MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 287 A boy named Wei Wei

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If you decide to go, then go, even if you can no longer reach the destination directly through the ability of space shuttle.

Even the ghost ship Noah shuttle method used by Wei Wei before does not work at this time, because Wei Wei has denied the scarlet in the past before, which leads to the things or creatures that existed based on the scarlet power before. It is already fading rapidly. The ghost ship Noah is considered very powerful, so it has not been forcibly offline and disappeared, but it can only hide in a corner of the world and linger on its last breath.

Not to mention Wei Wei, even Captain Ouyang can't summon it now.

The jeep can't be used either, because Wei Wei has already shuttled part of it, but was forced to return to reality by some kind of demonic force.

The jeep is still slipping around the sacred field, so if you think about it, it won't come so fast.

Then just find a new way...

Thinking about it, Wei Wei leaned over and saw a city that was affected by the monstrous tsunami and countless people fled in panic.

I can indeed leave, but I can't let these people ignore me.

So he stood on top of the tall building, remained silent for a while, then slowly raised his gun, pointing at the astonishing 100-meter-high wave.

The tsunami was surging, and the waves kept rolling up layer after layer, and slapped the city fiercely. Whether it was the people below or Wei Wei on the tall buildings, they were all so insignificant.

But Wei Wei, who raised his gun, looked very serious, and slightly pursed the corners of his mouth.

"Go away!"

He suddenly opened his mouth and sipped at the endless tsunami.


The endless, huge waves that can hardly be described accurately by human words visibly trembled in front of the black gun muzzle, its power to pounce forward suddenly slowed down, with the gun muzzle pointing at the center, the waves unexpectedly moved towards both sides Flying away, it seems to be terrified to close its body, very worried that it will hit the muzzle of the gun, the huge tsunami seems to be trembling, and it feels like running away in a hurry.

The height of the tsunami separated from the middle also decreased rapidly, and Haifei began to flee back into the sea in a panic, which seemed to have died down.

Wei Wei's pupils were faintly red while holding the gun, until the tsunami receded into the sea in an unreasonable state, exposing a large piece of seafood, and then slowly let go of the finger hooked on the trigger.

The hair of the human head pendant exploded, and then lay down quietly, very silky.

"As expected, it appeared under the influence of demon power."

Putting down the gun in his hand, Wei Wei couldn't help but let out a low breath.

If the tsunami appeared naturally, then the scarlet power would not be able to affect it at all, and Wei Wei himself would also be involved in the tsunami.

Whether he can survive depends on his swimming skills.

But because this huge tsunami appeared under the influence of some mysterious demon power, Wei Wei only needs to point his gun forward, and the tsunami will naturally recede.

Because of the demon power contained in it, it will tremble under the scarlet muzzle.

And from this point, it can also be determined: "Calamity!"

Only the power of disaster can cause a tsunami of this magnitude to appear in this city against common sense.

The disaster system, from the bad luck at the beginning, to the ability to survive in the disaster later, with the promotion of the rank, it will gradually give birth to the ability to control the size of the disaster, just like being in a disaster The Realm of Realm can use its own demonic power to weaken a certain area or the disaster affected by certain people with logic that goes against common sense, and then turn it into a strange energy and store it in itself.

When needed, release these energies in a specific place.

Therefore, whether it is a volcanic eruption, a tsunami, or even a small car accident, the whipping of a child is one of the forces collected by the disaster system.

It's just that the degree of disaster of creating a tsunami out of thin air...

"Sure enough, a powerful disaster totem has come to reality..."

The head pendant only felt a false alarm, and he acted responsibly and professionally to help Wei Wei analyze: "It seems that blocking

Your strength can already be determined. "

"Calamity demons are weak, right?"

Wei Wei thought for a while, and said, "After all, there are very few people who worship calamities, and no one wants to die or be unlucky."

The head pendant couldn't help raising its bar: "What if you want others to encounter disaster?"

Wei Wei laughed and said, "Then people like this should worship and curse demons, right?"

The head pendant obediently kept his mouth shut.

Among the twelve demons, Calamity ranked first from the bottom, which in itself shows that Calamity's believers are the fewest among the twelve demons.

"Be careful..."

The head pendant thought for a while, but couldn't help reminding: "In the system of the twelve gods, the calamity demon is indeed always the weakest and cannot recruit any believers, but at least I know that the calamity demon is in a certain To a certain extent, it is very powerful, for example...other gods, or demons, are somewhat afraid of scarlet, but calamity is different, it is said that it once..."

Wei Wei interrupted it: "Why are you not afraid?"


The head pendant choked for a moment, and said hesitantly: "Where the scarlet appears, does it represent disaster?"

Wei Wei felt that what it said made a lot of sense.

"In any case, what is certain is that because of this characteristic of Calamity, it is the most powerful among the twelve gods."


The human head pendant sincerely helped Wei Wei analyze: "This system will either not be encountered, or it will be encountered, but you must be cautious..."


Wei Wei has passed through the disaster, thinking of Ye Feifei, thinking of what he has encountered now, he feels his head buzzing, so he can only shake his head.

"Anything is fine, I know what I have to do."


He didn't say any more, but stepped up and walked under the tall building, scanning the city with his eyes, looking for a suitable means of transportation for him.

Today, the city residents who have just seen the amazing tsunami coming and then receding strangely are still in a state of panic. This extreme chaos makes them not even notice that this person is walking straight from the vertical floor. Wei Wei who came down, and abandoned vehicles, helicopters left in the ruins, bicycles lying in puddles, etc., all kinds of unowned vehicles seemed to meet their needs.

But Wei Wei was still not satisfied, he looked everywhere, and finally landed on the northeast corner of the city.

