MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 229 Peeled the skin of this **** (7700 words)

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"What the **** is that?"

The first one who noticed some strange changes in the scrap iron city was the four knights of the long order.

These people were originally just in the chaotic battlefield, executing their own plans in an orderly manner, and possessing the strongest ability to control the trend of all situations.

They can feel the horror of Piglet, and they have long understood that the white ghost Ouyang has some kind of mysterious ability, which is his greatest limit, and it is also the key to killing the agent of death.

And that black raven, who had just rushed into the battlefield, actually posed a great threat to the flesh and blood monster tree as soon as he came up, obviously has a power that makes any individual feel panic and mysterious.

It can be said that each is the most difficult opponent. But they don't care.

Because no matter how powerful these people are, they are only personal abilities.

Like the monster with hellfire, he does have the concept of half-death agent, but neither chases death nor speaks for it.

Such an agent may not even have one percent of the deterrent power of a real agent.

This is also the biggest predicament of the foundation's power.

For the use of demon power, in addition to the initial stage, it will gradually rise to the concept of totems and demons in the end.

But the Foundation Plenum itself denied the existence of demons, which led to the fact that the powerhouses in the Foundation were destined to be unable to easily reach higher levels of power.

Including the Xingtian team, they can only make up for their strength through other means.

Unlike himself, the confidence of the four knights of the Church of Order lies in the fact that what he has revealed in front of everyone this time is originally one of Bazhi's highest level of power.

This allows them to ignore the strength or weakness of any individual power.

It's just that they don't know why, everything is progressing smoothly, but the power of the highest level is suddenly affected.



At this time, Wei Wei didn't know what was going on, but just faced this credible guy in front of him, venting his bullets to the fullest.

You shouldn't be in the real world.

In the feeling, both myself and the monster in front of me seem to be underwater, and there is a misty separation from reality, while around, there are countless pairs of eyes, passing through this water-like isolation space, staring at me blankly.

If you have to describe it, then the self at this time should be in a place deeper than the real world.

I heard the chaos and cries of the scrap iron city, so I was invited, and the sheep-faced demon in the blood sea also had a faint sign of complete formation.

So at the moment when he entered the scrap iron city, he and the sheep-faced demon in the blood sea world. Completely integrated into one, I began to look at the city and understand the world from another perspective.

However, I didn't expect that when I appeared, there was another thing that seized my position in advance.

In this world, some things seem to have no limits and secrets, and they can directly feel the essence of each other, just like at a glance, the spiritual power of the other party begins to infiltrate into their minds.

Because of this, Wei Wei understood the essence of the thing in front of him.

The other party spreads chaos, and uses tranquility as a temptation to harvest the beliefs of the residents of the abandoned Iron City, as well as manipulating people's hearts.

Also, for the kind of ambition that seems to occupy everyone's spiritual world.

All of this made Wei Wei feel a strong anger and a desire to kill the opponent completely.

He hated the thing, and it wasn't just ordinary hate.

It's the kind of hate that sees Xiao Qiqi being abducted into Room 302 in the 15th block, but he can't stop it, the hate that sees his younger siblings disappearing one by one, and the helpless look at the lamb being brought to the altar. Looking at the hatred around.

So, he didn't even care about the change that occurred after combining with the sheep-faced demon, so he poured out his anger.

Even he didn't know that at the moment of combining with the sheep-faced demon, some kind of sustenance and responsibility had already been parasitized into his blood.

This may be because he has already carried these things on his back... He just thought at this time: "I'm going to peel him off!"


In the scrap iron city at this time, every dweller in deep chaos and fear saw a picture that was almost beyond his imagination.

In their trance-conscious world, they saw the divine light and shadow high above. The other party has the ability to make everyone worship willingly, as if it is the only one in the world.

But, just when they really started to worship him, a **** shadow appeared. It held a scarlet multi-barrel revolver gun, pointed it at the face of this sacred shadow, and released a roaring bullet. .

It can be said that the red shadow of this process appeared for the first time, but it made many people feel extremely familiar.

Sheep face demon.

That is the sheep-faced demon that everyone has been discussing before.

Even its appearance is very similar to what everyone imagined, with ferocious and sharp horns, a tall and strong body, a flying red cloak behind it, and four wildly curved arms.

The two arms embraced Cheng Hong Gatlin, whose barrel was full of sharp bone spurs.

