MTL - Control The World-Chapter 58 want you

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Ning watched the person quietly without a wind, he was right, he really didn't need Zhao Ji. Zhao Ji promised to be so straightforward, for one reason: he didn't want to cooperate with himself, just perfunctory himself. You may find yourself at any time to kill yourself.

Therefore, just after Zhao Ji was killed, Ning Wufeng had every opportunity to stop, but he did not.

"If the Spirit Temple knows that you killed Zhao Ji, it will definitely be punished heavily." Ning Wufeng said lightly.

"Did I kill Zhao Ji?" Lou Yuan shrugged, and tossed the knife still stained with blood and said, "Don't you see that?"

Ning Wufeng chuckled, and the extinguishing gun was put into the space rune.

I have to say that Lou Yuan is a man who can flex and stretch, and is very promising.

"Just why should I help you hide the facts?" Ning Wufeng laughed.

The surrounding bamboo forest screamed, and a withered bamboo leaf swayed in the air and fell on the fingertips of Ning Wufeng. The bamboo leaves were constantly spinning at the fingertips of Ning Wufeng.

"Because the son needs me." Lou Yuan said resolutely.

He looked at Ning Wufeng squarely, with the same eager expression.

"Can you help me?" Ning Wufeng asked back.

"Not now, but soon it will be." Lou Yuan said.

"It turns out that you are the same as Zhao Ji." Ning Wufeng's face moved slightly, and the World Extinction Gun did not know when it appeared in his hands, and Han Er pointed a cold light at Lou Yuan.

Lou Yuan subconsciously closed his eyes, but what surprised Ning Wufeng was that he did not step back.

"However, you are much smarter than Zhao Ji." Ning Wufeng shook his hands, and the extinguishing gun disappeared.

The clothes behind Lou Yuan were all soaked.

Obviously, he also liked the spirit array in Ning Wufeng's hand. These spirit formations can help him break through to the third-grade spirit formation master. By then, he will be able to surpass those elders in purple clothes and become the master of the spirit formation cabinet.

That is, naturally, the Spirit Temple can cut off the cooperation with the Wu family and realize the requirements of Ning Wufeng.

Compared to Zhao Ji who wanted to assassinate Ning Wufeng, he swallowed Ning Wufeng. Lou Yuan is undoubtedly a lot smarter. In other words, he has a lot of luck.

He followed Ning Wufeng all the way and also had the same thoughts as Zhao Ji. But seeing Zhao Ji's fiasco, his mind changed immediately.

Ning Wufeng is definitely not a waste of Jiangning House, and it is a dragon.

The Longyou Shoal was hit by a shrimp show, but one day, it will be able to soar across the sea, and the clouds will drive.

He slowly opened his eyes and said, "My son, what do you think?"

Lou Yuan's gesture is very respectful, and he has been serving as a servant since its appearance.

"How can I believe you?" Ning Wufeng said lightly.

Lou Yuan didn't speak, tearing a piece of cloth from his body, forcing a spurt of essence and blood. Bloodlight turned into a scarlet writing brush under his control. As his fingertips trembled, the fine blood brush quickly moved on the cloth.

Whimsical contract.

This is the biggest contract between monks. The blood and blood contract has a mysterious power, but anyone who does not abide by the blood and blood contract has died without exception.

Therefore, no monk dares to joke about a hard-working contract.

Ning Wufeng showed a somewhat surprised look, looking at Lou Yuan and handing over his contract of hard work, but he did not expect this person to have such courage, but turned his fate into his own hands.

He took the painstaking contract and nodded gently.

"Thank you son," Lou Yuan said with excitement on his pale face.

His biggest wish before was to become an elder in purple, but after meeting Ning Wufeng again, he suddenly found that he still had a long way to go.

"Master, the spirit temple and the Wu family have a long history of cooperation. Many people in the Wu family have also entered the spiritual temple to practice. And many elders in the spirit temple receive many benefits from the Wu family every year." Lou Yuan said.

"So, it is not so simple to cut off the connection between the Spirit Temple and the Wu family."

Ning Wufeng raised a brow, he also considered this before. After all, the relationship between the Spirit Temple and the Wu family was intricate, so Zhao Ji had promised to be so simple, he didn't believe it at all.

"What if I have to let the spirit temple cut off the cooperation with the Wu family?" Ning Wufeng said lightly.

"I can help you become the master of Sanpin Lingzhen, and even help you become the master of the Lingzhen Pavilion. If you can't even do this, we may not need to cooperate."

Lou Yuan had long thought about this problem and said, "There must be a way. The Spirit Temple has three pavilions. This kind of thing requires the consent of the two patrons in the three pavilions to realize the son's requirements."

"If there is a way to make the owner of one of the other two cabinets surrender to the son, then the son can not only get rid of the Wu family without saying, but also hold the Spirit Temple in his hands," he said resolutely.

The spirit temple has three legs. Before the Ling Zhen Pavilion had no cabinet master, the other two cabinet masters decided the major events.

And the owner of the Spirit Temple does not say at least the strength in the middle of Tongqiao Realm, or even stronger, and is proficient in a unique skill. For example, the master of the Lingdan Pavilion is proficient in alchemy, and the master of the Lingbing Pavilion is good at weapon training.

