MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 689 Hell and Sun

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To win people's hearts and improve stability, it is necessary to divide the routine of the world and the means of the underworld.

The Yangjian routine is what Kant did these two days—a sheltered house, a warm mattress, kind treatment, unsurpassed delicacies, as well as sending warm activities and ideological and political education.

And, collective activities.

-If the sentence is wrong or intentionally wrong, please consciously reboot and recite the scriptures.

That morning, the homely preachers, who had circled around and gathered their "work objects" with a smile, officially announced the appointment of His Royal Highness Kant.

According to the order of His Royal Highness Kant, all the prisoners of the Azure Fleet totaled more than 12,000 people, organized in the form of classes, with forty people in each class.

Each class is managed by two preachers, who are set as the front and deputy class leaders. As a kind big brother, they are responsible for supervising and managing them and answering all the questions that the prisoners do not understand.

Oh yes, from now on, their identities are no longer captives.

It's "reforming students".

These "reformed students" of the Azure Fleet were clearly informed of His Royal Highness Kant's intentions and plans.

-Because they stopped the iron hoof of His Royal Highness Kant, the merciful Highness forgave them, but would completely reform them, make them realize their mistakes, and make atonement for their mistakes, make appropriate efforts with labor and sweat Only after ideological tempering and transformation, as well as the inspection and approval of His Highness, can he regain his freedom.

Each squad leader announced the rules to the students very formally.

From now on, the captive camp is renamed the University of Los Santos Re-education through Labor.

His Royal Highness Kant was appointed Headmaster.

The university is divided into four faculties named "Darth Vader", "Riddle", "Thanos" and "Jack", each with its own color and representative animal.

The school will provide all the remodeled trainees with the most basic living security for food, clothing and housing, introduce relevant restrictions, regulations and affairs, and provide trainees with a certain amount of labor work and skill training.

On this basis, provide reward and punishment measures, strengthen education and supervision, adhere to both punishment and prevention, manage people with law, convince people with reason, move people with emotion, be based on reality, focus on characteristics, be pragmatic and enterprising, and achieve results.

Students should cooperate with school work, learn new skills, transform new ideas, improve their awareness, solve outstanding problems, and know that mistakes may not be hated forever. Raise the sails of life and move towards a better future.

The students were stunned when they heard it. After all, this kind of thing has never been heard of in ancient times.

But it doesn't matter, everything has a first time.

The squad leaders first announced housekeeping discipline, namely dormitory hygiene, and the traditional art of making quilts.

Other discipline regulations will be described one by one in the next transformation process. After instructing the students to fold quilts and hygiene standards, the squad leaders took the confused students to lunch.

After eating a more hearty lunch than breakfast, the last bit of resistance and resistance of the students vanished. Damn, this food is better than that of the nobles. Not to mention that it is not jailed, I will also come to jail.

In the afternoon of the same day, in the playgrounds of various camps, the students started group activities, which were nothing more than military subjects such as running, jumping, lining up.

Although the other world also has corresponding training subjects, the Council is a powerful country in the world, and its military construction achievements are also extremely extraordinary. It has its own military exercise code, but the new training they receive is different - with the help of the parrot, combined with the modern military training subjects of the earth , the Ministry of Peace has re-edited the soldier training code.

Because the army from another world is guided and trained according to the magic war as the core, most of its military formations are still the set of the cold weapon era, at most with the support, assistance, reinforcement and cover of their own methods. A project to fight under... However, times have changed.

Kant's new army adopts the form of next-generation warfare centered on super-artificial intelligence command links, hyper-space transition maneuver support, and super-magic war machines. If you want to have a place in this new war sequence, of course, you must Take on new training like never before.

Therefore, the corresponding training column is not only applied to the training plan of the trainees, but has also been put on the training plan of the Far Harbor Reserve, including summer camp for children, military training for adults, and even the training plan for recruits. Adopt such new training subjects.

As for confidentiality...

Keep it a secret, whoever wants to learn casually, it is best to implement it all over the world.

The students were bewildered by this unfamiliar and inexplicable subject—emphasis on cooperation but only in small teams, emphasis on teamwork but as dispersal as possible, and emphasis on dispersal but having to walk and run neatly... and more The inexplicable routines are confusing.

