MTL - Cult of the Sacred Runes-Chapter 82 Big harvest

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"No problem, if the little brother can't break the fourth crystal column, the treasure in the space storage gods must be counted as one, and the little brother's contribution is much more than us, even let him take more. I don't have any opinions!"

"My life was saved by the little brother, and the little brother used a whole three Chinese **** rolls, but it was a Chinese **** roll. I don't have any opinions on how much the little brothers take!"

Everyone expressed their attitude and looked at Ye Wei. I saw that Ye Wei’s face was pale and his forehead was covered with fine sweat. It looked extremely exhausted. It seems that it would cost a lot to break the fourth crystal column. Kung Fu.

If Ye Wei can't break the fourth crystal column, the treasures in the three space storage gods will be one of them. No one will have any opinions. After all, Ye Wei's contribution is everyone's eyes.

Anyway, the space storage gods are already in the hands, and everyone has set a vow of heaven, so they are not in a hurry, sit down one by one, while restoring their strength and strength, guarding Lu Yan, while waiting for Ye Wei.

This is a full half hour!

Everyone looked at Ye Wei, who was in a slight tremor because of his exhaustion, and stood up one by one.

"I can't do it, just give up!"

"Little brother, forget it, you have tried your best, the treasures in the three space storage gods, give you two more, don't stick to it!" Everyone walked to Ye Wei, looking at the body's slightly trembling leaves Wei, the eyes of the eyes have revealed the color of concern, have been arguing.

"Give me open!" At this time, Ye Wei suddenly opened his eyes and gave a dull and low drink between his throat.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

As Ye Wei sang low, the fourth crystal column swayed violently, and a small hole was opened on the crystal column.

Looking at the mouth that appeared on the crystal column, Ye Wei slowly vomited, his face showing a faint smile, reaching out a little trembling palm, passing through the small mouth, and grasping the space storage gods In the hands.

"Let you wait for a long time!" Ye Wei's face was a little pale, looking at the eyes of everyone's concerns, apologetically said.

"Starting the dividend!" Seeing Ye Wei is fine, everyone is relieved, Hong Xun's face with a hearty smile, looking at the crowd waiting for a long time, said with a smile.

"Great! Decent!"

"This time there is no whiteness!"

Under the eager eyes of the people, Hong Xun Shen sighed and spurred the vitality, and successively opened three space storage gods, and suddenly, a ray of light filled the door, a piece of treasure appeared in front of everyone, rough look Go, there are at least hundreds of treasures in each space storage!

Among them are jade slips and magical powers that contain exercises, and there are scrolls of black light, precious metals, precious herbs, and a bottle of valuable medicine.

Exquisitely cherished treasures, everyone’s eyes are straight, shocked!

Just when everyone was preparing for the dividend, Lu Hao, standing on the side, couldn’t help anymore, and slowly approached here.

"count me in!"

"You must count me, I don't want more, just one!" Lu Hao's greedy eyes swept over the piece of treasure.

"Account for you? Why?" Hong Xun, Xue Yao and everyone laughed and looked at Lu Yan's eyes like an idiot.

"Lu Yan, what is your face made? It is really admirable to have such a thickness! We have not dealt with you, you are honestly stealing music, dare to treasure?"

"Let's stay away from us, otherwise don't blame us!"

"I still dare to come up and want to take away our things. Why do you rely?"

"You don't move, otherwise don't blame me, you are welcome!" Lu Yan's eyes are bloodshot, but hundreds of treasures! The value is incalculable, and even if it is only one share, the harvest is extremely amazing.

Lu Hao had just torn a scroll of God. Although the scroll was not a Chinese product, it contained a high-level method of the level of the forbidden skill. It was of great value.

I used a scroll of God. If nothing finally falls, Lu Yan is not reconciled!

"I know that you have made a vow of heaven, but I am going to see if you dare to fight hard. There are four scrolls in my hands. There should be no problem in killing dozens of people. It’s a big deal, we are burning!"

"As long as I look for someone, who will die!" Lu Yan's face was stunned, and the red-haired scorpion frantically swept through the crowd.

