MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 302 kill him or be killed by him

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Latest URL: "What the **** is Scarlet doing?"

The arrival of the twelve gods, or in other words, the arrival of the eleven gods is a foregone conclusion.

All people who have reached the same level are watching the chaos caused by the disaster and affecting the entire spiritual barrier with cold eyes, and they all know that when the chaos accumulates to a certain level and the critical point is broken, it will be ten years The time when a **** is forced to descend. Everyone is afraid of the arrival of this moment, and everyone is looking forward to the arrival of this moment, because it means that everything is coming to an end.

Human beings sometimes fear the arrival of the end, but they do not lack the courage to meet the end.

It's just that they need to prepare, whether it's the foundation, the wandering church that retreated to heaven, or the surviving totems.

Everyone wants to make more preparations so that they can be more confident when the eleven gods come.

But apart from the preparations, the question that everyone is more concerned about is: "Scarlet, what kind of preparations are you doing?"

"Under his control, the consortium has been forced to provide disaster relief. However, according to the principles and inertia of those consortium leaders, they would never spend so much money to do it. Those consortium leaders, because they forcibly implemented Scarlet's The order is now unstable and precarious, and I think there will be a lot of riots within them soon, and these ancestor-level figures will soon be forced to step down..."

"But the disaster relief is still going on?"

"That's right, so there is reason to believe that Scarlet is taking this opportunity to win people's hearts and cultivate his foundation of believers."

"We all know that Scarlet had almost no believers before, and the new Scarlet even gave up looking for believers. The Church of Order, which was barely considered the old foundation of Scarlet before, has been banned, and they are not loyal to the new Scarlet. , So, theoretically, the current Scarlet is most likely trying to use this chaos to win over a group of people who believe in Scarlet..."


Many people agreed with this analysis and asked other questions: "What else?"

"What is certain now is that the iris knight left behind in the Church of Order has gone to the wilderness to gather the remaining forces and build a legion."

"Because Scarlet didn't choose to become a symbol in the wilderness before, but on another level, he is more famous, because the entire wilderness knows that it was a scarlet demon who destroyed the sacred domain and forced the Wandering Church away. Therefore, today's wilderness is disorderly and chaotic, but it has a name that everyone fears, that is, the scarlet demon who once traveled on the scarlet train and harvested countless demons and strange creatures. Now, that The young Iris Knight, as the scarlet messenger, gathered all the power in this chaotic wilderness to her side..."

"According to our current information, she already has a powerful army, and she is almost invincible in the wilderness."

"Her sequence is War Demon, and this kind of thing is what War Demon is best at."


"Inside the spiritual barrier..."

"Two mysterious and terrifying totems have appeared, spreading the idea of ​​scarlet everywhere..."

"With the flood of disasters, too many religious groups and believer groups have emerged. They either compete with each other for supplies, or fight for ideas, or are bewitched by some twisted creatures to perform mysterious tasks one after another. However, the bright red head and the bloodshot ghost are wandering in the spiritual barrier, and wherever they pass, these religious groups and mysterious organizations are all disintegrated. "

"It is certain that they are imprinting the shadow of scarlet into the minds of every believer.


"To sum it up, some things are already evident."

The person who reported closed the thick information and said: "He didn't even hide his actions. All the targets have clear directions."

"He doesn't mind the arrival of the Eleven Gods, he just wants to complete his plan when the Eleven Gods descend.


"Of course he has to complete his own plan, we have plans to complete, we are also preparing, but the key is..."

Others raised a final question: "What is his plan?"

"I can't be sure, but we have learned through some secret channels that he is preparing an unprecedented grand ceremony, preparing to be promoted to the eighth rank.

"I think he hopes to complete his next promotion before the arrival of the Eleven Gods, or at the moment of their arrival, and as a basis for direct confrontation with the Eleven Gods."



The results deduced from various secret information made everyone feel a little horrified, and couldn't help asking: "Is the news reliable?"

"It should... be reliable..."

The person who got the news expressed his doubts with affirmative words: "Because this is the information we bought from his subordinates with a lot of money..."


