MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 854 four wins

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"My star spirit is invincible in the world!"

Kant made such a sigh after the "because it looks good, so it's mine now" type of defense line of the U.S. military around the Bruno nuclear power plant was delivered to the Goethe border at an appalling speed.

This is indeed Protoss tactics.

In the world view of StarCraft, human races need to build buildings on the spot when they are fighting. At most, some modular buildings are deployed in airdrop warehouses. When Zerg races fight, they need to incubate mutations on the spot. Only the tall Protoss needs to visit Ji to place coordinates and deploy Buildings will be teleported directly from the home planet.

And the home planet has the Kalai class, which is the social animal... oh no, the engineer class is here to build.

They don't have to go to the battlefield, they're done building all day long, from buildings to weapons, to be built and put away, waiting for some unnamed archbishop to regroup his troops.

This technology is undoubtedly advanced, efficient and powerful.

After all, in conventional construction of defense lines and fortifications, materials need to be transported, personnel need to be prepared, and excavation and construction also take time, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and is extremely inefficient. Real-time jump delivery of constructed modular components has the advantage of It's obvious.

But there are also disadvantages.

That's... it takes a lot of productivity, or tool people.

Compared with the Protoss, Kant's "El Mother Planet" is undoubtedly the White Mist World. The White Mist World has a special mirror image property and can reproduce the earth, of course, only in the area where the map is opened.

If Kant started construction and built modular buildings in the White Mist World on his own, the efficiency would not be high. Although he is now secretly carrying out immigration work in the White Mist World, it will not be done overnight.

Similarly, Horus and Alfred are working on omnic engineering, which also requires a lot of time and technical data, and the raw material problem is also very troublesome...

After all, modern construction projects are huge in scale and have extremely high production capacity, but they are also built on the premise of a high degree of division of labor, huge systems and perfect processes, and cannot be solved by small workshops.

So you can only find tools.

This time, the line of defense put in by the transition was made by a tool man.

Under the threat of extraordinary species such as titans, parrots, and alchemy puppets of the council, and under Kant's "friendly advice", the US imperialists tried their best to build a defense line around the Bruno nuclear power plant to prevent the "alien" inside. "Running out, the effect is really remarkable. After all, the U.S. Empire has been playing bad debts for so many years, and it also attaches great importance to the field defense, and has advanced experience and technology.

The reason why this rapid and huge military project can be completed quickly is that the US imperialists have acted ruthlessly, and the second is that an unnamed Komora state-owned enterprise, as a military contractor of the US military, kindly and effectively provided the huge transportation capacity. Transportation business support.

The company quickly transported many expensive heavy construction machinery, a large amount of industrial materials and even processed semi-finished materials to the vicinity of the Bruno nuclear power plant, saving a lot of time for the US imperialists.

And only for a friendly and friendly price.

Because the United States was unable to mobilize so many raw materials for a while, the company also played an important role.

The contact employee of the company sincerely said to the US counterpart: "As we all know, our company has a deep official background, including myself as a former employee of Gawomente. We are willing to help you make connections and introduce domestic orders. The quality and quantity are guaranteed, and the price is not expensive.”

After finishing speaking, he added: "The chairman said that this order can even be shipped with free shipping."

The American emperor felt very humiliated, and he was afraid to dismantle some spy equipment buried in the raw materials sent, so he categorically refused. When they put together the order and asked Kant to ship it, the backbone of AWSL's business said with a smile, "Sorry, we reject this order."

When asked why, the answer was that these raw material companies were sanctioned by our company.

Ask what the hell, what sanctions, where are the evidence and documents?

The answer is, wait a moment, and I will write a copy for you.

The US emperor became more and more humiliated, and felt that he would eat pigs with shedding hair without the butcher Kang. If you don't send the express, the master will come by himself, and the master will wait.

While they were mobilizing transport planes, trucks, and ships, the AWSL nasties came up and said, oh, Souri, forgot to tell you, we have a reason to sanction these companies.

Although the U.S. imperial officials who connected with AWSL were rolling their eyes, they still asked why.

The Hispanic official still can't forget the answer given by the putty removal.

"Because the rebar they produce will explode."

"Concrete can also catch fire."

"Maybe there will be nuclear radiation."

How can the rebar explode? How does concrete burn?

The U.S. official thought it was ridiculous at first, then felt angry, and finally... became angry.

This matter was finally put in front of Achuan.

In order to prevent the U.S. imperial commander from being unable to understand the high-level riddle of removing putty, the thoughtful White House staff translated for him what is meant by the explosion of steel bars.

"Kant said that if we don't buy the raw materials for the demolition, he will play tricks in our raw materials."

Ah Chuan's roar is said to have rattled the windows of the Oval Office.

