MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 250 2 Ultimate Troubles in Life (5500 words)

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What is the state of the vastness now? "

When they arrived at the hotel in Haicheng, the members of the White Ghost Knights immediately gathered in Captain Ouyang's room.

Each of them was very concerned about the girl in the fish tank, and even Ye Feifei, who had just been downstairs and thanked the confused dump truck drivers for a long time, was also very concerned.

The girl in the fish tank looked very young, slender and thin, as if she had not changed much from the girl Captain Ouyang and the others knew many years ago, but she was younger and thinner.

She had no clothes on her body, just a small group curled up in the fish tank. She didn't respond at all to Captain Ouyang and the others' inquiries and the act of being moved out.

There are only blank voids in his eyes, and he seems to have lost his perception of everything.

This made Captain Ouyang and others look a little astonished. They successfully brought back their former team members, but they didn't know what she was now.

"She was sacrificed very early, became a sacrifice to the totem, and was brought back to the Black Abyss."

Brother Xiaolin observed it carefully for a while, and sighed in a low voice: "At that time, she was already a dead person, but she was brought back to reality by us, so she should be in a state between the dead and the living.

"Staying in the fish tank, she will still exist in the form of the black abyss, and if she leaves the fish tank..."

"Perhaps, she will become a living person, or maybe she will dissipate directly like a ghost."

"We, we can't take this risk just yet..."


Captain Ouyang nodded solemnly, then turned his head to look at Brother Piggy.

In the team, only Brother Piggy is a death demon system, and he has obtained hellfire, so he has a keen perception of death.

But Brother Piggy just shook his head worriedly: "I don't understand either, my real rank is only the third state, and I just got the qualification of death agent."

"Strictly speaking, it's just a half-death surrogate."

"I can use hellfire to burn Heiyuan. When I first entered Heiyuan, I thought so..."

"...But things in the black abyss, I don't understand."


"Then take it back to the scrap iron city first!"

Captain Ouyang was silent for a long time, and he could only make a decision first: "She was originally a special girl, and the Heiyuan monarch had to let her go. Relying on her, but, alas, we have been too lazy these past few years because we didn't think about it at first that we would have the opportunity to bring her back, and we didn't do all the preparations we should have done..."

"Can we go back?"

Uncle Gun suddenly spoke, with a worried expression: "What we have done this time is too big."

"It's impossible for the Foundation not to notice. It's even possible that the Foundation was paying attention from the beginning, and he would agree to let us go back?"


"The Foundation must be paying attention, or do you really think that with luck, Lky can search the Internet for so much information about the Heiyuan monarch?"

Captain Ouyang laughed and said, "It's just, I think we took a big advantage this time."

"The foundation was deliberately promoting our action from the beginning, and even wanted to see us and Heiyuan monarch kill both sides, but some things exceeded their expectations."

"We take all the benefits, but retain the most complete strength."

"So, the attitude of the Foundation now should be more extreme, either detain us immediately, or let us go back."


As he spoke, he looked directly at Sister Lky and said, "Go book tickets!"

"You don't need to separate when you go back, just book a ticket for Gao Lie. No matter what the Foundation thinks, let's take MongMang home first!"


Sister Lky agreed and immediately went to call.

Everyone was somewhat silent in their hearts, and some things went too smoothly, but people felt uneasy.

It sounds a bit bizarre, but at this moment, everyone felt that if Sister Lky said that the vote could not be settled, some meaning

It suddenly appeared outside, and I felt more comfortable in my heart.

But it turned out to be in line with Sister Lky's usual style of doing things.

"It's booked."

She also looked a little dazed and turned her head, looked at everyone and said, "There will be a trip at eight o'clock in the evening."

Captain Ouyang was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at the girl in the fish tank again: "The old gun, go buy a bigger box and put the vastness in it."

"Is it possible to put her in the car by checking in?"

"I don't know if her passing the security check will trigger an alarm..."


"Need not…"

Just when everyone had a toothache over Captain Ouyang's countermeasure, Sister Lky next to him said a little confused: "I just made a phone call, and I directly booked a ticket for the special high-ranking train, and the operator gave the highest authority. , everything is exempt from inspection, the serial number is: white ghost.”


In the small room, everyone's expressions were a little rich. "Everything is exempt from inspection..."

They naturally know that this is a special treatment for the Foundation's special operations personnel. However, the White Ghost Knights came to Haicheng this time, and they did not come here as Foundation investigators. Come here as the security team of Scrap Iron City, let alone special treatment, they will even be detained and investigated for leaving their posts without permission and entering the second city defense line.

But now...

"When did we get the Foundation's premium VIP treatment?"



Captain Ouyang, after being stunned for a while, reluctantly accepted his fate: "The Foundation has indeed begun to be wary of us..."

"They made no secret of the fact that they knew that we were in Haicheng, and they silently granted special permissions. Are they worried that we would still do things in Haicheng?"

"This confirms our guess. The Foundation must be in a chaotic decision-making process. There are some important things that catch them off guard. They need a certain amount of time to calm down and analyze. The only thing is that when they haven't made a clear decision, new incidents have arisen, so they simply give us some convenience and let us go back to the scrap iron city first..."


