MTL - Cthulhu Gonfalon-Chapter 18

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The town of Huishi is built on the mountain, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and only one road can enter and exit. This road is not wide, and it accommodates two carriages in parallel.

At this moment, a fallen carriage was on the road, a group of dealers were stopped, and they were trying to lift the carriage. Pedestrians who have been traveling are also stopped on the road. For a time, the scene was chaotic, the shouts and the screams of screaming and screaming together, and some tempering, and already screaming, seemed to be playing.

"How is this so troublesome!" Gerard frowned and scraped it. Although the crowd was noisy, but when I saw such a super big man coming over, I was honestly separated on both sides and gave him a way.

But he didn't know that there was a pair of unscrupulous eyes watching him in the crowd.

The "car accident" on the road was actually arranged by the vice president of the Hui Shi Town Thieves Guild, in order to test the strength and character of the giant. He has always been cautious, and he will never take it easy until he has figured out the details of the goal.

The fallen carriage was a truck, and the car was loaded with iron ore. Although the goods were scattered on the ground, the body was not broken, and the materials used were quite solid. However, the horse pulling the car has already been injured, and it will not fall on the ground.

Gerard frowned, walked over and grabbed the frame, and pulled the carriage and the half-car cargo over with a little effort. The people around were stunned, and some even squeezed their cheeks with their hands, thinking they were dreaming.

This carriage has a lot of material, and the weight-bearing parts of the rut are thick hardwoods, and the cargo on the car is a heavy ore. This car with the goods, I am afraid that there are not three or four kilograms. However, in front of this giant, it seems to be light and floating without weight, and one hand can be lifted up.

"This guy is so hard!" Someone exclaimed.

"I don't really want to be a giant!" Some people admire.

Some experienced adventurers are even more surprised - the giants are naturally strong, but even the giants in the giants, the big guys who are called "mountain giants" generally give two or three kilograms. If you want to lift weights and turn such half-car goods together with the car, it is impossible!

In other words, this big man is not only a giant, but also an adventurer with a low level.

Senior adventurers tend to be much more powerful than ordinary people. However, they are more powerful than ordinary people. Even among the adventurers, there are only some people who emphasize strength. If you consider that this power is more than the average giant, it is even more horrible.

Because... the more excellent the innate condition, the slower the growth of the day after tomorrow...

Seeing Gerrard's performance, "Gray Eyes" was scared and felt a bit soft. At this moment, he was very fortunate that he had only brought a few thieves, and did not bring the thugs of the thieves' guild. Otherwise, those muscles that had grown into their heads would be counted when Gerrard came to the front of the carriage.

What is the difference between sending and killing!

Not to mention that this big man is a powerful adventurer of the Giants. Even if it is an ordinary race, the power of the light is enough to prove his power. "Quick knife" brother? Even if the entire Huihua Town thieves guild is old and young, it may not be able to win...

Gerrard didn't know that someone was calculating himself, and he didn't know how great the horror of his own horror had brought to the enemy. His attention at this moment was placed on the old horse that fell to the ground.

This horse ash does not fall in the autumn, there are many new and old scars on the body, it can be seen that many hardships have been experienced. It is trying to stand up, but it doesn't help. A closer look, seems to have broken the back, the two hind legs have been unable to move, the front legs are still struggling, the eyes are full of painful tragic color, people can not help but have mercy.

Gerard sighed and suffered this kind of injury. No matter if the man or the horse is not saved, all he can do is to relieve the pain.

Since the resurrection, he has been able to feel the pain of others more and more, and compassion has grown. However, no matter how much he sympathizes, he can't help the poor livestock.

"Do you want to save it?" asked Xiongxiong.

Gerard was taken aback and asked, "Your Majesty, are you willing to help this poor fellow?"

Yan Xiong smiled: "To tell the truth, I don't have much sympathy for animals, but if you want to save it, I am willing to help you."

"Your mercy is as warm as the sun!"

"Well, don't flatter, put your hand on the injured horse. I will use the bone bracelet to mobilize your magic and help it heal." Yan Xiong said with a smile. "To tell the truth, this guy is a little hurt. I am not very sure, but I can always try it. How can I die than let it die?"

Under the command of Yuxiong, Gerard squatted and pressed the right hand with the bone bracelet on the back of the gray horse. Then the blood in his body is agitated, and the magic stored in the magic core is transferred to a part of the gray horse. Under the precise control of Yuxiong, these magical powers are like a small and ingenious machine that reinforces the broken gray bones and corrects the broken muscles, blood vessels and nerves, and finally transforms them into abundant vitality. Moisturizes its body, promotes the growth of the body, and regenerates the injured part.

Just half a minute later, the gray horse, which was dying, gave a cheerful long squat and stood up again.

