MTL - Congratulations on Your Arrest-Chapter 388 The real rules X time floating! (5K large

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  Chapter 388 True Rules X Time Floating! (5K large chapter)

  Dorothy Alita let Higashinohara leave for no reason.

  If the ninth-level is a god-level powerhouse, then entering the ninth-five state is a "true **** in the world".

  For such a strong person, [Order] is no longer the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water.

   Instead, they are really integrated into one body, and both words and deeds are the power of order.

  If you can go further, then you may be able to spy on the rumored unknown realm above the ninth **** level.

  —That realm is said to no longer require the use of any spells and sword shapes as a carrier, and directly use the most original power of innate ability to control the universal law of the world.

   Even create a 'small world' around his body that is independent of this world, all laws and laws are endowed with their own innate abilities.

  Exercise strength

   It can be said to be a terrifying geometric multiplier!

  Is there anyone in this world in that realm?

  Empress Dorothy Alita, who was born in the Nine Great Families of Heaven and Man, naturally knows this secret.

   Of course she knew there was,

   It's just that it's not clear who is in that realm.

  But there is no doubt that today, the figure she was trying to chase after has already stood in front of the gate of that realm, looking back at her with a playful face.

   Among the twelve rulings of the Judgment Division,

  Everyone knows that if one day the authority of the Judgment Division is handed over, whoever will take over the Judgment Division will be she or the second arbitrator, Puso Wiseman.

   It depends on who reaches the Ninth Five-Year Realm first.

   It’s not that one can control an adjudicator by entering the Ninth Five-Year Realm, but that all battles between two SSS-level adjudicators can be ended by entering the Ninth Five-Year Realm.

   This shows the horror of the Ninth Five-Year Realm.

  Empress Dorothy Alita once wanted to change the Judgment Department, and change the eerie status quo of the Judgment Department, so it is bound to compete for such power.

  So even if she entered the sequence of a ninth-level god-level ability user in her early years, she never slacked in her heart, and as always, she worked hard to improve her ability day after day.

   But look at it now.

  Everything is so pale and ridiculous.

  At this very moment,

   Higashinohara, who was sitting down in the rain, heard Empress Dorothy Alita whispering,

  From the trembling tone of the other party, he heard a kind of cold pessimism and despair.

  I still remember the first time the two met at the ball. The first impression of the woman in front of me was as graceful and graceful as a late lotus in the night wind, but she was full of the aura of an empress who ruled the world.

  Even if it was that night in the forest, the woman in front of her never bowed her head.

  However, at this moment,

  She let herself go.

   And let yourself not die,


  In the bitter wind and rain,

   Higashinohara couldn't help but fell into silence for a while.

  At this time, the second judge's voice full of jokes suddenly came from behind the two of them.

   "It's really a bitter parting of life and death."

  Higashi Nohara didn't listen to Dorothy Alita's words, turned his head slightly and looked around her to look at the man behind him with madness and murderous intent hanging from the corner of his mouth, and the eyes under the mask could not help but narrow slightly.

The second adjudicator, Puso Wiseman, said to the back of the empress Dorothy Alita in a mocking tone, "Don't be surprised, in fact, from the first day you entered the adjudication department, I started from your Those deep blue eyes see a naivete of 'the world shouldn't be this way' that I loathe."

  When he was talking, the demon sword Muramaru in his hand patted the outside of his thigh lightly, lowered his eyelids slightly and said:

   "What the world is like is not up to you to decide. The real strong will only emphasize how the world should exist."

   Speaking of which, the second ruling made Puso Wiseman raise his head slightly, staring at the black veil stained with rain on the face of Empress Dorothy Alita,

  Suddenly, he said with a half-smile,

   "But fortunately, you have a bit of 'self-knowledge', covering those disgusting eyes."

   "So as a thank you, this time I will 'take off' your eyes as my 'collection',

   Makes sense, doesn't it? "

  Behind Empress Dorothy Alita, Higashinohara couldn't help squinting even more when he heard the words.

