MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 13 Find

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In the Wujia Stone Fort, the limestone lizard is supported as a mount.

The domestic limestone lizard is docile, loyal and powerful.

When Wu Tie was a child, he often played with several domestic limestone lizards. The big guys were his childhood fun.

In front is a pure wild limestone lizard.

The turbid eyeballs exude a grayish-yellow glow, and the rough skin resembles a gray rock with numerous tiny bumps. The long letter swallowed, and it climbed down the big stone and took a small step and rushed over to Wu Tie.

The ground shivered slightly and made a ‘咚咚’ sound.

The four legs of this limestone lizard are full of Wu Tie's waist. It sprints straight toward the Witch Iron. The Witch iron is stiff and the legs are inexplicably soft.

A cold chills over my heart, and Wu Tie has forgotten everything.

The knowledge taught by Lao Tie has forgotten the clouds at the moment.

What are the characteristics of the action when the limestone lizard is hunting, what weaknesses, what are the deadly threats, all forgot.

There is a blank in my head.

A white metal spider suddenly jumped out of Wu Tie's body. The metal spider's eyes sparkled with a scarlet glare. The old iron's low, stiff voice passed: "Sideways, stab!"

The limestone lizard is still more than five meters away from the Witch Iron. It has a body that is more than two meters long and is lifted up. The two front paws are photographed in front of the Witch Iron. The whole body is also smashed to Wu Tiezhen. Come over.

The guy slammed so fast that his two hind legs were slightly off the ground, and the big belly was exposed to the witch iron.

Wu Tie raised the rifle in his hand subconsciously. According to the exercise of these days, a slap in the front shot.

‘噗嗤’, the rifle pierced the soft leather armor of the limestone lizard, pierced its belly, and pierced through its back.

The limestone lizard made a cry, and the huge body slid over the rifle, and the two claws slammed on Wu Tie.

Wu Tie screamed and took off his gun.

His left shoulder was sagged, the shoulder blade was crushed, and a large piece of flesh broke in the chest. Seven or eight ribs were smashed, and the broken bone was deeply plunged into the lungs.

Blood and water rushed up the trachea, and the iron and iron spit blood, and fell heavily on the ground.

There was a long gun in the body of the limestone lizard. It crawled over to the witch iron, pressed heavily on him, and opened his mouth and bit it down to his neck. Obviously, although there is no adulthood, this limestone lizard has a lot of hunting experience.

Two metal spiders flew in the back of Wu Tie, and the sharp metal wrists shimmered with a faint cold light.

Wu Tie took the right hand and held the fangs, and the thorns were on the eye of the limestone lizard's fist.

In the popping sound, the limestone lizard's eyeball blasted, and Chiyou tooth plunged into its head and stirred it up.

The two-meter-long limestone lizard tumbling violently on the ground, and the sturdy creature's unique tough vitality allowed it to roll on the ground for a quarter of an hour, which was completely stiff.

Two metal spiders rushed over, and like last time, the long hair of Wu Tie was clamped to the left and right, dragging him back to the ancient **** barracks.

Soaked in the semi-transparent milky white juice in the crystal ball, Wu Tieqiang endured the itching of the wound, and was smashed by the old iron.

It’s timid.

The chaos was in chaos.

When the limestone lizard flies, the long gun can pierce the heart of the limestone lizard as long as it is slanted three inches upwards. As long as you lean slightly over your body, you can avoid the fly of the limestone lizard and kill the big guy perfectly.

Wu Tie did not attack the key, did not sideways dodge, but put a pair of limestone lizards with the same, hard-hitting posture.

Even if it wasn’t for the old iron to be transmitted through the metal spider, Wu Tielian’s spurt would not be there. He would be seriously injured by the limestone lizard. Once the stately good limestone lizard pressed him under his body, it is likely that he It’s finished.

The light curtain lights up.

The old iron continued to scream at the slogan, and he did not know where he learned so many strange words, without a dirty word, and awkward words.

In the light curtain, the ‘fight process’ of the Witch and Lime Lizard reappears.

Laotie began to analyze the mistakes of Wu Tie and explained how he should be the most correct choice.

The figure of Wu Tie in the light curtain moves with the telling of the old iron. He dexterously shuttles through the mushroom bush and the fern forest. The rifle moves in the hand, and in a short quarter of an hour, the witch iron in the light curtain There are six different ways to perfectly kill the limestone lizard.