This made people surprised: "There are traitors under Scarlet?"

"What price did you pay for it?"



The person who bought the information was even more uncertain, and said with some difficulty: "Two hundred thousand."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't help but slapped the table: "Is this plausible? You paid 200,000 for such important information?"

"Is Scarlet so worthless? Is his plan so worthless?"


"There's nothing we can do..."

The person who bought the information explained helplessly: "We just sent people to contact the grandparents surnamed Dong, because from all aspects of intelligence analysis, they are the easiest people to control and infiltrate."

"I just didn't expect..."

"They're really easy to penetrate, almost too easy to penetrate."



"Our various high-value lures and intimidation methods are completely useless. They get excited when money is mentioned..."

"Turning around, I entrusted Scarlet's plan to us, and even said it in great detail, even the most powerful weapon that Scarlet has now mastered in detail..."

"What weapon?"

"...say it's the two underwear hanging on the balcony, say it's the scarlet baby!"



Facing the questioning eyes of colleagues, the intelligence personnel also panicked: "I know it's outrageous, but they really cooperated very well. I really can't find the loopholes and loopholes in their words.... "

"Forget it, anyway, this is consistent with what we observed and analyzed."

"Although from the source of intelligence, it is indeed a bit reassuring, but one thing is certain, this is what we want to prevent."


At the beginning of the disaster, the Foundation has already demonstrated the meticulous operation and rapid response of a huge organization. For any plan that Scarlet is about to make, they have formulated a variety of prevention and sniper strategies, even if Scarlet does The matter was ten times more terrifying, and they all had the confidence to deal with it as quickly as possible. Naturally, they would not have the right way to deal with it because Scarlet did something simple.

As a result, several secret orders were issued, and some abnormal phenomena soon appeared.

The heads of the consortiums whose heads had been beheaded by Scarlet before, and stitched up with blood threads, so that they could continue to live in the world, fell one after another.

The heads of these consortiums were once misunderstood as the most powerful people in the world. They control the administrative office and extraordinary power. They don't even pay attention to the foundation.

Changing the fate of countless people is just that they don't know that it turns out that one day, dismounting by oneself is actually a simple and outrageously simple thing, even absurd.

First of all, the largest Li family consortium, the ancestor gave too much resources under Scarlet's order, because if he didn't do so, the bloodshot eyes on his neck would be pulled away one by one, but, also because When he did this, the entire Li family consortium was in turmoil and complaints were everywhere. In the end, amidst the powerless roar of anger, he voluntarily jumped from the tall building, and then his eldest son successfully succeeded him.

The heads of other consortiums were aware of the panic, some were on full alert, and some used the resources at hand just to keep their positions.

However, they were betrayed, killed, and replaced one after another.

It was not until this moment that the heads of these consortiums realized that they did not really hold power.

It's just that power put him in this position, and once they wanted to do something that was clearly detrimental to the consortium, their so-called power was almost worthless.

Before this incident happened, they thought that the scariest thing in the world was the thread scarlet sewed on their neck.

And after this happened, I realized that the most terrifying thing is precisely what I have and the resources I can deploy. I am not controlling these things, but being controlled by these things.

Some consortium leaders were replaced, some were killed, and some were evacuated. This unreasonable disaster relief and treatment collapsed in an instant.

At the same time, after the unusual generosity, the consortium was like a sponge that was forced out of water at the beginning. When the power of the leaders was deprived, the sponge began to absorb water crazily, and instead had more wealth and resources. , being pulled out of this chaotic world, the wealth and power controlled by the consortia skyrocketed in a very short period of time, even surpassing the stage before the disaster happened.

It was strange, knowing that Scarlet was there, knowing that it was dangerous, but they couldn't help themselves.

It seems that there is an invisible will, forcing them to do so.

And this kind of intimidation is more terrifying than the red thread sewn on the neck, and the head will fall off at any time...



"After all these years, I finally realized this feeling of superiority..."

