MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 1046 Lime mission

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Wu Tie convened a group of oldest and most experienced veterans of Wu State, and carefully studied the materials of the senior people of Xuejiu.

The holy place of the human race is Tao Island.

Human holy land Kariya.

The patriarch of the people, the heads of the major branches and tribes, the elders of the various tribes, the most famous young Junyan of the new generation, their characters, their experiences, what they have done, their legends, etc.

"You're all right, what do you study these?" Bai Ao was a little puzzled by Witch Iron's behavior.

She didn't ask where the information was obtained from the witch iron, she was just curious what witch iron was doing to study these.

Wu Tie grabbed the jar of wine from Zhu Xi's hand, took a sip on his back, and pushed the jar of wine back to her before Zhu Xi's blast.

Exhaling a sip of wine, Wu Tie Shen said: "Always feel, useful ... Always feel, maybe one day, we will use these materials, right?"

Bai Yan's voice suddenly became low: "Do you think you will go to war with Ludao and Kariya?"

Wu Tie frowned and remained silent for a long time before he slowly said, "I have dealt with an old mother-in-law on Shedao. She is really a very generous and very fair person. But ... the old mothers and mothers , Can you really grasp the entire human race? "

Shaking his head, Wu Tie whispered softly, "Not necessarily."

If the old mothers and mothers can really grasp the entire human race, then there will be no heaven of Ji Baijie.

If the old mothers and mothers can really grasp the entire human race, then when the territories of the human race on the battlefields and hunting grounds of the human race are facing the calamity, Tokushima and Kariya will form a human army to meet the headaches instead of sending them out painless Some so-called frontline warlords.

If the old mothers and mothers can really grasp the entire human race and the human race, why do they have to change their hands and continue to hang on the skin of heaven?

It always feels that the internal storms of the human race are treacherous, and some people are rectifying things.

Power is extremely wonderful; power can bring terrible disaster.

"Perhaps, you are thinking too complicated." Bai Yan looked at Wu Tie with anxiety: "Perhaps, you don't need to put too much burden on yourself. You don't need to put the human race ..."

Wu Tie hurriedly interrupted Bai's words: "Enough, Enough, don't make me so great. I never felt that there was something big in the human race that I should bear alone."

"I'm just protecting myself, trying to be happy and at the same time, doing my best to do something that will allow me to have a good conscience."

The witch iron looked up, looking at the delicate lines on the huge cabin ceiling, and he groaned: "I'm just a mortal with good luck, fortunately I have some power and power ... nothing more."

"I haven't thought too much about it, you, or you guys, don't think of me too great." Wu Tie shrugged his shoulders and said calmly, "It's like when I was a kid, I gave my rations to those at home Xiaozi ... just purely, please be at ease. "

White pursed his lips and smiled.

Zhu Xi shot a wine goblet and mumbled vaguely: "It's really troublesome, what are you talking about so much nonsense? See who is not pleasing to the eye and punched to death, the world is peaceful."

Holding up his head proudly, Zhu Xi said proudly: "What kind of conscience or anything, ha, as long as it is troublesome to me, and one punch will kill me, my conscience will become smooth!"

Xiaolong also laughed. Compared to Zhu Xi, the Canglong brains born in the barren tribe were simpler.

She really doesn't understand why there are so many worries about Wu Tie and Bai Yan.

As the good girlfriend Zhu Xi said, whoever is in trouble will be killed ...

Also study the character of the top people? Studying their behavior patterns? Studying their stress response?

Oops, have such free time, drink some wine, eat some meat, find a group of calf heads, small wild boar cubs to watch them fight, or fight with them yourself, isn't it faster?

"The mediocre self-disturb!" Jiu Long gave Wu Tie a glance, throwing away the idiom she had just learned from an old master of the Confucian family these days.

Wu Tie's expression was embarrassing. He squinted his eyes, tilted his head, and glanced at the dragon with a disdainful glance: "This word, is it used here, is it used in the wrong place?"

"I'm looking for trouble!" Chen Long thought for a while and changed his word.