Everyone sighed at the same time: "Well ..."

Whenever the treatment is improved and the reputation is more famous, everyone feels a lot of pressure in their hearts.

"Then what?"

"Let's pack up and go back first, not everyone can sit in the special high column..."

"At least you have to be at the level of Xingtian Squad, so you can board the special high-ranking column at any time. We also have a little more experience..."What about Xiaowei?"

Uncle Gun suddenly said worriedly: "He hasn't come back, and when I called him, there was no signal, I sent a message, and there is no reply until now.

"Don't bother him first."

Captain Ouyang shook his head and said, "If I guessed correctly, he should have gone back to Heiyuan after we left."

"He has some things he doesn't want us to see, and we see it, but it's not necessarily a good thing."

"Send him our itinerary, and wait for him to come over to meet up. If the time is up and he doesn't come, then we will go back to the scrap iron city first."

"He can't even buy a ticket."


Everyone listened, and their hearts were still somewhat unsettled: "Leave him here, so he won't worry about accidents?"

Captain Ouyang looked at everyone speechlessly: "Are you worried about his accident, or Haicheng?"

Everyone felt that what Captain Ouyang said seemed reasonable, but they were still not at ease, especially Piggy and Ye Feifei.

However, after Captain Ouyang finished saying this, he couldn't help but sigh and glanced out the window.

Noah's shadow has completely disappeared.

After getting along for a while, Captain Ouyang knew that Noah was a very timid guy, and he was especially good at escaping.

However, he always felt that after the Heiyuan incident, Noah suddenly became obedient and fled far away, not because of the Foundation's attention or the defeat of the Heiyuan monarch.

As the former Scarlet Altar, the messenger of the Scarlet God, did it discover something?

At this time, Wei Wei was not in a good mood.

It stands to reason that after eating at a roadside restaurant with 31,000 seats, he found the core of his strength again. He should be very happy. However, a certain hollowness in his heart always affected him.

Walking on the empty street, he was silent for a long time, and he felt that the quietness around him, as well as the prying eyes he tried to hide, made him uncomfortable.

"Go to the captain first!"

After walking slowly for a long time, he exhaled lightly, looked at the information on his mobile phone, and prepared to go to the hotel to meet them first.

There are always times when people suddenly realize themselves, but this realization does not necessarily bring about sublimation or open-mindedness, but some kind of sadness.

Before coming to Heiyuan, Wei Wei used to feel distressed because of the familiarity of the occasional events. I don't know why when experiencing those exaggerated events, he actually had a feeling that he had experienced before, and was even a little annoyed. Only this time, in the black abyss, facing the world of the dead, and seeing the garbage mountain that has been buried in the black abyss, did it understand as if someone had been forcibly awakened.

On the strength level, he found himself a step further.

The promotion of the sixth state is simply as easy as the palm of your hand, because the rituals and sacrifices that should be done have already been done.

Even deeper logic is at your fingertips.

After all, the mountain of garbage has been obtained, and the throne of God is right in front of you. You only need to sit on it and you can obtain the power that makes people terrifying.

But why, now, do I only have a sense of loss in my heart?

He wanted to find someone to chat with, but felt that such a topic should not be discussed with Captain Ouyang and the others.

So after thinking for a while, he looked down at the head pendant hanging on his waist.

It's quiet at the moment.

It just swore not long ago that it would never pretend to be dead to hide from itself, and it died completely at this time.

Wei Wei was a little dissatisfied, just staring at it.

So the head pendant closed his eyes, closed, closed, and the corners of his eyes seemed to be a little wet.

"Wei ... Great Lord ..."

When he spoke, his voice was full of panic and panic: "I admit that before, I occasionally didn't pay attention to my words when I talked to you..."

"But...but you have to trust me, I'm absolutely loyal to you..."



Wei Wei was helpless: "You're normal!"

"You shouldn't be so normal ..."

The head pendant murmured in his heart, but said solemnly: "The Lord is right, I should be normal, I am willing to give you everything I have, just to please the great..."

"If you talk like that again, I'll throw you down the toilet..."

"Then I'm happy too. If you like, I can even show you a whirlpool survival in the toilet..."


This time, Wei Wei felt speechless. After a moment of silence, he sighed, "Are you scared?"

"Who wouldn't be frightened?"

The head pendant seemed to have touched the most sensitive string in his heart, and said in a panic, "I thought you were the crown prince to seize the throne, but I didn't expect you to make a private visit..."

"...What's all this mess?"

Wei Wei tried to understand its idea, but found that it was difficult for him to substitute into this mood.

"Before, you... no, it was you who was actually playing around with this poor, dead head that has no life?"


The head pendant asked carefully, his eyes somewhat floating.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you should understand everything..."

The head pendant cried and said: "But you often showed that you didn't understand anything before..."


It hesitated for a while, but decided to confess directly: "My character has also caused me to suffer a lot in my heart. I must admit that I did deceive you a little bit in some trivial things before..."

"But I believe that the great you will definitely not mind..."