Or continue to consume the physical strength of limestone lizards in sports.

Or in the frontal battle, the Thunder hit it directly.

Or, by means of the terrain, the limestone lizard is introduced into the trap to limit its movements, and then easily penetrates its head.


Wu Tie quietly soaked in the crystal ball, wide-eyed and carefully looked at the singer's every move in the light curtain.

Once again, he died.

Death is the best catalyst, and the combat experience is tempered into the bones of Wu Tie and integrated into his soul.

Three days later, Wu Tie, who had lost the small half of the limestone lizard's tail, left the ancient **** barracks again.

Two metal spiders followed him behind him, and the old iron clearly told Wu Tie that these spider forms had the ability to fight in the body. They had no core energy in their bodies, and all their power relied on the ancient gods. Empty transmission.

Therefore, these metal spiders can only swim within ten miles of the ancient **** barracks.

In other words, if Wu Tie was seriously injured in a place far away from the ancient gods, if he could not return on his own, he would die.

This time, Wu Tie successfully sneaked and hunted nine fat hamsters. Each hamster had 30 pounds of heavy ups and downs. On this harvest, he obtained more than two hundred pounds of flesh and blood.

When the elated Wuwu Iron and the Prey turned the ancient **** barracks, an iron-toothed poisonous rat approached silently from the oblique rear, successfully sneaked, biting it on the iron legs of Wu Tie, and injecting a lot of venom into the body of Wu Tie.

Wu Tie’s body was numb, and he took two steps forward, and he fell to the ground in front of him.

When I woke up again, Wu Tie was once again immersed in the crystal ball, and the ear was still the familiar roar of the old iron.

After a full quarter of an hour, the huge gimmicks of the ancient gods’ battalion suddenly slammed into the old iron, and the old iron’s snoring stopped abruptly. One big, one small, two metal eyes blinked, and the eyes flashed for a while. The sound of the old iron suddenly became extremely weird.

"Yes, Grandpa, I forgot to give him a whole set of armor."

"Is this my grandfather's fault? Grandpa, when did I need to be a beggar? Didn't you remind me?"

"This... can't blame me."

"I am just a medical ancient soldier... haha, medical-type, who can consider these problems?" The tone of the old iron ups and downs, the blood in the eyes flashed fast, so that Wu Tie felt glare.

The iron-toothed rat is not very toxic, and the wound it bites is only a small one. Soaked in the crystal ball for a while, Wu Tie slipped out of the crystal ball.

The ceiling was flashing, and the metal ceiling appeared like a wave of water.

‘咚’, a set of white clothes fell from the ceiling vortex.

"Put it on... Look at what you have become. A big man, running around with his buttocks can't be done." Four metal spiders carried the old iron to the side of Wu Tie, and the old iron commanded nothing.

These days, the witch iron, which was only shy on the fern leaves, hurriedly grabbed the clothes and put it on the body.

The clothes are very soft, the tentacles are cold, and they are worn on the body but the temperature is pleasant. In particular, Wu Tie did not see what the clothing was made of. It was not the plant fiber material he knew, but it was a whole, just like an integral molding.

After the upper body of the garment, the size was adjusted by itself, and it was tightly attached to the body of Wu Tie, just like the second layer of skin.

"Okay, weapons, armor, and junior combat skills." Old iron said with satisfaction: "Now, you are a qualified little rookie. Then, continue to fight, brave and **** battle, juvenile !"

"That said... Like the previous shots, you forgot, give me a set of armor?" Wu Tie stared at the old iron with a little annoyance.

This guy, it seems that it is not reliable.

What is it, now ‘Wu Tie is a qualified little rookie’? Who was the one who had let the ‘unqualified’ Wu Wu go out to hunt?

The old iron was silent, and the blood in his eyes flashed.

The next moment, he broke out.

"Don't forget, the old iron's eyes are always on you. If you have been attacked by these little garbage, Grandpa will let you know what is called hell!" The old iron roared loudly, the volume It is several times higher than usual.

A light blue electric awn is continuously sprayed from the big teeth of the old iron, and it is heavily hit on the head protected by Wu Tie without protective gear.

Wu Tie's long hair was erected with a long hair, and the long hair was sparkling. He screamed and stumbled and ran out of the ancient **** barracks.

This time, Wu Ting successfully hunted a small rock raft.