In addition, there are two arms, holding a red sickle with a length of four or five meters and a blood-colored iron chain wrapped around the end.

As if seeing it for the first time, and as if it should exist, it should be like this.

Compared with the sacred light and shadow, it has no sacred meaning at all, and there are only pulls and evils that can only be found in the depths of nightmares.

It smirked and put the barrel on the face of the holy light and shadow, and released endless bullets. The holy light and shadow was unmoved at first, but the bullets seemed to be endless, and finally the holy light and shadow began to shake and flicker, like a light bulb with poor contact .



That sacred light and shadow was also affected by these peasant mad bullets.

In the depths of his calm and peaceful eyes, there seemed to be a little doubt, and the sacred brilliance on the surface of his body suddenly scattered like flowing water, turning into a tidal wave, covering Wei Wei.

That sacred brilliance seems to have the power to control everything and drown everything. But Wei Wei faced the sacred brilliance, his smile became even more sinister, and he walked forward, the red phoenix behind him raised high,

The strong and **** smell was repelled in the space, collided with the sacred brilliance, and quickly polluted the brilliance, turning it into a dull and dirty.

And the ferocious barrel of the gun in his arms went a step further, and terrifying bullets fell on the other side.

On that sacred and clean surface, the Bajing began to shatter, and in many places, his ugly and ferocious nature was already revealed.


That peaceful and peaceful "god" was also angry because of such a provocation. The endless iron mystery around him flew into the wind, streaked across the sky one by one, and slapped Wei Wei.

Glass-like cracks began to appear in the space around Wei Wei, like a broken will.

The appearance of every crack means that the strong intention to do one thing has been shaken, and this kind of thinking will accumulate more and more until it finally collapses completely.

"I said, my head is already full."

Wei Wei didn't flinch, instead he gritted his teeth and rushed forward faster. Behind him, a black bat wing suddenly spread out, and he appeared in a higher position, Jing\/hua\/shu\/ge... First. Release. Update... I stepped on the head of the "God", and stepped him down from the air. During the fall, Scarlet Gatling was still releasing bullets at him. , the blood-colored torrent kept hitting him, knocking him down from the highest position, with a sense of heaviness like a broken belief.


The sacred light and shadow were trampled from the sky to the ground by it, crushing the phantom of the city street that was intertwined with the spirit and consciousness of countless people.

Spin and. The huge blood-colored sickle swung and fell, and the surface of the sacred light and shadow was torn apart...

…as if a human skin had been peeled off.

Below the kind of holy light and shadow, a monster with twelve arms and a body made of countless chaotic light spots and lines appeared, squirming on the ground like a sister worm.

There is no more holiness and tranquility, only its chaotic nature. The holiness and tranquility are it, and so is the chaos and disorder.



I don't know how many people woke up from the fantasy of that order and watched this scene in disbelief.

Among them, there is indeed a large part of them, who regard this light and shadow as a **** chasing, and become its faithful believers in the call of nothingness.

However, God cannot be defeated.

No one wants to accept a weak being to be his own god.

Therefore, when this sacred light and shadow fell from the sky, half of the people immediately began to lose their faith in it, and when the sheep-faced demon tore off his disguise, the other half's faith was also shaken.

Not only was it shaken, but there was endless anger.

It turns out that its essence is not iron order, its essence is chaos, but it is covered with order.

The belief collar collapsed, but in the midst of this growing anger, the power of the sheep-faced demon was rapidly soaring.

"It doesn't make sense."

The four knights of the Church of Order didn't understand, they just let out an unbelievable roar. "No one can harm the Supreme Concept!"

"In the absence of the Twelve Gods, our God is the only God and the key to unlocking the future world!"


Each of them is a very knowledgeable and firm-willed person, but the variables in front of them still completely confused them.

The birth of a new **** should have been sacred.

In the original plan of the narrow order church, the new **** should be born on Noah,

Those sacrifices accumulated by Noah for countless years will directly help him pass through the stage of the new **** and come to the world as a true god.

Choosing to be in the scrap iron city is a helpless move, but also a safe move.

After all, who would have thought that it would be Ouyang who became Noah's agent? Ouyang is too mysterious, with too many unpredictable methods and complicated relationships.

