MTL - Code Farmer Comprehension-Chapter 846 Wen Jing Huang again

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  Chapter 846 Wen Jinghuang Again

  The two stopped in front of the building for a while, and then went straight into the attic. Different from the jade railings outside, the inside of the attic looks very simple and old. The layout of the whole hall is very simple, nothing fancy, just like a library, with bookshelves everywhere, filling the room.

   And none of them are new books, they are all things that have been published for a certain period of time. The bookshelves are not all books, and some animal skin scrolls can be seen in some places.

  Obviously, the time of this place is really not a little bit long, it is obviously a very historic place.

   "Great Sage Yuteng, you can search whatever you want. However, there is no such artifact as the human race, there is only a directory formation, and you need to find it yourself, my lord."

   After entering the attic, Chi Xuanji said to Zhang Deming.

  Zhang Deming said with a look of astonishment: "You mean, you can look at it casually? The first, second and third floors are fine?"

  Chi Xuanji was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then smiled wryly: "I think you must have been in the human race for a long time, Great Sage Yuteng, and you misunderstood something."

  Zhang Deming looked at the other party in doubt, but did not answer immediately. Chi Xuanji explained: "When this place was established, the purpose of collecting books was not to preserve the inheritance of the Bird Clan.

  You also know that our monster clan all rely on blood, and in the era of new spells, the development of blood depends on individual ability, and the influence of the experience inheritance of the older generation is already very low.

  Therefore, there are actually very few things such as inheritance codes of various families, and our Emperor Bird Palace is no exception. This is not where our bloodline inheritance is stored.

  This book collection pavilion was originally established because of Master Xuanniao's interest. Most of the first floor are human biographies, strange stories, legends and so on.

  The second and third floors are of some value. They are some human classics that have been collected occasionally, intentionally or unintentionally, by various races for countless years because they know about Master Xuanniao’s interest.

  Of course, although it has been roughly classified, it is still a bit messy. There are skills, spells, and useless literary classics. After all, there are few monsters who practice, so they all feel similar.

  Therefore, only some things on the third floor are somewhat restricted, but as the Great Saint, you can read most of them. "

  This means, here is Xuanniao's interest library?

  Wait, no one came to study, doesn't that mean that there is no wool here?

   Zhang Deming was a little surprised when he heard that he could watch it casually, but after finding out that he couldn’t slick the wool, Zhang Deming was a little speechless. He always felt that he had lost a lot of energy and suffered a blood loss.

   "Okay, I got it!" There were some ups and downs in her heart, but she didn't show it at all on her face, she nodded calmly and said.

   "The Great Sage Jade Vine, take your time, the younger one is waiting outside, and you can call the younger one at any time if you have anything to do." Chi Xuanji replied accordingly.

  Zhang Deming nodded, he understood, and didn't say another word. Seeing this, Chi Xuanji withdrew.

  After the other party left, Zhang Deming entered the bookshelf area, came to the edge of the room, and picked up the first book. The packaging was not bad, and the name was somewhat inexplicable. It was called: "Blessed Land: Jinshan Love".

  I don’t know what material the cover is made of, and the big characters in gold stamping arouse Zhang Deming’s interest. The cover is rarely seen with an illustration.

  It is a bald monk and a charming woman. The monk bowed his head affectionately and embraced a beautiful woman with a painful face.

  The woman was enchanting, lying in the monk's arms with a pale complexion, her arms wrapped around the monk's neck, there was a little bright red blood at the corner of her mouth, her eyes were full of reluctance, but there was a little smile at the corner of her mouth.

  The faint sadness seems to be telling the beautiful parting. Before Zhang Deming read it, he felt that a sad story was slowly unfolding.

  Just one cover, Zhang Deming felt deep hurt.

  Uh, it’s not that he has so much experience in story books, but this book... is it a masterpiece of calligraphy and scriptures with Hongmeng’s characteristics, a high-end product made with heart and soul!

  Ordinary people read this book, and they can be directly addicted to the world in the book, and the protagonist will wake up after the life of the protagonist, just like a dream. And Shuxiu could even use this book as a high-level magic weapon.

  The corner of his mouth twitched and he opened the book, and a strong mental tug struck him. Of course, for Zhang Deming today, his strength is too weak.

