MTL - Congratulations, Empress-~ 267 winds up the clouds, the first stop of the 一坤

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"The four women of Penglaimen, Xi Yan, Yu Jiang, Shan Yu, and Fu Zhao are also scattered. After the incident of sang, Xi Yan will create a mother-in-law."

"Sixteen years ago, my mother left Penglai Island under the pretext of retreat. Xiuyan was one of the four emissaries. Why did she immediately establish the Poman Gate after leaving Penglai Island?" The flowers were shocked and puzzled. "This attack on Jiuyi Mountain Villa The person on the surface seems to be led by the moon silver hook, but in fact it may be that Xiuyan is doing the opposite and wants to get another piece of jade."

It’s not a long time for Mrs.

If Xiuyan knew the idea of ​​Ye Meishuang early, I could take Qiankun Yu as my own 16 years ago. I don’t have to wait until now, Xiuyan founded the Poman Gate, but did not accommodate many Penglaimen, which shows that she does not think The truth about the retreat of the eyebrow cream, the attack on the Jiuyi Mountain Villa should not be done by her...

"The other three of the four ambassadors?" asked the stunned resent.

Mrs. Yu Chi’s wife shook her head. “Four martial arts are in Brahma. If they want to hide, no one can find it. Xi Yan just revealed some news to me when he first left. There was no news for more than a decade.”

Are all Brahma? The flowers were shocked and shocked. The four martial arts were in Brahma. The martial arts of the eyebrow cream should not be low. Why did it die in the flower house?

"How is my mother's martial arts?"

"Nature is also in Brahma."

This may be a lot of unknown reasons. I was calm and calm, and said: "Isn't the export yet? After you have placed you and your nephew, I will go to Yuchao to discuss the medicine."

"There are two people here, one person is in Brahma, one person is very strange, you may not be able to cope with it." Mrs. Yu said that she stopped her footsteps, unscrewed the candlelight on the wall, opened the stone door, and had a cool heart. The night wind was poured in, and the candlelight in the secret passage was blown out.

Looking at the outside with amazement, he opened his eyes in shock: the back of Jiuyi Mountain turned out to be like this!

Mrs. Yu Chi’s wife signaled her to walk out of the secret passage, turned and closed the stone door, and looked at the huge recess in front of her eyes. “This mountain is strange.”

More than a weird! The whole Jiuyi Mountain is like a circular thing hollowed out. The huge cave is really one-third of the mountain. The stone surface is rough and the top of the mountain is not falling. When they go out, they are standing directly. The center of the mountain!

The more you look at the horror, the more you feel scared, not the meteorite falling, what can destroy a mountain like this? !

Mrs. Yan Chi’s wife looked at her with regret and shook her head regretfully. “I don’t know the source of this mountain. I got it when I married Jiuyi Mountain Villa. It seems to be a matter of many generations. There is no record in the villa. ”

I was looked at with horror. The three sides are all high mountains. The bottom is a deep cliff. I am afraid that the average person can't find it. So she said: "The old lady and Yu Chih-yu stay here, I go out to get the antidote."

Mrs. Yu Chi’s wife, who was holding up her lateness, sat down and looked at her eagerly. “Be careful.”

The flowers stunned and licked the late hair, and turned and swept away.

At this time, Jiuyi Mountain Villa is already high in the night, and the fire is bright. Visually, it is the place where the front yard is the main hall. Although I don’t know what happened, I was shocked and unscrupulous at this time. Then I flew to the main courtyard.

When the toe just fell on the beam of the house, I felt that there was a palm wind on the back side. She jumped and jumped back, and turned back, and the other's facial features were not clear in the dark.

The martial arts is very high, and the horror and intuition judges that the old lady said that there are two people who attacked Jiuyi Mountain Villa. One Brahma, one is strange, this person is Brahma!

The arrogant sword is not there, Brahma has no chance of winning against Brahma, she is not interested in tug-of-war. After the five strokes, the horror took the opportunity to break into the door. After quickly coming to the screen, I saw that Qiuqiu and Shangguanqing both sat on the edge of the bed and seemed to be unable to move.

They solved the acupuncture points of the two people in the air, and took the man who was chased after the upper body and took him out.

Yan Chih-hung came out with Shangguan Qing and asked aloud: "Stunning, can you see my grandmother and my nephew?"

"They're fine," said the stunned side and the other side. "Go and find Yan Yan!"

He was not hesitant to squat, and Shang Shangqing went out of the yard.

The man pulled out and wanted to chase, and he sneered with a sneer, stepped and turned, and the cold blade in his hand was cold and smashed, and it was convenient to smear his neck before he cut it!

The other side looked up and moved back. I was shocked to see that my neck was broken and I flew a few feet to fly on the roof. After I set it, I wiped the blood beads from my neck. I asked, "Who are you?"

The voice is very young and the age is about twenty years old.

"Take out the antidote!" The flowers were shocked and the arms were on display, and the plane flew across from him.

"It turned out to be a person from Jiuyi Mountain Villa," the man chuckled. "The poisoning of the late Qing dynasty is deep, but tonight, your martial arts are not weak, why bother to smash the future of this water?"

A mad tone!

The breath is full, and the sound of the horror sinks down. "If you don't hand over the antidote, I promise you to be buried with him!"

"Haha!" The other party laughed and faced her flying and retired, not putting her in her eyes.

When he was horrified, he followed it, but when he saw the sudden appearance of Yan Yan, he was happy, and his movements were calm.

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This horror is using a very strong force, the black man will fall down with a pain!

Yan Yuyan and the flower horror exchanged a look, and left and right to intercept, when the attack was to be attacked, another black man appeared, and one hand grabbed the throat of Mrs. Qiu’s wife and pushed her in, shouting loudly: I will kill her again!"

"Grandma!" The later 尉 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏 珏