Therefore, the people of the Church of Order firmly believed that since Ouyang Jian had captured the body of Noah's agent through such a foolish means, then his life must be a rich sacrifice on Noah's.

After all, this is a guy who is too embarrassed to throw away two thousand dollars!

Out of this consideration, they had to let the new **** appear for the first time in a small place like Scrap Iron City.

Take down the white ghost Ouyang directly and get the chance to board Noah.

And the belief harvested here in the scrap iron city can also help the newcomers to lay a foundation, and fortunately, when facing Noah, the betrayer who guards the treasure house, he has enough confidence.


... Such a plan that pursues the safe Eryu to the extreme, even equal to the same dimensionality reduction, will it be affected?

...The new **** has begun to harvest faith, descending to a small town on the edge of the defense line of the third city with a desperate posture, and then, was stopped by some kind of demon?

"Damn Ouyang!"

They let out a roar, and now they can feel that there is something terrifying hidden in the scrap iron city.

This kind of thing can actually interfere with the new god? Or, is it beating the new god?

Needless to say, this must have been Ouyang's plan, and it must have been a conspiracy he had managed in advance. No wonder he was so bold, dared to fight against the new gods, and dared to go out of town to confront himself.

Looking around, there is a sense of fear rising inside.

They saw that the numb believers near the Religion of Life had already shown expressions of panic.

The black draft flew in the sky and was torn with the huge flesh-and-flesh monster tree. The flesh-and-blood branches extending from the monster tree, like tentacles of a net, kept rolling towards the raven, but the strange crow Escape again and again.

Every time he escaped, a lot of black feathers were shaken off his body, and by the end, the raven was a little bare.

But the Flesh Flesh Monster Tree was equally miserable. A large number of branches were torn apart, and they broke away from the strange tree's face one by one, and made a cry of fear and reconciliation.


The most important thing is that the black draft not only tore the flesh and blood monster tree, but even turned back and spat out a contemptuous sneer:

"The devil of life..."


These numb believers who live in the long group are really a little numb...

Most of these believers are residents of the sect in the wilderness. They were gathered by the Life Religion with the power of demons. With the help of their beliefs, they led the projection of the flesh and blood monster tree to form a threat to the scrap iron city.

There is no doubt that their faith is firm.

But the appearance of the black raven made them completely panicked, and their faith was being replaced by doubt and fear.

Especially the fall of black feathers, like a shadow spreading in the mind, has begun to wake up a large number of believers and try to escape this battlefield.

On the other side, the members of the crazy mysterious organization have been frightened by the execution team led by the old crow.

They have a large number of hot weapons and a large number of manpower, which gives them a great advantage against ordinary people, even the police officers and patrol teams of the scrap iron city.

But when this team entered the battlefield, they realized what is the real gap,

There are not many people on the other side, only six people, but the other side has a lot of firepower. With the large number of people, he can hit the bullet in an instant.

But any one of the other party raised his hand, and a ball of bullets flashing red electric light flew over, and instantly burned a dozen people on his side to coke, including some extraordinary people.

What's going on here?

The suppression at the level almost made them full of bitterness, and they couldn't help but start to flee towards the edge of the battlefield.


"We have no other choice...

The old knight of order, his voice was a little trembling because of anger or other emotions.

"The advent of a new god, either does not start, or it can only succeed!"


Others get his mind.

Perhaps, if they didn't reveal the new **** in the first place, there would be an explanation in the future, of course, that would make their Noah recycling plan completely fail.

But now that the shadow of the new **** has been revealed, failure is not allowed.

But the kind of power that can affect the new gods has already appeared in the scrap iron city, and they have to fight for this to the extent of sacrifice that was not included in the plan before.

The knight of order playing the bone flute completely disregarded the limit that he could bear, and raised the sound of the bone flute to a new level.

His fingers holding the bone flute and his face next to the bone flute began to melt gradually.

Like a melted thunder cake, the body began to lose its original shape, falling down little by little, and melted into the bone flute, which was absorbed by this evil flute.

But the sound of the bone flute covered the entire battlefield with stronger penetrating power and influence.

More people are affected and become more crazy,

Those believers of the Life Religion who had begun to flee the battlefield, their eyes became firm again, even full of hatred and hatred, and they returned to the flesh and blood monster tree.

He even started to sacrifice himself to increase the power of the Flesh Monster Tree.

