MTL - Dad, Please Try a Little Harder-Chapter 54 Qian Wenlin: You must not let your son know!

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  Chapter 54 Qian Wenlin: Never let your son know!

   The news of the death of the general manager of Yunhuang Group was soon released an official announcement.

   It was confirmed that he was suffering from overwork and had a sudden heart attack. After being sent to the hospital, he could not be rescued.

  Not long after this news was posted on the Internet, various conspiracy theories and gossip began to fly all over the sky.

  The theory of being blamed, the theory of seizing power, the theory of high-end business wars, among which are naturally mixed with the theory of horse wind that is close to the "truth"...

  Of course, Xun Bailiang's family members who rushed back from abroad, as well as the group's internal public relations team and relevant senior officials who were in charge of handling the matter, already knew the cause and effect of the matter.

   To put it simply, eight words: I played too much and took too much medicine.

  Like the official Ximen, he died under the peony flowers and became a romantic ghost.

  However, it is impossible to announce this kind of thing to the public because of the situation and reason.

  After seeing a series of evidence and confessions collected and questioned by the police, the family immediately gave up the autopsy, hoping that he could be buried as soon as possible.

  Already well aware of his character, and faced with a mountain of ironclad evidence, the truth is ready to come out.

  Especially Xun Bailiang's wife, who couldn't shed tears and was already concerned about inheritance issues.

  Chairman Lin, who is on a business trip in Zhonghai, also said that he will end the trip early and return to Yuncheng as soon as possible to deal with follow-up matters.

  For a while, there was an undercurrent within the Yunhuang Group.

  Especially those of Xun Bailiang's faction, who are panic-stricken and deeply connected, are already considering the way out and running away.

  A new replacement and cleaning is inevitable.



  Qian Quan's class played a 3+2 match with the philosophy class again. This can be regarded as a derby battle between Qian Quan, Guo Hongyi, Gao Yan and Shen Fei in their dormitory.

  However, due to the great disparity in strength between the two classes, both Qian Quan and Guo Hongyi played more restrained, and finally simply replaced them.

  Although it is very happy to abuse brothers, if brothers do not resist, the happiness will be greatly reduced.


  Qian Quan and Ding Linlang made an appointment to play Go.

  The two, like Qian Quan's father Qian Wenlin, are both learning Go recently, but they are both in the stage of learning the rules before getting started.

  What are "qi of chess pieces", "lifting pieces", "forbidden points", "official pieces"...

  One of the biggest differences between Go and Xiangqi is that you don’t need to learn pendulums, you can play Go if you know a little basic rules, no matter how good your skills are, as long as you have a good pose and a good expression, everyone can play Go for five minutes.

  Qian Quan and Ding Linlang grew up together. When they were young, they played suffocated cattle (also known as tiger eating), animal chess, backgammon, and military chess. When they were older, they played chess and six-week chess...

  Usually, one game of chess every day, and it is easy to play until the end of the day.

   Now they are exposed to Go, which seems to be some kind of continuation of the past.

   It's just that the two of them play Go very simply and unpretentiously. They only have one idea, which is to try to surround the opponent's existing chess pieces.

  There is no layout at all, and I don’t know how to grab land, build momentum, and disrupt the situation.

  The way of playing chess is childish.

  For example, in the first game, Qian Quan asked Ding Linlang to place a piece first, and then he placed next to her piece like a backgammon, meaning to surround her piece.

   Then Ding Linlang confronted him, fighting against Qianquan.

  Qian Quan ran away, and Ding Linlang chased after them. The two kept making moves, and soon they made a diagonal row.

  Finally, when it reached the border of the chessboard, Qian Quan had no escape and lost a large number of chess pieces.

  Qian Quan therefore summed up his first Go experience:

  Pieces are surrounded, sometimes the more you want to escape, the more you want to grasp, the more pieces you lose in the end.

  It has a philosophical flavor of holding sand.

   "From the perspective of entry, Go is simpler than chess, but from the perspective of improvement, Go is much more complicated and has too many changes." Ding Linlang said.

   "Yes, but for the top professional players, the rules are different, and the lines are separated like mountains, so there is no question of who is more complicated than the other."

  Then they played another round, chatting with each other, talking about the news about Qian Quan saving someone, Ding Linlang said:

   "I saw someone on the Internet saying that there was a female boss sitting in the car you rescued, and some people said that the female boss rewarded you with 1 million in private."

"It's not all rumors." Qian Quan didn't plan to hide it from Ding Linlang. "It's indeed a female boss named Lin Xiaohuang, the chairman of Yuncheng Yunhuang Group. Thank you."

