MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 175 Gaine's hesitation

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  Chapter 175 Gaine's Hesitation


  Han Fei was a little puzzled, and said, "What academy?"

   "A college with everything."

  Mr. Mo replied calmly.

After finishing speaking, he seemed to realize that Han Fei was still a little incomprehensible, and Mr. Mo simply said: "Not long ago, the big brother of the Confucian Xiaoshengxianzhuang and the Mohist giant both lived in my mansion temporarily, but since the release of "Journey to the West", Both of them have gone back.

   "Confucianism, Mohism... Jixia Academy?"

  Han Fei muttered, suddenly seemed to understand something, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

   But then, he couldn't help being stunned for a while. In this way, the round and handsome man he met at the entrance of [Qin Ping Avenue] was really Fu Nian, his junior brother from Xiaoshengxian Village.

  This... What exactly has my junior brother experienced all these years?

  Mr. Mo shook his head lightly.

   Jixia Academy is just an institution after all. In fact, the academy that Mo Jun wants to build this time is to create a whole new education system.

  But there is no need to talk to Han Fei about this kind of thing.

But even so, the news revealed by Mr. Mo is enough to shock Han Fei. After all, Qi State built the [Jixia Academy] to recruit talents from all over the world and make Qi State strong. Widespread.

  Although later because of King Qi’s operation, the students of hundreds of schools gradually lost confidence in [Jixia Academy], and even made many latecomers who wanted to establish [Jixia Academy] not go well.

  But if Mr. Mo uses the 'white paper' as bait, then it is not whether the scholars are willing or not, but they have to come.

  Now Qin’s national strength is already the strongest among the seven countries, and it has even shown its fangs to South Korea. If it goes further at this time, it is really hard to imagine how far Qin can develop.

   This is the end of the thought.

  Han Fei couldn't help sighing secretly: "I got another bad news!"



  Mr. Mo invited everyone to have a big meal, and then gave Han Fei and others a wave of "one-stop service", which directly confused people.

   After most of the people had fallen asleep after drinking and eating, Mo Jun came to the back garden alone to relax.

   As a result, when Mo Jun just walked to the back garden, he found that there was already a figure in white in the gazebo of [Jingxin Lake].

   "Mr. Ge Nie hasn't slept yet?" Mo Jun asked a little bit surprised.

   "I have something I don't understand, and I'm here to wait for Mr. Shengping. Please forgive me if I offend you." Gai Nie stood up, and bowed modestly to Mr. Mo.

"wait for me?"

  Jun Mo raised his eyebrows, walked over, and said: "Mr. Gai is a teacher from a famous family in Guigu. If Mr. Gai can't solve the confusion, how can I solve it?"

   "My problem, in the whole world, perhaps only Mr. Shengping can solve it."

   "Oh? I don't know why Mr. Gai is so confused?"

  Hearing what Gai Nie said, Mo Jun was really excited and couldn't help asking.

   "I would like to ask Mr. Shengping, what is the strongest sword?" Gai Nie asked, clasping his hands.

  Hearing Gai Nie's question, Mo Jun's expression suddenly stiffened, and then he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Mr. Gai's question is really a bit embarrassing for me. Is this also a test question of the Guigu School?"

   "Yes, and no." Ge Nie replied.

   "Mr. Gai thinks, how strong is the strongest sword?" Mo Jun pondered for a moment, and did not give his own answer immediately, but asked Gai Nie a question instead.

  Genie looked up at the bright moon hanging in the sky, and couldn't help being stunned.

"Mr. Gai is about to return to Ghost Valley for the final assessment of the Ghost Valley Sect. If Mr. Gai can defeat your junior after this assessment and successfully win the position of the leader of Ghost Valley, then Mr. Gai thinks his sword is strong enough ?"

  Genie didn't answer.

   "Or maybe today's Qin State has millions of soldiers, and the king's sword is pointing at it, and it is unrivaled in the world. Does Mr. Gai think the sword of King Qin is strong enough?"

   Gai Nie still didn't answer.

   Speaking of which, Mo Jun also paused for a moment, and then sighed: "I actually probably guessed what Mr. Gai was thinking, but unfortunately, there are not so many things in this world that have the best of both worlds."

"In the face of the torrent of the times, personal power is too small. Mr. Gai may think that I can change the world, but it is a pity that I can tell you right now that my existence is at most a small drop of water in the torrent of the times. , may be able to splash the waves for a short time, but it will eventually return to calm."

   "So, Mr. Gai's question, I can tell you very clearly, I can't answer it."

   Hearing this, Gai Nie pursed his lips and remained silent for a long time, then silently folded his hands and bowed to Mo Jun, then turned and left the pavilion.

  Mo Jun stood quietly in the gazebo. After Gai Nie's figure completely disappeared, Mo Jun scratched his hair with a headache, choking speechlessly.

   "Another idealist!"

  Jun Mo couldn't help muttering.

   Gai Nie asked Mo Jun, 'What is the strongest sword? ’ This question, in fact, if it is transformed, is to ask Mo Jun what Ge Nie should do in the next Ghost Valley assessment to achieve a "win-win".

  The ultimate mystery of Guigu's unique learning is actually "choice" and "choice".

   Decision and choice.

  However, everything has two sides, any decision and choice, along with the emergence of a 'winner', there must also be a 'loser'.

  The so-called Ghost Valley is to make oneself the 'winner' forever.

   At this point.

   Wei Zhuang's choices are often decisive and rational.

  So when the appointed day comes, Wei Zhuang can set off from South Korea without hesitation, and return to Ghost Valley to confront Gai Nie.

  But Ge Nie is just the opposite, he is hesitant about all choices...


  Genie is even more greedy.

  Because he doesn't want 'losers', he wants everyone to be 'winners'.

  He wants everything and wants to lose nothing.

  In the "Final Battle" of the next Ghost Valley assessment, Gai Nie didn't want to be the "loser", but he also didn't want to kill his junior brother Wei Zhuang with his own hands in the final battle.

  So to this day, Gai Nie still hasn't set off from Qin and returned to Guigu.

   And this kind of 'hesitation', in fact, has never changed since Gai Nie first entered Ghost Valley.

  So the "strongest" in Gai Nie's mouth does not refer to a certain victor, but a power similar to "Under Heaven".

In a sense.

  Gai Nie's budding thought is very similar to the Mohist's "universal love". The previous six-fingered black man had made a similar request with Mo Jun.

   This is probably one of the reasons why Gai Niehui and the Mohists later intersected.

But it is a pity that the possibility of such an idea being realized at the moment is too low, but the appearance of Mo Jun may have given Gai Nie a glimmer of hope, so he came to Hanzhong specially before leaving for Ghost Valley, hoping to Get the answer from Mo Jun.

  In the end, Mo Jun received a basin of merciless cold water.

  "People who want everything, often get nothing!"

Mo Jun looked at the bright moon hanging in the sky, and murmured: "By the way, this guy won't avoid the duel with Wei Zhuang again because of what I said today! Alas! Why should I Say again?"


  (end of this chapter)