MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 811 incite defection

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There was unparalleled pain and hatred in the roaring voice.

It was the incomprehension and rage after being betrayed.

The one who spoke was Executor Callius.

After Griffin-Williams, the next generation of the most watched star in Austrian law council politics.

He is seventeen years younger than the Speaker. The relationship between the two is both a mentor and an opponent. In terms of the overall situation, he can be called a comrade-in-arms, and even a good friend... Griffin has always admired him, and He has always been very optimistic about him, and he even often thinks that Kalios may take his place in the future.

It just takes twenty or thirty years.

It is necessary to wait for this ambitious and amazingly talented genius to smooth his edge and calm his temperament in the day-to-day power struggles and decision-making judgments, and to harden his heart, but still maintain integrity and love.

But, there is no "just" anymore.

The honest, sincere and generous executive Kalius is the big brother and mentor in the eyes of the new generation of spellcasters. The result of the combined efforts of many factions in the Senate... With so many interest groups, a common buffer is needed to coordinate the most complex place in the Senate.

No one is more suitable for this position than the wise, decisive and courageous Kalius.

The Grand Chancellor admired Kalios so much, and it was precisely because of that... He seemed to have seen his past self, so brilliant, always angry, always zealous, always sympathetic.

But all the appreciation and even favor, only until today.

No matter how beautiful and fragrant the flowers are, blocking the way out, we can only reluctantly **** away.

Therefore, in the plan to clean up the Starry Court and the Senate, Kalios is also on the kill list. It is precisely because he admires the executive so much that the Grand Speaker knows that the opponent's position is unshakable.

Even if he confided his feelings and made his choices and difficulties fully revealed, it would not be exchanged for the understanding and participation of the executive.

Such a person, like himself twenty years ago, would never agree with such a method.

So, just kill.

But people are not iron, how could Griffin be willing to kill himself twenty years ago with his own hands? He killed several core members in the most brutal way. One was to vent his anger for restraint, and the other was to punish him for his corruption and depravity. Okay, but Carius didn't do anything wrong...he didn't do anything wrong.

He was reluctant or even afraid to do it himself, because he dared not look Kalios in the eyes.

So senators, it's all up to Phoebe to do it.

The **** of the star palace has been imprisoned for such a long time, and he has already filled with anger and resentment. He treats mortals like ants, and kills them without mercy. He is a very useful executioner. He swept away like the cold wind of winter. The entire Senate, killing all the members, followed by Kant...

A lot has happened...

The situation was pulled back by Kant.

He had realized that it was impossible.

Decided to compromise with Kant.

Take Phoebe as a gift of sincerity.

Deduct the black pot of the attack to Xinggong.

Anyway, half of the goal has been achieved, and if this continues, part of the power can still be gathered.

The plan went well.

Reinforcements from the Security Committee also arrived, and Faersson was identified as an attacker, and Kant was ready to fight him. Then, he only needed to unite with Kant and kill Faersson, and the matter could come to an end.


But why...

Why did you hear Carius' voice?

Why is Phaeson sneering at me?

In the end what happened?

The Grand Chancellor had already flown out of the Tower of All-Seeing, and was about to lead someone to besiege Phaethon, but heard such a voice.

At this time, he was in mid-air, and the wind and clouds were holding up. He only felt that the city was in the bottom of his eyes, the scenery below was small, the people were like ants, and the big house was like a box. Such a perspective is like a **** overlooking the mortal world.

But the Great Speaker heard the voice from hell.

It was a vengeful ghost who had returned from **** and hated the disloyal who betrayed him.

Callius... charged him.

No matter what his motives are, no matter what his difficulties are, no matter what his intentions are, no matter what the impact of this matter will be... Kalios still accuses him.

The Great Speaker, who had long forgotten what fear was, now felt a shudder that penetrated his bones.

The hateful anger and accusations of Kalius alone will arouse suspicion and investigation from the giants, which is enough to make Griffin unstoppable, but at this time, Phaethon has not been killed, and Kant is even more threatened. The power of the forbidden spell, Willing Tula Xia Ye... What should I do, what should I do?


Implicated cronies, students and families.

Once this matter comes out, it will cause a devastating blow to the prestige and institutional legitimacy of the council, causing the entire Austrian council to be shamed and ridiculed.

What to do? What to do? What to do?

The Qingxing Titan was seized by Kant, and the three giants controlled the situation of the Tower of All-Seeing. The marshals are coming, but in this case, the military will not stand firmly on his side, and with the current situation, turn around and attack Killing Kalios is stupid, and there is no point in arguing with the opponent...

Moreover, Kant will not give up.

How to do how to do?

He saw Phaerson's wild smile.

Boundless anger burns.

Absolutely his fault!

In an instant, the previous events came to mind - after Phaethon killed all the senators, Griffin used all the investigative methods to confirm the termination of all life signals, but he was still worried, because it was a big event, then Griffin is ready to fill up one by one, confirming that everyone is dead.

But at that moment, Phoeson interrupted him abruptly.

Ask him, is it that simple?

So Griffin answered.

Of course he would answer, because he committed such a serious crime and made such a crazy act, the psychological pressure and tension can be imagined, after all the dust settled, he urgently needed to vent his dark emotions, wanted to To glorify his own betrayal to the he answers.

But after answering, he still wanted to make up for it.

But Phaethon interrupted him a second time.

It was more presumptuous to greet him, patted him on the shoulder, commented on the death of the senators in a arrogant tone, and even solicited him on behalf of the Star Palace and misinterpreted his motives.

and succeeded in provoking his own anger.

So he taught Phaerson angrily, and threatened and persecuted him again.

Even then, he still did not forget to make up for the knife.

Perhaps Phaethon was ready to interrupt and disturb him for the third time.

But then... Kant came.

The Aurora Dragon's stormy offensive made Griffin have no time to care, not only detonated the conflict between himself and Phaethon, but even robbed the Titan, which caused the current predicament.

He never had a chance to make up for the knife again, and of course he couldn't find the vicious seeds and back-hands that Phoeson had buried under compromise and showing weakness.

He quietly left Kaleus dead, allowing him to see and hear everything.

That seed had sprouted, and now dripped deadly venom.

The cause and effect are already clear in my heart.

A crushing defeat.

The Great Speaker looked around blankly, disheartened, and sighed for a while.

He is not Kant, and he does not have the power of the forbidden spell to destroy the city and the enemy country by himself. Even if he has excellent personal combat power, he has no chance of winning under the cooperation of the three giants.

Not to mention Kant.

Yes, Kant.

When he thought of this, his heart was bitter.

If it wasn't for Kant's resolute and quick raid on Turaxia, he would not have lost sight of this and failed to realize that Kalius was still alive. If Kant hadn't captured the Optimus Titan, Phaersson might not have been able to turn up the waves... After all , the timing of Kant's appearance and his shot are too perfect.

Is he already grasping and anticipating this?

of course not.

So... just a coincidence?

Thinking of this word, the bitterness on the speaker's face became more and more intense.

Sometimes, a coincidence can also be called...



Strong as the speaker, he once held such power and stood at the top of the continent, and even sneered at the word fate for a time, and now he finally has a real sense of fate.

So helpless, so powerless.

He was sluggish and silent until Phoebus's wild laughter came into his ears, staring at the God of the Star Palace, all the shock, despair, sighs, and sadness disappeared, and pure animal nature and killing intent quietly appeared.

The fate of the world, the fate of the Arcane Council, I have no power to interfere in the decision.

But at least, I can control my own destiny.

and also…


He suddenly let out a roar, with the momentum of wind and thunder, killing Phoebus with all his strength!


In the sanctuary, the conversation started early.

"Charius, what are you talking about!?"

The chaotic scream was accompanied by exclamations.

The executive roared like a ghost: "It was he who planned the attack with that person! Griffin killed the core councilor, this Phaethon killed us! I didn't die, I heard their conversation! That Phaethon killed us! From a place called Star Palace! They're a gang!"

In the sanctuary, the Arcane hunters were pale and at a loss.

Due to their positions and identities, these fighting elites usually come into contact with a lot of highly confidential matters, and even participate in many top-secret missions.

- But this time, it seems that this mission will definitely be silenced!

The giants looked at each other.

After hundreds of battles, they immediately made a gesture.

The shield guards immediately lit up their giant shields and surrounded the executive officer. A dozen noble mages divided half, staring at the figure of the great speaker in mid-air, and the elemental chains extended from their feet and linked to each other. In the orb, offensive spells are charging.

The other half of the noble mages dispersed.

Their spiritual powers unfolded magnificently, monitoring every corner of the sanctuary.

Among the three giants, a female mage who looked in her thirties had a halo of water in her hands and treated Kalios in person. At the same time, he paid attention to the left and right sides, and the last big man with strong beard and strong body was staring at the woman and the Kalios executive at the same time.

The three people spread out, all using the eagle-eyed lion's stance, which is both offensive and defensive, to ensure that no matter the accident and change come from the outside, the companions or the executive himself, they can make an instant response.

Whether it is the Arcane Chasers who rushed in or the noble mages, they all adopted a similar attitude to ensure that they spread out, monitor each other, and attack and aid each other.

Because the gesture of the Big Three means an order of the highest degree of vigilance.

- Internal auditing and external imperialism, sweeping away candles.

The Arcane Council calls itself the watchmen of mortal civilization, and in fact they do.

Whether out of public interest or selfishness, they have always been committed to dealing with threats and invasions from ancient times, extraterrestrials and other planes. All kinds of foreign objects from the boundless world are unpredictable and unpredictable, with different methods. Although some are not known for their destructive power, they are more Unpredictable and unstoppable.

The larvae that quietly parasitize the flesh and blood and slowly control the host.

The demon of the soul who bewitches the soul silently and magnifies the dark side of the heart.

A world breaker who splits the gaps in the world, wanders between planes, and usurps the flesh.

Superficial mortals can't identify the essence through appearance, which gives ghosts and ghosts an opportunity to take advantage of.

In an era when safety regulations and contact rules have not yet been perfected, the council has suffered a lot - old comrades who fought side by side for decades suddenly turned against the tide, and conscientious, respected and trusted powerhouses suddenly started killing people, killing innocent people, and all kinds of broken things. , hard to prevent.

The mages have been stabbed in the back, and naturally they have to have a long memory. The strong need to identify the second and fifth children will force research and development. This has led to the birth of the safety rules and contact regulations that are updated almost once a year, and new defensive equipment, Potions amulet and countermeasures.

Including the legal stance and surveillance array currently adopted by the members of the Security Committee is to deal with similar worst-case scenarios.

In other words, everyone in the imaginary presence except himself has been corroded and deteriorated.

Now is the time.

The Senate was slaughtered, and the surviving executive accused the Speaker of colluding with foreign enemies. This kind of terrible thing has never been seen before and must be dealt with in the most serious manner.

Everyone moved extremely fast and took their respective positions. The woman who was treating Kalios was the director of the Ninth Bureau of the Security Committee. While treating, she said quickly: "This is the most severe accusation, how do you prove that you are not controlled, Stealing and eroding, to slander the Great Speaker?"

"I request to accept the verification of twenty-eight Kam's spiritual body techniques immediately!"

Kalios deserves to be admired by Griffin. He survived and finally found a chance to speak. With almost all his strength, he called out the accusation against the Grand Speaker. Now he has received a little treatment, recovered a little vitality, and his blood has accelerated. Circulation, the brain comes alive.

He is now full of hatred, betrayed by Griffin who is like a teacher and a friend, and has lived and died several times in endless weakness and pain, lying on the cold ground listening to the conspiracy of evil, and now hope and vitality come, but instead He became more and more calm, and thought clearly about the road of revenge and rape.

The executive said quickly: "Call him back immediately! If he admits his innocence, he will confront me calmly! The most important thing right now is not to convict, but not to let him run away!"

The woman continued, "How do you prove that you were not manipulated and controlled by that attacker, then charge the Chancellor, ask him to come back to confront him, and create an opportunity for the attacker to escape?"

Kalios was not angry or in a hurry, and immediately replied: "The attacker is not strong! Let Griffin come back, one of the chiefs and him is responsible for guarding him, the other protects me, and the last one is hunting with five noble mages. That Phaerson! And then—with Kant!"

His eyes flickered, and he said sternly: "Joining forces with Kant! Griffin is to deal with Kant, and the Faersson from the star palace is even more to deal with Kant! A few! Today's things are difficult to be good, we have to solve the case. Liffin and Faersson have to deal with Kant! It just so happens that Kant has a huge festival with the Star Palace, and he used the Aurora to clean up Faersson, and he can also give Kant an explanation!"

This matter is really difficult to decide. The grand speaker of Mahle Gobi took the lead in 226, which is unprecedented. Even the giants of the safety committee can't make up their minds.


Working with Kant?

What are you kidding?

Although these few don't seem to be the Great Speakers, they don't feel that they must stop the rise of Far Harbor at all costs. When what the **** happened today is obviously another matter - Kant jumped in the face!

To blatantly threaten the capital of the council with a forbidden spell, to threaten a great nation, to threaten the tens of thousands of spellcasters and ancient traditions of glory in the city, this is what Kant has just done!

This kind of blatant humiliation and hostility, if there is no response, how will the council be messed up in the future! ?

Although the members of Congress have all finished playing, the mountaintop forces in the military, academy, security, and engineering fields have not suffered much loss. The faces of the giants were beaten, but there was nothing they could do. With a sigh, he made up his mind and solved the difficult problem at the moment, so he would definitely not give up with Kang Deshan.

You told me to cooperate now! ?

Director Angelos, the burly man said coldly, "Cooperation? We..."


Kalios spat out a mouthful of blood and said decisively, "We must cooperate!"


"The reason is what happened today!"

"The Forbidden Spell doesn't seem to be feared anymore." The director said solemnly, "I don't know where the Speaker found these things, but not long ago, the speed of the powerful people in the city was strangely limited, and I also noticed that the Forbidden Spell was slow. Come down, Kant is probably bluffing, so..."

"I'm not talking about the forbidden spell!"

Kalios's tone became hurried: "Griffin colluded with the enemy and murdered the parliamentarian, the crime is unforgivable, but he can only be tried in secret! This kind of thing must not be leaked out, let alone let the people and other countries know, otherwise The prestige blow to the entire country is huge! The families of the members of Congress will also take the opportunity to make a scene and shake the country. Do you want to see this happen!?"

The director shook his head and said, "No, if what you say is true, the safety committee will definitely ensure that this matter is resolved within a small area and will not let the matter spread."

Dozens of absurd rumors are released, the real rumor is hidden, the public opinion is disturbed, and the rhythm is guided, so that this terrible fact is drowned and forgotten in the gossip of the people.

Then use suicide against a handful of fools.

It's the safety committee's forte.

But Carius raised his hand and pointed out indifferently.

"You can restrict the flow of information and stop people from talking, but how do you deal with Kant?"

He said coldly: "Not long after Griffin started, Kant realized that this was a conspiracy against the far port, and immediately raided Tulaxiaye, and used the forbidden spell without hesitation. Even if the forbidden spell was targeted and defended, it was nothing. The deceit and coaxing made the well-prepared Griffin a complete defeat. Do you understand? Kant is not a nouveau riche who relies on forbidden spells to blackmail. His determination, intelligence and action are all outstanding."

"And Griffin is targeting him. Kant is here this time to fight. The forbidden spell has been used. We and Far Harbor are already on the same page, and we have torn our faces long ago. With his ingenuity, he is very The details and truth of Griffin's mutiny will soon be guessed, then you say..."

When Karius said this, he said loudly: "Kant, a big mouth, has such a handle and black material that can severely attack the council, and is such a resolute and tough person, he must be preached all over the world, you can stop it. Can you hold it! We have to try to keep his mouth shut!"

So, join forces.

We must also take this opportunity to reach a consensus with Kant that cannot be elaborated.

When Karius said this, he took a deep breath.

There was a sad and cold light in his eyes.

Nearly dead, and respected as a teacher, Griffin made a mistake and committed such a serious crime. He was both stimulated and turned in a circle between life and death, which has become different from before.

People always have to grow.

It's just that some growth is like a long stream of water, and it comes naturally.

Some growths are accompanied by intense pain, and traumatic phantom pains that cannot be eliminated for a long time.

In the sky outside the Tower of All-Seeing, Griffin was fighting fiercely against Phaersson like a mad tiger. The Big Three had already believed 70% of them when they saw this crazy situation, but they were still undecided when they joined forces with Kant.

Right at this moment...

"Look, Master Ge is fighting with the star bandits!"

The Dragon of Aurora roared so loudly, the sound blasted through dozens of phase gates to the entire city, and the whole process was explained and broadcasted, which was super annoying, and even more unpleasant to the giants.

He sent out a soul question: "—Righteousness kills relatives? Murder kills one's mouth?"

"Damn, why didn't I know Kant was so annoying before!"

A giant made a foul language.

You must know that the monarchs and the powerful all over the world have the so-called "pride of the superior", all of them maintain their demeanor and majesty, pay attention to a mentality and a city government, who is your mother like Kant, a dignified forbidden spell master, and an alchemist The **** of the world, who has recently become a duke, how can he be so insufferable!

Karius said faintly: "If you don't decide, it will be too late. If you feel that this matter is too important and difficult to decide, then order it in my name."

After a while, Angelos Yufeng, one of the three giants, flew out and shouted: "Your Excellency the Speaker, the enemy is ferocious, please come back slowly, and leave it to me—"

He paused and continued to shout: "His Royal Highness Kant! The unknown enemy who attacked Tulaxiaye and blamed the Far Harbor is our common enemy, so let us join hands to fight the enemy, take down the enemy, interrogate the way forward, and remove the enemy. Misunderstanding, what do you think!"

Speaking of which, he felt embarrassed.

Logically speaking, it was Tulaxiaye who was hit by a plane, and someone who was killed inside the Tower of All-Seeing, but the official has not announced that it was Kant who did it, that is to say, theoretically speaking, it has not been done yet. If it has anything to do with Kant, the council did not blame Kant officially, and the people did not scold Kant. It is very unreasonable for Kant to run a meal now for what may happen in the future!

As for the council, without doing anything, it was hit by a plane and killed by mysterious people. As a result, Kant came again, waving a forbidden curse stick to scare people... No matter how you look at it, it is very aggrieved.

It's too embarrassing to have to laugh or even join forces with the villain who knocked on the door.

But so what?

Between countries, it is about fists rather than reason.

Now Kant holds the Forbidden Spell, has the phase skill that can run at any time, and is too loud, and may expose Griffin's shame at any time... So the council can only pinch its nose and compromise.

No wonder the Big Three refused to agree to Kalius' proposal.

But the executive finally took up the responsibility.

Thinking of this, Angelos sighed silently, waiting for Kant and Griffin's reply.

The Great Speaker was still fighting fiercely, while Kant was silent for more than ten seconds before finally speaking.

"You..." His voice was full of suspicion, "Are you a temporary worker?"

"..." Angelos said in surprise, "What?"

"I said, do you mean what you say? Will the council recognize it?"

"..." As the three dignified giants, the fourth bureau chief and one of the safety committees who control the order behind the sunshine of the Austrian law council, he said angrily, "I am Angelos!"


The abominable Aurora responded, and finally didn't say anything like "Who is Angelos?" Otherwise, this conversation would be broadcast across the city, and it would be a face-to-face humiliation.

But then Kant asked: "'re not going to retire soon, are you?"


I fuck! Already a bit! understand! Griffin! !

The Aurora people finally didn't bother about this matter, but shouted: "The big brothers in the council, come on! We will help you **** the battle below - if you can't beat it, if you need our help, say it out loud!"


I have fully understood it.


If forced to deal with such **** for months...

No wonder it was desperate to bring about a war against the Far Harbor.

The wind and thunder clashed with the sun, and the battle between Griffin and Phaersson was in full swing.

In the violent roar, Jie Jie, the **** of the star palace, laughed softly: "Have you made up your mind?"

The elemental brilliance continued to explode, the frost nova was like a ring cut, and the two figures flashed rapidly.

"Kill me, then what?"

Faersson smiled and said, "Suicide? Or just die with me? Or even be judged by these ants and let them reprimand you?"

Griffin manipulated the mana, without a word, bombarded wildly.

"No one understands your painstaking efforts, evil guys won't understand your motives, hypocritical people won't agree with your ways, they'll just sneer at you, smash you into the mud and trample you, and then they'll get drunk , will be blindfolded and blind to the dangers you fear..."

"So, you gave everything, fame, life, honor, destiny, and even the future of your relatives and friends... What did you get? What did you protect? There was nothing."

The smile of the God of Star Palace was full of ridicule: "It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make any sense at all. Those you want to protect will only spurn you, criticize you, and even be implicated by you... Do you know why?"

"Because this country is not worthy of your salvation, even if you die here, nothing will change. So, are you willing? Are you willing?"

At this time, Griffin said fiercely: "Want to laugh at me? It's useless!"

"No, I'm not laughing at you." The deceleration force field was lifted, Phaethon's power was no longer limited, and the battle with the Grand Chancellor was more leisurely, "Just to remind you, there is another way."

There was a deep meaning in his eyes: "I like you very much."

The Grand Chancellor just laughed wildly.

"Didn't you say you wanted to be one of us? I took it seriously, and I take it seriously now."

Phaeson maintained a calm tone, while the Grand Speaker was in a chaotic mood at this time, and did not notice that the God of Star Palace was nervously looking at the street below, as if facing a great enemy, even trembling.

The visitor from Outland said, "You have lost your mortal throne, but it doesn't really matter. Whether the country or the throne, it's all made of mud. In our opinion, it's sad and ridiculous. You don't want to. Transcend this mortal world? Get out of this sad cycle, come to heaven, and achieve new forms of life... Then you will find that the world is much better than you thought, a lot."

"Listen to me, Griffin, the ants in this country are not worthy of you, join the Star Palace."

Hearing this, Griffin hated: "Even if I die, I won't be your slave!"

"No, not a slave." The arrogant Star Palace God corrected, "It's a companion."

There was surprise in the eyes of the great speaker.

Phoeson said seriously: "I'm not lying, I'm a companion."

"Heh." The monarch who lost his throne said coldly, "Let me, an ant-like lower world, become one of yours, what are you asking for? How much credit do you have to give me?"

"You are very smart, I like it very much."

Faersson said lightly: "Originally, this kind of good thing, you don't even think about it, but now, if you catch up, even Apophis will not refute my promise to you... As long as you obey orders."

When he said this, his voice trembled involuntarily - even in the high-intensity battle where he was fighting and talking, Phaethon's voice didn't tremble even a bit, but now, his emotions were out of control.


Fire thieves.

The fire thieves appeared again.

This completely changed Phaerson's plans.

Originally, he wanted to promote the battle between Kant and the council. Just now, he was thinking about how to induce Kant to cast the forbidden spell. Even if the plan failed one after another, he still had the last card.

The big dish of Kalios, I didn't intend to take it out now... When Griffin seized the supreme power through this attack, launched a **** battle with Far Harbor, suffered heavy losses and forged a blood feud, then let Kalios come out Charge the Speaker, and that will have the greatest effect.

But now it has to start early.

Because...he needs Griffin.

"Loyal to my army, those devout servants are getting ready to go on the border of Goethe. You also have a lineage and a city that are loyal to you. You haven't completely failed, so why not gamble?"

The God of the Star Palace said in a low voice: "The Star Palace needs your contribution... We immediately broke through the siege, went to the Goethe border, launched an attack, launched a hunt against Kant according to the original plan, and tried every means to hit the thieves... hit him hard and attract his attention. , interrupting his developmental steps, that's your job."

He looked into Griffin's eyes in the gale.

"You're finished, you're about to die like a maggot, humiliated by ants, and mocked by Kant. Compared with this, eternal life, detached nobility, don't you want to try it?"

The God of Star Palace stretched out his hand: "Come on!"


PS1: Eight thousand words!