   Obviously through the clown mask on the face,

  But the second ruling made Puso Wiseman seem to have noticed Higashinohara's sight, and his sight also looked at Higashinohara through layers of rain.

  He looked Higashinohara up and down a few times, and suddenly said with a smile that was not a smile, "As for you, don't worry, I will definitely choose carefully and keep the most precious part of you as my 'collection'."

Before the words fell, the empress Dorothy Alita, who had been severely injured just now, was slightly shocked, and suddenly regained that fierce empress aura, and took a step in front of Higashinohara to block him Sight.

  —The meaning of this move is very obvious, it is to let Higashinohara stop watching.

   They don't have any chance to win against this man who has entered the Ninth Five-Year Realm. Listen to her and leave now.

at the same time,

  Empress Dorothy Alita stared at the second adjudicator, Puso Wiseman, and said in a somewhat dignified tone, "As I said, this is our struggle in the final analysis and has nothing to do with him."

  Hearing the words of Empress Dorothy Alita, the second ruling caused Puso Wiseman to pause slightly in the slapping motion of his hand, and suddenly shook his head with a smile.

   "I don't remember,

  Are you qualified to negotiate with me? "

   Speaking of this, he suddenly said with a half-smile, "Speaking of which, today I am here for the man behind you, please don't doubt my orientation, I still like beautiful and lovely women, but..."

   He paused,

  There was anticipation and excitement on his face, "Don't have any doubts, after harvesting my 'this fruit', he must have more unexpected surprises than you."

   Higashinohara heard the words and lowered his eyelids slightly.

   At this time, the voice of Puso Wiseman has not yet fallen in the second ruling.

  Suddenly, the rain around Empress Dorothy Alita's body and even above her head suddenly turned into elongated silver ice threads, and an incomparably terrifying frozen order spread around her.

  The next brake,

  I saw her index finger and stop close together.

  As if she was a real empress with thousands of horses and horses, she raised her hand and pointed in the direction of the second adjudicator, Puso Wiseman.

  Order. River of Lamentation!

  Baixia Wanshe!

  In an instant, the condensed silver threads all over the sky suddenly looked like tens of thousands of archers gathered in front of the two armies.

  Countless silver "arrows" densely packed towards the top of the head of the second verdict, Puso Wiseman.

  Anyone who sees this scene will probably have a feeling of full scalp.

However, when Puso Wiseman saw the second ruling, the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually disappeared, but a trace of violence appeared on his delicate brows, and he said impatiently, "I said it before. Is it useless?"

  After fully revealing his level of ability, the second ruling of entering the Ninth Five-Year Realm made Puso Wiseman unreserved at this moment.

  He who controls the purple epic talent [Boundless Phases] didn't even use the power of the so-called order [Boundless Space].

  He just stood there quietly,

  Because he is order.

  In an instant,

  It seems that the scene is reappearing.

  The second ruling made the rainwater above Pousso Wiseman's head turn into cold silver threads, and immediately shot out towards Empress Dorothy Alita's rainstorm like pear blossoms almost facing each other.

  The next moment, in the astonishment of countless gazes in the surrounding warehouses, I saw that these two overwhelming waves of silver wires unexpectedly erupted at the moment of collision with an unprecedented crisp and piercing collision sound.

   It was as if countless ice strands snapped in unison, giving people a biting chill like scalp numbness.

   Countless phases.

  In the face of absolute ability crushing, all aspects of spells are nothing but floating clouds.

  The second ruling made it seem like Pouso Wiseman was about to say something.

  However, at this moment,

  His eyes were in a trance for a while,

  The picture in front of me flickered for a while, and some long-forgotten pictures seemed to emerge.

   Luxurious residences,

   a distinguished family,

  Family with four generations under one roof.

  The father who has a weak personality but treats him very well, the mother who dislikes and hates him as a burden, and the relatives who secretly treat him coldly.

  A certain day in memory,

   When he was young, he made an appointment with his father to play a game of catching ghosts, and he hid obediently in the closet of his parents' bedroom full of expectations.

