MTL - Code Farmer Comprehension-Chapter 852 next generation

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  Chapter 852 Next Generation

  For Shen Lingjun, this is not necessary, but he felt Zhang Deming's defense against him, obviously because the other party didn't want him to know too many secrets.

   After all these many months, the other party used his skin to hang out in the Zhang family, which can show a lot of things.

   And Zhang Deming also breathed a sigh of relief after Shen Lingjun took the initiative to fall asleep. He also took the initiative to add a layer of seal around the periphery, isolating the possibility of the other party receiving information passively.

   After finishing these, Zhang Deming announced the retreat of Shen Lingjun. Immediately, he changed back to Zhang Sermon's figure, and chose to exit.


  As soon as Zhang Zeli learned that he had left the customs, Zhang Zeli hurried over. Zhang Bodao was waiting for him in the pavilion in the courtyard, in the tea room as usual.

   "Meet my uncle!"

   "The grandson has seen the ancestor!"

  This time Zhang Zeli did not come alone, he also brought a seven or eight-year-old child with him. Zhang Deming looked at the baby in surprise, and the baby was obviously very nervous, looking a little cramped and apprehensive.

   What surprised Zhang Deming was that he always felt that this baby looked a little strange, but he didn't find out what was wrong for a while.

   "What's wrong, so many years have passed, and you want to start stuffing people in front of me again? The two kids at the door are planning to arrange it in the clan, and plugging people to occupy the pit in advance?"

   Zhang Deming looked at the little baby brought by Zhang Zeli, and did not immediately ask other business matters, but spoke first.

  Zhang Zeli immediately replied: "How dare Zeli have such guts, this kid is not from our lineage, not even a direct descendant. But I really want you to have a look at him by bringing him here today."

   "Not from your line? Let me see?" Zhang Deming was surprised, his eyes flashed, and then he seemed to think of something, and said: "Is this baby a fairy root?"

  Zhang Zeli nodded, and said: "You can't hide anything from your uncle, you old man, not only the fairy root, but also the one-hundred-point full spirit root.

   is the only one full of spiritual roots among the more than one billion newborn clan members of our Zhang family in the past few decades. "

   Zhang Deming was really surprised now, the fairy root is rare, and the full spirit root is really at the level of a peerless monster.

   No wonder it looks a bit strange, but I finally figured out where the strange thing is. This baby obviously hasn't stepped into cultivation yet, but Dao Yun is self-conscious, and those eyes are too agile, and his wisdom is abnormal.

  Although this child is a little nervous, but judging from his appearance, he is no less intelligent than a normal young man.

  The appearance is also very cute and cute, but a little bit delicate, probably because he is too young, too good-looking, and too delicate, Zhang Deming can't tell whether it is a boy or a girl.

   "What's your name?" Zhang Deming asked.

   "Back to the ancestors, the grandson's name is Zhang Jia. After entering the inner world, he hasn't practiced yet, so he doesn't have a seniority, but the seniority should be in the second generation." Zhang Jia replied respectfully.

  Hearing this, Zhang Deming asked in surprise, "Boy?"

   "Yes, old ancestor!" Zhang Jia, who was a bit delicate, replied immediately.

  Zhang Deming frowned slightly, and said, "Who named this?"

"He discovered the abnormality when he was born, and then the family attached great importance to it. His father asked the old nine in the family to give it to him by the way. Uncle, is there anything wrong with this 'good' name?" Seeing Zhang Deming frowning, Zhang Zeli asked asked.

Zhang Deming shook his head, and replied: "I have a child named Jiacheng, and there is a girl who looks beautiful. This is named after 'Jia' and not 'Cheng', and it can avoid popular names. It is indeed a good boy's name. It can be regarded as some self-restraint.

  But his second generation... Now the second generation in the clan happens to be the Xiuzi generation, right?

  The previous generation, Zhang Junjia, the next generation, Zhang Daijia is nothing more than this one, Xiujia...has no relevant qualities, how many of them do you think would be considered a boy's name?

  Especially for today's juniors, who have little relevant knowledge reserve, they will think it is a girl when they hear it! "

   "Er..." Zhang Deming's words made Zhang Zeli stop for a while, mainly because the child hadn't stepped into cultivation yet, and no one paid attention to it, and he didn't keep up with Zhang Deming's focus.

   "Why don't you change your name, Uncle?" Zhang Zeli said in astonishment.

   Zhang Jia is also an elf. Hearing Zhang Zeli's words, his eyes lit up, and he immediately knelt down and said, "Please give your grandson a name!"

