MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 56 robbery

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Kant was ultimately unable to convince the princess and the knight.

The Goethes insisted on taking part in the Battle of the Ships.

Even if it means bloodshed and sacrifice.

Kant could not dissuade him, because he understood the other party's intentions. In addition to the honor of the so-called battle and the self-esteem of the Goethes, Cleveland and Tina's intentions were also very obvious.

They didn't want Kant to get involved in a fierce front-line battle.

The reason is exactly as the princess said.

Because this is a world full of slaughter and war, it is particularly rare to cleanse the soul. As a person who has blood on his hands and can't turn back, the knight seems to be reluctant to let Kant set foot in that world too early... Although this kind of goodwill is seen in Kant It was hard to understand, but he couldn't refuse.

After all, people who grew up in a peaceful environment cannot truly understand the horror of war and the preciousness of peace...nor can they truly understand the pain of killing and the weight of life.

After a brief dispute, Kant finally agreed to the knight's proposal.

Both sides took a step back.

Just as Kant didn't want the Goethe people to mix, the knight even wanted Kant and the princess to return to the camp first, and he would lead the Goethe navy in a hand-to-hand battle for the ship.

The final action was that Kant immediately sent birds to send a letter to inform the Goethe camp to start marching, and then the three of them sailed out to sea and joined several small boats from Goethe. Sister Bedra, who accompanied the ship, would return to the camp with Her Royal Highness the Princess. , while the men started the battle for the ship.

The waves are undulating, the sky is full of moonlight, and the Wing of Wayne in the distance is like a black silhouette.

Kant and his party joined several boats from Goethe.

Several ships on Goethe's side were overloaded and carried a lot of people. Fortunately, the three assault boats left by the elves on the beachhead alleviated this embarrassing problem. The sailors changed ships silently and quickly, leaving a small one. boat, carrying Madam Bedra and Princess Tina back to Goethe's camp.

The entire redeployment process was silent and efficient.

This was a secret raid, and everyone was strictly ordered not to make any noise before approaching the target, so there were no speeches and no orders.

But all the soldiers kept their morale high...Friends were killed, enemies raged in their homeland, and the glory of boarding an Elven battleship, the Goeths had plenty of reason to fight.

Before leaving, the princess looked around at several ships, and Goethe's warriors were ready for battle.

Just like before, like thousands of people who have been or are fighting for Goethe.

And this time, as usual, she could only watch the brave soldiers go to the battlefield of blood and death.

This made her feel a hint of sadness and powerlessness. The brave people in front of her might soon die under the arrows of the elves, just like the people on the Iron Fist Baine.

She could only watch helplessly, unable to do anything.

What has not been achieved at the negotiating table requires blood and sacrifice to pay for it.

-Because of the incompetence of the rulers, the country cannot become prosperous, strong and prosperous, it cannot deter foreign enemies, and it is impossible to choose war. It can only passively endure aggression and declare war, so that when a war breaks out, one can only watch the **** and brave citizens spend their lives To fight, to cause countless blood and sorrow, and to break countless families, these are the sins of the Teldaril family.

At this moment, she understood the self-blame and exhaustion implied by her father's words.

It's just my father, Goethe's internal forces are intertwined, all countries are eyeing the tigers, the outer shipping is cut off by the elves, a large amount of land cannot be cultivated, and the empire's attitude is particularly ambiguous... In such a difficult environment, it is already very difficult to support. Such a country suddenly rises and becomes powerful?

I'm afraid even the gods can't do this...

The princess sighed silently in her heart.

I am afraid that my father is also helpless in the face of such a death situation, which is why he is so helpless and angry.

But it can only be so, all the Goethes can only grit their teeth and do their own thing, and pray silently, praying that the glory of the gods can shine again.

That's all.

She stood firm in the bumpy boat, saluted everyone, and said softly: "Everyone, please bring victory to Goethe and return safely... Everyone, come back alive and well."

The soldiers bowed their heads silently.

Tina looked at Kant again, and then turned to the knight: "My knight, please protect Mr. Kant and pay attention to your own safety."

Cleveland said solemnly: "Follow your will, I will abide by the oath, and I will die without regrets."

The princess frowned, she never liked to hear the word "death".

She finally looked at Kant, her eyes full of worry and concern.

Kant knew what she was worried about.

He said, "I know, don't worry."

Tina said softly: "Well, I'll wait for you to come back. After this, I have something to say to you."