In order to get a treasure, Lu Hao has already got rid of it, and he has gambled his life!

After listening to Lu Yan’s words, everyone’s face was gloomy and staring at Lu Hao in an angry way. Lu Hao’s hands also had four scrolls. Even if everyone joined forces to kill Lu Hao, there would be dozens of people who lost their lives!


Xue Yao was so angry and sullen, and he wished that the shameless person of Lu Hao would be frustrated.

"It's not as good as one thing, but what about giving him a part? He doesn't necessarily come to this **** valley!" Someone in the crowd sighed and said helplessly.

Just as everyone was prepared to give Lu Yi a treasure, Ye Wei walked slowly.

"You can also take these treasures with you?" Ye Wei looked at Lu Hao's cold voice.

After everyone stunned, they looked up and looked toward Ye Weiwang.

Hong Xun also looked at Ye Wei. He shook his head slightly against Ye Wei and gestured to Ye Wei. Lu Yi wanted a treasure and gave him a copy. The treasures in the three space storage gods are many. But a few hundred people, there is not much to count down. In order to make such a treasure, risking dozens of people being killed by Lu Yan, it is not worth it. If you are too big, look for opportunities to deal with Lu Hao!

"Little brother, forget it, no need, even if you took this treasure, Lu Hao that the **** would not want to mix in the cold city!" Xue Yao said with a slight cold.

Ye Wei frowned slightly and shook his head resolutely. He did not believe that Lu Hao was willing to tear four volumes of God. He did not believe that Lu Hao dared to desperately. Lu Hao only wanted to threaten everyone to get treasures, and then he retired. It’s gone.

"But it's just four pieces of the gods. I want to tell you how Lu Hao killed people in front of me!" Ye Wei shook hands, and two Chinese gods with blue light fell into their hands.

"My two Chinese gods are all defensive medium-sized gods, I want to try, my two Chinese gods, can you stop your four downs!" Ye Wei straight to the landing Hey, he said loudly.

"Defensive Chinese product volume, or two!" Lu Yan looked at the two volumes of the faint blue light in Ye Wei's hands, his face suddenly became pale, no longer see a trace of blood, pupil tightening.

"You, are you crazy? Two Chinese gods, at least worth 300,000 silver, I only need a treasure, the value of those things may not even match a Chinese product!"

"In order to do something, you have to take two Chinese gods to deal with me? Not to mention these things have nothing to do with you!" Lu Yan's eye muscles twitched, widened his eyes, staring at Ye Wei incredulously, shouting.

Seeing Ye Wei and taking out two Chinese **** scrolls, everyone sucked in a cold air. This boy, this boy is too rich, right?

Counting the three Chinese **** rolls that I took out when I was against Shijie, Ye Wei took out five Chinese classics! I don't know if there are other gods in Ye Wei.

Which young master is this young boy? Is this too extravagant? There is actually five Chinese gods in the apprentice's little guy, five Chinese gods!

Five Chinese classics have caused a great psychological impact on everyone. In Qingyue City, even if it is a level of power with Du, it is impossible to take out five Chinese classics in one go.

In the entire Qingyue City, in addition to the three forces of Yi Master, Qingyuechengcheng, and Nanxing College, no one can face up and take out five Chinese gods!

Some family, the things that the power of the whole family can't get out, Ye Wei, a little guy who is only a apprentice, is thrown out at will, and everyone can't be shocked.

"Why? I have no complaints with you in the long run, no hatred in recent days, why do you have to target me?!" Lu Yan looked at Ye Wei with some horror.

"Look at you is not good!" Ye Wei shrugged and said casually, "Do you want to gamble on your life and share a treasure? Let's take a shot, don't waste everyone's time!"

"Two Chinese gods, hundreds of thousands of silver in the district, I have not yet put it in the eyes!" Ye Wei casually glanced at the two Chinese gods in his hand, said lightly.