  Zhang Deming looked at the other party with a smile, and said: "This cunning is like a child full of spiritual roots.

  But... my ancestor, I have no intention of accepting apprentices, so even if the name needs to be changed, I should go to your father, I can't bear your name! "

  Zhang Jia is a little reconciled, even though he is only eight years old, he is not talking about early wisdom. At the age of eight, he can already be described as intelligent and close to a demon.

  Combined with the careful teaching of the family, he understands what it means to him if he succeeds today. Even coming here today is the result of his planning and hard work.

  He didn't say anything, but looked at Zhang Zeli for help. His big eyes looked unusually pure because he was only eight years old. Coupled with his age, his lethality was really strong, and he used his advantages to the limit.

   Zhang Zeli, who already had great expectations for him, saw this, hesitated for a while, knelt down and said:

   "Uncle, you know that, except for your old man, our generation that came out of Xiaotian Realm is different after all.

  At the beginning in Xiaotian Realm, in order to survive, there were still problems such as banning the world with curses, and inheritance. Because of the quick practice, the life span was short.

  Even if I have been remedied in various ways in the past few decades, I in the Five Elements Stage will still have hundreds of years to live. This time is quite long for mortals.

   But for the overhaul, it is too short, it can be said that it has been half buried. Therefore, the cultivation of the successors of the younger generation should also be put on the agenda.

   And this baby is so talented, after a hundred years from me, he will definitely be able to take over the family affairs very well..."

   "Okay, there is no need to discuss this matter, I have no intention of accepting apprentices." Before Zhang Zeli finished speaking, Zhang Deming raised his hand to stop the other party. While speaking, he looked at Xiaowa and Zhang Zeli, and said:

   "I understand what you mean, and I also know that this matter is not a bad thing, but it's fine to accept disciples or something. Of course, it is also possible to make some efforts to cultivate the next generation of people in power."

  While speaking, Zhang Deming pondered for a while, and said: "Well, after a few days, I will be free, take a good look at this baby, and give him a detailed way of practicing."

   "Grandson, thank the ancestor!" Zhang Jia was overjoyed when he heard the words, and began to kowtow while speaking.

   "Okay, I don't mind your petty thinking, on the contrary, I like it quite a lot. Only such a baby can be promising and worthy of being trained by Ze Li as his successor. His position needs Linglong Huixin.

   But don’t use it on me, I said I won’t accept apprentices, and I won’t accept apprentices, and it’s the same after you perform the ceremony! I don't recognize any vagrants with no real name. "

  Looking at Zhang Jia, who was about to kowtow nine times with 'Dong Dong', Zhang Deming said calmly, directly breaking the other party's careful thinking.

   Zhang Jia heard the words, and immediately stopped entanglement. Although today's goal was not achieved, it was still achieved, and it should not arouse the resentment of the ancestors.

   "Then where will this baby live now..." Zhang Zeli said hesitantly.

  Zhang Deming looked at Zhang Zeli, shook his head, and said: "You kid, you know that you can take advantage of me, okay, let him be a boy in my yard for now, and plan later."

   Zhang Jia was overjoyed, and gave Zhang Zeli a grateful look. You know, the boy can barely be counted as a named disciple, which can almost be regarded as another layer of close relationship.

  Hearing this, Zhang Zeli also showed a foolish smile. Like a kind old farmer, he smirked and said, "Grandson, you are thinking about the future. Patriarch, you should take care of yourself. I will leave in the future. This baby is going to be successful, so you should take it easy!"

  Zhang Deming shook his head, and did not continue to entangle in this matter. Looking at Zhang Zeli, who was already showing his old age, the hundreds of people in Zhangjia Village back then became the Zhang family's tree planters after all.

   put away the thoughts in his mind, and said: "I have retreated these days, how are things going?"

  Seeing Zhang Deming talking about business, Zhang Zeli immediately became serious. Seeing this, Zhang Jia got up in a sensible way, served tea for the two of them, and had no intention of leaving.

  The two of them didn't let him leave. From the moment Zhang Deming agreed to take him as a boy, his identity changed and he was able to participate in the core events of the clan.

  Even if he is only eight years old, even if he has not stepped into practice, it will have no effect. Because this decision was made by Zhang Budao, and now the Zhang family is the king.

   What's more, he is still full of spiritual roots, precocious, wise and almost demon-like. Coupled with Tongzi's extremely potential career, his future path is actually predictable.

   "A few months ago, the Vine family moved to our family, and after several months of running-in, they have gradually settled down.

   But the chicken world, because there were many foreigners who entered it at the beginning, although they left one after another over the years, we then sealed those entrances and exits, and then began to clean up.

