MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 805 Grandpa was framed

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This is the biggest dispute that has erupted in the shogunate since its establishment.

Since the Iran-Tair incident, the increasingly bad tension between Far Harbor and the Council has been thoroughly intensified. In the past three months, there have been public criticisms, economic sanctions, propaganda, espionage and even Small conflicts occurred in the open and secret, and the wind of war seemed to blow the four fields.

The entire continent has noticed the storm before the mountain rain.

The Great Chamber of Commerce has cut down on related businesses, nobles are recalling their descendants who traveled to the land of mages, wealth and people are on the safe side, and greedy hyenas are watching - scavengers are always good at profit, they are waiting A gluttonous feast after a lose-lose.

The palaces and military institutions of all countries have been running at full speed. Retired marshals and generals, military strategists who have written life-size books, wise and intelligent staff members, and all the elites have gathered in the king's court.

They gave the answers the king wanted in quarrels, deductions, and debates.

The kings want to know what form this war, which seems to be bound to happen, will start, what result will it end in, whether the war will spread, and whether the scale is controllable.

I also want to know what the war between the two sides will bring to the world, from the Arcane Council, where spellcasters are half-way out, and the Dragon of Aurora, who wields the power of forbidden spells and alchemy skills.

Is it an unforgettable scar?

- After all, no one dares to believe in the rationality of the Aurora people, let alone assert the unpredictable fate. If Kant's forbidden spell goes out of control, it will be a disaster for the whole world.

Or a chance to take a leap?

-Kant's alchemy technology and ancient heritage, reviewing the Austrian achievements of the Crown Continent, if one of the two collapses, its whale fall is enough to nourish the entire world?

Or the result that reassures the kings?

-No one likes Kant, no one likes that he repeatedly provoked disputes and became enemies with foreign powers, no one likes him disrespectful to nobles, bloodthirsty and tyrannical, and no one likes what he did in the far port, and those with vested interests hate Kant Unruly, unreverent, and more terrified of the power he wields.

How can such a person stay in the world with the body of a human being in charge of the killing authority of the gods.

Even if he is powerless and can only acquiesce to this result, at least he should suppress his ambitions, curb his rise, and let him learn to respect and abide by this order and rules.

"Because of this, the old man feels that we should act cautiously."

Dong Tianming said solemnly: "The jealousy and suspicion of the various countries and kings towards the lord, and even the hostility and fear of the nobles of the entire continent, have reached a dangerous tipping point. I have no intention of judging the rightness of what the lord did in the past. It's just telling a fact."

He looked at Kant with a sincere expression: "The four words of the teacher's reputation are not aimed at the people of this country, nor are they aimed at the enemy, but for third-party forces."

"And at this extraordinary time, the change of Turaxiaye will surely shock the world, and at this time, the lord directly raises troops to raid, not only to blame himself, but also to show the world that we are belligerent and radical..."

"—pull you down!"

Parrot patted the table and said coldly: "This is the end, can the situation get worse? If you don't do it now, do you have to wait for the council to mobilize and declare war brazenly, and then we will passively fight?"

"What third party - don't we fight now, those mentally retarded nobles and imperial emperors will think that we are harmless? They will not be hostile to us? They will be friendly with us?"

Hearing this, Dong Tianming frowned and said, "Even so, it's too risky. If there are too many incidents and failures, the consequences will be unimaginable - the foundation of Yuangang is still too shallow."

"Shallow shit, he..." Marekise pointed at Kant and only said the beginning, then reacted and changed the subject, "I think you are just looking ahead and losing your spirit."

Dong Tianming nodded frankly: "Of course, the old man left his family and business for a deserter, spent decades in the Western soil, and finally waited for the master of Ming, day and night looking forward to the master's achievements, unification of foreign lands, raising millions of soldiers, and returning to the country from the west. , Yi Wan Tianqing, of course he doesn't want to watch the lord take risks! I'm too scared!"

There was a lot of debate here, Kant pinched his eyebrows and remained silent.

Iron Son and Ah Fu have already left first. The two marshals are dispatching troops and preparing to make a surprise deployment, but the final decision has not yet been made. There is a dispute in the shogunate. , each has its own reason, and no one can convince the other.

Just today, a mix of things like 226, 911, and COD6 happened to Tulaxia.

A "plane" crashed into the Tower of All-Seeing, and there were continuous explosions inside the power center of the Austrian Law Council. It doesn't matter who led and planned all this, because this black pot will inevitably fall on the far port. Last... The capital of a country was hit hard by this, and the dignity of the country is above everything else, and the council will inevitably vow to retaliate.

Even if the Far Harbor side argues loudly, the council will not pay attention. Even if they try to defend themselves, the mages will definitely ask Kant to come to Tulaxia Ye by himself to be interrogated and investigated.

Kant did not have the Virgin Mary's, the idea of ​​"to endure humiliation by myself, take the overall situation into consideration, and avoid war" is ridiculous and naive. Peace is never sought, but is fought with struggle.

So, the result can only be war.

It is precisely because of this that Kant made a proposal - since the situation is irreversible, since the black pot is on the top, since things will not get worse... let's do it first!