   Wait, wait, wait

   I waited for a long time but didn’t get my father,

   Only waited for the mother who had an affair with other family members.

  Finally, the father finally found the bedroom from the garden outside, broke through the mother and had an affair.

at the same time,

  He also smashed through the gap in the closet the picture of the angry mother and the ability user of the big family brutally killing his father together.

  What kind of feeling is that?

   Oh, I remembered.

  At that time, he was sitting in the closet,

  Looking at the scene quietly through the gap,

  Seeing the father who loved him the most on weekdays being tortured to death by that capable person, it was rare for the young him to have any waves in his heart.

  Deep in his heart, he understood a truth.


   will be killed.

   Then another year passed.

  When he was nine years old, he awakened his own natural ability.


  No one in the family knew about it.

   It happened to be that year that the family's smuggling business with the local revolutionary army was exposed.

  On that day, the entire city was silent in that small, inconspicuous country city in the west of the Cross Continent, and a team of adjudicators in black robes came to that city.

  But when the previous second ruling envoy brought people to the gate of a certain mansion,

  But found that the gate of the mansion was closed tightly, and there were bursts of dizzy and **** smell coming from the door, as if there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood shut inside.

  The first reaction of the second adjudicator who took office was that the remnants of the local revolutionary army did not want to be caught by them, and they would kill them one step faster than them.

  But the moment the door was pushed open, everyone in the whole team of black robes was stunned.

  Blood is flowing in the courtyard of the huge mansion,

  Countless corpses fell sideways or lying on the ground in a pool of stinky blood, and the dilated pupils before death were full of unbelievable horror.

   field of view lens,

   is a small pond stained red with blood.

  The waves of the water are slowly coming, and the sky is shining brightly.

  An eight or nine-year-old child was holding a hatchet in his hand, and was squatting by the pool, carefully cleaning the blood on the knife. When he noticed the movement, he turned his head and looked at the Judge.

   What kind of eyes are those?

   cold, indifferent, emotionless

   It's just a look at each other,

  The previous adjudicator in charge of this mission moved his mind slightly, and with a little thought, accepted this obviously very abnormal human child.

   And the statistics reported by his subordinates afterwards also proved that his vision was correct.

  There are four generations living together in a mansion in this place, with more than thirty relatives, large and small,

   were all beheaded by this child alone,

  Even his biological mother is on the death list

  In the bitter wind and rain of White Swan Harbor,

  The second ruling made Puso Wiseman stand there in a daze, his opened eyes were empty, leaving only a strange white of the eyes.

  However, after a short period of loss of consciousness, he suddenly opened his mouth inexplicably, and immediately the corner of his mouth raised an evil and awe-inspiring arc.

   "I didn't want to kill her."

   "But watching her cry and beg for mercy under my knife, the feeling is really fascinating,

  For a moment, I suddenly understood why she killed my father in the first place. "

   "This is how the world is ruled by the strong, isn't it?"

  The voice fell, under the eyes of countless people holding their breath and widening their eyes.

  A huge sky-slashing ice sword condensed in the icy rain all over the sky, and slammed down silently over the head of the second adjudicator, Puso Wiseman.

  Order. River of Lamentation!

  Bai Xia condenses the sword!

  At this critical moment,

  The latter seemed to have lost his soul, and was actually frozen in place in a daze, not understanding a move.

  Finally, at the moment when the huge ice sword was almost close to the eyebrows of the second adjudicator, Puso Wiseman.

  The second ruling made Pouso Wiseman's empty eyes suddenly regain some spirit.

  However, at this moment of life and death,

  Pouso Wiseman didn't show any panic on his face, and he wasn't even in a hurry to avoid it.

  He just stared at Dorothy Alita with the corners of his lips slightly raised and said, "Interesting, is the Tianhu tribe's racial talent [Dream Tracing]? Thank you for taking me to review this unpleasant story together."

  The man's voice fluttered in the wind.

  Because the huge ice sword has been cut down.


  The ground in front of the warehouse at the White Swan Port Wharf suddenly sank with a huge crack more than ten meters long.

