MTL - Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire-Chapter 506 【Downhill, downhill again】

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  Chapter 506 [Downhill, downhill again]

"You came."

  Fang Chang put down the book in his hand that told the story of filial piety, and smiled at the bird that flew in.

   This bird is quite big, about as tall as two or three pigeons, but only the one on the edge of the cliff is less than a third of its size. But the bird's strength is not small, and when it's tired, it can still slap the eagle on the edge of the cliff away in the air.

  The bird stood by the window and stretched out a leg towards Fang Chang.

  There is a small bamboo tube tied on it. The bamboo tube looks very fresh and emerald green. Some water vapor encountered during the air flight has condensed on the outside, and the top is plugged with a plug.

  Fang Chang didn't continue talking, he took off the bamboo tube gently, and then didn't rush to open the letter, he pushed the water cup on the table forward, and brought some snacks and placed them in front of the window. The messenger bird was tired, hungry and thirsty, so naturally he ate food and water unceremoniously, and then flew to the nearby eaves to rest without mentioning it.

  Sit back on the seat, Fang Chang unplugged the bamboo tube, took out the paper inside, spread it out on the table and flattened it.

Inside is a letter from Zhao Rong, the city **** of Ninghe Prefecture. After Fang Chang informed the results of the divination, Zhao Chenghuang communicated with many parties. Besides passing on the news, he also inquired about relevant news. Now he has obtained a little, so he sent the familiar bird demon to come. Xianqiya sent the letter.

  The content of the letter is brief, just briefly describing a few pieces of information.

  Zhao Rong told Fang Chang that he counted the number of captures that his friends told him, and learned that the place where this kind of ghost appeared most densely was in the border of Ruizhou in the Central Plains, not too far away from Yunzhong Mountain. Fang Chang thought to himself, if he had the chance, he might go to Ruizhou to take a look and understand what the center of the storm looks like.

  Next, there is the change of the earth. Gein, where the two worlds meet, apart from the fact that the creatures on the opposite side escape to this side due to loopholes, there are also physical changes in geography. There is the land of the mountain **** who likes to patrol the territory, and he discovered this by accident, and it is currently being discussed.

Finally, the gods in the world are very concerned about this matter. They have many letters to each other. stage of correspondence.

   After a while, Fang Chang wrote a reply letter, expressing his gratitude to Zhao Chenghuang, and went out to call the bird on the eaves, and put the letter back into the bamboo tube without mentioning it.


  Time passes quickly on the mountain. According to a more poetic saying, "There is no time in the mountain, and the year is not known at the end of the cold." But for Fang Chang, he can still know the year, month and time at all times. Perhaps for hermits who don't care much about this matter, they can only calculate their age by the number of times flowers bloom and fall, or the method of "eating a peach a few times".

   It was another spring day, and the flowers in Yunzhongshan were blooming, and the grass and trees also sprouted new buds. Migratory birds fly from south to north, some settle directly in Yunzhong Mountain, some are just passers-by, they fly from high places, paying no attention to the unfamiliar place below.

   Under Fang Chang's continuous work, there were some changes on Xianqi Cliff.

Of course, there is not much difference from the outside, except that the copper wires connected from the edge of the cliff branched out and became denser. They were supported by more thick wooden poles, and ceramic parts were replaced to enhance the insulation capacity. . And if you walk into the workshop, you will have a sense of changing times.

  In the newly expanded rooms of the workshop, next to the inner walls, there is a whole row of woodworking machine tools powered by electric motors, turning, milling, planing, drilling...everything is available. Next to it are various processed wood products, such as wood parts and the like.

  For steel cutting, Fang Chang is still experimenting. If this can be done, the technical level on Xianqi Cliff will usher in a new leap. It's a pity that this kind of machine tool has too high requirements for factors such as manufacturing materials, so Fang Chang has not been able to achieve complete success.

  The spring sowing has ended, and Fang Chang made his own plows, harrows, columbine, and various farm tools, which greatly increased Fang Chang's efficiency in doing farm work.

  Everything is fine on the cliff, and when he walked to the chicken coop, Fang Chang opened the door of the chicken coop. Immediately, the chickens inside ran out and ran towards the forest on the cliff.

On weekdays, the chicken coop is not closed, so the chickens in it have mastered the ability of "leaving the house at sunrise and returning to the house at sunset". They forage in the forest every day. Run back to the coop and spend the night in a safe place.

   But Fang Chang is about to go down the mountain, so at this time, it is best to release them in advance.

  Fang Chang walked back to the shed, took a hoe, and walked towards the medicine and flower fields not far away. It was still spring at this time, and the seeds of some crops had just been planted and had not yet germinated, so the vegetable beds and grain fields were still barren.

He carefully hoeed all the fields, and then broke up the larger clods. According to the cultivation method he learned, he carefully took care of and adjusted the elixir plants according to their respective characteristics. After a while, I was ready to go down the mountain. Compared with ordinary herbs, elixir has stricter requirements on the growth environment, so it needs stricter care.

   After packing up all the tools and carefully closing the latch, Fang Chang walked down the cliff.

  His outfit returned to the old one, wearing white clothes, a silver hairpin on his head, a wine gourd on his waist, and a green cloth backpack and Lingquan sword on his back. The longer he practiced, the more refined Fang Chang's temperament became. After wearing this outfit, he immediately became like a fairy. However, ordinary people will only think that the old man next door is so confused.

  As for why Fang Chang went down the mountain, there was no solid reason.

If he had to say it forcefully, he was going to take a look at the area where black ghosts appeared the most this time, and visit the city gods, land and mountain gods on the way. Since it was not the first time to walk many sections of the road, many gods were actually the same as Fang Fang. There have been friendships for a long time, so this behavior can also be called "reminiscing about the past".

  Fang Chang walked gently over the plank road.

  He looked at the distant scenery beside him, and went down the stairs step by step.

  Through the dense forest, the mountain outside was already slightly green, Fang Chang identified the direction and walked towards the outside of the mountain. Because he wanted to stop by the mountain **** Zhang Chun, Fang Chang didn't go south—in that case, he would go to Linxi Village and go to the official road from Linxi Village—but chose to go east.

  In this case, you need to climb several more hills, but Fang Chang has stayed in Yunzhong Mountain all year round, and his feet are good, so he climbs over mountains and ridges like walking on flat ground.

  The mountains have just turned green. Although there is prosperity everywhere, there are still a lot of withered and yellow vegetation in autumn and winter, so the peaks in the mountains are not as green as in midsummer.

   But there is one exception on the road, and that is the bamboo forest that Fang Chang often visits.

  (end of this chapter)