   "Huh?" Ding Linlang was stunned, and searched for Lin Xiaohuang on his mobile phone, saw a photo of a peerless beauty, and showed it to Qian Quan, "Is that her?"

  Qian Quan looked at him, nodded and said, "Yes."

   "So young?" Ding Linlang was surprised.

  Qian Quan smiled and nodded: "Yes, there is a five-year-old daughter."


   "Yes, but my husband seems to have passed away." Qian Quan said, leaving a son, "Let's not talk about this, how is your new book?"

  Qian Quan asked the question knowingly and changed the subject. He knew that Ding Linlang's new book had a good grade.

   "It's okay." Ding Linlang looked down at the chessboard.


   "Hello, the manuscript has been reviewed and failed to pass the review for publication, sorry.

   "In addition, there is nothing wrong with your writing, but the story lacks ups and downs, is not interesting enough, and does not conform to the current market trend. Please read carefully the works selected in previous issues of this magazine, find a suitable theme, and then create. Welcome to submit again."

  Qian Wenlin read the rejection email expressionlessly, pondered for half a minute, and said to himself: "Fun and market trends, okay, no problem!"

  Since the first colleague who received the remuneration finished inviting guests, another colleague later submitted a manuscript successfully and received 3,000 yuan for the manuscript, and invited the entire language group to drink milk tea.

  Qian Wenlin is no longer just working hard for the manuscript fee and extra money, but also face.

  He decided to make drastic changes to the rejected manuscript, making it more bizarre and dramatic.

  The name also had to be changed, to be more gimmick and eye-catching.

  During these days, for creation, he collected a lot of materials, some from colleagues, some from parents of students, and some from chess friends.

   Many of them are quite refreshing.

  For example, there is a chess player who says he has a friend who has two homes. One, three, five and seven live in his wife’s house, and two, four, and six live in his girlfriend’s house, and his wife and girlfriend get along very well.

   Harmonious wives and concubines belong to yes.

   Then everyone criticizes that friend of the chess player, saying that he is not loyal to his family, is a scumbag, and will definitely have problems in the future.

  As a result, the chess player immediately defended his "friend", pointing out that capable men are often men with strong desires and ambitions, and it is impossible for such a man to have only one woman.

  He also proposed an "Impossible Triangle Theory", which means that a man cannot have the "rich", "handsome" and "emotional specificity" triangles at the same time, but can only have two of them at the same time.

  Just like a woman will not have the triangle of "good looks", "financial independence" and "well-behaved" at the same time.

  Qian Wenlin observes and absorbs these stories and speeches extensively, continuously stimulates inspiration, and finds the excitement for readers to read.

  In the afternoon, Qian Wenlin drove to pick up his wife from get off work. On the way, he reported to his wife the creative idea of ​​his new work.

  The main line of the story is roughly a middle-aged male white-collar worker, whose married life and work have entered a dull and boring stage, and the passion is no longer there.

   Small to daily repetition, medium to monthly repetition, large to annual repetition.

  Family, workplace, and social interaction all tended to be stylized, and the pressure of reality prevented him from exploring new things, and his life entered a stagnant situation.

  Suddenly one day, a huge personnel change occurred in the company. A senior executive left with his team and took away his immediate boss.

  Then the headquarters made new personnel adjustments and assigned him a new boss.

  The new boss is actually his first girlfriend in college—

   And just, just, divorced, different!

  The story now has a new development.

  The female boss who first fell in love frequently took advantage of the job change to get in touch with the male protagonist. The two worked overtime together, socialized together, and went on business trips together...

   "So, in the end, did the man give in?" Yang Yuhua asked.

   "Isn't this still conceived?"

   "You have already conceived it, let's just say it, I won't be angry with you because of this kind of thing."

   "The initial idea was that we had a relationship. During a business trip, the female boss of my first love said that I was too tired, so I asked the male lead to go to her room to give her a massage, and then guide him step by step..."

  Yang Yuhua smiled and said: "This is in line with your men's imagination."

   "I can't help it. If I don't take a slant, people magazine won't accept it. All my colleagues have successfully submitted their papers. I'm under too much pressure."

   "Then you can write."

   "Yes." Qian Wenlin nodded, "By the way, if my novel is published at that time, don't tell Shitou. I don't want to destroy my stalwart image in my son's mind."

   "Don't worry, I will help you hide it from him."

  When he was about to get home, Yang Yuhua suddenly asked, "Have any new teachers transferred in from your school recently?"

   "No, why do you ask?"

   "It's okay, I'll just ask."

  Back home, after dinner, Qian Wenlin opened Word, and changed the original title of the novel "Twenty Years of Marriage" to—

   "My Fragile Porcelain Marriage, My First Love Girlfriend Becomes My Boss"!

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  (end of this chapter)