What's the meaning?

What do you want to say to me?

Even if he was about to face a battle, on this icy sea, Kant's heart couldn't help but move.

After Tina said this, she saluted everyone again, and then sat back on the boat. The sailor shook the oars, and the boat returned to the direction of Goethe's camp.

Kant smacked his lips, was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said to the knight beside him: "...What do you think your princess wants to say to me?"

The knight gestured to the captain, the captain nodded, the ship raised the temporarily installed sail, and several ships sailed towards the Wayne Wing by the wind, paying close attention to the surrounding movement, Cleveland replied casually: " Her Royal Highness has always had her own ideas and plans."

Kant wondered: "Aren't you curious at all?"

The knight asked back, "Why should I be curious about this?"

Kant just said casually at first, seeing the knight's indifference, he wanted to tease him: "Shouldn't you be curious? You are her guardian knight, you want to protect her safety and reputation, you see she is a big girl, In front of everyone's eyes, she has something to say to me after speaking back... So, aren't you afraid that she wants to express her goodwill, confession, or something to me?"

A very classic plot.

The loyal dog character beside the heroine takes protecting the heroine as her lifelong belief. She has love in her heart, but does not dare to have a trace of blasphemy. Like a dog licking, she shows great hostility and caution to the appearance of the hero. Very resistant to the male lead and female lead getting together, and repeatedly interfered and blocked.

In the second half of the plot, such disgusting characters will probably be blackened because they licked everything to the end, and the final fate will be determined by the subject matter.

-In the case of traditional romance, you will probably repent after the conspiracy is revealed, bless the hero and heroine, and make up for the two who are out of the game. The urban Shuangwenxiang will most likely be stepped on by the male protagonist 10,000 feet and cannot turn over. The author who is more careful may sacrifice his life to protect the heroine at the end, and use his life to implement the ultimate meaning of licking the dog.

Probably so.

I have to say that this kind of plot is so classic that when Kant saw the combination of the knight and the princess, he immediately began to observe Cleveland's intentions and attitude.

How should I put it, although Tina is very beautiful, he also likes this princess from another world, but he has not yet reached the kind of idea of ​​"Mom, I want to mate with this young lady". The situation... But the information that should be known should still be understood, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Unexpectedly, Cleveland heard his temptation, turned his head, looked him up and down, and then said, "Her Royal Highness is a reserved and self-respecting lady, and she will never do the kind of things you said easily. She has always had her ideas and plans, and will make choices rationally and maturely, including the personal emotional part...I have no right to intervene or interfere."

"..." These words were a bit cloudy and foggy, and Kant always felt that this guy meant something.

So he asked directly, "What do you mean?"

The knight glanced at him and wrote lightly: "I mean, if you have a good impression of Her Royal Highness, Kant, and you plan to take action, then don't think about yourself, try to show yourself wise, mature, learned, and responsible. On the one hand, and abandon some strange and evil tastes, and strive to improve the impression and evaluation of Her Royal Highness the princess, it will be better."

Kant's face darkened: "You mean that now Tina doesn't look down on me who is stupid, naive, superficial and full of bad fun, so I don't have to think too much, is that so?"

- Who says honest people can't curse?

Really special mother is a noble, swearing and beating around the bush without swearing.

A smile appeared on the corner of the knight's mouth, as if he was planning to acquiesce.

Kant whistled nonchalantly: "F-Lan-"

Before he finished speaking, the knight turned pale in shock, winked at Kant like killing a chicken and wiped his neck, with accusation and even a hint of pleading in his eyes.

The knight showed an expression of grief and indignation.

"Seriously." Kant didn't tease him anymore, "Are you not fond of Tina?"

The knight was stunned for a moment: "Of course there is. His Highness is beautiful, knowledgeable, gentle and kind. Everyone who has seen her will have a heart of admiration, not to mention someone like me who follows and protects her."

"..." Kant said, "It's not this kind of goodwill, I mean..."

He didn't know how to describe it for a while, so he went straight to ask if you liked Tina, which seemed a bit too blunt... In other words, this doesn't seem like a good place to talk about this kind of topic.

And the knight seemed to have thought of something. He glanced at Kant meaningfully, with a strange smile on his face: "You want to ask, do I have any admiration for His Highness?"

He smiled and patted Kant's shoulder: "Don't worry, no, really not."

...why do you want to put me at ease? ah? Why do I feel weird?

"As for why..." Cleveland winked at him, "I'll tell you later."

The ship used both oars and sails, and gradually approached the Wing of Wayne. In the field of vision, the size of the other party continued to grow. The sailors had long been waiting, and Cleveland and Kant lost their interest in talking.

"The relaxing chat is over."

The knight became awe-inspiring: "Then it's time for battle, Mr. Kant. It's not about hunting black beasts or ambush elves, but a hand-to-hand battle of courage and will. We will face off against elves."

He looked at Kant and said solemnly: "Before this, Her Royal Highness Princess has given me strict instructions. In this battle, the importance of capturing the Wing of Wayne and protecting the safety of Mr. Kant is the Consistent, so I must here beg you not to put yourself at risk."

Kant smiled.

The princess had previously stated to him that she and the knight had good intentions and ideas.

The clean cannot be allowed to fall into slaughter.

This kind of kindness that people on earth don't quite understand.

The princess thought so, and so did the knight.

But now, Kant understands the difference between the two.

On one side is a cute girl, staring at you with beautiful and charming eyes, and saying something like "I don't want Kant to be in that situation, so promise me, don't do dangerous things, okay".

On the other side was a fierce man, who said with firm eyes and a solemn expression, don't get involved in the killing, don't fight, protect yourself, and hide behind me.

Totally two different things.

The former will make him feel the tenderness and pride of "This girl has a really good heart and is really good to me, does she have any ideas for me?"

And the latter...

His mother's, do you look down on Lao Tzu? ah? You can't beat me yet!

So Kant laughed: "Who will protect who may be."

Competitiveness and competitiveness among men is simply one of the most unreasonable things in the world.

The Wing of Wayne is approaching.

The boats lowered their sails, the sailors got their oars ready, each boat was confirmed, the captain and the knight looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and gave the order.

The sound of water roared, and the assault boat rushed towards the Wing of Wayne at the fastest speed, no longer worrying about whether the fierce paddling sound would arouse the alertness and attention of the elves.

The Goethe sailors, who were ready to go, immediately threw their hooks and buckled on the side of the ship. With their feet hard, they quickly climbed up. The thumping sound of stomping on the cabin alarmed the elves in the cabin uncontrollably, and an elves pushed them away. He opened the porthole and looked out, the kangaroo swishes an arrow, right in the forehead.

But there was an uproar in the cabin.

Cleveland snapped: "Get on board! Speed ​​up!"

Kant pulled a self-made frag hand-lei from his body, ignited it, and threw it to the gorilla beside him.

"At the top, let's defend first."

Kant warned again: "Beware of cold arrows, kangaroos, you have to pay more attention, you are the biggest gorilla, I will get you a shield in a while, I know you are rough and thick, but strong defense and being slashed at will are two different things. , in short, let's stand firm first, and then rob!"

A group of animals were absent-minded at first, and their eyes lit up when they mentioned the word "robbery".

Cleveland shouted from above: "Kant!"


Kant grabbed the hook and kicked twice on the wall before flying up. The wolverine and the marmot hugged him directly up, then the gorilla, and finally the kangaroo - this Mr. Archer jumped directly up .

After coming up, the Goethes had already formed their formations, prepared javelins, longbows, and crossbows, ready to deal with the rushing elves. The captain was shouting and commanding the assignment of tasks.

The elves have detected the uninvited guests boarding the ship.

Kant took a deep breath.

The battle is about to begin.

And before that...

Although the explosion on the beachhead was not detected by Wayne Wings, other outposts on the island heard the unusual sound. When the scouts rushed to the beachhead, they saw the unextinguished flames and the missing companions. Incomplete corpse.

They blew their horns and drew their whistle arrows in their anger.

And found that several ships on the beachhead had disappeared.

"Could it be that…"

The elves were not stupid, they looked in horror at the Wing of Wayne in the distance.

"We must notify the captain and Ser Taizer immediately!"

The news that shocked and terrified the elves was quickly sent to the rift where the troops were stationed, and to Adjutant Myron. After the adjutant read it, cold sweat broke out. He immediately ran to the rift, raised the horn, and blew it hard, the voice humming. Of course, straight into the depths of the rift, far, far away.

The meaning of this horn sound is to return immediately, desperate, the highest state of emergency.

But the adjutant waited for a long time, and the horns of the captain and the sergeant responded, but they never came...


PS1: Four thousand five hundred words, two in one, ah, it's so hard to catch a cold... Good night everyone.