There are more than five meters of rock rafts, which are worth a hundred pounds. Wu Tie was very happy to return to the ancient **** barracks. On the road, he killed two incoming tetradentate poisonous rats, but when he was cleaning up the iron-toothed rat, he was attacked by a poisonous black widow spider. It fell on the shoulders.

The tight armor of Wu Tie resisted the attack of the black widow spider. The black widow was easily killed by a metal spider. When Wu Tie returned to the ancient **** barracks, he was greeted by a broken iron.

Then, Wu Tie lived a life that was not as good as death for several days.

Because of his successful sneak attack by the black widow spider, the old iron punishes him to run around a metal hall, rushing to exhaustion every day until his fingers can't move.

Then he will be stuffed into the crystal ball. After recovering a little bit of physical strength, the basic gunfare will be continuously played out with the shadows in the light curtain.

Spurs, sweeping...

Sweeping, spurting...

A thousand times, 10,000 times... The same is exhausted, exhausted the last strength and fell to the ground.

After being severely punished for seven days, Wu Tie once again left the ancient **** barracks.

He ran into a limestone lizard that was almost four meters long and almost had adulthood. Obviously, there should be a small group of limestone lizards near this ancient **** barracks.

Two metal spiders leaped behind the Wu Tie body, and the old iron screams constantly from the metal spider.

In the mad scream of the old iron, Wu Tie became calmer.

He waved a rifle and walked lightly around the huge limestone lizard, attacking the weakness of the limestone lizard again and again.

After half an hour of fighting, the limestone lizard, which had lost too much blood, was pierced by a witch.

Wu Tie was so excited that he screamed and screamed at the limestone lizard, and slammed him to fly a dozen meters.

The tight armor has a strong defense. The claws of the limestone lizard are splashed over the armor and a large piece of Mars is splashed. There is no trace on the armor.

It was unfortunate that Wu Fei, who was flying, was hit by a large stone. His neck was broken and a large depression appeared on his head.

Two metal spiders dragged the witch iron back at full speed, and he was soaked in the crystal ball.

This time, it was a half-month of crazy training to meet Wu Tie, and a current strike that was fixed for a quarter of an hour.

Half a month later, Wu Tie, who had become much more angry, left the ancient **** barracks again.


Constantly go out hunting, keep returning, and continue to be punished by old iron for various mistakes.

A month and a half after coming to the ancient **** barracks, Wu Tie finally got a thousand pounds of prey and flesh. He couldn't wait to stuff the flesh into the pharmaceutical equipment. After a short wait, he got a second foundation-based medicine.

Take off the tight armor of the body, swallow the base medicine, and the light curtain lights up. In the soft and sweet voice of the woman, Wu Tie has made a basic style.

In the past month and a half, Wu Tie has been practicing the basics of his own in an uninterrupted manner.

However, without the assistance of building a base, Wu Tie’s own cultivation has a very poor effect. For more than a month, he just played one more style.

After serving the foundation-based pharmacy, Wu Tie was as if he was baked by the stove. He easily broke through the bottleneck of the previous days, and the foundation-based style easily progressed to the 147th.

Sweaty under the rain, the breath is faint with a stench.

The effectiveness of the second building-based agent is much stronger than the first one.

The first basal pharmacy was only in the weakness of Futian Wutie, which restored his physique to normal. The second foundation-based pharmacy is to cooperate with the foundation type, so that Wu Tie will make great strides toward the ‘supernormal’ realm.

‘咔咔’ a few bangs, and Wu’s calm face suddenly twisted.

His whole body was squirming fast, and in just half an hour, his height suddenly rose more than an inch.

The whole essence extracted from the flesh and blood of the body is infiltrated into the whole body. With the foundation type, Wu Tie constantly breathes some strange energy from the air, constantly tempering the body and transforming the body. Backed by abundant nutrition, his body is fast and powerful.

A ray of light sprinkled from the ceiling and shone on Wu Tie.

The old iron scorpion flashed in the blood and looked at the ancient **** barracks around him.

In the guise of the ancient **** battalion, the light flashed and exchanged with the old iron.

The light curtain illuminates, and the transparent figure of Wu Tie appears in the light curtain. His whole body is filled with a layer of sinuous, balanced white light. Only his brain has a glaring golden light shining.

The brightness of Jinguang is at least 100 times more than the white light of Wutie.

"Genius... magical?" The old iron opened his mouth, and the two rows of metal teeth shimmered with a faint glow: "Grandpa, my luck is so good?"