Also in the sky above a city, the head pendant became huge, like the sun, quietly drifting over the chaotic streets and crowds, its eyes were extremely deep, and seemed to contain indescribable knowledge and majesty, After its eyes passed, all the leaders of mysterious organizations that preached other teachings all knelt down tremblingly, showing their most pious side towards the head of the great knower.

"In the name of Scarlet, I come to save you..."

"One price, one request..."


The sound of the head pendant descended from the sky of the city, carrying a sacred temperament, and passed into everyone's heart.


They calmed down the madness and anger in their hearts through the head of the great knower, and under its teachings, they knew that there is a more powerful existence in this world than it.

They had to abandon their previous beliefs and worship the head of the knower.

Because once dissatisfaction is shown, there will be a scarlet ghost, descending like a nightmare, tearing everything in front of it.

........ sometimes, even wash your underwear for you!

One is merciful and grants your request, the other is ferocious and tears apart all disrespect.

This caused more and more legends about scarlet in the chaotic spiritual barrier, and all the mysterious organizations could be said to collapse in front of them.


If this situation continues, perhaps scarlet will indeed soon become the biggest belief among the chaotic crowd, but the result is that after Head of the Knower conquered two or three cities, a mysterious team, appeared in them

In front of them, the visitor showed his ID and calmly said to them: "You have violated the foundation's regulations, we are here to ask you to take the initiative to follow us to the holding center.

The stern ghostly lady wanted to go up and tear them apart immediately.

The Skull of the Knower hurriedly persuaded her, but said angrily: "Before we appeared, they fought endlessly, and even triggered various war foundations at the mysterious level, but they never appeared.

"We're here to make them safe again, and you're taking us?


"Then are you going to go?"

The team sent by the foundation just watched them quietly.

The order they received was to stop and bring them back as quickly as possible, and they could be destroyed directly at critical times.

It's just that everyone knows that if they are directly destroyed, it will immediately attract Scarlet's anger, so it is the best solution to solve it in a gentle way.

But if they resist...


The reaction of the Skull of the Knowing was unexpected: "You represent order, of course I will listen to you, but I also have conditions."

It put forward its own conditions proudly: "I can go to the shelter with you to live for a while, but I ask for the best price."

"The box that holds me must be at least made of gold."

"And my colleague..."

It glanced at the ghost lady, and said: "She is not ordinary, if you want to contain her, you must at least use a bottle inlaid with rubies, and poke a few holes in the lid for ventilation!


The containment team, with a strange mood, met their conditions and brought them back.

They couldn't believe it until the task was completed.

This is an S-level task issued by the highest level. It only needs a box made of gold and a bottle inlaid with rubies to get it done?



And similarly, above the wilderness, the super legion built by Sensen, the only remaining knight of the Church of Order, has also encountered huge obstacles.

As a war demon, with the blessing of scarlet name, this made Sensen's actions in the wilderness so smooth that it was unimaginable. Even if it was just a group of slaves who had been oppressed, under the influence of the war demon, they would soon grow into The powerful warrior, and the scarlet shadow, made almost no one in this wilderness dare to confront her or reject the conditions she proposed.

The knight order bred out of chaos was easily crushed in front of Sensen's flesh and blood chariot.

And the remaining tribes led by some ambitious and determined fanatics also bowed their heads in despair in front of the army led by the war demon himself.

With the right time, place and people, as well as the blessing of Scarlet's high-level power, Sensen almost seems to be playing a game, easily creating this invincible army in the wilderness.

However, the tentacles of the Foundation soon reached out to the wilderness.

It is almost impossible for the army led by the war demon to be defeated on the frontal battlefield, unless there is another stronger war demon and a more powerful army.

Of course, the foundation never thought of solving the problem through the confrontation between the two legions, so they sent out some superhumans who controlled higher levels of demonic power, and they took advantage of the chaos to join this legion. Others have incomparable courage and will, but she doesn't have the ability to screen and investigate every detail. Wei Wei also seems to have never considered this before, and he didn't arrange for her a person who is good at this type of affairs. Assistant, which leads to Sen

When Sen discovered that the philosophy of this legion had begun to deviate irreversibly, she was already powerless to change it.