Wu Tie opened his mouth and was struck by the dragon to speechlessness. Maybe, really? He was really looking for trouble.

"Yes, what do I want to do so much?" Wu Tie gritted his teeth: "The sky is falling down and there is a tall man on top ... We brought relatives and friends, the vast mainland of China, find a place for a cat, live a little life go with!"

Bai Yan sighed quietly: "Tall? Nowadays, there are not many people taller than you ... Escape with relatives and friends? Your relatives and friends may be too many. Witches are not Well, can you get rid of those men and generals and their wives and children? "

The witch iron, which was just a little bit brighter, was once again depressed by Bai Yan's words.

With a somber face, Wu Tie grabbed the wine jar in Zhu Xi's hand, disregarding Zhu Xi's angry roar, and carried the wine jar outside the cabin.

As he walked and drank alcohol, Wu Tie shouted loudly: "Don't bother me, no one should bother me ... Alas, after an hour, I will send over the conquest of the various ministries. Also, ask the scouts ahead, Heaven What are the ministries doing? What is the latest military report? After an hour, I will see the latest military intelligence summary! "

Bai Ye spread his hands and shook his head: "Fortunately, the grand renewal of Grandpa Grandpa has only such a little place."

Zhu Xi angrily looked at the witch iron going out, waved his hand, and pulled out an unopened pot of spirits: "I'm looking for trouble, really."

The witch iron went to the bow of the Shenzhou boat, jumped over the fence, and sat on the head of the huge and stubborn devil's boat head, drinking and watching the scenery in the distance.

The blue sky and white clouds, the sea and the sky, a large group of seagulls are rising and falling, scrambling to hunt for fish.

To the right, there is a huge island.

Li Min on this island was rescued by the army of the Wu State Army. He was just rescued from the demons and just restored a certain order.

The sea off the island has been a bit haunted.

Human resilience is really extremely strong. No matter what happens, life always continues. When the island was restored by the armed forces of the Wu State, there was no one on the island.

But only a few days ago, fishermen by the sea have begun fishing.

Life always goes on.

Further afield, thousands of military warships roam the air, as if a group of evil sharks were hunting.

A thunderbolt suddenly flashed, and a thunder boat appeared near the warships out of thin air. A large group of battleships rushed towards this thunder boat, and powerful waves of spirits spread in the air, sending the most severe warning to the other party.

On Thunder God Boat, the lime in a blue dress came out cleverly.

Her gentle and clear voice spread far and wide: "Dare to ask His Majesty Wu Guo to be in front of him? He is a lime, He is the general affairs of He Daodao. Today, it ’s specifically about the future of the human race. Come and discuss with His Majesty Wu."

"Retreat!" Wu Tie waved.

The large group of battleships that had surrounded Thunder God's boat quickly spread out to the left and right. Farther away, a dozen small battleships and large groups of warships that were approaching here also began to reduce their speed and then turned away.

Lime smiled, stepped on a cloud of clouds, and came to Wu Iron in a hurry.

"Meeting for the first time, Your Majesty is younger and more promising than Your Majesty's thinking." Qing Li smiled to Wu Tiefu with a smile: "My Majesty, but also thanks to the other day, Your Majesty taught that for His Majesty. Insensible son. "

Wu Tie narrowed his eyes subconsciously and looked at Lime: "Gongsun Aunt, is your son?"

Qing Li sighed and shook her head: "Yi Er has a certain degree of self-confidence, and a bit of pride since he was a child. He looks down on the talents of the world, and if he goes on, he will lose out sooner or later. His Majesty can wake him up with a stick and drink these days I have worked so hard and I really want to say thank you to your Majesty. "

Wu Tie waved his hand: "Nice words, don't tell me ... Speaking of which, did you conquer the inheritance of heaven?"

Lime's face froze. Why was Wu Tie's words so unpleasant?