There is a scrap iron train station, and even half of the rusted train can be seen, looming in the wild grass.

Wei Wei smiled.

He walked halfway down the stairs, and then suddenly jumped towards the building next door. A clump of red silk threads appeared behind his body, and he quickly crossed the city and jumped into the train station.

When he landed steadily on the top of half of the train, the blood under his feet had already seeped into the huge body of the train.

Soon, the rusty train seemed to wake up from a dead state, covered with streaks of blood, forming fine, hideous veins like blood vessels.

Afterwards, in the compartment where the light bulb had been screwed out long ago, a blood-red light actually appeared.

Wei Wei's body sank, and he sank into the carriage as if there was nothing there. Looking at the body that had been completely covered in blood and repaired, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Let's go!"

The scarlet train suddenly let out a roar like a devil's roar, and the wheels began to crush the rails quickly.

Under the wheels, the already decayed railroad track also became full of vitality as the bloodshot kept spreading forward, and even took the initiative to pave it farther away.


In the city behind, I don't know how many people watched the trembling sound of the train coming from the abandoned station, and could only feel the breath of the devil, leaving the city.

"Is it so high-profile?"

The head pendant didn't know whether he should be excited or happy at this moment.

In the past, I wanted to follow Scarlet and play a good role in prestige, but I never realized this wish. Now, why did I complete it all at once?

What surprised it was still behind, the scarlet train rushed out of the city, following Wei Wei's will, began to accelerate and accelerate again and again, charging again and again, crashing into this wilderness land, and the scarlet's power and breath , also began to wander along with the train, and was undisguised and released in this boundless chaotic area. I don't know how many weird and strange creatures were alarmed by the colliding train.


Passing through an unnamed cemetery, I don’t know how many stone statues stood quietly, unconscious, and let the wind and rain peel off, and opened their eyes.

They began to move their stiff bodies, little by little, approaching the scarlet train.

But the scarlet train passed through them almost the moment they opened their eyes, the huge impact force and flying bloodshots instantly crushed and absorbed them.


In a dark and strange forest, as the scarlet train approached, a piece of bark suddenly fell from the outermost thick tree.

On the tree trunk, an ancient eye leisurely opened.

But just as it opened its eyes and the branches and leaves began to sway slightly, it was already smashed by the scarlet train.

The flesh and blood in the trunk and the palms and eyes on the branches and leaves were all sucked under the train, and were greedily sucked by the wriggling blood.

The magma is surging on the earth, and the thin palms protruding from the magma fissures are always waving on the ground, as if they want to seize the passing night.

But the train passed by, and all the palms were twisted into the train, dragging out weird **** creatures from the magma.

"how so?"

Since the head pendant was with Wei Wei, he suffered countless internal injuries and was painted countless times.

Of course, the main reason for being painted is that it is very good at associating, Wei Wei has not promised anything, it has already puked itself.

It was not until now that it unexpectedly gained indescribable excitement and ecstasy. It could clearly feel that Wei Wei was different from before. He didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. After the scarlet train passed by, he was already Strange creatures appeared all over the place, and then, Wei Wei crushed all the strange creatures without even saying hello, and absorbed them with the help of blood.

Crimson accumulation!

One of the characteristics of scarlet power lies in the dissection and absorption of other demonic powers, and it can plunder the characteristics of other demonic powers.

But Wei Wei has never done this before, and the head pendant is not easy to urge.

After all, the real plunder needs to be based on Wei Wei's decision to become that "one", not "zero".

Wei Wei has not made a decision.

Therefore, Wei Wei only conducted a large number of dissections and analyzes twice. The first time was in the competition of Noah on the ghost ship. Wei Wei carried out a friendly and responsible group dissection of those competitors. The second time is that after officially coming to the wilderness not long ago, scarlet also acquired many characteristics of other demon powers through hunting methods, but these two are basically casual.

That is, although Scarlet has been increased and promoted because of this, it is not Wei Wei's intention.

Until this moment, Wei Wei really let go, he was deliberately looking for and plundering the characteristics of these demonic creatures.

"Save it all to you."

Wei Wei sat in the red carriage, quietly as if he was traveling, and only softly instructed the head pendant: "I don't want my investigation report to go out this time to be too ugly."

The head pendant was so moved that I almost cried.

Storing it here, that is, instilling countless demonic knowledge into him, this is an unprecedented wealth.

At this time, Wei Wei's relaxed expression suddenly made him realize a problem.

Wei Wei's intention may be very simple.

He lost the power of the seventh level, even if he really passed, he might not have a chance of winning.

That's why UU Reading used this method of plundering to carry out an unprecedented crazy accumulation...

...He's sharpening his scythe!

"The foundation doesn't have to think about it. Their silence is their tacit consent to us."

At the same time, in the second city defense line, or in other words, in the entire spiritual barrier, there is also a special order, which is quickly passed through various channels and distributed to some special people.

Kill order!

One was issued privately by major consortiums, but its intensity surpassed any previous killing order.

Regardless of the mysterious world and demon power, what the consortium did was to use all its energy and resources to issue a killing order for a certain person.

Wei Wei!

"All demons are afraid of scarlet."

"Maybe Calamity will be a bit special, but she will not directly fight Scarlet unless she has to."

"However, no one knew this before, or, even if they knew, they kept it a secret, and the thing they dared not reveal is..."

"...Scarlet has always had an Achilles' heel!"

"It can be killed!"

"In other words, it is the lamb he cares most about!"

"Especially, Scarlet of this generation has abandoned the Church of Order, the ghost ship Noah, and even the Scarlet Abyss..."

"...What kind of scarlet is he?"

"In the eyes of the consortium, he is just a boy named Wei Wei!"

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