And those members of the mysterious organization who were already moving to the periphery of the battlefield actually returned under the call of this flute, and charged towards the scrap iron territory with their own anger that came from nowhere.


The bone flute made of bones left behind by a war demon who had reached the seventh state once fell, and once it was blown, it would distort other people's desires and generate an irresistible will to fight.

It can bring endless chaos to the world.

And when the process of harvesting faith in the face of order is interrupted, in this chaotic situation, A-Lian can also bring strength to the new god.

Of course, blowing it, you need to pay with your own life.

The other three knights of order, also at this moment, waved their spears and rushed forward with a roar,

At the beginning, the three of them never thought about the need to take action, because their responsibility was to ensure the smooth arrival of the new **** projection, and everything would naturally develop as planned.

They don't even need to capture Captain Ouyang with their own hands, because they believe that this Sao Goat is a smart guy. When he sees the new god, he will naturally know whose arms he should throw himself into.

But not now.

They only have to concentrate the most powerful force and grab Ouyang Jian with their own hands.

On the left and right, a knight of order began to split into war puppets one after another, and the whole person seemed to be becoming the core of the battlefield.

The other one was a huge book loan that appeared behind him, opened it with a bang, and reflected it on everyone in front of him.

But the most terrifying thing was the old knight in the middle. He seemed to know the difficulty of the White Ghost Knights. He took a deep breath, tore off his silver armor and stopped.

This made his upper body completely exposed to the air, and on his body, there were twisted lines engraved with blood stains. These lines seemed to shine into another world, dividing up layers of space and smashing reality. .

And in this crushed space, a tall, grotesque statue with rough lines appeared behind him.

The icy aura quickly moved from his body, which was hard and stiff. Where Ting went, everyone's body became stiff and dull.


"Everyone immediately withdraw from the battlefield!"

When Captain Ouyang saw the clumsy and cold stone statue, his eyes suddenly became extremely cold: "This old boy is going to die!"

This is a high-level demon power owner, a unique desperate method,

A high-ranking demon power owner, Ba Jing is very close to demons and can communicate in depth with demons.

When it's time for Guan Jian, they can even summon the projection of the gods they understand to reality.

What the knight of order summoned now was the regular demon projection he understood.

Infected by the law demon, the first stage is to follow the objective law more and more, eating, sleeping, and doing things, all of which are inconsistent with each other, and at a deeper level, you can use the law, and the deepest level is to become a law a part of.

Gradually deepened, and finally, willing to give up life.

Because the life order itself is a variable in the law, they believe that only by giving up the life order and turning it into an eternal stone statue can they truly integrate into the law.

When he summoned the demon projection he understood, his understanding of the law began to spread.

Anyone who approaches this stone statue will be affected by this understanding. First, their movements and language will be affected, and then the blood and organs of the body will be affected. Finally, they will become stone statues that cannot speak or move their hands.

When he summoned this demon projection, he would sacrifice all creatures in Zhou Tu, including himself.

This is a suicidal way of confrontation, and the most terrifying.

What superhumans fear most is degenerate, but the essence of this behavior is to gain an advantage in confrontation by degenerating themselves.

"Why do you want to do this, old man..."

At this moment, Captain Ouyang is not only worried, but also obviously sad: "You are not too young, and you are about to retire..."

There was no other way, he could only order his team members to evacuate this battlefield first, except for two people.

When he gave the order, Brother Piggy had already picked up the butcher's knife and rushed towards the Knight of Order of the Knowledge Demon System.

The burning hellfire on his body has spread to the book borrowed behind that person,

And I don't know how many times he was knocked down and suffered several fatal injuries, but he abruptly met the order knight of the war demon system and took his blow.

"how dare you?"

The order knight of the war demon system could hardly believe the scene in front of him. The little girl in front of this scrap iron domain, the granddaughter of the Iris Knight, can become a war sacrifice, which is enough to surprise him.

But even if it is a war sacrifice, she is still one rank away from herself. What's more, she is still seriously injured. How could she block her head-on?

"I said…"

But in the face of his disbelief, Sensen clenched the scarlet spear tightly and charged towards him with astonishing momentum: "You are the betrayer..."

One side is the back puller, the other side is the firm believer, even if it is one rank away, so what?


"None of them are obedient..."

Captain Ouyang muttered, and he could only face the front.

