MTL - Dad, Please Try a Little Harder-Chapter 67 Qian Wenlin: Submit the draft, as long as you have your hands!

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  Chapter 67 Qian Wenlin: Submit the manuscript, as long as you have your hands!

  Qian Quan returned to the dormitory and took a brief inventory of his property.

  Not counting Lin Xiaohuang's card, he has more than 400,000 cash in cash. When the prize money from the martial arts competition comes down, it will break through 500,000 again.

  However, he has already decided that once the bonus is paid out, he will send 30,000 to his parents first.

  In addition to cash, he also has Funing No. 1 black and red cards, 20 shopping cards with a total value of 100,000 yuan.

  Besides, the 50,000 yuan annual stipend that Lin Xiaohuang set up for him is definitely not enough to spend.

  For a college student, there is no need to worry about money for the next four years.

  Study hard, experience college life well, and do more meaningful things.

  As the old saying goes, money strengthens heroes and courage. As far as the rules of the secular sense are concerned, money is indeed one of the most effective means of giving people confidence.

  Qian Quan put away all kinds of cards, and he is going to practice "Wudang Small Cycle Kung Fu", that is, "Wudang Jing Gong".

  He also gained a lot from meeting Gong Xuanzhu this time.

  The other party has intensively studied martial arts for decades, and has rich theoretical and practical experience, and many insights made Qian Quan refreshed.

For example, he mentioned that the body is the altar of human beings, and the spirit is the **** it enshrines. Therefore, the body must always be kept strong, clean and healthy, and it must be constantly tortured and tempered so that the spirit can always remain resilient and strong. It is the meaning of martial arts.

For example, he said that man and nature are one, and he gave an example. When people are standing in the wild, butterflies and sparrows dare not approach them, because people have a unique "popularity". Your shoulders are the real integration into nature.

  The first one talks about movement, and the second one talks about stillness.

  Qian Quan has a master-level Wing Chun Kung Fu, and his "moving" Kung Fu has reached the peak, so exploring "static kung fu" has more practical significance for him.

  In fact, in real life, many political and business leaders are keen on meditation and meditation, which is also a manifestation of the practice of meditation.

Qian Quan stood facing south, closed his eyes and jaws, relaxed his whole body, calmed his mind, concentrated his attention, fine-tuned his breathing, concentrated his mind on Dantian, the breath naturally rose, went directly to the back through Weilu point, rose to Niwan, and then passed through Niwan. The pill goes to Yintang, to the nose, the nose to the throat, the throat to the back, the back to the front heart, and then to the dantian...

  It goes back and forth like this, from the heaven and the earth, the breath is strong (the breath is smoother and longer, the heartbeat is more stable), and the spirit is self-evident (more energy, clearer thinking).

  The next day, Qian Quan and his roommates went to class normally.

   Before I got to the classroom, I accidentally received a message from Li Zihyuk. The other party asked him to have lunch together at noon, saying that he had something important to discuss.

  Qian Quan remembered that after the martial arts competition was over, he also found himself, as if he had something to say, but after seeing Zhao Chunjia, he temporarily changed his mind.

  Qian Quan was also a little curious, and secretly speculated that he would definitely not be here to perform rock kicking this time, so he replied "OK".

  This morning, there are two ancient history classes, which are also taught by Professor Zhou Wenhan, who is very popular among the students.

   Everyone likes to call him "Angry Old Zhou" in private, because he is very passionate in class and has clear views. He can make the students' blood boil when he talks about ancient history.

  For example, every time Professor Zhou gives the first class to the freshmen, he will ask everyone the same two questions:

   "Do you know which four are the four ancient civilizations in the world?"

  This question can be answered by almost all students:

   "Ancient Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, and China."

  After getting the answer, he will continue to ask: "Do you know why the first three ancient civilizations all add the prefix "Ancient" in front of it, but China doesn't need to add it?"

   At least half of the students could not answer this question.

   Whenever this happens, Professor Zhou will impassionedly announce the answer:

  “Because China’s 5,000-year splendid civilization history has stretched from the day it appeared to the present, and has gone through vicissitudes, and there has never been a fault!”

   Then he will give everyone popular science why the history of Chinese civilization is a history of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, trust, gentleness, humility, and courage to fight.

   "Moderation, humility, gentleness, and reservation are our national spirit, but speaking out against injustice and fighting bravely are also our national background.

"If you look through our ancient mythology history, you will find that Pangu opened the sky, Nuwa mended the sky, Shennong tasted a hundred herbs, Houyi shot the sun, Kuafu chased the sun, Jingwei reclaimed the sea, Dayu controlled the flood, and Yugong moved the mountain. , I'm not afraid!

  “That’s why I often tell my students that the history of Chinese civilization is not only a history of morality and etiquette of love and peace, but also a history of unyielding heroes who fight against oppression!”

  The fresh-blooded and energetic freshmen couldn’t stand this soul-stirring encouragement, and they felt a sense of pride every minute!

  Professor Zhou Wenhan started his teaching journey in the new semester under this tone.

