MTL - Chu Wang Fei-Chapter 298 Chen Wang arrived

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The hand that was hanging on the side of the body was already a fist, and Chu was lightly staring at the back of Chu Feiyang, gradually approaching Chu Feiyang, and the tight fists gradually loosened, screaming at the time when everyone was not prepared. Stretching out his hands and pushing it toward the back of Chu Feiyang...

At this time, a pair of big hands suddenly grabbed Chu’s light arms and gently smashed Chu from the rear of Chu Feiyang. / / No pop-up window update fast / / (~ ~)

Chu lightly looked at the big hands that held his own hands, and the hatred of the eyes was once again shocked, and suddenly looked up, and I really saw Chu Pei staring at him with a sullen face.

I noticed the anger and disappointment of Chu Pei’s eyes. Chu lightly stunned her heart and immediately opened the hands of Chu Pei. The eyes were once again covered with cockroaches, and the eyes of Chu Feiyang’s eyes were sinister and sinister. Step again to Chu Feiyang.

What is different from the carefulness of Fangcai is that this time, Chu’s footsteps are obviously much faster, but the pace of stepping on the ground is extremely heavy, and it seems to be very hateful.

啪 啪 , 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚

As everyone knows, Mo said that it is a slap in the face, that is, to beat Chu with a slap in the face, he will not recognize the current situation. He is full of eyes and has been occupied by hatred. How can there be room for him to change his mood and mood?

With one hand on the cheek that was hurting, Chu gently turned his head and turned to Chu Pei. He said, "Hey, you beat me again! Why do you beat me again and again? Are you confused by Chu Feiyang?" You wake up, do you think that Chu Feiyang is really trying to save you? He just fancy the hundreds of thousands of horses in your hands! Chu Feiyang’s thoughts are sinister, he will make a loss of sales, and he wants to lead Wan Wei, even his father and brother can use it. Do you really think that he is a good thing? He is just showing it to you now! Hey, I am your child, I am your dear, you How can I turn my elbows out to help Chu Feiyang?"

Said, Chu lightly glared at Chu Pei's sleeves, pulled Chu Pei's body to let him recognize the true face of flying.

Chu Pei watched the big child blocking the poison arrow for himself. The child was constantly picking the thorns of the big child. For a time, he was so angry that he rushed to open the hand of Chu and pointed to Chu’s light nose. "You have to fight for things, but also when do you want to see what time? Is it Chu Feiyang is to eat and support us to resist the poison arrows? Losing you grew up around me, I asked if I am not treating you, with you My mother is doing everything she can to give you the best of everything, but I don’t want to make you a narrow-minded person. Now I am even more right and wrong. I still want to kill my brother! Lightly, you are too much. disappointed!"

"Disappointment? I am really disappointed! I saw Chu Feiyang come to save you, your mind will gradually turn to him, it is easy to change, and you want to call the king the emperor, you don't feel that you are not enough Ge?? Chu Chuan Yang has now become a thorny hedgehog, see who is tied. [~] Especially seeing the father who has always loved his own, now he only helps Chu Feiyang to speak, Chu’s heart is seriously imbalanced, but he feels that Chu Feiyang should not live in this world, and no longer care for any brother. The feelings, resolutely turned and turned toward Chu Feiyang is walking behind.

Chu Feiyang, who had already noticed the strangeness behind him, immediately made a gesture to the guards beside him. I saw that the guards on both sides immediately guarded behind Chu Feiyang, and did not let Chu lightly have a chance.

Chu Pei looked at Chu Feiyang's people and fell a lot in the poison arrows. He also saw that Chu Guangyang had lost his sense of ignorance, and his heart was tired. He had never had a sense of burnout, but he immediately took Chu Chuanyang. The arm is determined not to let him fly halfway near Chu.

The father and the two actually pulled and shoved in a poisonous arrow. One insisted on setting the Chu to fly to death, and the other was to do everything in their power to prevent Chu from doing something stupid.

Wan Zaixiang sneered at the father and the two who were not far from the guilty. He handed the Chu Jie in his hand to the gray man on the side. He took a short arrow from the sleeve and carefully pressed the poison arrow. On the string, I immediately aimed at Chu’s head, and the right index finger quickly pulled down the bow...

A danger suddenly invaded the heart of Chu, and I felt that someone was aiming at himself, and stopped the dispute with Chu Pei for a while, looking around for possible dangers, but did not want to see the opposite. Wan Zaixiang actually pointed him at the bow and arrow.