There are demons of truth who infiltrated this army and quietly planted another idea.

As the leader of this army, if Sensen continues to stay in this army

In the legion, she herself will be distorted and become the opponent's war machine.

So, she was forced to ride a chariot of flesh and blood one night and leave quietly.

The weakness of war demons is that they can win any war, but it is not up to them to decide whose hands the war is in.



"This thing sounds somewhat ridiculous."

Documents and information were quickly delivered to the top management of the foundation.

"Scarlet did make some arrangements, even in the spiritual barrier, gained a lot of firm believers, and built a powerful army in the wilderness."

"But after the people we sent intervene, his bishop...although it's just a head, he can be considered a bishop anyway, and his great knight...although it's just a ghost, and his The emissary, that young iris knight who was really brave in fighting but also really has no brains, not to mention the two team members who chose to betray at 200,000, have all been successfully sniped by us and failed."

"how to say......"

"It's like, Scarlet is gearing up to make a big plan that will affect the whole world."

"Then the plan was less than half implemented, and was arrested by several police officers who handled the case."


The reporter used his professionalism to control himself not to laugh, tense his facial muscles, and spoke out the complete report result.

"Where are they now?"

Those who listened to the report also held back their laughter, and asked in a deep voice.

"Both the Scarlet Archbishop and the Grand Knight have been captured, and both have been sealed. However, in order to prevent Scarlet's rage and certain uncertain behaviors, we did not conduct interrogations on them that would easily damage their internal structures. They were only contained according to the highest level of secrecy, and the iris knight had already left the chaotic wilderness alone.

"The pair of Dong's grandfather and grandson who jumped up and down in the cooperation with the consortium before have been expelled by the reformed consortium, and even the credit investigation has problems."

"As for Scarlet, they are still staying in the scrap iron city, and have not made any special moves during this period of time."

"... "

"It might sound ridiculous.

When this was too smooth to make people feel at ease, it was one of the three founders who personally issued instructions for the task at this time: "Scarlet is very good at doing unexpected things, it has been confirmed before Many times, so, there is no need to doubt, this time Scarlet must have his purpose, we feel ridiculous at this time, but maybe it is all because of his help to complete some hidden goals... ".

"However, we don't need to worry."


He observed some data, and said in a low voice: "The summoning of the twelve gods within the spiritual barrier will soon reach a critical point.

"Jieshi Scarlet's behavior is the key to everything."

"The team formed by the training camp students and their instructors, how is the preparation now?"


"They were all frustrated, but it was obvious that after learning about the Foundation's goals, they had all agreed to accept the goals."

Xu Jiaoyang replied: "Now they can leave anytime."

"Then let them go!"

The Foundation's highest order issued: "Before the critical point arrives, go to the Iron City, and if there is any change in the scarlet, then the scarlet will be completely wiped out."


".... was wiped out by Scarlet!"



"Recently, the White Ghost Riders have a very good reputation......"

At the same time, in another place, Captain Ouyang, who has not been happy for a long time

, He heard the good news brought to him by brother Lin.

Captain Ouyang laughed immediately, and beat his chest happily: "What the **** is this?"

"We have been hiding so tightly, how can we still have a reputation?"

"It's Xiao Wei. In the name of the White Ghost Knights squad, he made a big move in the spiritual barrier. UU Reading even formed an army in the wilderness."

Brother Xiao Lin said: "Of course, the failure is also very fast."

"I'm very curious, how he managed to stir up such a big storm all of a sudden, and then failed so naturally."

"He does what he does, so why use the name of the white ghost?"

Captain Ouyang wanted to pluck his hair anxiously: "Aren't you afraid that I will sue him?"

"You can fight him face to face."

Sister Lky replied calmly: "Because the instructor's order came down, we were asked to go back to the Iron City and kill him when he made a move."

"Or, be killed by him."


Captain Ouyang took a long, long time before he let out a low sigh: "The most terrifying thing still happened." Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.