  The stagnant water suddenly condensed into ice cones frozen in mid-air at the moment it was stirred up, and a piercing chill suddenly swept across the cracks in all directions.

   This mighty scene shocked everyone in an instant, and the helicopter hovering above the head of the Beijing Broadcasting Corporation TV station had already flew far away and dared not approach.

  However, Empress Dorothy Alita's complexion under the black veil changed slightly.

  Even though she hadn't touched the Sky-Slashing Ice Sword just now, the feeling of nothingness under the cold ice blade was transmitted back to her mind immediately.

This is impossible

   "Thanks to your 'little boyfriend'."

  Suddenly, a joking voice came from behind Empress Dorothy Alita.

  The second ruling made Puso Wiseman say with some emotion:

   "Is the ability of Shadow Instant and Time Reversal compounded? It's a genius-like perfect reorganization. It's just a bit of a waste in his hands. This ability is not used like that."

   "Stop trying to lead me into a dream in vain. How can you confirm that the person you are using your ability to is the real me?"

  The voice fell,

  Pouso Wiseman's figure is like a distorted image on a TV with a bad signal,

   Gradually messed up and then disappeared.

  The next brake,

  When he appeared again,

  But she was already in front of Chi Chi with Empress Dorothy Alita, and the demon sword Muramaru in her hand was gently pressed against her neck.

  Empress Dorothy Alita's figure suddenly froze.

  At this moment, Higashinohara, who was sitting in the rain, couldn't help but condense slightly, and the impact like Hong Zhong Dalu sounded in his mind!

  He felt that the other party had reproduced the [Scale of Quicksand] on the outer skin of his [Dragon of the Candle Day]. Although it was on the first layer, every time he urged the ability was full of a strange feeling.

   at this moment

  He finally understood where this strange feeling came from.

  For a moment, I saw Higashinohara's eyes revealing a look that was like enlightenment.

Some time ago, I spent all day reading "Introduction to Speed" and "A Brief History of Time" at the Stafford Private Great Sword Academy. Higashinohara, who absorbed all kinds of theoretical knowledge like a sponge and simulated the rules in his mind, seemed to suddenly push aside. The clouds and mist see the moon.

You know, not everyone has this kind of "luck". Let Wei Wei, a god-level powerhouse in the Ninth Five-Year Realm, personally "demonstrate" for him some neglected details and fallacies in his compound speed ability. of.

  In the rain,

   Higashinohara quietly stood up.

  The speed field in his mind [Phantom Cherry Killing Dazzling] was quickly broken up, and slowly circulated in his mind according to some mysterious rules like the movement of celestial bodies in a galaxy.

   At the same time, after his attribute points broke through 70 in the previous comprehension field, he dropped to the shackles of every 10 points converted corresponding to a stage above the seventh level

   It seems that there is some kind of looseness at this moment,

   This also means that,

  The efficiency of converting his attributes into ability ranks has once again been improved to some extent.

  The next brake,

Higashinohara only heard the second adjudicator Puso Wiseman press the demon sword Muramamaru against the neck of the empress Dorothy Alita, and said softly, "Shh, don't move around. I will gently pick it off." Next, keep your eyes well."

  Clinker As soon as his voice fell,

  I only heard a deep voice full of solid murderous intent coming from behind the empress Dorothy Alita.

   "I advise you,

   Better leave her,

   Farther away. "

   A short sentence,

  The first three words still came from behind the empress Dorothy Alita along the sea wind,

  The next second suddenly sounded like a whisper behind the ears of the second adjudicator, Puso Wiseman.

   When the last three words came to his ears, Puso Wiseman found that the powerful six-sense hearing he was once proud of was completely unable to determine the location of the other party.

  He couldn't help but slowly raised his dark eyes.

   Almost at this moment,

   A series of fleeting images instantly filled his field of vision, each one seemed to be an incomparably real existence.

   Want to gather far away but never stop,

  Talk about floating to enjoy yourself.

  The rules unfold!

   Countercurrent. Getaway!

   Ask for a monthly pass for 5K~



  (end of this chapter)