Neither of them is easy to deal with.

Ning Wufeng's brows were lowered, and there was a huge behemoth behind the spirit temple. If their interests were touched, things would not be so simple.

"My son is worried about the strength behind the Spirit Temple?" Lou Yuan was very proficient. Since he decided to follow Ning Wufeng, he told Ning Wufeng everything he knew.

"Actually, the power behind Jiangning House is controlled by the four families of Zhao Guo." He said in a deep voice.

"Four Zhao nations?" Ning Wufeng asked softly.

"Zhao has four powers, and their power is so powerful. The four powers joined forces, and even the royal family has to make concessions by three points." Lou Yuan said in a deep voice. "Behind the Spirit Temple is the Ye family of the four great families. "

"Yao Zhidao?" Ning Wufeng frowned. No wonder Ye Zhidao had such a transcendent status in Jiangning Mansion, and could become a master of Sanpin Spirit Formation. There was a Ye family behind it.

"The second one is the Xiao family, presumably the son-in-law should be very familiar." Lou Yuan's eyes were ambiguous, and he looked at Ning Wufeng.

"Familiar?" Ning Wufeng was confused, but looking at Lou Yuan's ambiguous look, he couldn't help but kick him, and Lou Yuan gave a humming sound and fell to the ground. And Ning Wufeng also happened to think of someone.

Xiao Ziyi.

"Is there Xiao family behind Linjiang Pavilion?" Ning Wufeng muttered.

"Yes." Lou Yuan patted his buttocks, stood up from the ground, and smiled flatteringly, "It is the family behind Xiao Ziyi."

"It's just that the people of the Xiao family are very good at doing business, but the most powerful clan on the ground of the Xiao family and the Stuart family is the old enemy. Situ's sphere of influence extends to more than half of South Vietnam, and it is undoubtedly the existence of the Tu emperor.

"So every time Linjiang Pavilion wanted to grow, it was uprooted by the Situ family."

It turned out that the Linjiang Pavilion of Jiangning House has gone through several ups and downs, and its name has been changed countless times, but now it should be supported by the Xiao family.

Hatred is one aspect, but making money is another.

"So it is," Ning Wufeng nodded gently, and between the words, the bamboo leaf in his hand suddenly popped out, turning into a blue sharp arrow and piercing countless bamboos.

"Hee hee. Brother Ning is a good tool." A beautiful voice came from the lush bamboo forest.

Xiao Ziyi's charming figure appeared in front of the two with a wave. She struck a purple cheongsam with a bumpy figure. Between walking, the full **** trembled gently.

Lou Yuan took a deep breath and immediately lowered his head, afraid to look any further.

Ning Wufeng frowned, knowing that the Yuan Shen in the sea was shining, and after knowing that Xiao Ziyi was behind the Ye family, one of the four great families, he felt that this woman was not easy.

"Fold up your charm." Ning Wufeng said lightly.

"Yo." Xiao Ziyi chuckled softly, and had come to Ning Wufeng before speaking, exhaling as blue as skin, as if his skin was curdling, an intoxicating scent came.

She was almost affixed to Ning Wufeng's body, and Hao wrist's arm was ringed with Ning Wufeng's arm, and the plump **** would bump into Ning Wufeng's arm from time to time.

From time to time, softness came, letting Ning Wufeng feel in his heart. He immediately put away the thoughts in his heart.

"Why, the girl in purple has been listening for so long, I don't know what thoughts?" Ning Wufeng said lightly.

Jiu Zhuan Ming Wang Jue's sake made him quickly wake up from Xiao Ziyi's charm.

"Huh, it's boring." Xiao Ziyi pursed her mouth, and flung Ning Wufeng's arm away, saying, "Why are you like an old monk, don't I look good?"

She looked at Ning Wufeng with an expression of hope. But Ning Wufeng could not see any expression fluctuations on his face, waiting for her answer.

"Huh, it's boring." Xiao Ziyi said grimly.

"Do you have an idea? Not without." Xiao Ziyi chuckled, as if people saw the scene of flowers blooming in the spring breeze.

"It's just that I have my own thoughts." Her green jade fingers poked at each other, and looked at Ning Wufeng pitifully, saying: "It is very simple to deal with the Wu family, as long as the spirit temple is willing to cut off the contact with the Wu family, we Linjiang Pavilion can supply them with materials. "

"Also, even if you control the spiritual temple of Jiangning House, the Ye family will open one eye and close one eye." Xiao Ziyi grinned.

"Open one eye and close one eye?" Ning looked at Xiao Ziyi in doubt. To put it plainly, the views of this big family clan are extremely serious. How can the Ye family's things tolerate others' involvement?

"Because you're Ning Wufeng." Xiao Ziyi grinned and stared at Ning Wufeng, seeing him still a puzzled look, immediately poked with a verdant jade finger on his head, cursed with a smile: " Stupid, did you forget what he said just now? "

"Ye Zhidao is a member of the Ye family, and the main thing behind the Jiangning Fu Ling Temple is Ye Zhidao."

Ning Wufeng suddenly felt suddenly, as it turned out.

"What about your request?" He said, looking at the charming Xiao Ziyi.

Xiao Ziyi's lush jade fingers circled his chest, and said charmingly: "People, it's you."