Wei Wei was a little wary all of a sudden: "What things?"

The head pendant was tangled for a while, and wanted to deny it but didn't dare to admit it: "It's a little too much, I don't know which one to say...

Wei Wei couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Heh..."

"But I promise, it won't happen in the future."

The head pendant is particularly sincere: "I'll answer whatever you say. If you're in a bad mood, just throw me out and bite."

"I'll think about it."

Wei Wei nodded and wrote down this sentence, but he hesitated again. After a while, he said, "But I don't have the feeling you said."

The head pendant was stunned: "What?"

Wei Wei walked forward slowly, obviously in reality, but the street in front of him was dark and long, with tall plane trees and lonely street lamps on both sides, as if there was no end.

He pondered for a long time and said, "The feeling that you should know everything."

"I used to feel familiar with some questions. Facing more questions, I also have a feeling that the reference answer is at hand, and I can open it at any time."

"But, in my heart, I don't want to see it, because I don't think it's what I want."

"I saw the road on the left, and I saw the road on the right. I think either way can go, but I don't want to go..."


Hearing what he said seemed a little distressed, the head pendant was stunned, and it took a while to carefully ask, "Are you lost?"

Wei Wei choked: "Do you feel that in the face of the question I raised, your understanding is too superficial?"

The head pendant couldn't help but whispered: "Do you think it's a bit out of line to discuss this with me?"

"All right…"

Wei Wei was a little speechless by the question, so he could only say calmly, "When I talked to the white bat, I lied."

"I'm really confused."

"In my senses, I've never changed, but that eye in the sky, and the shadows on the mountain of garbage in the black abyss, told me something was different."



The head pendant actually vaguely guessed his current state, but his heart was even more nervous: "The legendary scarlet demon has been updated from generation to generation."

"It stands to reason that each generation of scarlet will be stronger until the ultimate logic is truly found."

"This generation of Scarlet, it seems that there is really a problem?"

"Each generation of scarlet will overthrow the previous self, but this generation has overturned it too thoroughly?"

"He can't go back to the scarlet way..."

"But he can't really return to the path of being a human being..."

"So the key question is..."


The head pendant almost collapsed because of this question: "He is not only crazy, but also confused?"


"Should I tell this new-born **** that the fact that he is insane will not be settled by him?"


It pondered, but could only be careful in its heart, pretending to answer seriously: "What rank are you now?

Wei Wei thought for a while and said, "Scarlet Bishop!"

"Maybe this is the problem..."

The head pendant said cautiously, "Didn't we say before that we need someone to preach and formulate doctrines?"

"You're already a bishop, but you don't have a single believer. Do you feel a little shabby?"


Wei Wei tangled: "Normally speaking, shouldn't there be teachings before there are members?"

"That's normal, but you're not normal."

The head pendant sneered in his heart, but said solemnly: "Do it first and then talk about it!"

"I would like to be this missionary."

"Trust me, it's just to go out and spread your ideas and let more people believe in scarlet... It's definitely not to escape from your side!"


"It's time to take this step."

Wei Wei listened, and actually agreed very much, saying: "The application submitted before should be approved now."

The head pendant said carefully: "What if they didn't approve it for you?"

"A gift?"

Wei Wei thought about it and said, "Besides, there are people above me, so many relationships!

The head pendant suddenly felt like he was thinking too much: "A **** who is so good at treating himself as a human, what is there to be afraid of?"

At this time, Wei Wei, who seemed to have really figured out all the problems, was in a better mood.

He took out the gun, tapped his head lightly with the butt, and put it away. At this time, a gentle and bright smile appeared on his face again:

"Just go step by step, what's the use of thinking about it?"

"Now that I have mastered the power of the Scarlet Knight rank, I can become a real Scarlet Bishop at any time, and even the core of entering a higher rank is ready."

"Is there anything I can't do?"


When he thought about it like this, his steps became much lighter.

After a stroll, under the navigation of the head pendant, I came to the hotel where Captain Ouyang and the others settled.

Then he was quickly stunned: "They left?"

"Why didn't you wait for me?"

"I just went back to Heiyuan to collect a mountain of garbage, and then just took a walk in the street..."


As a dignified scarlet bishop, he possesses terrifying power. Is there anything in this world that he cannot do by himself?

At least you can't buy a ticket to go home!

Wei Wei, who was a little panicked, returned to the street, tried to sense it, and found that even Noah's breath could not be sensed at all, it seemed to have hidden far away.

Now you can't even sneak back in.

At this time, he was completely caught in the unsolved problem, and once again had a little confusion about the world.

Probably the two ultimate questions that plague everyone, one is who I am, where do I come from, and where should I go.

The other one is what do I eat, where do I live, and how do I get home?

When Wei Wei was completely lost in the corner, a few sneaky shadows stared at him for a long time, and finally rushed out boldly, and the bright dagger touched Wei Wei's chest:

"Brother, can you give me some money?"


Wei Wei, who was sluggish for a while, was suddenly surprised.

It turns out that I really don't need to be confused, the answer is right in front of me, in this world.

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