Chu lightly thought and didn't want to, and he pulled Chu Pei's body in front of himself, and he himself quickly squatted behind Chu Pei, regardless of Chu Pei's life and death...

"The husband is careful..." Xie’s side saw this scene, and his eyes were shocked. He thought that he would not want to come to Chu Pei...

"Shu Yi..." In an instant, Xie Shuyi’s eyes turned up, and a red blood flowed down slowly in his mouth, and he fell directly toward Chupei.

Chu Pei was shocked and immediately reached out to catch Xie, but found that there were several dark arrows in the back of Xie. At this time, it was broken.

However, Xie’s death did not allow Wan Zaixiang to stop the archery movement. The poison arrows in the hand were shot one after another and went all the way to Chu Pei’s body.

Chu Feiyang heard Chu Pei yelling at Xie’s voice and suddenly turned back. The long sword in his hand could not protect his body. He immediately extended his hand with the sword. The step under his feet turned to the back at the same time, just a blink of an eye. It was blocked in front of Xie and Chu Pei.

‘When...’ A crisp sound, in the midst of a thousand miles, Chu Feiyang blocked Xie’s poisonous arrows from Wan Zai’s. 【leaf*】【*】

The guards around him saw Chu Feiyang shifting his direction and immediately rushed toward Chu, holding him tightly in the middle.

Only after the poison arrow was shot, the hundreds of people brought by Chu Feiyang were also half injured.

When Wan Zai saw it, he immediately waved the other half of the black man to the front. He saw more than 500 people rushing to Chu Feiyang and others, and the soldiers met and fight again.

Wan Zaixiang’s low curse, he could kill Chu Pei if he was so little, but he didn’t want to run out of Xie Shuyi in the middle, which made him lose.

At this time, Chu Feiyang has already raised his vigilance in front of Chu Pei and others. If he wants to start again, it is impossible.

Angrily throwing away the short arrows in his hand, Wan Zai said with a low face: "Kill, kill this, kill them all!"

But when he had just finished speaking, he felt that a figure had fallen from the sky and shrouded him in a shadow.

Wan Zaixiang only felt the cold flash in front of him, and a strong wind slammed straight from the top of his head...

"Secretary is careful!" The gray-clothed guards next to Wan Zai's body opened the 10,000-year-old prime minister in an instant, and the long sword in his hand held high above his head, blocking Chu Feiyang's attack from top to bottom.

'When...' It’s just that Chu Feiyang’s strength is so great that he has forced the gray-clothed guards to retreat. The hands of the sword only feel the pain of the numbness, and the tiger’s mouth is invisibly swayed by Chu Feiyang’s strength. The cracked open, the red blood is flowing out of the berth...

In the unrestrained defeat, the gray-clothed guard looked up and looked at Chu Feiyang, who forced him to retreat, but he saw the opposite side as usual, but his eyes were dark and concealed, exuding the coldness of the people, and the gray-clothed guards realized that The real power of the West Chu Chu King.

The boots on the soles of the feet are lightly smoked because they rub against the ground quickly. The gray-clothed guards only feel that their soles are burnt and the pain is unbearable. If the mind knows how to let the king of Chu be forced to do so, I am afraid that I will not be able to stand for a long time.

The brown eyes looked around for a reliable location and changed direction in an instant...

‘咚...’ The gray-clothed guards slammed into a thick trunk and suddenly made a loud noise.

‘Shasha...’ and the trunk swayed because of the huge impact, and the leaves on the tree fell to the ground.

Chu Fei Yang saw that the other party finally found a reliance to stop, and the eyes flashed a sneer, but recovered the long sword in his hand.

The gray-clothed guards thought that Chu Feiyang gave up the attack, but did not want Chu Feiyang's arm to only recover half of it, but actually fell to the top of his head.

‘Dangdang...’, this time, the long sword in the hands of the gray robes was actually smashed from the sword to the two ends by the sword in the hands of Chu Feiyang.

The gray-clothed guards were so shocked that they were so cold that they couldn’t take a decent face on the ground and escaped the attack of Chu Feiyang...

However, when he stood up from the ground, the long sword in Chu Feiyang’s hand was placed on his neck.

Everyone only felt a cold flash in the dark night, and then a blood column was sprayed on the trunk. The gray-clothed guards who stood in front of Chu Feiyang had fallen to the ground with no breath.

Retrieving the long sword, Chu Feiyang turned to look at the Wan Zaixiang who would block Chu Jie in front of him, and step by step slowly approaching the prime minister...

"Chu Feiyang, don't come over, otherwise I will kill Chu Jie!" Wan Zaixiang looked at his first guard and was defeated and defeated by Chu Feiyang. The bottom of his heart could not help but rush into a chill and fear. Chu Feiyang's approach and back.

I saw that the prime minister’s only strong amulet at this time did not allow Chu Jie to have any chance to escape. The other side was to look at the black people beside him and let them go up to stop Chu Feiyang.

When the black man came, one person, Chu Feiyang killed one person, and one pair would kill a pair, no one can stop him from moving forward at this moment.

"Big" Chu Jie only felt that his neck had been cut by the long sword in the hands of Wan Zai, scared to look pale, and there was a wet and unpleasant breath in the skirt. Look carefully. It can be found that there is a yellow liquid in the place where Chu Jie stood. She was incontinent at this time.

It’s just the survival of the **, but let Chu Jie not look at the face, full of sadness, look at the eyes of Chu Feiyang is a helpless look.

"Chu Feiyang, you will be cold-hearted and cold-blooded. Is it difficult to kill your own sister?" With Chu Feiyang's step by step, the back of Wan Zaixiang is leaning against the trunk and sweating. He shouted at Chu Feiyang, only to watch the dead soldiers who had been specially trained around him being killed by Chu Feiyang. Wan Zaixiang’s heart was already desperate.

Chu Feiyang saw Wan Zaixiang no way to escape, the cold thin lips were slightly raised, sketching a beautiful smile, and then use the foot to hook up the half-length sword that the gray-clothed guards threw on the ground to play in their hands. The eyes of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred priests.

Wan Zaixiang’s heart was shocked. I didn’t expect Chu Feiyang to dare to throw a long sword while knowing that he was human. The whole body hid slightly to the other side, avoiding the attack of Chu Feiyang...

‘呲...’, the 10,000-year-old prime minister escaped the first wave of attack, but did not escape the second wave of attack.

The sword that was originally played by Chu Feiyang in his hand when he escaped the long sword, the accurate cha entered the throat of the prime minister...

I saw that the eyes of Wan Zai were full of shock, but they were unable to close their eyes, and went straight back and fell to the ground.

Chu Jie escaped from the dead, and also sat down with Wan Zai, and the whole person shivered and could not speak.

Chu Feiyang went to Chu Jie, but he just pulled out his long sword on the trunk of the cha, and did not look at Chu Jie.

"Wang Ye, the enemy has been annihilated." This is, a bodyguard came to Chu Feiyang's side, and reported the other side of the battle.

Wen Yan, Chu Feiyang looked in the direction of Chu Pei and others, only to see Chu Pei holding Xie's body, pale face, look sad, Chu light is also a dull appearance, as Xie Wei and Xie Yuanyuan are Hold together and cry low.

"Search for Wan Wei's body, find out that half of the gold medal!" Chu Feiyang directly to the guards, since Wan Wei decided to intercept Chu Pei and others in the suburbs of Beijing, it is definitely a plan not to be a good city, presumably that The gold medal will be worn by Wan Wei.

"Yes!" The guard immediately responded, then squatted down and looked for it on Wan Wei's body. It really pulled a red thread between his neck and a half gold medal.

"Wang Ye!" The guards handed the gold medal to Chu Feiyang, and then retreated to Chu Fei and then stopped speaking.

Chu Feiyang took the half of the gold medal and looked at it for a moment, but his heart was cold and screamed, and the eyes of Chu Pei and others were even colder. For this half of the gold medal, he actually lost so many guards, even the servitude of the criminal department is also dead, Chu Pei and others can be really smoked and blindfolded.

‘When...’ went to Chu Pei’s side, Chu Feiyang threw the gold medal in his hand at Chu Pei’s feet and said, “Is this what you want?”

At the moment, Chu Pei did not think about the gold medal. He only saw him holding the body of Xie. The red eyes suppressed the great pain and his expression was extremely sad.

Chu lightly but climbed from behind Chu Pei, grabbed the gold medal on the ground, and held it in his arms like a treasure.

Chu Fei Yang looked at Chu Pei with a cold eyes and a very cold voice: "Is this what you want?"

‘哒哒哒...’ but didn’t want to, there was a hoof from far to near.

In the time of only half a cup of tea, the king who came to the moon wearing a moon appeared in front of everyone with a cold face, and saw that he swept the body of the body, and his body immediately filled with hidden anger, and his eyes suddenly turned to Chu. Flying, asked: "How can the Chu King appear in the woods in the suburbs of Beijing in the middle of the night? Could it be that Chu Wang killed the criminal service and took away the serious crimes such as Chu Pei?"

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