But soon, none of that is a problem.

Each class is divided into several groups. The group with the best performance, the highest comprehension, and the strongest execution will be rewarded with a cold and chilled drink. This is a drink that has never been tasted before. Countless bubbles were opened, and the bitter sweetness ran down the throat, which was ridiculously cool.

The other groups just watched the most outstanding group of people holding a strange bottle and looking excited when they drank holy water, the so-called hope of plum quenching their thirst, the tangled appearance of itching and greed, and only they themselves knew it. in the taste.

Especially during the break, listening to the students in the class vividly describe how delicious the thing is, I want to lick each other's tongue to taste it.

At half past four in the afternoon, the training is over.

The students were organized and sat in the wide open space. The huge screen was erected in front of them. Next to the screen, there was a row of strange alchemy equipment almost one person tall, shining with strange images. It should be the creation of His Royal Highness Kant. I don't know what's new.

Next, they watched a game.

A King of Fighters Open...

A competition between the navy and army of the Shogunate and the Ministry of Peace.

When the students saw the gorgeous images shining on the big screen, and saw a warrior and mage with unique skills and strange clothes moving up and down, giving off splendid combat skills, everyone was shocked.

In particular, they noticed the host's commentary. When they saw the Far Harbor officers in straight military uniforms sitting in front of the alchemy machine quickly pressing the rods and buttons, the students who were more capable of accepting new things quickly gnashed their teeth. Link the two together.

These people control the alchemy machine and control the strong players on the screen to fight...

After realizing this, the students all thought of the things that the monitor mentioned in the morning.


They were attracted by the splendid brilliance and outstanding characters, and also paid attention to the gorgeous battle situation, especially the waves of the characters, so powerful, so big, so white...

After the intense competition, the ten best performers in each class were taken by the squad leaders to visit the game arcade on the island, which is an entertainment place specially designed for workers and soldiers. They can only pass work points and military points. Come to consume, as for what these bumpkins see?

Anyway, when I came back, it was like losing my soul.

Don't ask, asking is lying, asking is "the principal is the **** of alchemy".

How much do they want to take a second look, so big, so white, so capable...

During dinner, the students were still thinking about the game they saw in the afternoon, like a demon.

The squad leaders struck while the iron was hot and announced a reward system.

For the next week, the students with the most positive performance, the most advanced thinking, and the most decisive actions will be allowed to enter the arcade room during their breaks…

- Going to see other people play.

At the same time, the performance of all trainees, including ideological and cultural courses, outdoor training courses and labor courses, will be graded, and the scores will be converted into work points for the trainees to consume-speaking of this, the monitor mysteriously took out a book The picture book, opened and displayed to the students.

In the picture book, the peerless beauty who appeared in the game with a beautiful country and very little fabric, biting the Aurora fan, her eyebrows were like water, big and white.

Demonic whispers came out of the squad leader's mouth.

"This is also among the exchange programs open to students..."

These poor blue fleet prisoners are completely in Kant's Melaleuca routine.

Not just verbal brainwashing, but ubiquitous superiority, ostentation, Versailles and ostentation.

Going to dinner, officers can also be seen drinking a bottle of Coke, or chewing a bag of chips, or walking and singing with a music radio, and riding a motorcycle The galloping joyride party... The more the students see it, the more they envy and yearn for it.

But they can't get it.

Even if you perform well and accept the transformation, you will earn very few work points, and some items cannot be exchanged at all, because those good things are only open to His Royal Highness Kant's "own people".

Students are certainly not included in this list.


I was thinking about it, thinking about it, and even dinner was a little boring.

After dinner, they were pulled to the main square again and watched the first film in their lives.

It's a pity that the first film in their lives was extremely political, and these guys didn't know anything about it - the film is called "The Great Retreat to the Broken Isles", which is described and reproduced in the form of a pseudo-documentary. The catastrophe and great journey that took place in the Broken Isles.