  In today's class, he somehow brought up the topic. Some scholars and netizens at home and abroad believe that China does not have a civilization history of 5,000 years, and at most 3,000 years. Old Zhou was angry again.

   "Where is the saddest part of this matter? Classmates! It is not their disapproval, but some of us have recognized their disapproval! We have succumbed to their standards!

"Let me tell you, these Western scholars may not intend to slander or discredit our history, although they never mind doing so, just take this matter as an example, what they want more is the right to speak and define right!

   "What is civilization and what is the history of civilization, this must abide by their standards and listen to their definitions!

   "Have you noticed, students, what have Western countries been doing these years? Grabbing the right to speak, the right to speak in all walks of life!

   "What is civilization, what is fashion, what is culture, what is qualified, and what are universal values, all of them shall prevail, understand?

  “Once you have the right to speak and set standards, you have the right to extort wealth, suppress and pour dirty water!

   "Therefore, students, take history as a mirror, not only face up to the gap, but also recognize the essence, and must not blindly follow."

  Professor Zhou’s history class is popular, one of the reasons is that he can combine the history class with some current hot spots, so that after listening to it, you will feel excited and thoughtful.

  Of course, Professor Zhou's three views are also very positive, and he often debates with his colleagues because of some topics.

  After the morning class, Qian Quan didn't go to dinner with his roommates, and went straight out of school to take a taxi to meet Li Zihyuk.

   Arrived at the appointed place, and found that Li Zhiyi was there.

   "Hey, it turns out that you, brother and sister, came together?" Qian Quan was surprised.

   "The things we want to talk about today are all related to the three of us, please sit down quickly." Li Zihe greeted.

  Li Zhi waved his hand at Qian Quan as a greeting.

   "You have no class this morning?" Qian Quan asked Li Zhiyi.

   "Yes, after two classes, I will come to you with my brother."

   "Oh, then you have been waiting for a long time."

   "Indeed." Li Zhiyi nodded with a smile.

  Li Zihe was in a daze when he heard the conversation between the two of them.

  When did my younger sister become so cheerful and talkative?

  When did they get to know each other so well?

   And how many times have they met in private?

   "What are we talking about today?" Qian Quan asked after sitting down.

  Li Zihe calmed down and said, "Talk about business."

   "Huh?" Qian Quan was puzzled.

  Li Zihe adjusted his tone: "Didn't you mention to me before that the chess software and Go software written by Ah Jiu are suitable for development and promotion? I plan to set up a company to do this.

  “Of course, not just doing chess and Go, but just using them as a cut-in.”

   "Understood, you are really strong in action." Qian Quan gave a thumbs up, "But, why did you come to me?"

   "Take you as a shareholder." Li Zihyuk said bluntly.

   "Huh?" Qian Quan was puzzled again, and then understood, "I can invest some money, but I'm afraid it won't be enough."

   "You don't have to worry about investing, I've already taken care of it."

   "What do you mean, you got angel investment?" Qian Quan also watched the business war movie.

   "You can say that." Li Zihe laughed.

   "Which angel?"

  When Li Zhi heard the words, he suddenly pursed his lips and smiled.

  Li Zihe's face remained unchanged, he paused, and said, "Father."

  Qian Quan: "..." Sure enough, every father is an angel with wings.

  Li Zihe coughed and said, "You count technology as a shareholding, get 5% of the shares."

   "I don't understand technology, I study history."

   "I know, but Ah Jiu said that you are needed to train the system. It just so happens that you are a teacher major, and you can be considered a professional counterpart. Moreover, this idea was also proposed by you first..."

   "That 5% is too much, how about this, I will also pay some money."

   "As I said just now, I'm going to start with chess and Go to make a systematic AI education software. It doesn't make much sense to add 50,000 to 100,000."

   "I voted 110,000."

  Li Zhi burst out laughing.

   "Hehe, it's quite funny." Li Zihe was not amused by Qian Quan, but when he saw his sister laughing, he felt helpless.

  Qian Quan stopped joking and asked, "What's the name of the company?"

   "Tentatively, 'nine out of nine'."

  "Good name," Qian Quan laughed, "Actually, I have always had a wish, that is, we can have an educational software specially designed for children that is popular among the people, and requires face recognition to log in.

   "The background of this software can then be associated with the photo database of missing children across the country, and once the system matches, it will give a warning.

   "Of course, this is just my wild imagination as a layman, without any scientific basis."

  Li Zhiyi listened thoughtfully.

  Li Zihe said: "According to the current development speed of artificial intelligence, what you said should be realized soon."

  Qian Quan nodded and said, "However, I hope it is a closed system, otherwise many new problems will arise."

  Li Zihe had a keen sense of smell and asked, "You seem to be very interested in artificial intelligence?"

   "It's fashionable, everyone around is paying attention now." Qian Quan didn't hear his subtext at all.

   "Oh, what do you think of the future of artificial intelligence?" Li Zihyuk continued to ask.

   "Well, I think intellectually that advanced tools must not be rejected, after all, they represent the future;

   "But emotionally, I have some worries, not knowing where artificial intelligence will take human beings.

