MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 299 elder brother...

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   "Damn it. You're an idiot, brat, what do you do if you broke my face?" Chen Xiaoming's face was ashen, with a razor in his hand, he really wanted to wipe the bastard's neck with a knife!

  I worked hard to learn some haircutting skills, and saved some money by digging and searching. I made a facade, made it fancy, and opened for business the day before yesterday.

  Damn it, I slammed the accelerator and crashed to pieces. Looking at the golf again, the windshield was fine, and my teeth were shaking with anger!

   "Scared my mother-in-law, so tell me, what should I do?" Long Gen pulled Chen Ke to take a closer look. Fortunately, the parts are still there, and no traces of others' use have been found. Only then did the hanging heart drop, and he raised his eyes to look at Chen Xiaoming, with a sneer in his heart.

The bastard's eyeballs are still staring at Chen Ke's ass, and the little girl is too tall, with typical plump **** and fat buttocks, a pretty face, and a pair of vicious eyes, which can give people the soul with a blink Hook away!

   "Stinky boy, are you looking for death?" Chen Xiaoming was so angry that the corners of his mouth twitched. Damn it, he swung the razor and stabbed him.

   "Ah!" Chen Ke screamed, her pretty face turned pale with fright, and she was at a loss as she clutched her head.

   It's too late to say, so hurry up!

  Long Gen had quick eyes and quick hands, pulled Chen Ke past him, and kicked Chen Xiaoming in the stomach.

   With a sound of "Peng", Chen Xiaoming flew upside down and hit the chair heavily, calling out for his mother in pain.

  Long Gen shook his head, he was really vulnerable, I haven't even tried hard yet, is this going to work? Too good.

   "Xiao Ke, how much does it cost to wash your hair?" Long Gen took out a thick stack of Grandpa Mao from his crotch and asked Chen Ke.

  Chen Ke pointed to the price list, "Twenty-five yuan."

"Twenty-five, I don't have any change. Hey, let me give you one hundred." Long Gen threw down a red card and said to Chen Ke seriously: "Xiao Ke, we are very reasonable as human beings. Since it is consumption Well, you can pay as much as you want, do you have to know? You can’t make people laugh.”

   "Remember, we are not short of money. Don't imitate others!"

  Chen Xiaoming just came back to his senses, and when he heard this, a mouthful of old blood spewed out.

? Damn it, don't bully people like this!

   "Oh." Chen Ke nodded obediently, standing beside Long Gen like a little wife.

  Pinched Chen Ke's pretty nose, looked down, looked at the white tenderness on the chest through the neckline, Xiao Longgen once again had the tendency to raise his head, his blood boiled, and he quickly swelled into a rolling pin, hard and fiery!

   "Xiao Ke is so good, let's go, I'll take you to have supper!" As he said, Long Gen pulled Chen Ke and turned around to leave!

  Chen Xiaoming endured the severe pain and shouted, "Stop, you bastard!"

   "Didn't you pay the money? Why, you still want to beat me?" Long Gen was a little upset.

Seeing that Chen Ke didn't suffer any harm, I didn't plan to do anything serious at first, just teach me a lesson, and it doesn't matter if you speak lightly, who made Chen Ke's hot pot famous, she is so beautiful little bit.

   But it's really boring to keep going on like this.

   "Have you paid for it? You smashed my face, what are you talking about? You beat me like this, forget it? No way! Brat, I have to wait, I have already called the police!"

  Chen Xiaoming was determined to go all out. This kid was too strong. He wanted to call some ruffians on the street to come over. To be on the safe side and to recover some losses, he called the police.

  The film policeman is quite familiar with him. After drinking twice, the charge is a bit expensive. Damn, I can’t control that much anymore. Let’s clean up this kid first!

   "Call the police? Okay, then I'll wait and see!" Long Gen sneered, "Xiao Ke, come on, come in and sit for a while, let's wait for Uncle Police."

  Chen Xiaoming sneered, and cursed secretly: "Stinky boy, pretend, you can pretend for me! See how long you can pretend!"


  For a while, the screams of a dead mother sounded, and a Jetta police car stopped outside the barber shop. Long Gen looked back, thinking that Fangzheng's **** was coming. After thinking about it, I have developed feelings for the Jetta, after all, I have been driving it for a long time.

  Liu Xuemin's face was not very good-looking when he got out of the car, should he call the traffic police if the car smashed into the facade? When did I get downgraded to that level?

  Holding the attitude of "if you come, you will be safe", Liu Xuemin led his followers into the dilapidated barber shop, with a big belly, and said loudly:

   "What's going on?"

  Chen Xiaoming was like listening to fairy music, Pidianer Pidianer ran over and scattered a piece of Yuxi, and began to pour bitter water.

"Oh, Police Officer Liu, look, look, my store has been smashed, can you tell me that it is easy for me to open a small store? I will discuss compensation with him, look," Chen Xiaoming lifted up his clothes , a big footprint on the belly, "He beat me up, Officer Liu, you have to decide for me, ouch, it hurts me to death, my barber shop is gone...."

  Liu Xuemin frowned and yelled at Long Gen.

   "You, break into a private house, pick quarrels and cause trouble, and hurt people with your hands! I want to arrest you!"

  Chen Ke was taken aback, and hurriedly explained: "No, police officer, that's not the case, it was him, he was the one who molested me, and then my brother came to rescue me and gave me money."

   "It was him, he was the one who took the knife to stab someone first, I..."

   "Shut up! Did I tell you to talk?" Liu Xuemin rolled his eyes and shouted sharply. Seeing Chen Ke's face and figure clearly, he froze on the spot.

  What a beautiful woman, with a protruding front and back, and a handsome face! Delicate and beautiful! Liu Xuemin blinked his eyes twice, because of the crotch thing, a vicious scheme flooded into his mind!

   "Boy, do you take the initiative to go with us or..." Liu Xuemin took out the handcuffs and shook them in his hands.

  Long Gen was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect a barber shop owner to be able to hook up with the police, this ability is not small! It was a bit unexpected, but Long Gen is not afraid!

   "I can go with you, but I want to make a phone call, why don't you wait for me for five minutes?" Long Gen said.

"Let me wait for you? Are you the emperor, or the county magistrate of Qingyuan County! Xiao Li, take me away!" Liu Xuemin didn't have the time to wait for others. Halfway through, I was called over.

  At this moment, I met Chen Ke who is like a fairy again. How can I have time to wait for you?

   "Three minutes? Just three minutes!" Long Gen said again.

  I'm a big critic, I don't want to come to the party school to study on the first day, and then get into the bureau, the joke will be big, and it would be a bit embarrassing to spread it!

   "There's so much nonsense, are you going or not?" Xiao Li on the side got angry, trying to show off in front of the leader and sell well.

  Liu Xuemin said: "Okay, for the sake of my little sister, I will give you three minutes. Let's see what tricks you can do?"

  Chen Keqiao's face turned pale, and her heart felt cold, as if she was being watched by a hungry wolf.

  "Fucking shit, I fell in love with Chen Ke's beauty!" Long Gen took out his phone and cursed secretly: "Hey, it's a troublesome thing to be too beautiful!"

  Called He Wenfeng, and He Wenfeng seemed a little anxious on the other end of the phone.

   "Xiaolong, are you okay? What's going on? You're running fast."

Long Gen curled his lips and said helplessly: "Uncle He, it's really troublesome. Well, my sister was bullied and moved her hands. At this moment, the police uncle is here and wants to take me away. You see... .”

   "He dares!" He Wenfeng let out a bastard, "You hand over the phone to the policeman, and I'll talk to him!"

  Liu Xuemin answered the phone suspiciously, "Hello, who are you?"

"I'm He Wenfeng, the magistrate of Qingyuan County! Shut up the team immediately, let me let that man go, I'll let you dismiss get out of class!" The future son-in-law almost got into trouble on his own territory, and He Wenfeng felt ashamed. There is no light on the surface, and the tone is naturally not much better!

  Liu Xuemin was taken aback, and cursed into the microphone:

   "I'll go to you! If you are the county magistrate, I will still be the governor! A melon!"

   "Stinky boy, dare to play with me! Take Xiao Li away!" After putting down the phone, Liu Xuemin roared.

  Long Gen was dumbfounded, this, what's the situation? This is, my father-in-law is not a fake county magistrate, is he, why can't he speak well?

  He Wenfeng on the other end of the phone seemed to have swallowed a fly, it got stuck in his throat, he couldn't get it up, he couldn't get it down, he was so sick, his old face turned the color of a pig's liver.

   "Bastard, how dare you talk to me like that!"

Quickly dialed the phone number of Chen Tao, the director of the County Public Security Bureau. As soon as the phone was connected, he yelled: "Immediately release a man named Long Gen to me. I don't want to see him wearing a police uniform again. , that's it, goodbye!"

   With a sound of "Peng", He Wenfeng slammed down the phone, and He Wenfeng felt better.

   After thinking about it, he picked up his coat and went out.


  In the West District Police Station of Qingyuan County, Long Gen was locked in the interrogation room, handcuffed and fettered, like a felon.

   "Name." Liu Xuemin said coldly.

   "Dragon root."


  Long Gen blinked and thought for a while, "I'm not very clear, I should be twenty-one years old."


  Liu Xuemin became angry, "Stinky boy, are you making fun of me?"

   "Officer, it's really not, I really don't know!" Long Gen rolled his eyes, feeling very helpless, why no one believed him when he told the truth.

   "I don't know what to say! I beat you up and you'll know right away!" Liu Xuemin stretched out his electric baton.

  Long Gen's eyelids twitched, "Don't, don't, police officer, uncle police officer, I..."

   "jingle bell, jingle bell"

  The phone on Liu Xuemin's waist rang quickly, and Liu Xuemin took it out to have a look. He was startled by the call from the director, and quickly answered it.

   "Hey, Director, hello, what's the matter?" The originally angry face was replaced with a flattering smile of Ayu, and the smile was so bright that I guess the worship is not so festive!

   "What? Long... Long Gen..." Liu Xuemin suddenly changed his face, and looked at Long Gen in horror, "Yes, yes, Director, I will release him immediately, immediately."

  Liu Xuemin wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, but a death-like voice came from the other end of the phone: "You don't have to come to work tomorrow, rest at home...."

  As soon as he left the police station, Long Gen saw He Wenfeng, the future father-in-law.

  He Wenfeng suddenly darkened his face, stared coldly at Chen Ke beside Long Gen, and said gloomily, "Who is she?"

   "She, she is my younger sister, younger sister." Long Gen hurriedly said, "We live in the same village, younger sister, younger sister...."