"Fuck we are capitalism! We are!"

So the U.S. emperor built a defense line, dismantled it and sold the raw materials, Kant earned the courier fee and rebates, and added three-quarters of the money, everyone has a bright future.

It can be said that four wins.

The first win means that Kant has earned a lot of express fees.

The second win refers to the fact that Kant had a hand in Comora's territory warehouse when delivering the raw materials.

The third win means that Kant did not send the raw materials to the designated location of the US imperialists, but sent them to the Cainiao Station near the Bruno Nuclear Power Plant, and the US had to pick them up. This rookie station is undoubtedly Kant's site. It was bought from Jiama University. The US emperor drove all kinds of equipment to pick it up, but he still had to be prostituted.

The fourth win refers to the modern defense line of the Ring Bruno Nuclear Power Plant built by the American Empire, which was directly copied by Kant into the White Mist World, and then used to play tower defense with Griffin.

numb, numb.

Kant eats the marrow and knows the flavor, and his mind becomes more active.

He was even thinking about making a bigger news.

"For example, make a terrifying thing like an abyss crack, and make the countries believe that if you can't control this thing, what comes out of it will destroy the world."

"Then let the countries pay to buy and demolish the excess production capacity and build it, and build the largest defense line in human history around this abyss crack."

"The troops of various countries are stationed in this line of defense, and every day they have to suppress the cracks with firepower. The world's cutting-edge force and arms production capacity must continue to invest money here. Oh yes, you can't just go in and out, occasionally in the cracks in the abyss. A supernatural material that works wonders will burst out..."

Hearing his bold idea, the parrot also showed a dumbfounded expression.

"Be a man, if you overturn the car, you'll be fucked."

she whispered.

Naturally, Kant scolded angrily: "Who am I being deceived and deceived for? It's not for the great cause of the otherworldly people's fight against the Star Palace! And I used a false threat to urge all human beings to put aside their disputes and differences and unite, so Asahi The great cause of the neon animation industry is going to be blown up! Anyone who knows the whole story of this matter must praise the reason behind it, it is so heart-warming!"

Marekise had no choice but to say, "It's warm and it's warm."

In fact, before this moment, this bold idea was just a flash of inspiration, a brain hole, and a plan when "accepting" the fortifications of the US imperialists.

But after the **** march, Kant personally led and witnessed many prisms unfolding the field of sacred pillars, transitioning time and space, and the large-scale fortifications re-engraved in the world of white mist unfolded slowly like an ink painting scroll. The Great Plains have laid out a battle zone that has been tempered...

- He really realized the strategic value of this line of thinking.

Just like many weapons that have appeared in history, the imagination and deduction in the laboratory, demonstration plan and trial factory are of little significance. Only after the actual combat will people find out that this new weapon has opened an era, and also Or just a ridiculously expensive joke.

"My lord..."

Dong Tianming, who was standing beside him, couldn't hold back the excitement in his voice.

"Sprinkle beans to make soldiers, build a city in one day, what the ancients said is true."

The Aurora Emperor thought that he would stay in the Far Harbor for several months, and even witnessed the scene of the mushroom cloud rising and the light spear shooting out. Everything in the world could no longer surprise him... Now he finds that he is still too simple.

He said affirmatively: "Just relying on the magical technique just now, it is enough to convince the Aurora warriors who came from Dongdu, and they will no longer have any doubts and shakes."

Kant followed Old Dong's gaze and saw that in the positional teleportation array, most of the soldiers quickly entered the fortification after the jump, and only a small number of people stood there in a daze, looking around at a loss.

Those people are all oriental faces.

Look at the logo on the armor, it is the Aurora recruits who are ready for training.

After they finally realized that this was not a hallucination, some Aurora warriors who came from the east even burst into tears.

The sergeant of the Valentin Guards Teaching Corps who led them had a complicated expression.

They have also resisted desperately under the overwhelming force of the elves, and they couldn’t help but imagine in the dead of night—if the Battle of Valentine had such arms and strength, then even if the forbidden spell of His Highness Kant was not needed, it would still be possible. Fight against the Dragon Banner Army of Dusk Moon.

But the Song Moon War has ended, and the Twilight Chapter that Valentine owed a **** debt no longer exists, and the descendants of Valentine know in their hearts that there will be no chance to confront the Dusk Moon Royal Elite Chapter in the future.

But at least, the enemy who invaded the homeland has paid the price, and the war is gone.

And these Aurora people... their war is not over yet, or rather, it is far from over.

From these wailing wailing sounds, the Valentine heard great regret, joy and pain.

These Aurora people must have also experienced despairing failures in their homeland, and after they decided to travel eastward, they witnessed the power like a miracle in a foreign land.