The far port made a big move, erected a bridge of stars, the wings of steel flew into the sky, and rescued a steady stream of helpless refugees. The soldiers in power armor guarded the island, and the refugees watched from the porthole of the plane with sadness and relief. Far away from the homeland, and in the far port, the commoners are also mobilized, warmly and generously, to prepare shelter, food and the warmth of home for another group of strangers who have never known each other.

Anything new can be attractive even if it is simple, not to mention that this film is not simple. The magnificent soundtrack, magnificent aerial shots and careful camera editing tell the officers and soldiers of the former Azure Fleet what happened in the Broken Isles. Scene - At that time, they were being beaten by sea monsters.

This is a wonderful experience... Through the big screen, I learned about the people and things in another place not far from me at that time.

The power, advancement and civilization of Far Harbor are deeply imprinted in their hearts.

That night, many people had trouble falling asleep.

In the Ilan-Tair settlement on another island, the film is also playing. Due to the language barrier, many of Kant's earthly methods have not been used, but it doesn't matter, take your time.

The survivors do not understand the language of the present world, nor do they understand the current situation. Of course, films such as "The Evacuation of the Broken Islands" cannot be shown, or even those involving language cannot be shown.

So, they were watching Tom and Jerry.

No words, just pictures, the emotions of intelligent beings can resonate.

Different from the reformed students, many survivors still have smiles in their dreams.

Whether it's a student who can't sleep, or a remnant who is happy and satisfied, they are on a deserted island isolated overseas, living under the protection of Kant, and it is difficult to know the wind and rain of the outside world.

The students also didn't know that in one day, the political situation in the mainland was already turbulent.

In the face of Kant's accusation and condemnation, the council called the deer a horse, opened the propaganda machine, poured sewage on Kant, and demanded that Kant release the captured fleet, compensate for the apology, release the remnants of Ilan-Tair, and completely withdraw from the Broken Isles. back to their original owners.

The Yuangang Shogunate immediately held a press conference, refuting the many accusations made by the council one by one, and announced that it had stronger evidence.

At the same time, the spokesperson also declared that Ilan Thiel formed an alliance with His Royal Highness Kant according to his own wishes, and their future does not require gangsters with ulterior motives.

And, the issue of the ownership of the Broken Isles has been settled, and there is no need for any discussion and negotiation. The spokesperson announced the will of His Royal Highness Kant—Dragon of Aurora urges the so-called Broken Isles exile organization to dissolve immediately and its members completely disappear within forty-eight hours. limited.

If it is stubborn, the will of His Royal Highness Kant will turn into real anger, and it will fall on these gangsters who act like chariots. Who belongs to the Broken Isles? The former Broken Isles refugees who live and work in the Far Harbor must have their own answers.

In short, the shogunate advises the council not to cause unprovoked troubles, and that the Star Court should face up to its own mistakes and assume its own responsibilities, rather than madly criticizing other countries to divert people’s attention and absolve them of guilt.

The shogunate firmly opposes any retaliatory action against Far Harbor and even Goethe. His Highness Kant's patience is limited. If the Starry Court deceives people too much and damages the interests of Far Harbor and all Goethe people, His Highness Kant will stand up and defend the safety and well-being of all the people.

By then…

The possibility of using forbidden spells cannot be ruled out.

As soon as this answer came out, the international situation was turbulent.

Only the Broken Isles know nothing about it, and the wind and rain are smooth.

After another day, Kant's underworld method came online.

That's a funeral...or a farewell.

The solemn burial, courtesy and condolence to the deceased can also comfort the living.

Because they used to be together.

The dead of the Azure Fleet have their own hometowns and are not suitable for burial in the Broken Isles, but Kant still held a farewell ceremony-according to the missing list, the scattered remains were salvaged, identified, burial, and then shipped on a cargo ship and sailed to the west coast.

The trainees were told that the coffins carrying the dead would be handed over to the council in neutral cities, so that soldiers who should not have died like this could return home.

A monument was also erected on the island.

"I hereby commemorate the innocent officers and soldiers of the Azure Fleet who died in the Ten No Wars. They came full of honor and fearlessness. Their ardent and loyal blood was shamelessly squandered by despicable politicians. There are no winners in this discredited war, only the lost. The souls howled and wandered helplessly on the dark sea, so Kant erected a monument here, and may all soldiers fight gloriously, triumph like heroes, or die like heroic spirits."

Every student saw this huge statue.

The statue of the soldier in the uniform of the azure fleet looks at the direction of the Austrian Council's territory, his head is slightly lowered, and he seems to be sighing regretfully and staring at it reluctantly. The hem turns into countless tombstones, representing the helpless death of the soldiers. This huge sculpture with great impact almost hit the hearts of every soldier.

Under the leadership of the squad leader, they walked past this monument and read the line left by His Royal Highness Kant. Under the inscription, were the names of all the ships that sank in this battle, and then the list of all the dead, writing Filled with entire plinths, hem tombstones and even entire sculptures.

What sank was their friendly ship, and what died was their robe.

At this moment, unprecedented doubts, reflections and remorse finally broke out, torturing everyone's heart - what is this inexplicable crazy conflict all about? Who is responsible for this? Why did everyone throw away honor, die, and become prisoners?

That inscription was read and remembered repeatedly by many people.

Especially... the shameless profligacy of despicable politicians.

"Seventy percent."

Kant looked at the results of everyone's micro-expressions analyzed by Horus, and nodded: "People are available, tell the preaching team, and prepare to hold a reflection meeting and a criticism meeting tomorrow."

This is the first time for the propaganda team to do this, and it is also the first time for Kant to try to transform and reform prisoners on a large scale. The progress, results and feedback of each step are all recorded, and optimization and improvement are carried out to strive for this large-scale transformation. Action becomes a paradigm.

After all, in the future, there must be many similar opportunities.

Ah Fu communicated with the propaganda team, and then asked: "Father, where is the initial boundary between the criticism meeting and the reflection meeting? That is, what kind of results are to be achieved?"

Kant thought for a while and replied: "Using a part of the materials, we will initially reveal to the students the role and intention of the Council in the Ilan-Tair operation. The rhythm should be adjusted little by little, and the object of criticism should not be in a hurry. Starry Sky Court - those bad elements who instigated the fleet must be rescued and criticized."

He paused for a moment, then said: "In addition to the criticism, there is also reflection, let them remember what they did at that time - although it may be coerced by the group, but the collective violence is the greater violence, I want to let them remember what they did at the time. They remembered what they had done to Nicias, a commander who has always been loyal, kind and upright and deserved to be rehabilitated and respected."

When Kant said this, he sighed: "Although she may have given up completely to the Azure Fleet, maybe she no longer cares about this kind of thing... but she deserves it."


Alfred was silent.

Kant asked curiously: "Why, is there something wrong?"

"...Dad, I want to ask something."


"Do you really understand, or pretend you don't understand, or pretend you don't understand?"


In addition to the farewell ceremony of the Azure Fleet, Kant also attended the funeral of the Ilan-Tyres.

Unexpectedly, the ancient survivors chose cremation.

In the deep sea, fire is scarce and sacred. Only noble priests are worthy of the noble funeral of cremation. The ashes are placed in altars and placed in the temple. As for the sinners?

The body was directly exposed to the pressure of deep sea water, more than 2,000 meters deep, and it turned into blood foam in an instant.

Kant had made other arrangements, but Tosdiva insisted that Eve be cremated and buried with the other sinners, and her tombstone was arranged in the cemetery along with the tombstones of others.

But Kant still erected a monument to her, and the inscription was written by Tosdiva.

"She was king for a short time, and she made the greatest sacrifice and contribution to Ilan-Tair in the shortest time on the throne. She did not leave, but became a part of civilization, don't forget Aifu."

Even though most of the sinners were still ignorant about Aifu's sacrifice, they would be accustomed to looking up at this statue. When the monument was erected, there were also some Ilan-Tairs who came to see the gods and the high priest in front of the statue. Bowing his head in silence, he also mourned for this strange deceased.

Also coming to offer condolences are all the crew of the Abyss Walker.

Out of respect for these people, Kant did not capture them and let them go freely. The captain stood silently in front of the statue of Eve for a long time, leaving behind his seal ring, saber, and a bouquet of gladiolus.