  “So, sometimes I have full confidence in human beings, thinking that human wisdom can create so many magical tools;

  "Sometimes I am very pessimistic, feeling that we humans are heading towards a path of self-destruction, even if we know that we will create a monster, we will never stop, but will chase after each other like a race.

   "After all, if you are one year behind in the update iteration of the Internet world, it may be a lifetime."

   "It's not something we can control. If artificial intelligence really gives birth to self-awareness one day, everyone should turn off the electricity and unplug the network cable." Li Zihe said.

  Qian Quan smiled, and then turned to Li Zhiyi: "Student Ah Jiu, what do you mean by the 'consciousness' shown by the current artificial intelligence?"

  Li Zhidao: "Complete the instruction according to the established path."

  Qian Quan didn’t understand the terminology, but he understood the meaning, and said with emotion: “In the future, the phrase ‘the Internet has memory’ may become a reality.”

  The three chatted while eating, and finally Qian Quan confirmed that he would become a shareholder of the "One Nine Gets Nine" technology company.

   Throughout the whole process, Li Zihyuk didn't mention a single topic related to kung fu, although he had many questions to ask.


  Guangming Middle School.

  Qian Wenlin was sitting in the office alone, typing on the keyboard.

  The manuscript submitted last time finally got a positive response from the editor (not a panacea rejection reply), and thought that the quality of the manuscript was excellent and met the adoption standard, but the idea at the end needs to be revised.

  According to Qian Wenlin's original manuscript, after the hero and his first girlfriend cheated several times, the prodigal son turned around and returned to the family.

In the last scene of the novel, the male protagonist takes his wife and son to the shopping mall and takes the escalator from bottom to top, while his first love girlfriend rides the elevator from top to bottom alone. .

  The editor thinks that this treatment is too understated, and the hero's reflection is not strong enough, and there is a suspicion of poor guidance. Let's modify the ending and sublimate it.

  So Qian Wenlin decided to add a paragraph, arranging for the hero to have an affair with her for the last time in the office under the coercion of his first love girlfriend, and in the fierce conflict between soul and body, he repented and returned to innocence.

  In this affair, the first love girlfriend completely took the initiative, showing an evil image of tempting Adam and Eve to eat apples.

  She hugged the male lead tightly, spoke hot and false love words, and actively approached him, asking for a kiss forcefully.

"Her lips and kisses were like an inescapable karmic fire that burned all over his body from the inside out. He was ecstasy, he was burned to ashes, his whole body was transparent, his soul and body were completely distorted and deformed, and his whole person showed a kind of The kind of floating state that only exists in dreams.”

  "He is no longer a person, his humanity as a person has disappeared, he has become desire itself, surrendering to her, surrendering to desire, full of longing and joy!"


   "That's not love, absolutely not! It's just the instinct of a beast! He has become a slave to desire! Weak! Despicable! Not even a male prostitute!"

   "What rekindled old love? It's just the past filtered by time, which seems unusual. In fact, at this moment, he is disgusting and dirty!"


  In the revised version, Qian Wenlin ruthlessly criticized and whipped the male protagonist, and finally arranged for the male protagonist’s wife to file for divorce, run away from home, and go on a trip to relax.

  And the hero’s first love girlfriend was reported internally and lost her job because of having an improper relationship with a colleague, which had a bad influence.

   After that, the male protagonist takes the children all over the world to find his wife.

  The last scene is that the male protagonist is standing on the street with the child, squatting on the ground regretting and crying bitterly.

  The first girlfriend, who just finished the resignation procedures, drove by in a car, rolled down the window, gave him a blank look, then rolled up the window, and drove away.

  Qian Wenlin sent the revised version to the editor.

   It didn't take long for the editor to reply: "Perfect! I'll go through a process with the editor-in-chief, and I'll get back to you as soon as I get the results."

  The editor said so, it is basically settled.


   After replying to the message, Qian Wenlin exhaled lightly, and leaned back in his chair, feeling extremely happy.

  After lunch, colleagues returned to the office one after another.

  The colleague who was the first to publish an article in "Story Monthly" and received 5,000 yuan as a manuscript fee saw Qian Wenlin half-lying on a chair with a pensive face, and asked, "Old Qian, haven't you gone to eat yet?"

   "Let's go now, I was editing the information just now."

   "What editor?"

   "As for the editor of "Story Monthly", didn't you suggest that we submit an article before? I just found time to write a small novella some time ago, and I submitted it casually.

   "Then today their editor contacted me and asked me to change the ending, so I changed it and sent it back. Then the editor said what process to follow with the editor-in-chief, and asked me to continue waiting for a reply. I don't know what it means."

   "He said to follow the process with the editor-in-chief?"

   "Well, that's what it said."

   "Then there is a high probability that the draft has passed, and the editor should apply for scheduling."

   "Really, I wrote it casually, let's talk about it later."


  What’s the matter with Lao Qian’s expression of “passing the draft, as long as you have your hand”?

  Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't you bully the middle-aged and poor?

   4609 characters, let’s continue! Ask for votes! thank you for your support!



  (end of this chapter)