Although they understood the feelings of these Aurora people, this was a battlefield after all. They hardened their hearts and urged them to scold, ordering these unqualified soldiers to stand up and execute the order immediately.

A Valentine guard gritted his teeth and kicked the Aurora, who was squatting on the ground and crying, and shouted: "Stand up immediately! At least you still have a chance to fight back, I... Ah! Your Highness!"

He showed panic and stood at attention and saluted.

"Ah, I forgot, Horus, order now. On the battlefield, it is strictly forbidden for soldiers to salute their superiors—don't be nervous, soldier, it's not your fault."

"Yes, father."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Kant looked down, and the Aurora man squatting on the ground murmured: "Come and go like the wind, go and stay at will, in a flash, you can return in a desperate situation, you can advance, retreat, attack, defend, disturb or walk..."

The Valentine's guard kicked him: "His Royal Highness is down!"

Aurora Wufu raised his head like an electric shock, and saw Duke Qin and Duke Minister Dong.

"...Guo Gong! Shangzhu Kingdom!" Tears burst into his eyes, and he howled, "Shenzhou's hundreds of millions of Li people, please ask Guo Gong to help! The society is down, the strong men are bleeding, and they are looking forward to it. The veins, all living beings are my parents, wives and children, and also the citizens of the country..."

Before Kant could speak, Dong Tianming shouted: "Get up! Soldiers, why are you acting like a child? You are the leader of the master, and you only need to fight the enemy bravely and help the society and crops, and I will make the decision! Today, there is only one master. The land of the city, with the soldiers and civilians in this city, how can you win the heavens of Shenzhou? Since you are a warrior in the army, when you are in battle, you will take the subjects of this territory as your master and achieve a great cause! Do you understand!"

The emperor is the emperor. Even if he has traveled to a foreign land for decades, he still has the prestige of a **** in Aurora. The Aurora people launched a fierce attack, knocked hard, and smashed the forehead.

"Then this life will be sold to Shangzhu Kingdom!"

He jumped up, gritted his teeth, clasped his fists like a wolf and saluted, and was about to return to the team.

"and many more."

Kant stopped him.

Wufu turned back and saw Qin Guogong talking to him.

"Save yourself and go home alive."

The answer to him was a wolf-like roar after silence: "...Yi!"

Watching the soldier go away, Dong Tianming was silent for a moment, then said slowly: "My lord, I am ashamed to impose responsibilities and obligations that never belong to you on you."

Kant shook his head: "Sir, this is my own decision, and you have to pay it back."

When he said this, he shook his head: "In the end, the emperor could see clearly. He asked me, why do you want to be so nice to the people of Far Harbor? Why do you want them to die? Rich welfare, a worry-free future, a happy life, Far-Hong Kong people live better than all the civilians in this world, but there is never a good thing in the world for no reason, at least in my case, no, I want them to pay back."

The fire thief's tone was faint, and he looked at the figures walking back and forth on the battlefield.

Those are fathers, husbands and sons.

"They want their children to pay it back, and even ask them to pay it back themselves."

"In a war-torn year, it's a great thing to be able to borrow first and then pay it back." Dong Tianming said lightly, "Furthermore, if you want to buy a civilian's life, you don't need the money you spent."

In a world of war, people are not as good as grass.

"It's more expensive, it's not their lives that are bought." Kant said softly, "It's my peace of mind."

Dong Tianming didn't speak, just bowed deeply.

"Mr. Dong."

"The old minister is here."

"I have an idea and need your advice and advice."

"Do your best."

"I need some kind of monster that looks very intimidating and destructive, but is actually controllable... Ah, forget it, it might be troublesome to say that, in short..."

"The master's hometown needs?"


"The old minister is arrogant."

"Damn it... Forget it, let's settle the matter here first."

Kant looked into the distance, raised his hand, the phase door opened, and a large flag fell straight down, inserted in the center of the front of the position, the flag fluttered, and there was a loud noise.

Vanguard position.

Kant set up positions almost face to face, which can be described as tit-for-tat. The war was about to break out, and the situation seemed to be very bad. Griffin just pondered for a moment and then issued the first order.

"Order the troops in the rear to stop immediately, there is no need to rush to the vanguard position... Camp on the spot! Expand the deceleration force field, set up defense lines, and defend!"

At this moment, the eagle eye officer shouted: "Report - the enemy has raised a flag! It's Aurora!"

An image was projected on the crystal plate, and Griffin glanced at it with a surprised look.

"What is this written about?" asked Phaersson.

The speaker narrowed his eyes and carefully identified it. Of course he knew the Aurora script, and he understood it very well, but the script on the flag was different from what he had learned, so that he wondered if he had made a mistake.

But it seems right.

He read it word by word: ""

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ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts