MTL - Co-renting Immortal Doctor-Chapter 7274 Pain of God Eater

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The nine great powers shook their hearts, turned their heads hurriedly, and looked in the direction of the sound.

At this moment, only a silver-haired man appeared in the vision of the nine masters.

"Ignorance kid, I thought it was a terrible master, but I didn't expect it to be you!"

The Lord of Tianlei sneered: "There is no two or two flesh in his whole body, and it is really daunting to want to challenge the authority of our nine countries.

However, it is your honour for us to gather here to kill one of you. "

"Sure enough, is it a low-level world?"

Tang Yu glanced at these nine kingdoms, and said lightly: "The kingdom is only the realm of a **** emperor, it is indeed a bit pitiful.

However, it is understandable. In this world, if you want to advance to the top level, the energy is already insufficient. Therefore, few people can advance to the Supreme. "

"Boy, it seems you know a lot of things, who are you?"

The Lord of Heavenly Fire instantly exploded the fire energy, locked Tang Yu, and sternly shouted: "Frankly explain, we may leave you with a reincarnation."

"It's just a piece of rubbish, Skyfire Kingdom Lord, do you really think he is an invincible powerhouse?"

The Lord of Tianlei sneered: "This kid is just talking about it, saying all the levels he sees in the book. Do you really think he really understands what is a God Emperor level master and what is only the highest?"

"That's not bad."

Another man sneered: "Before this, a lot of this kind of garbage is nothing more than the end of life. You want to fight to death and enter the higher level world through the gate of ascension.

They are innocent, the higher level world, it is easier to advance, they can advance, they can not die. But as everyone knows, the higher level world is even more dangerous. There are many masters over there, and the ones who die faster. "

"Originally, I wanted to talk to you well, and I didn't bother to interfere in the affairs of this world."

Tang Yu said lightly, "But now it seems that you are not going to be honest. In that case, I can only get the key by myself."

"The crazy kid, really naive and ridiculous, want to get the key from us? Wishful thinking!"

The Lord of Tianlei has an extremely violent temper: "Dare to be rampant in front of the Lords of our nine countries, no matter who you are, you have to pay a painful price. Come, kill me!"

Drink it.

I saw a large number of masters in the surrounding area.

At first glance, there are hundreds of them!

Among the nine major countries, each country dispatched ten masters, and together with the masters, there are nearly a hundred.

Look around.

At this moment, there was an extremely terrifying energy exuding from the top masters above a hundred **** kings. The sword swung and tilted towards Tang Yu.

in this world.

Gathering the top masters above a hundred **** kings, this is already a considerable force, extremely terrifying.

No matter whether it is to kill any force, it will be all done.

What's more, in their eyes, Tang Yu is just a young child?

They are more confident.

"Ha ha."

Tang Yu saw these people in front of him, as if he was looking at a group of children, and couldn't help shaking his head: "It looks like this is for you, you don't want it. Since this is the case, I should teach you a lesson, otherwise I always think how strong he is. "

A **** of creation, facing these guys, there is no difference at all from watching the ants.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless attacks came to Tang Yu in an instant.

Tang Yu didn't move, just narrowed his eyes, and all the space in the sky stopped instantly.

The next moment, in front of Tang Yu, it instantly turned into nothingness and disappeared!

at the same time.

The invisible energy instantly centered on Tang Yu and spread out in all directions, directly binding the hundreds of masters in front of him, completely locked in the sky, no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't move at all.


Upon seeing this scene, the faces of the nine great powers changed dramatically.

They didn't make a move.

However, they brought a lot of masters all shots, but in an instant, they all lost, which made them panic to the extreme, their hearts beating!

Even as the master of the country, he can't really calm down.

To a certain extent, among the hundreds of masters in front of them, there are also the existence of God Emperor level.

But now, without exception, facing Tang Yu, there is no effect at all, like an ant.

In this way, when they face Tang Yu, aren't they also ants?

"Boy, who are you?"

The Lord Tianlei was tense, staring at Tang Yu with fear, and shouted sharply.

"I said you don't know him either."

Tang Yu said indifferently: "I don't want to waste time, give me the key, I won't kill you."

"Boy, arrogant!"

The Lord of Skyfire pointed at Tang Yu and shouted: "Don't think you are so strong. This is not a place where you can be presumptuous."

The voice just fell.

There was a burst of sound, and nine figures appeared instantly.

The aura on these nine figures is more than the aura of the masters who did it before.

Among them, that powerful aura is not comparable to the masters under the previous **** emperor.

In an instant.

Nine attacks burst out from nine positions in an instant, directly attacking Tang Yu!

"Boom boom boom!"

With loud noises, Tang Yu burst into a huge explosion instantly, smoke and dust everywhere!

"Guardian Guardian, you are finally here."

Seeing the nine people, the nine lord of the country were immediately ecstatic, and laughed: "In that case, this kid is no longer able to escape this time!"

The nine people were seated in nine positions, with indifferent eyes: "That kid, he doesn't seem to be weak. However, it doesn't make much sense."

"A guardian army division?"

However, amidst the gunpowder smoke, a voice slowly sounded: "The so-called Guardian Army Division is only the highest. I thought that there should always be a master here, but I look at you highly."


Hearing this voice, not only the nine masters of the country, but the nine guardians of the country also changed their complexions suddenly, their spirits tense, and they stared at the smoke.

Lean less.

The smoke cleared.

Tang Yu's figure appeared, motionless like a mountain, and his clothes neat and tidy.

The nine great guardians of the country felt a chill, and a chill instantly invaded the whole body.

As the supreme, they combined their full-strength strikes, but it was totally useless!

This person is definitely a master!

It's just that they couldn't understand Tang Yu's depth at all.

no way.

Tang Yu is too much higher than their level.

"I didn't see anything similar to the nine masters, but I saw something similar to the nine of you."

Tang Yu said lightly, "If you say that, the keys are on the nine of you, corresponding to the nine natural attributes. Give me things."

"We don't understand what you said."

The hearts of the Nine National Guardian soldiers were chilly.


The key is not in the possession of the nine major powers, but is indeed kept in the possession of the nine of them.

But the question is, how did this person know? Is he a god?

"Nine people, even the fertility is gone."

Tang Yu said lightly: "And the key is kept here, you can prove one thing, you should be the upper world sent to take charge of the existence of this world, and restrain this world.

Although there are nine country masters, you should be the real masters of the nine countries. Forget it, just do good deeds. Give me the key, tell me the method to open the door of ascension, and I will cure your problems. Those guys above, in order to control you, really do everything. Use God Calling Pill to control you, destroy your fertility, and make you their lackeys.

Every thousand years, if you cannot get the antidote given to you above, you will suffer from the pain of eating the gods. It is really pitiful. "

"You...who are you, how do you know the God Calling Pill?"

As soon as these words came out, the nine guards of the country looked shocked, terrified, and trembling constantly, looking at Tang Yu as if looking at a devil.

They are scared.