MTL - Close to You-Chapter 114

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Luo Linyuan was telling the truth, but he didn't think about whether Yu Han could stand it. I saw the man froze in front of him for a long time, his neck and earlobes were red, and he had to pretend to be serious : "Don't talk nonsense."

Is it nonsense, like it or not, only Yu Han knows it. Lorraine Yuan shrugged without arguing, and refused to leave immediately, at least finish the afternoon class.

Yu Han didn't force him, just moved a small bench and sat on the side, followed by other children in Teacher Luo's class.

It's like they changed around seven years ago, and now Lorraine Yuan is the teacher.

Soft-spoken, patient, interesting lessons, and grown into a gentle adult.

Lorraine Yuan finished the last part of the content and announced that when the class was over, he was hugged by the little girl who stuck to him the most. Wow cry out, full of reluctance.

The eldest child here is twelve years old, and the younger one doesn't understand anything. Seeing her sister cry, she will cry with her.

The whole classroom burst into tears, so that Lorraine could not hold back, it was like parting from life and death.

Until she was taken away by Yu Han holding hands, she wiped her tears with a tissue.

Yu Han put a rented car at the bottom of the mountain and couldn't drive to the mountain. He also found someone in the town and paid for a motorcycle tricycle.

He also brought a lot of supplies, which are now emptied to make room for two people.

The head of the village originally wanted to keep them for dinner, but Yu Han only wanted to take Luo Linyuan to the foot of the mountain to see a doctor, and was unwilling to delay.

Lorraine walked three steps away, holding the little gifts the children had stuffed him with.

College Students.

It was like turning a pure male college student down the mountain.

Yu Han asked him: "What are you laughing at, why don't you cry?"

Lorraine used up the last tissue: "They are so good, it's hard to be separated."

Those who were melancholy at the foot of the mountain and returned to town life were relieved a lot after taking a bath.

Luo Lin Yuan came out with wet hair, was caught by Yu Han to blow dry, and took him to the clinic to see a doctor to get medicine.

Taking medicine is bitter, and since Luo Linyuan's health has improved a lot, he has become less fond of medicine.

There is no way to take it before, I dare not get sick, take medicine to prevent it. Now that I am sick, why should I take medicine?

He brought this set to Yu Han and nagged, with reason and reason, and challenged Yu Han.

Luo Linyuan opened her wet eyes: "If you have something to say, how can you be a relative if you disagree."

Yu Han hooked the tip of his tongue over his chin, and pecked at the tip of his nose: "Take medicine or not."

Eat, why not eat, being coaxed like this, arsenic Huanglian is willing to swallow.

Luo Lin Yuan felt that it was unnecessary, and he felt at ease listening to Yu Han's keyboard sound.

Bewildered, he remembered something, and he was worried for a long time: "What's up with your WeChat avatar?"

Who's silhouette is with whom?

Yu Han said: "Can't you see?"

Lorraine is far from sour: "Which one is it, the school flower's ex-girlfriend?"

Yu Han pinched his face: "Think again?"

Lorraine Yuan was pinched and hurt, and he said: "How do I know who it is, I have been turned into a shadow by p."

Yu Han gave a hint: "Who is sick all day long?"

Lorraine thought for a while: "Impossible, when was it filmed, how come I don't know?"

Yu Han: "The night you gave me your Doudizhu account."

When it comes to Fighting the Landlord, he remembers it. As expected of Yu Han, he knows that no matter how many keywords you tell him, it is better to mention the game he was playing at that time.

Luo Linyuan: "Yu Han, you are so showy..."

Yu Han: "..." He looked at Lorraine Yuan with inexhaustible eyes, motioning to give him a chance to speak again and speak well.

Luo Linyuan added: "It's a boring show, and I learned to take pictures secretly."

Yu Han: "I didn't shoot it." He briefly recounted what happened that night.

Lorraine sat up from a distance, pulled the thick quilt, and exposed his head: "If you say that you are not boring, then you will like me, right? Ask people to come and secretly save photos It's still locked, how could it be locked?"

He snarls like hell, what could be more exciting than finding out that your lover liked him long ago?

Yu Lengjing said: "Why can't I lock it, I took this photo out for a long time."

He didn't know, after he fell asleep, Yu Han took his phone, took another photo of him, and put it in the album that had not added new photos for a long time.

These photos, no matter how many mobile phones he has since changed, have been stored.

I really can't lock it, I like this thing, I can't hide it, and I can't lock it.

Luo Lin Yuan woke up and found Yu Han lying next to him asleep. Apparently, he didn't rest well last night, and he was on his way again today, only to see his arm resting on his quilt, as if unconsciously protecting him.

He divided the quilt and tucked it tightly. The weather here is not as good as that of City C. It is so cold at night that you have to cover yourself with a quilt, and no air conditioning is needed.

Luo Linyuan came out with his mobile phone, took a few pictures, manipulated it, and replaced his avatar with a pair of overlapping hands.

He looked at the photo and thought it was perfect, just about to decorate the couple's ring.

Soon, his avatar attracted countless attention, Lorraine Yuan said quite calmly, that's right, he has a lover, it's a man.

Fang Xiao was the most direct, and sent him a red envelope, marking it forever.

Luo Linyuan accepted the red envelope and replied brazenly: "Thank you, I will ask you to be the best man at the wedding."

Fang Xiao: "Respectful exchanges, Xiaoyuan, you haven't given the red envelope of the full moon wine yet."

Luo Linyuan: "Tao Qing is not pregnant yet, so full moon wine?"

Fang Xiao: "Sooner or later."

Lorraine Yuan: "Okay, share money."

Fang Xiao: "What the hell?"

Luo Linyuan: "Yu Han and I will get married sooner or later. You should give us the money in advance."

Two people were sloppy there, and an international call was dialed to his mobile phone. Luo Linyuan glanced at the call reminder, got up and hid in the bathroom, closed the door, turned on the exhaust fan, and made some noise as much as possible, and then answered the phone.

Lin Shu: "Lin Yuan, what's wrong with your avatar."

Lorraine is far from good: "Mom, it's only morning where you are, have you had breakfast yet?"

Lin Shu didn't want to talk nonsense with him, cut to the point: "Are you in love?"

Lorraine Yuan: "Yeah."

Lin Shu: "With a man?"

Lorraine Yuan: "Follow the man."

Lin Shu was silent for a long time: "My ticket for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, come pick me up."

Luo Linyuan: "Mom, stop making trouble, I have to go to work."

Lin Shu: "Then you don't need to pick me up, just send me a copy of your apartment address."

For the rest, Lin Shu's own assistant will do it, and Luo Linyuan doesn't need to worry about booking a hotel car.

But Lorraine is not at all troublesome, but is afraid that Lin Shu will interfere with a strong attitude after coming here.

The love seedlings between him and Yu Han have just sprouted young shoots and could not stand the violent hail.

Lorraine said bitterly: "Mom, I just like men, and I can't change it. I won't change when you come."

Lorraine moved to reason: "It's fine if I come back. If you come back and let Dad... let Luo Ting know, he won't be happy."

Lin Shu: "I'm afraid he won't succeed."

Luo Lin Yuan lowered his eyes, looked at his trembling left hand, and clenched his fists hard: "Mom, we did something wrong first, no wonder Dad."

He still wanted to call him Dad.

Lin Shu: "Lin Yuan, it's me who did the wrong thing, it has nothing to do with you. If you don't give me the apartment address, I can also find you and go to the garden."

Lorraine pleaded, "Mom."

Lin Shu: "Lin Yuan, don't be self-willed, you know what's going on with your body."

Luo Linyuan felt that Lin Shu had aroused his instinctive desire to protect him since he was on the verge of dying.

Anything else, but for some reason, not being sick. I really want him to be the kind of fragile glass that can shatter beyond recovery if you are not careful.

Lorraine didn't even dare to say that he had a cold now.

Myocarditis is really a troublesome disease, as long as there is an incentive, it may recur. Someone else's little cold is a cold, and his little cold may be fatal.

It's just that since he came out to work, he has become stronger, less sick, and no recurrence. What's more, he often prepares Rongxin Pills in the painting garden at home. If there is an emergency, I can take a medicine to slow down.

Lorraine Yuan: "Mom, don't come here. I'm really fine, I'm measured."

Lin Shu heard the resistance in his voice and took a step back: "You always want me to see what kind of person he is."

Lorraine Yuan: "Very good, very good, I like it very much, and it is also very good to me."

Lin Shu: "It doesn't matter what you said."

Lorraine is far from helpless, Lin Shu doesn't want to talk nonsense with him, what she decides, Lorraine can't stop at all.

I don't know what kind of mentality Lin Shu will have when he sees him with Yu Han again.

In fact, it doesn't matter what kind of attitude Lin Shu has, he will not leave again, no matter what, he will not let go.

He put down the phone, sighed, and rubbed his chest with his hands. It was so stuffy inside, I don't know if it was caused by the sudden pressure.

Still too impulsive, I forgot that I still have my own mother in WeChat.

Out of the closet and in front of her own mother, no wonder Lin Shu had to fly over to stare at him in person.