  However, he didn't resist, and sank into it directly, and spit out his spiritual power slightly, his eyes flickered, and the spiritual power in his mind became stronger.

  In an instant, Zhang Deming sank into the book, turning his mind extremely fast, as if time accelerated, and experienced the life of the protagonist in the book.

  When I saw the name Zhang Deming, I guessed it. After reading it, Zhang Deming showed a genuine expression. The story is about a genius monk who meets a demon girl.

  After experiencing countless love disasters, the witch died for the sake of the monk, and the monk became enlightened and escaped into Buddhism, becoming a clichéd plot of a generation of eminent monks.

  However, there are many things in this book that attracted Zhang Deming's attention. For example, the origin of the story is the former Shangmen Jinshan Temple, and the protagonist of the story is a monk named Xuanwu.

  If Zhang Deming remembers correctly, Xuanwu is the Seven Star Overhaul of Jinshan Temple.

  The most important thing is that it was him who made Jinshan Temple, which used to be a door-to-door, go all the way to the Nine Great Blessed Lands, and became one of the three major temples under Lingshan today.

  And in this script, it is written like this at the end.

  Zhang Deming closed the book for a long time before raising his head and looking at the bookshelves full of books around him. The so-called first floor is full of story books.

  Judging from the identity of Xuan Niao and the things revealed in this script, this is indeed a script, but it should not be a Mandarin script.

   is the kind of personal biography that can be referenced. In other words, they recorded a lot of secrets, which can be regarded as the routine of Hongmeng.

  In addition to the problem of long time, the value of the storybook on this floor is not low.

  Understanding this point, Zhang Deming's frustration of not being able to pluck the wool was gone. After a while, it seems that there are not many formations in the whole room, that is to say, he is not restricted from scanning his mind and recording all the books.

  With a slight flash in his eyes, Zhang Deming directly revealed his mind, and at the same time, the monitoring spirit emerged.

   "Scan and record all relevant information, compare with the previous database, and put the secrets that can be determined into the main database, and the relevant scripts that cannot be determined, sort them out, and put them into the common rumor database."

   "Task creation..."


   "Data is being stored and sorted..."

  Following Zhang Deming's order, the monitoring elf's log kept beating, each storybook was recorded, and then various information was compared, refined, and summarized.

  During this process, Zhang Deming didn't wait any longer. He casually browsed the bookshelves, and occasionally saw something he was interested in, so he looked through it.

  During this process, Zhang Deming found that the gap between Xuanniao and most women is not too big, because the biography category here obviously has a lot of love.

  All kinds of gossip continued, and Zhang Deming lost interest after a while.

   "Information collection complete!"

   "I found the secret data in the core database. According to the previous data comparison, the authenticity is as high as 60%. Would you like to enter it?"

  There are a lot of books in the whole room, and in addition to building a virtual model, it also needs to be sorted out, so it took almost an hour for the monitoring elves to finish.

  Listening to the prompt of the monitor elf, Zhang Deming was stunned.

  Now his database is roughly divided into three, one is the messy daily data, which contains all kinds of messy information, and various materials of ordinary disciples of the alliance.

  This database is also aimed at the disciples of the alliance, and can be queried at a certain cost, so it is the most numerous, the most complicated, and the most abundant.

   Even including the data he collected in Bailingmen, Quanqing Temple, Hongmeng Holy Land and other places

  It can be regarded as the alliance database, function and full view, and the Bailingmen database is the same situation, but his is more abundant.

  The second is the main database, which includes some important information of the alliance disciples and monitoring data of the monitoring elves. It can be regarded as the core secret of the alliance, and it is currently open to him.

   Finally, there is the so-called core database. There are not many things here, and it is not set up for the alliance.

   Except for the complete information of some of the people he focuses on, it is mainly the grievances and grievances that have been searched by chance or intentionally over the years, as well as some information from several eras.

  ‘So is there really a secret of the Age of Gods here? '

  Considering Xuanniao's identity, Zhang Deming said with anticipation: "I'll see when I call it out."

  Following his words, a virtual screen was born in front of Zhang Deming, and paragraphs of documents were extracted. The information was also marked in detail, showing which book it came from. If Zhang Deming wanted to find it, he could directly find the corresponding location of the original text.

