MTL - Cultivating to Become a Great Celestial-Chapter 133 :shake

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Tongue grass has eyes and eyes all over the world. Today, after Xiaobai and Dabai are combined, the consciousness is higher than Su Zingyun. It cannot find Yan Yuqing, and Su Zingyun will not chase blindly.

She first asked Master Zhanyu to find out what exactly happened.

Zhanyu took some elixir, and he didn't care about taking a rest at this moment. He carefully explained the cause of the matter through the ins and outs. He carefully recalled and tried not to miss a detail.

"After talking to you last time, I went to Yan Yuqing for discussion." Zhan Yu counted it twice. "It was only once yesterday that I discussed it, and then it is today."

"I originally gave his sword to me. I was ready to raise him for a few days. I didn't expect that he changed a sword today."

Upon hearing this, Su Tingyun frowned, and she thought of the broken sword inexplicably in her mind, and then Master's words confirmed her guess.

"It's the broad sword in the seal at the bottom of the pond. I don't know why it came to him." Speaking of this, Zhan Yu suddenly patted his thigh. "By the way, I didn't have time to check the seal."

"I go!"

The seal at the bottom of the pond is not simple. Su Zunyun must not let the injured master take another risk. She took the spring water sword and entered the bottom of the pond. She noticed that the flying swords that were standing upright at the time were spreading over the bottom of the pond The original sword formation completely disappeared.

The broad sword in the seal at the bottom of the pool was also missing, and Uncle Xiao took it.

At present, she did not feel any abnormality at the bottom of the pond. Su Tingyun held the spring water sword slowly approaching her. She was very light and did not make any movement. However, as she approached, the spring water sword slowly vibrated. , Even she could not restrain it.

Just like before, Chun Shuijian was shaking violently, as if she was about to break free from her control, Su Tingyun could hardly hold the sword in her hand.

Now that the ring recognizes the master, Chun Shui Jian is also a member of the five elements in the ring. Su Tingyun has a deeper emotional feeling for Chun Shui Jian. At that time, the uncle said that the sword had a sword soul and was very murderous. She believed it then, but now Su Qingyun can clearly feel that it is not simply murderous, painful, and angry.

The closer to the seal center, the heavier the intention.

She is obviously majestic now, her strength has improved so much than before, and she still feels palpitated, her hairs are all standing up. However, at this time, she was not affected by the spirits for a while, and Su Tingyun thought of the little master. He felt such a strong murderous spirit at the bottom of the earth every day, and he would definitely be affected.

But now, he is affected by this murderous spirit, so the demon entangles himself, and then there is the act of beating the same door, the master? Chun Shui Jian always seemed to be hostile to Uncle Xiao Shu. When she just got the sword, Chun Shui Jian had assassinated Xiao Shu once at the bottom of the pool, and a few days ago, she also cut off the sword of Uncle Xiao Shu.

Is it because you found the abnormality of Uncle Xiao?

Su Tingyun continued to move forward, she came to the position of the original spring water sword. When Chunshui Jian was found, the entire sword body penetrated deeply into the bottom of the pool, leaving only a small point of the hilt on the outside, piercing the soles of her feet.

The thin pit is still there, Su Tingyun glanced down and found that the spring water sword in his hand broke freely, plunged into the deep pit again, and then the sword buzzed and slammed forward. A sword was slashed out of the mud deep in the bottom of the pool.

The cave at the bottom of the sword-washing pond was rocking, as if something was about to come out of the bottom of the pond. The flying swords piled up at the bottom of the pool shook, and the buzzing sound made the water in the entire pool bubbling like it was boiling.

A roar erupted from under the seal, which was Long Yin, deafening, making the Feida sword at the bottom of the pool into powder, but Su Tingyun's spring water sword was unscathed, and she even heard the spring water sword humming like a dragon. The sound was like answering the dragon's roar.

The seal gradually loosened, and the vibration became more and more obvious. Su Tingyun heard the voices of concern above everyone, and she exclaimed: "I'm fine, rest assured."

However, when the words fell, she saw countless silts coming towards her. Like the mudslides, she had already applied the aura barrier. She was not buried by the silt at the moment, but the kind of black mud that poured over it seemed to block her body. The smell of pores made Su Tingyun extremely uncomfortable.

Obviously she didn't hold her for a minute, but she could not wait to take a hot bath immediately and rub off a layer of skin. After all, the pool didn't move. Su Tingyun carefully opened the surrounding mud with a spring water sword. She swept away the mud with aura and opened the road with a sword. After a few steps, she was stunned by the sight.

A dragon curled up in front of her.

To be precise, it is a dragon corpse. The dragon is only about three feet in length, and there is no scale on the whole body, with obvious horns and whiskers on its head.

It should be the head of a dragon, and it has been dead for a long time, and there is no breath of life on it. That dragon howl should be the remnant soul that was sealed at the bottom of the pond for a long time.

Although the young dragon died badly, Su Tingyun was not afraid at all. She walked in slowly, reached out and touched the dragon horn gently.

There is a wound in the middle of the two dragon horns of the young dragon. The size of the wound and the looming killing intentions in it all indicate that the broken broad sword is inserted in the position of the dragon head.

Su Tingyun was startled, and then she turned to look at another place, and found that there was indeed a deep wound there.

Seven inches from the young dragon, there was a very thin sword wound.

Chunshui sword has been inserted there, from top to bottom, nailed to the seven inches of the young dragon, which made Su Tingyun realize that the red awn on the sword tip of the spring water may be the blood of the young dragon.

Feijian has been in its body, its blood cannot stop, it keeps flowing. Blood Qin entered the body of the sword, leaving a red awn on it, as well as its fierce and remnant soul.

Therefore, her spring water sword will have a killing sword soul.

If someone is treated so cruelly, who can keep a kind and kind heart?

Su Tingyun clenched the sword in her hand, and gently stroked the body with her fingers. She slipped in and out, "I will take revenge on you."

The person who set this seal has a bad heart, and it doesn't make sense. He must be the same person as the seal.

She has never hated a person so much, even if Gu Fengyang had persecuted her in the first place, her anger was not as strong as this time.

Su Tingyun gritted his teeth, his expression was serious, and there was a flaming fire in his eyes.

She must find the vicious murderer, can't wait to smash it into thousands of pieces!

At this moment, Chunshui Jian sang softly, causing the surrounding area to shake again, and Su Tingyun found that the dragon's corpse's head was a little crooked to the side. She suddenly noticed that there was a withered yellow under the dragon's corpse's head. Snowdrops. With the help of Xuelian, the young dragon will not die immediately. It may be tortured at the bottom of the pond, but it will not die for thousands of years. It can only be nailed here, struggling to provide the strongest killing intention.

This scaled young dragon, the young dragon in the eggshell on the Snow Mountain, was taken away by a sword repairer of the Sword House and sealed at the bottom of the sword-washing pond.

Who is he, exactly?

What kind of secret is hidden in the sword building ...

This is the most sacred place in the Sword House. When Su Zhenyun found the truth of the seal, she felt that her mood was abnormally heavy and uneasy. Her faith had been hit. Even her mighty righteous sword tactics, at this moment, also appeared. Not so sunny.