Ye Wei and Lin Ziyan got a lot of treasures in the stone houses on both sides of the first passage, plus so many silver moon Dan, and a space storage gods that I just got, Ye Wei really didn't take these two middle products. God rolls in your eyes.

"Look at me is not good? Look at my unhappy, I have to take out two Chinese gods to deal with me?" Lu Yan opened his mouth and looked at Ye Wei, and he was speechless. "I don't believe you are willing to win these two Chinese products!" Lu Hao looked stern and still refused to give in.

"You can try it out. See if I dare not. I lost it. It’s just two Chinese products. The question is, do you dare to do it? You dare to die here!" Ye Wei stared at Lu Wei. , will be said.

With two Chinese gods and gods, the surrounding warriors have a little bit of gas, and they are slowly approaching Lu Hao, ready to start.

Once Ye Weizhen uses the Chinese product, then Lu Hao will die!

"Count, count you!" Lu Yi took a look at Ye Wei, and immediately put up four scrolls, the soles of the feet were turned into a residual image, and the head did not return to the deeper part of the crystal passage. .

Gambling? Lu Hao is just scaring everyone. He believes that everyone will not dare to fight and dare to be so determined, never imagined that Ye Wei would be willing to come up with two Chinese products!

It’s no longer meaningful to stay here. Is it difficult to watch the crowds? Lu Hao can not withstand such stimulation, so he rushed toward the front of the crystal channel with great decisiveness, and there must be more precious treasures in the depths of the blood fog valley!

"You divide these treasures!" Ye Weiwang looked at the back of Lu Yan's gradual departure, and took the two Chinese gods into the storage bag that Lin Ziyan gave him. He just scared and scared Lu Yu, and he was reluctant to use it. These two Chinese products are rolled up.

Among these hundreds of treasures, there are also seven or eight precious herbs, but unfortunately there is no such thing as Ye Wei's need!

“The fourth crystal column is the toughest of the four crystal columns. This space storage is taken from the fourth crystal column, and this space storage is much higher than the other three. I don't know which treasures are there..." When Hong Xun, Xue Yao and others began to divide the treasures, Ye Wei looked down at the space storage in his hand.

"I hope there is a soul of grass!" Ye Wei heavyly grasped his fist and stepped into the blood mist valley. Ye Wei got a lot of treasures, and the repair was also leaps and bounds, but the soul of the grass is a heart disease of Ye Wei.

Because the soul of the grass is the only hope to wake up Ye Zhongtang!

When the people carved up the treasure, Ye Wei sat down with his knees, and his mind quietly poured into the space of the storage of the gods, and began to look at the treasures in the space storage.

"Zhong Pin Bian Dao Dao, Zhong Pin Shen Juan!" When Ye Wei’s divine power poured into the moment of Qiankun, he sensed a piece of gem that bloomed in Qingguang, and was quietly suspended in the space storage In space.

"Three pieces of Chinese goods are quite bones, thirty-six pieces of Chinese products are rolled!" Ye Wei stunned, and the treasures in his space storage gods seem to add up to the treasures in the other three space storage gods. Much more...

The number of treasures in the three space storage gods that Hong Xun and Xue Yao have received is also hundreds of pieces, and there is no middle-aged bones. There is no Chinese product, no sacred steps, no mysterious powers. But Ye Wei’s space storage is in the gods!

The space inside this space storage gods is much larger than the other three space storage gods!

"Three pieces of Chinese goods are quite bones, three steps of mysterious steps, three steps of mysterious gods, thirty-six volumes of Chinese products, three hundred pieces of the bones of the lower body, and one hundred and two hundred pieces of the gods." There are three hundred steps of the dynamometer, three thousand bottles of various medicinal herbs, eighteen kinds of precious herbs, and one of them is the sorrowful grass that Ye Wei urgently needs!"

"The number of treasures exceeds 5,000!" Ye Wei's heartbeat accelerated sharply, his face slightly red, because he was too excited, and the hand holding the space storage gods shivered.

~~ Yesterday was a reader named "Dong Youping" who got the physical signature book, please continue to pay attention to the snail prestige public account "snails".