   "Well, this is..." The moment Zhang Deming looked at the message, he was surprised and stunned for a moment.

  Category: Epoch Secrets

  Follow the trigger point: the third main focus target of the core database—Jinghuang

  Details: Era Records

  Looking at the information, Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered. Obviously, the information here is not what he thought, it records the information of the Shenting era, or not all, it also includes things from other eras.

  Jinghuang is the afterimage of an individual life of the Second Era that he encountered by chance in a secret realm, which is the name given to him by the ancestor **** who is said to have lived in the Second Era.

  That is an existence on the same level as Pan, the creator of the primordial world.

   If I remember correctly, it was also a tree. Zhang Deming remembered that at the same time when he got a lot of benefits by chance, the original owner of the afterimage seemed to have crossed the forbidden time and tried to contact him.

  Although it was immediately interrupted by birdsong, Zhang Deming did have a little contact with him. At that time, the ancestor **** called himself: Jinghuang!

  Well, the awakened Crystal Emperor.

  Of course, it could also be referring to something inside him, such as the editing panel, or something he doesn't know.

  But since then, he has been paying attention to the information of the 'Emperor Crystal', and set a focus on the core database.

  For so many years, Zhang Deming has stumbled from an ignorant mortal who knows nothing about the primordial world to the present Liuhe Daxiu.

   And already have a certain understanding of Hongmeng, even more than many overhauls of the same level. This "Records of the Era" is the core anecdote related to the history of Hongmeng that he has collected over the years.

  As far as he knows, Hongmeng is now divided into four eras, the first era of origin, also known as the origin of civilization.

   Zhang Deming has almost no information about this era. In the entire core database, there is only a mural left by several Shenting eras.

   It was still seen in the tomb of Yang Qingwu, the God of War. On the painting, it is just a crater with a huge rock in the crater, surrounded by countless animals, as if on a pilgrimage.

  The second era, the era of civilization, there is not much information in the early and middle period of this era, and there is almost nothing about the ancestor gods of individual civilizations.

  Only at the end of the civilization war, Zhang Deming collected a lot of race wars caused by individual civilizations, especially related to technological civilization and the Shinto civilization of the three ancestors.

  The third era, the era of the gods, Zhang Deming knows the most. It is divided into three major eras: the dawn of the gods, the federation of the gods, and the twilight of the gods.

  Among the information that Zhang Deming knew, he knew the whole process of Shenting from rising, to prosperity, to its demise.

  The last is the Quaternary Era, the Hongmeng Era. There is a lot of messy information in this era, and Zhang Deming also has a lot of records.

  In Zhang Deming's investigation of the 'Crystal Emperor', he found that this thing didn't seem to exist at all, and he had no clue, as if what he had heard was an illusion.

  So now that he saw the first relevant information, because it was about himself, he clicked on the detailed "Epoch Records" without hesitation, and a piece of updated information appeared.


  Origin period:

   According to legend, a long time ago, the stars in the sky were not born, and the whole world was in chaos. In the center of the world, there was an extremely huge continent.

  At that time, there was no civilization, and all things had no wisdom, let alone any gods and monsters. On the extremely huge continent, only ignorant things grew, which was extremely ordinary.

   This ignorant era lasted for countless years, until a meteorite broke through the barriers of the world and crashed into the center of the continent.

  He enlightened all things, brought the power of the immortal gods, accomplished and opened the age of the ancestor gods, and the ancient prehistoric continent was also shattered and finally exploded because of the birth and struggle of the ancestor gods.

   However, just like the legend, during the birth and destruction of all beings, the exploding continent broke the chaos of the world and turned into stars in the sky.

  With the shattering of continents and the birth of stars, the Epoch of Origins ushered in the end, and the Era of Civilization of the Second Era slowly kicked off.

   And this "meteorite" that enlightens all beings is called the "Crystal Emperor" by many ancestor gods. He is the most supreme existence in the first era.

  The ancestor gods don't know where he came from, they only know that he disappeared and the end of the first season, with the final decisive battle of the ancestor gods, the shattering of the Great Desolate Continent, and the disappearance of the Crystal Emperor.


  (end of this chapter)