But this bold proposal was firmly opposed by Dong Tianming.

"This was just an attack as an excuse...probably directed and acted by the council itself!"

The Emperor said with the information: "It was just a plane that hit a residential area. Although the casualties were heavy, they were only civilians. As for the attack inside the Tower of All-Seeing, even if the people inside were all dead, the dead It's just some administrative officials and councillors! The army guarding Turashaye is unscathed!"

He followed the table, his beard trembled, and his expression was extremely serious: "The lord has dispatched a large army to raid Tulaxiaye, and what will be faced at that time is the full blow of the Turaxiaye garrison troops! They must be full of anger, morale and fighting spirit are upright. At the top, do you want to fight such an army head-on?"

"In addition, there are thousands of years of business accumulation in the city of a thousand spells, ranging from the Star Titan standing at the top of the All-Seeing Tower, to the golem statues all over the city, and studying in the city. Countless spellcasters from , the magic tools in private and state-owned alchemy workshops... the essence, accumulation and heritage of this entire city, is the lord ready to win the battle?"

Parrot frowned and said, "It's not like that, we..."

Before she could finish speaking, Dong Tianming raised his eyebrows and shouted, "Let the lord speak for himself!"

Marekis was instantly furious, but looking at the unyielding eyes of the emperor, she seemed to understand something, snorted angrily, and turned her head to the side.

Kant sat in a chair, closed his eyes and meditated.

The ministers waited with bated breath, only Kant could make this decision.

After a few minutes, Kant opened his eyes and looked around the crowd.

He said solemnly, "Go!"


Dong Tianming did not see the joy and anger, and asked: "Soldiers, the important affairs of the country should not be taken lightly. Dare to ask the lord, what is the strategy and purpose of dispatching troops and horses to raid the capital of a big country?"

Kant said slowly: "There are two strategies, one is to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses, and the other is to act according to opportunities."

"There are four purposes. They are to grasp the situation, detect the reality, behead and raid, and end the war." Kant stretched out four fingers. "The four purposes are progressive, and you will act according to the opportunity. If something goes wrong, run away at any time."

Dong Tianming nodded lightly: "It sounds like you already understand that this is taking a risk."

Kant nodded and said: "Yes. In the art of war, it is said that knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can win a hundred battles, but now we can only know yourself, but knowing the enemy is difficult. In any case, the risk of raiding a country's capital is not small, just like you As said, we not only have to face the angry garrison army, but also face the profound heritage of the city of a thousand laws condensed over countless years, and even the secret weapons and hidden methods of the council."

The emperor asked: "Then..."

"Because we can't fight in the dark."

Kant's eyes were bright and he said: "If we pretend that nothing happened, and wait for the council to clean up the situation, mobilize the people, and declare war on us, it means that we will be confused from beginning to end, framed by others, framed by others, and blaming us. I don't know who set us up... that's not going to work."

He stood up and clenched his fists: "Besides, the war is the consensus of the two parties. We have tried our best in the past few months, but we haven't found too many trump cards in the council... I also want to take advantage of this. Take the opportunity to find out and investigate, and see what means the Austrian Law Council has prepared."

"in this way…"

Dong Tianming bowed and said: "The master plan has been decided, although the old minister does not agree, but he can only obey the order."

When he said this, he sighed and did not hide his concern: "Although the son of a thousand gold cannot sit in the hall, unless the lord is personally there, no one can transport elite soldiers and generals to thousands of miles away and fight flexibly. If you can ask the lord to think about it from time to time, the rise and fall of these two continents is entirely up to the lord."

Kant nodded and said, "Be educated."

He faced the important officials of the shogunate with a straight face.

The crowd stood up and listened.

"From now on, Far Harbor will stop all recreational activities, the soldiers will cancel all vacations, the city government will be raised to the highest alert state, pre-launch a doomsday-level evacuation plan, and conduct pre-deployment drills."

Kant is careful everywhere, and thinks about failure before winning everything. The so-called doomsday-level evacuation plan means that an irreversible disaster situation has occurred, that is, Kant's situation in the mainland is in a state of complete failure, so that the safety of the far port cannot be protected, and the people are facing In the event of death threats, the ultimate plan.

At that time, the Yuangang Municipal Government will immediately implement the doomsday evacuation plan. With the increasingly improved grassroots execution capabilities and community management and control capabilities, drone transportation is the mainstay, and human assistance is supplemented, and capsules made of paradox crystallization will be distributed to the people. Then take the block as a unit, raise the Holy Pillar field, and execute the evacuation operation—through phase transmission, everyone will be evacuated to the white fog world.

Hong San said proudly: "I will not humiliate my life."

Kant looked at Tina again: "I will explain the situation to Dereira, but you must also clarify your position and declare your innocence to the elves, Dragon Island, Empire and other countries in an official capacity. In addition, you must also explain the situation to Danfeng Lucerne. The subpoena said that someone framed the far port, and the council is likely to start a war, please prepare for it."

Tina nodded lightly, and held Yongning Shelter on her chest through her clothes.

