MTL - Commander in Chief’s Flash Marriage-Chapter 40 : Attacked

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An Qi was a little timid and didn't dare to ask Guan Lingchao what he meant by saying this. Guan Lingchao spoke more than once. She was just an ostrich. She believed that Guan Lingchao was just a guess. He had no evidence.

The mentality she now holds is to take a step at a time.

When the two came out of the hospital, it was already at night. The outside of the hospital was very quiet. There were no buses or taxis. It seemed that the two had to walk back.

"The moonlight is good, let's take a walk." Guan Lingchao held An Qi's hand and smiled. "For pregnant women, it is good to take more walks."

An Qi helped Guan Lingchao to walk. There were only two people in the moonlight, but An Qi was an agent. She always felt that the surroundings were a bit scary. She opened her ears and listened carefully, but suddenly heard a while A rush of footsteps struck them.

Footsteps? An Qi suddenly felt a little uneasy, and felt a weird feeling in her heart.

"Be careful." When An Qi was in a daze, Guan Ling pushed An Qi away at once, and a machete cut from the two. Fortunately, both of them escaped. An Qi was a bit stupid, but it was inconvenient for him to stick. Standing on the side of the wall.

More people came from behind, all in night clothes, masks, and bright machetes in their hands, which looked gloomy under the light of the moonlight.

The goal of those people seemed to be Guan Lingchao. There were more than a dozen people around Guan Lingchao. Guan Lingchao immediately made a fight. He was not a vegetarian in the army for so many years. These people also wanted to chop him. It was too lawless. Guan Lingchao sneered.

Those people looked at Guan Lingchao with jealous glances, a dozen people looked at each other, nodded, and couldn't help but embrace each other. Guan Lingchao swept away, and did not dare to slack off. A dozen people beat him up by himself. Considered.

"Be careful." My heart was mentioned to my throat. An Qi saw Guan Lingchao coming and shouted. She secretly called the police and hid in the corner. She wanted to go and help Guan Lingchao.

Guan Ling turned over a backflip, kicked the person behind him with his legs kicked, clamped one's neck with one hand, and slammed hard, only to hear a click, the person fell silently to the ground.

An Qi applauded secretly, but did not expect Guan Lingchao's martial arts to be so powerful.

But it was very strange. A group of people had been fighting for a while. No one had passed on the road. It was incredible. An Qi was worried that Guan Ling was not outnumbered. He secretly used the pebble on the roadside to help plan those people, the group of people. One after another felt that the body was hit by something, inexplicable pain.

"It's that woman." Someone found An Qi hiding in the corner and sang. Everyone came to An Qi very unanimously. An Qi was frightened. She seemed to want to run off her legs. , I heard a bang, and my footsteps were hit by a bullet.

She was dumbfounded that these people actually had pistols?

The state clearly stipulates that private persons are not allowed to hold firearms. These people have guns, either underworld or allowed by the authorities. An Qi looks coldly around him, and his eyes fall on Guan Lingchao. He is nervous and looks to her Come here.

"Don't move." A tall, black-faced man suddenly appeared in the dark. A low-pitched voice came from his ear. An Qi felt that there was something cold in the temple seat. She looked carefully and saw a The gun reached her head, a miniature pistol.

In the action group for so many years, An Qi knew very well about firearms. She knew that these people were not underworld people. This miniature pistol is probably the official thing.

She also understood that Guan Lingchao was afraid to escape tonight.

Guan Anchao, who was originally An Qi, suddenly stopped.

"Let her go." Her voice was cold and cold, her eyes staring at the man like a ferocious wolf.

The coldness in her eyes surprised An Qi, and she was also worried. Guan Lingchao encountered this incident just after he recovered. He was afraid that he had planned to arrange it and wanted Guan Lingchao to die.

"Let me let her go and kneel down." The man said coldly.

An Qi obviously saw that Guan Lingchao's eyes were full of anger. The man had gold under his knees, and Guan Ling Chaotian's proud son. How can today's crown prince and future chief executive kneel this unknown person?

Seeing that Guan Ling didn't move, the man suddenly had a Swiss army knife in his hand. The sharp blade reached An Qi's neck. With a little force, An Qi felt a little pain and blood flowed out.

Guan Ling looked dark, without any hesitation, and knelt down.

Suddenly, An Qi felt that the pain in her heart was extremely painful. The pain in her neck was far less than the pain in her chest. Suddenly her heart was sour, her eyes were sour, and tears came out unconsciously. Is it a fool? It's not worth it, it's not worth it. "

She was here to kill him, how could he still kneel for her?

"For me, you are the most important." Guan Lingchao smiled slightly, giving An Qi a soothing look and reassuring her. An Qi can't rest assured, her heart is upset, countless pictures flashed in her mind, there were pictures of her mission in the action group, pictures of killings, pictures of dealing with other men, and pictures of acquaintances with Guan Lingchao. The pictures of his proposal of marriage were shown in her mind one by one.

An Qi knew that if she did it now, it would be necessary to expose her identity, but she didn't worry about it at all, she only worried about the current Guan Lingchao.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the Prince Edward would kneel for a woman today, which surprised me so much. Well, it seems that this woman is very important to you. Now, pierce your thigh with a knife and hurry up." The man put The machete that fell to the ground kicked at Guan Lingchao, his eyes staring at Guan Lingchao.

Guan Lingchao did not resist at all, picked up the machete and slashed to his leg.

"Don't ..." Angie panicked and shouted, "Are you a fool? I'm not worth it for you at all, why are you doing this."

An Qi's emotions were a little excited, and she seemed to want to pounce on Guan Lingchao. The person grabbed An Qi's arm, An Qi smiled coldly, her eyes were fierce, her wrists were forced, and between the sparks of calcium carbide, An Qi suddenly The man fell down and instantly took the miniature pistol in his hand, and the two of them instantly changed places.

The man was stepped on by An Qi, his hands were pinched by An Qi, An Qi wearing high heels stepped on the man's face, and his temple came out against the miniature pistol.

Suddenly everyone was dumbfounded, including Guan Lingchao.

He didn't even come to see what was going on. An Qi actually knocked this person down. It was so incredible. His daughter-in-law seemed to have some skills, I'm afraid he would re-evaluate him.

No longer hesitating, Guan Lingchao immediately got up and waved the machete in his hand: "Drop the weapon and surrender immediately."

The whistle of a police car was heard not far away.

Seeing the hopeless escape, the group threw down their machete and knelt down.

An Qi was so proud, pulling up the man, who knew that the person's eyes rolled, blood ran out of his mouth, and he was startled. An Qi quickly took off his mask. It was an extremely strange face. He tried his nose, but it was gone. Breathe.

Guan Lingchao shook his head helplessly, and it appeared that the man had signed a life and death sign.

Guan Lingchao felt inconceivable, and immediately went to check those people who had just kneeled. Everyone was the same as the one who was headed. All of them died of blood.

"It's not that simple." An Qi said lightly.

It seemed that the conspiracy and danger were coming towards them in a bright light.