  But because the golden rooster did not seem to have completely died back then, it persisted until the return of the heavens before dying out, which had a great impact on the world.

  There are a lot of leftovers that need to be dealt with, so it will take a few years to deal with the planned Youjijie as a plantation.

  However, due to the treatment of the waste from the blood pool in Chenlong Realm, the blood spirit field has gradually entered into large-scale cultivation. Once the plantation is completed, there is no need to spend time waiting for the cultivation of the spirit field.

   It can be regarded as cleaning up the world while cultivating the spiritual field, and it is not a waste of time. "

  Hearing this, Zhang Deming nodded, and said, "That's right, you've become more and more like the patriarch of a big clan in your work these years."

  Hearing Zhang Deming's praise, Zhang Zeli showed a happy smile, and replied: "Uncle, you led me well!"

  Zhang Deming didn't answer the words, but said: "What about Zhang's comeback?"

   Zhang Zeli heard the words, and immediately said: "Because you, the ancestor, issued the order more than half a year ago. In the past six months, I have sent some people to contact Bailingmen, Tianlingmen, and some other sects.

  But it was only a preliminary contact, revealing the intention of being born, and did not express the intention of forming a family of which faction.

  The main reason is that the grandson is still under investigation, and with our current Zhang's size, we can't be too eager, and the price is easy to drop.

  Plus, you haven’t decided whether to be dependent or independent, your grandson, so your grandson is not in a hurry.

   Of course, not all at a slow pace. Because of the opening of the Alliance Dao Bing Building, tens of millions of Alliance disciples who are more than Tai Chi now want to make Dao soldiers poisonous insects and cultivate Tao soldiers poisonous insects.

  So in the past six months, the great purification of the worlds has been extremely popular. The disciple created an open city in Xiaotian Realm, which is specially used as a transit gate, and it is also convenient to control the corresponding secret realm after purification.

   But with such a big move, although the alliance is still a secret in Hongmeng, it is not an absolute secret among the major forces.

  So the actions have been noticed by many people. Although they have no means of purification, they are also trying to compete with us for the world, and some directly stand in the latrine without shitting.

  But because we are in control of the release of the purification mission, after experiencing some small twists and turns, I didn't choose to fight with them, and all started on those unowned worlds.

   During this process, Zhang's disciples participated in the action vigorously. So it's no secret that Zhang's comeback is no longer a secret, and it's even considered a half-comeback gesture. Through the alliance, he has started to contact Hongmeng in all aspects. "

  Hearing this, Zhang Deming nodded again, and said, "You did a good job. You took the initiative to get in touch and showed your strength from the side. The details under the general policy are well executed."

   "It's all planned by you, uncle!" Zhang Zeli complimented habitually.

  Zhang Deming glanced at the other party, asked a lot of things, and ordered a lot of actions.

   "Okay, let's stop here today. You can take your time with the Zhang family's comeback. As for when to invite the major forces and announce to the world, I haven't decided yet. Just wait!"

  When Zhang Zeli heard the words, he immediately said to Li: "Zeli understands, then the grandson will go down!"

  After speaking, he turned and left, leaving behind two people, one big and one small.

  Zhang Deming looked at Zhang Jia, and said: "You can serve here, but in recent years, I should have been in seclusion for a long time, so this place will be relatively free.

   If you can't bear this leisure at any time, don't tell me, just go to Zhang Zeli directly. As for your practice, I will give you a plan later. "

   "Old Ancestor, don't worry, before this disciple came to you, he had already studied the lineage for six years, and he also experienced two years of meditation!

  If Grandpa Ze Li hadn’t repeatedly suppressed the opposition, his grandson would have given him the title two years ago, that is, when he was six years old, and started to practice. "

   After a while, Zhang Jia has roughly figured out Zhang Deming's character, so she doesn't have the slightest childish attitude, and uses the appearance of a cute baby to mess with Zhang Deming.

   Instead, respectfully, he replied with the appearance of a young adult, looking very smart, trying to mature himself and showing his advantages in all aspects.

  But the eight-year-old appearance, coupled with the influence of the spirit root, is so good-looking that he doesn't look mature, but rather cute.

  Smiling, Zhang Deming suddenly stretched out his hand and rubbed the opponent's head, saying: "Well, it seems that he is a hard worker!"

  Being suddenly attacked by Zhang Deming, Zhang Jia, who tried his best to mature, was obviously flustered. Said: "Old ancestor, grandson is eight years old, Man Linggen is eight years old!"

  (end of this chapter)