MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 51 We will also hand out flyers

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  Yang Xiaoqian went all the way, Fang Yu was not the first person to be rescued, but the first person Yang Xiaoqian decided to stay and bring back to Paradise Island, because he has a flexible mind and a smooth personality.

  Because of his flexible mind and slick personality, Fang Yu kept silent and did not ask any questions after hearing the team leaders' discussion on the next itinerary early the next morning.

"They must have their own considerations. If they are willing to tell me, they will naturally say it. There is no need to ask." Fang Yu thought so, but Heizi obviously didn't think so. Aren't we going to Teachers College?"

  Heizi still had in mind those classmates who might stay in the school and hide. If he could bring along, no, no, go back with the team of these two superpowers to kill the four sides to save the classmates, how majestic it would be!

"Do you think it's possible for a person to be successful in anything if he's made his own plan, but changes his plan at will because he hears unrelated and not entirely true news along the way?" Yang Xiaoqian did not answer the question.

   "What?" Kuroko was confused and didn't understand.

  Yang Xiaoqian smiled without saying a word, put his index finger on his lips and made a silent gesture, signaling Heizi and Fang Yu to shut up and stop talking.

   It is true that going to Teachers College may find more mutants, and perhaps further enhance their own strength through their brain nuclei. But the purpose of Yang Xiaoqian's trip is very clear: not to take unknown risks to fight monsters and upgrade, but to find other awakened people who have opened the chains as much as possible, and find a way to contact the 258th brigade.

   To say that if you find a 258th brigade officer at random, you can tell everything you know. Yang Xiaoqian can't do such a stupid thing, but Yang Xiaoqian has no such concerns, because he already has a suitable candidate in his heart: Liu Yuanzhou.

   There are many reasons to choose him:

First of all, Liu Yuanzhou was the deputy director of the security department before the disaster. Although he did not belong to the military system, he was also a member of the system, and his special status not completely belonging to the military and not completely belonging to the civilian population made him Yang Xiaoqian and The best middleman for military conversations.

  Secondly, Liu Yuanzhou broke the chain and possessed his own super power. When he entered the 258 brigade in a special period, his status would only rise and not fall, which ensured that Yang Xiaoqian's words could reach the ears of the higher-ups.

   In addition, Liu Yuanzhou himself is also an awakened person. The so-called **** determines the head. It is impossible for Liu Yuanzhou to view and think about the next situation from the standpoint of an ordinary person. A sense of empathy from fellow Awakened persons will lay a solid foundation for a sincere conversation between the two parties.

   The last and most important reason: the understanding and contact with Liu Yuanzhou so far have proved that this person is brave, persevering, wise, and has a passion to defend Yuanjiang to the death.

"However, where should I go to find him?" Yang Xiaoqian thought, "It stands to reason that his strength will not be dangerous. He should have entered the 258th Brigade long ago. Maybe the combat mobilization documentary is his handwriting." Yang Xiaoqianyue The more I think it is possible.

  Recall the content of the so-called "completely real" documentary:

First of all, the posture of the 258 brigade ace troop was shown to make people feel safe, and then the interview with Brigade Commander Zhao made it clear through the dialogue between the reporter and Brigadier Zhao: The army will do its best to protect everyone, but resources are limited, and more capable people are needed to join the army. potency.

   Then, by playing a video of the corpse extermination battle, the strength of the army and the weakness of the zombies are reflected, which makes people feel that "the zombies are vulnerable, and it is not too dangerous to join the army to fight against the corpses".

Then I interviewed the old man who hoped to return to the army to carry guns and fight, which aroused blood in his heart; interviewed ordinary couples who were philistines, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of joining the army through the mouth of a man, and expressed some things that the 258th Brigade could not say through him; interviewed the man with a red scarf Children, listening to him say that when he grows up, he will be a glorious People's Guard, arouse a sense of honor and so on.

   Finally, through the two soldiers who had been fighting on the front line and were isolated, he made a powerful conclusion: "To die for the country, once is not enough".

   Even Yang Xiaoqian was silent for a long time after reading it before he calmed down the surging passion in his heart. It would be too strange for such a peculiar and unpretentious promotional film to come from an unprofessional intern reporter, but it would be reasonable if it came from Liu Yuanzhou.

   "Let's go to the refuge camp." Yang Xiaoqian said after thinking for a while.

  Wang Hai immediately agreed with it. After watching the documentary, Wang Hai was very excited to return to the army. Although there is an agreement that Wang Hai will not leave Paradise Island before the crossbow team is formed, if Wang Hai wants to come, even if he wants to visit the 258 Brigade, or provide some help within his ability, it is better than wandering around aimlessly. .

   "Why?" Yu Qian didn't object, just wanted to hear the reason. It's the same wherever you go anyway, no one knows where the Awakened might appear in the corners, and it's purely luck to find them blindly like this.

"Because the search for awakened people like we are now is purely luck, and the efficiency is too low. Except for a very small number of problem people, basically no one will fly all over the sky after awakening and shout 'I have super powers, I'm hanging on the sky'" Yang Xiaoqian's first sentence touched the itch in Yu Qian's heart.

   "What should we do then?" Yu Qian asked.

   "Do you remember those flyers, the flyers dropped by helicopter." Yang Xiaoqian said, "Why do we go to them? Why can't we let them come to us?"

   "How to say?" Yu Qian felt that he understood a little, but he didn't grasp the key.

"Here's what I thought: Suppose, now you're an ordinary person who doesn't know anything, and all of a sudden you break the chains and awaken your superpowers, would you want to know more about it? Would you want to Can someone guide you? If you awaken your combat abilities, don't you want to make yourself stronger? If you awaken your auxiliary abilities, don't you want someone in the corpse to protect you? If..." Yang Xiaoqian stopped , looked at Yu Qian and asked, "Can you understand what I mean?"

   "Understood!" Yu Qian applauded with high fives, "Good idea! Let's go grab an aircraft and put that kind of paper everywhere, with information that only awakened people can understand, and there will always be awakened people to see it!"

   "First of all, it's called helicopters and flyers." Yang Xiaoqian shook his head and waved his hands, "Secondly, we don't rob it, we borrow it."

   "Well, it's okay to steal one. After all, the army is too powerful, and it is not wise to confront them head-on." Yu Qian misunderstood again.

   "I said, let's borrow it!" Yang Xiaoqian was so angry that his veins jumped, "We will cooperate with the military for mutual benefit and find a way to borrow a helicopter!"

   "Then if they knew our intentions, wouldn't they want to compete with us for the Awakened?"

   "Then don't let them know." Yang Xiaoqian made a final decision, "If they already know, then get ahead of them."