The Aurora Ring in Kant's hand also resonated and vibrated.

Yiren's affection and determination are silent but firm.

He smiled at Tina: "Time is running out, you will replace me in a moment, explain the situation to the people of Far Harbor and appease people's hearts... I will leave this to you."

Immediately after Kant continued to send orders, each department performed its own duties, and the last gaze fell on Nicias: "General, on the trip to Tulaxiaye, I need you to lead the way."

The former councillor nodded solemnly: "We're going to end a mistake, right?"


Kant pressed the messenger and spoke to Afu: "Marshal Astolfo, please mobilize all the combat troops from the council of the third level and above, I want to speak to them, and announce the pre-war mobilization... They will be the first A group of troops that followed me to Turashaye."

Nicias was taken aback: "They?"

Kant just told her to get ready, and then opened the phase door.

"Soldiers, soldiers from the Austrian Council."

Just like the complex racial and ethnic composition of Far Harbor, the composition of Kant's army is also very complex. Take the Austrian Council faction as an example, the soldiers of the Azure Fleet who were originally captured in the Battle of Far Harbor, these three Over the past few months, the "progressive elements" of the Azure Fleet have also joined the team.

And now, they are called together, under the same banner.

Kant looked at them and said solemnly: "I brought a piece of news. Before telling you the news, I gave you half a minute of noisy time in advance - about twenty minutes ago, Tulaxiaye was attacked. A plane crashed into the Tower of All-Seeing, and a violent and continuous explosion occurred inside the Tower of All-Seeing. Internal and external information was cut off, the situation was unknown, and the scene was very chaotic."

Sure enough, after hearing the news, the soldiers burst into an uproar.

The officer scolded sharply and even raised the electric baton. It still took more than 20 seconds for the soldiers to completely quiet down, and a pair of uneasy eyes looked at Kant in silence.

"Master was framed."

Kant spit on the ground: "You have been working under me for a few months, and you know me. If this is my hand, the one who hit the tower of all-seeing will not be one. A plane, but a meteorite meteor the size of a hill, one shot can make Turasha leaves disappear on the horizon."

The soldiers subconsciously laughed, but soon realized the serious situation now, and even some smart people had associations... very bad, very bad associations.

"Look, you can also understand that it wasn't me who attacked the council."

Kant went on to say: "But this world has never been a rational world. Most people don't understand this kind of thing. They will only be angry and vent their anger. And the smart people who can understand will not make a sound. Because in the face of the surging tides that converge into the river and the sea, the voices of individuals are insignificant, and the cries of individual rationality will also be drowned in the ocean of anger."

"So, after hearing the news, I realized that things were going bad."

"Because of war, war is inevitable."

"A war that is out of control, a war that is rigged and full of hatred, without a clear purpose, without a sensible helm, a chaotic war motivated by revenge."

"I have to tell you, this is not the result I want."

"Although I really want to teach the council a lesson and let them know that times have changed, this kind of war of annihilation is not in my plan."

"So, I want to do something."

Facing those eyes, Kant was silent for a few seconds, and then spoke.

"I want to go to Turashaye now," he said, "jump with the Phase Gate and take my army with me."

The soldiers were in an uproar again, and even the officers' eyes widened.

"Because I want to find out who planned this lame attack and who wanted to start this chaotic war - the logic is very simple, whoever benefits the most, then whoever is the conspirator!"

Kant said sharply: "Every time! You are all prisoners! Which one of the Azure Fleet, the Azure Fleet, was not sent to my side by the high-ranking **** politicians to die?"

"And now, it's not just you, and it's not just content to send some soldiers to take risks! Instead, the soldiers and people of the entire country, and the fate of the entire world, are placed on the altar of this conspiracy!"

"I'm telling you! I'm tired of being passively beaten and fighting back, I'm **** fed up with the routine of being blamed, declared war by the council and then beaten back! They think everything is under control, so I just jump to them His face! Drag out these **** who play tricks and tricks, and cut them alive! I'm going to Tulaxia Ye now, the vanguard has been deployed, and I'll be there soon!"

Kant raised his hand and pointed to the thousands of officers and soldiers under the stage.

"I need you."

"I need you to come with me."

He slowed down his tone: "Among you, there are those who were unsuccessful in the past and decided to fight for a future in the Far Harbor, there are those who were forced to surrender, who were disconnected from the council, and even those who were simply spies, I know all these things. .I also know that you have had thousands of relationships with the women's family members of the bureaucrats and members of the council in your dreams and words. I know that if you have the opportunity, you would like to eat them alive."

"And I also know that no matter how much you hate, how dissatisfied, how much you complain, you never want to see this country fall into the flames of collapse and terrifying destruction, and you don't want to see the bustling city and countless crystals of wisdom dissipated and destroyed, I don't want to see innocent people like your family in disaster."

"If that's the case, I order you to go with me to Tulaxiaye."

"Do our best to find out the truth, end this war that shouldn't have happened, and find out those conspirators who are high above, play tricks, and send soldiers to their deaths!"

Kant took two steps forward, and his voice was fierce: "Then—who wants to be with Lao Tzu?"