"God! What did I see?!" Someone exclaimed.

“Is this big man a pastor? Is there a pastor in the Giants?” A veteran adventurer couldn’t help but doubt his eyes.

"And... the priest's healing spells come from the gods, which **** is so fraternal, spends the power of healing on a horse? Is it the **** of the centaur?"

"Hey! The **** of the centaur is a devil! He will only ask the believer to catch people to the blood sacrifice..."

"Is it a druid?"

"I have never heard of the giants and the druids..."

"But I have never heard of a giant priest."

"Druid will not save a horse at all, they will only help this old horse. You have been in contact with the Druid!"

In the crowd, the gray-eyed eyes were like the eggs of the pigeons, staring at the bone bracelet on Gerald's wrist.

Just because of the help of Gerard's cast spells, the strength of the male was revealed from the bone bracelet, and he was seen to be a bit of a clue.

"The bracelet has a very strong idea on the bracelet, so powerful that it can even be used to cast healing spells! No, it's not a normal healing spell, it's a healing technique that can heal bone fractures and even break it. The magic of the hand and foot! The spine of the horse must have been broken before, and it was cured so quickly... This giant is not a priest, he is a god! Just the **** he believed in himself shot himself. That bone bracelet is the sacred object of their sect! God, I actually want to steal a holy thing with a true God's mind and boarding! Fortunately, I haven't started yet... It must be the golden finger (the **** of thieves) who is blessing me. Let me not make a fatal mistake..."

He suddenly realized that he hurriedly closed his eyes and did not dare to look at the bone bracelet that was hosted by the gods, and turned and left. Before leaving, don't forget to send a message to your men and let them retreat together.

After a while, he returned to the Thieves Guild in the town of Pyrenees, and reported this to the president in a pale face.

"What?! A sacred object to the true God?!" The old man who had always calmed down was so scared that he even stopped his heartbeat. "Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

"Absolutely not wrong!" The vice president assuredly, "The president, you think, can cure the broken spine in a few words, what is this spell?"

Waiting for the president to speak, he continued: "Rehabilitation! It is a higher level of magic than healing and healing. The general priest can't display it. Even a powerful priest must hold the holy emblem and pray. It will take a while to display it. And the Druids? They will only spend more time on this spell - but the giant directly omits the process... This is totally unreasonable, the only explanation is that the root of the spell Not him, but the idea inside the bone bracelet."

"Maybe... the bone bracelet is a powerful magical item that produces a therapeutic effect equivalent to a healing technique..." the president said with a sigh. "Although I have never heard of such a magical item, maybe Druid. Can we make such a thing..."

Gray eyes shook his head again and again, and asked: "The president, how powerful the magic items, the number of spells per day can be limited. If the recovery is done, it is estimated to be one or two times a day. If you have such a treasure, you Will it waste one or two chances a day to treat a horse?"

"of course not!"

"Yeah, no one. Even the most lovable people, when they are about to leave the town and step into the wilderness, they will never dare to waste it." The vice president sighed and said, "It is so worthless to waste. Only the great existence of those infinite magical works."

For a time, the quiet inside of the lodge, the two or two hands of the jewel town thieves guild, you look at me, I look at you, face each other.

After a while, the president laughed twice and said, "Fortunately... we haven't had time to start."

"Yeah! Fortunately, we didn't have time to take the shot." The vice president looked thankful, "Thank God!"

"Wait... I have another idea." The president of the old tycoon turned his eyes, but he had a bad idea. "You said... We revealed some of the news and revealed it to our old rivals. The result will be how about it?"

The eyes of the gray eyes gradually lit up, and the corners of the mouth tilted slightly and smiled.

"The president, this idea is too clever! With the greed and viciousness of those guys, I will definitely start with this lone giant..."

"If I don't want to be the president, you are just the vice president!" The president also smiled. "I can't wait to see the smashing of the smashing of the head and hitting the blood!"

Inside the hut, two sly foxes laughed together.

On the road outside the town, Yan Xiong is admonishing Gerard: "Be careful, some people are just spying on you, I am afraid I want to count you. Only later will probably show that your strength is extraordinary, and you will be able to retreat."

His ability to perceive is much stronger than Gerrard, and the hostility of the thieves' guilds was discovered by him almost at the beginning. It’s just that since the other party did not turn hostility into killing and did not actually act, he was too lazy to get a hand.

Can not return to the hand, the necessary reminders can not be less.

He saw that Gerard’s bald head (no, in fact, is not a bald head) is getting more and more pleasing to the eye. Of course, he does not want this powerful man to encounter an accident.

In fact, he has discovered that it seems, like, maybe... Gerrard is still very powerful!