It's really sad, the most obedient people in my team are Wei Wei and Ye Feifei...

"Are you going?"

"Are you going?"

Facing the regular bishop who had summoned the demon projection, the shadow wriggling in the macro formation beside Captain Ouyang seemed to cry with joy: "Ouyang, are we going to be together soon?"

"This is the time to be desperate..."

Captain Ouyang's life is worse than death: "Can we not say such unlucky words?"

"But I can't wait..."

The shadow, or the totem, was about to complain: "You made me fall in love with you, but you keep avoiding me, I'm very sad..."

"Didn't you say that after I die, my soul will belong to you?"

Captain Ouyang was very dissatisfied: "I'm old, it's only been a few years, you can't wait?"

"I can't wait..."

The shadow seemed even more aggrieved: "The other totems laughed at me, saying that I was the only totem who fell in love with mortals..."

"Guan Jian is this mortal who always cheats, always flirting with others behind my back...

"I've already asked those women in the red light district to block you, but you still go to other cities to play..."


"Lying trough..."

Captain Ouyang suddenly left angrily: "I said how could those people in Scrap Iron City block me?"

"Could it be that it's your fault that I have been unlucky at the gambling table?"



The shadow seemed to be a little lacking in confidence, and murmured: "I just want you to learn more..."

"Ouyang, what kind of masculinity do you have to fight against our gods?"

The Great Knight of Order, who summoned the stone statue of law, was quickly returning to peace at this time, and all his anger and desire were disappearing from his heart at an amazing speed.

This is the price of summoning the Statue of Law.

However, among all these emotions, the last thing to disappear is the anger towards Captain Ouyang.

If it weren't for this old guy, how could such a great plan to continue secrets become what it is now?

Therefore, he poured out his last anger on Captain Ouyang, and after summoning the stone statue of law, he rolled it forward.

Just like the revolution of the earth, the landing of typhoons is generally unstoppable.

It is certain that at this moment, he is still very confident in himself.

It's like he believes that the sun will rise again, and that he can definitely defeat this sinister white ghost in front of him. Essence\/Hua\/Book\/Ge... First. Release. Update. New...

But even he didn't expect that, as he rushed forward, behind Captain Ouyang, the distorted shadow suddenly accelerated to form, and a figure that was more than ten meters tall appeared. The robes, bare feet, stargazers and rulers hanging from the waist, even the inspection holes are endlessly deep, and there seems to be a woman who can't pursue the knowledge of the eternal life, her almost illusory arm, far away. pointed forward, and the world collapsed.

All the spirits and memories instantly dissolve into scattered characters.

If the ability of the regular stone statue is to make all messy things become cold and indifferent, then as soon as she makes a move, she pushes everything to the most messy level.

"The Spirit of Stupidity?"

Seeing the scene where the image of that woman appeared, even the great knight who had summoned the stone statue of law was suddenly hit by an unprecedented emotional shock at this moment.

Just like the calmest person can't calm down.

He had long known that Ouyang Jian had his own trump card, and he had also heard rumors that his soul would be harvested by the devil himself after his death.

But no matter what, he never thought about it, Ouyang Jian's trump card is actually like this...

He actually has a totem, and it is a powerful upper totem of the knowledge demon system, as a summoning object that can respond to him at any time?

He was the most useless love demon...

"As a love demon, is it strange that I have a totem that falls in love with me?" Captain Ouyang, who has experienced another social death in front of his teammates and his first social death in front of his opponent, has revealed his bottom line anyway. , and simply shouted angrily:

"And, believe it or not, we are true love!"


No matter what the people around me think at this moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Anyway, that holy and powerful pale totem was moved to tears.

In the back, Uncle Gun, Sister Lucky, and Xiao Lin were all quickly spreading out of the battlefield, but Xiao Lin, who was clearly the weakest against himself, fell behind at this time, and watched Captain Ouyang quarrel with the shadow beside him. .

Satisfied, he sighed: "That's why I follow the captain..."

"He always makes me eat the most bizarre melons..."

"Oh, you will have new melons to eat..."


Sister Lucky next to him pulled him away from the battlefield and sneered: "The captain was not clear with her, but now he has provoked Noah..."

"You can think about the scene of two totems pinched together..."

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Chapter 229 Picked up the skin of this **** (7,700 words) Free read. https://