.

  When disaster strikes, he panics, loses, and then goes completely crazy.

   He witnessed those man-eating monsters evolve and become more powerful after eating many human flesh.

   "The strong eat the weak, the law of evolution, so this is the true meaning of the world!" He opened his arms to welcome the holy baptism.

   Of course, even if he already had the firmest belief in his heart, the resistance in his bones made him struggle when he ate the same kind for the first time.

   In this heart-wrenching tangle, when he closed his eyes and put the cut and roasted human flesh into his mouth, he woke up.

   So he came to the conclusion: "Eating people, you can evolve!"

   Then he somehow shattered half of the memorial tower and stood on the ruins to proclaim the Holy Word.

   Knowing how to preach, he hyped it up, and more and more people went from completely unbelieving to skeptical.

   A new sect was born under the pursuit of some blinded and ignorant believers.

   They call themselves the "evolutionary religion", believe in the "master of evolution", call the devil-like man "the Pope", and preach "evolution by eating people" and "the law of evolution".

   They tried every means to deceive the surrounding surviving residents out of their homes, deprived others of their personal freedom by violent means, abused their former compatriots as slaves for their own enjoyment, and kept them as pigs and dogs for food in sacred ceremonies.

   In just two or three weeks, from Zhonghua Road to the Monument Tower, in addition to those who fled to other places, there are only two types of people left: believers of the evolutionary religion, and pagans.

  Anyone who submits to the evolutionary religion can get the protection of the sect, but he must participate in daily prayers and weekly holy sacrifices. Many people originally joined the Evolutionary Religion with the idea of ​​seeking shelter, but they were brainwashed in a fanatical atmosphere unknowingly. Many people are greedy for enjoyment and power. Even if they know that the evolution of the gods is mostly a lie, they still play tricks.

   And those who do not obey the evolutionary religion and are labeled as heretics...

  The story came to this point, and the fat man shuddered.

   "Have you seen hell?" Fatty's frightened eyes were indescribable.