With a slight cough, Lime whispered: "When the human race is in danger, our human race should work together to resist ... This heaven is quite mysterious. The battleships of various colors, especially the large floating cloud combat equipment, are far beyond the level of our people today. Therefore, under the auspices of the body, it was directly used ... "

Wu Tie interrupted Lime ’s words: "Well, do n’t say beautiful words. We are straightforward. Why did Tianting conflict with my martial arts before and you did n’t need to change the fairy pool? Also, you fight against demons. Many soldiers are real. The battle in the dead ... you do n’t know, even the soldiers in heaven can be reborn in Huaxianchi without restriction? "

Lime's face froze completely.

The mildness in her eyes disappeared without a trace, and she became cold, even if it was witch iron, when she saw her eyes fiercely, she felt her heart cold.

On the back of the ship building, Misty and other clans of the intelligent protoss who are next to the witch iron to seek refuge are sneaky and peeking at the movements with mystery-they were lied by the lime when they were in the glazed land. Attack, but they ... didn't tell the witch iron about this matter.

They concealed the existence of lime.

They did not expect that Lime would appear in front of the witch iron so grandly.

Not even changing the name, even the appearance remains the same!

Alas, His Highness Lime Lord of the Wisdom Protoss is now the general affairs of the holy island of the human race?

They were trembling with excitement—the breath of conspiracy was so sweet; the feeling of conspiracy was so wonderful.

They gritted their teeth and forcibly controlled their urge.

They want to see what Lime wants to do ... even if it's broken, they can see a huge conspiracy unfolding. This is the meaning of their existence!

"Heaven? Huaxianchi? He is reborn infinitely?" Lime gritted his teeth and said word by word, "Your Majesty, do you know what you are talking about?"

Wu Tie looked at Lime calmly: "Looks, you, and some other high-level human races, have been shaken by Ji Baijie? Uh ..."

Huang Yu took a document and rushed forward, hissing: "Your Majesty, the heavenly prisoners imprisoned in the Rama Islands suffered an internal disturbance. About 40% of the captives were killed by their companion killers, and the other 60% were captives. ... all killed by themselves! "

"The suicides ... all melt into the sky."

Huang Yu handed the official document to Witch Iron: "This is the military sentiment from the leader of the captive camp."

Lime ’s body shook, her skin turned red: “Okay, okay, okay, okay, my aunt and grandma have been smart all their lives, and have been concealed by your Ji San Gou Zi's firewood life. ! "

"What do you want to do? What do you want to do?"

"Ha, grandma Auntie these days, fill the court with strength and replenish supplies ... It turned out, it turned out that it was all cheap for you!"

"Big geese have been beaten for a lifetime, but they have been pecked by the geese!"

"Auntie, I want to eat it alone, but you took a sip of fat first?"

There was a faint rise of black gas on the top of Lime's head, apparently she was already extremely angry.

Wu Tie looked at the lime on the edge of demonization, and said softly: "Mrs. Lime, you are the general affairs of the island, does it mean that when the old mothers and daughters of the island do not appear on weekdays, things in the island, It's all up to you? "

"So, you are really a great man."

"Well, are you looking for King, what's the matter? Look, King has told you extreme secrets like Huaxianchi ..."

The reddish lime skin quickly returned to normal, and still looked like fair and moist. The black gas above her head disappeared without a trace, and the terror power that had condensed in her body had made the witch iron faint and panic, as if it had never existed before.

With a slight smile, Lime still smiled softly like water: "Your Majesty, for a moment, he made him laugh. His body came this time ..."

There was a crisp sound in Lime's sleeve, and she frowned, and pulled out a cracked jade from her sleeve. She whispered: "Oh, I'm seriously injured? Okay, okay, just alive ..."

Shaking his head, Lime smiled apologetically to Wu Tie: "Yi Er is in dire straits, and I must rush to the rescue ... Next time, let's talk about it in detail."

Pouting with a smile, Liming looked at Wu Tie leisurely and said, "I came here to talk to Her Majesty about the future of the future human race and the prospects of the Wu Kingdom ... Well, please, Your Majesty, think carefully , What should our people do after this disaster? "

Wu Tie followed the words of Lime: "What after the disaster? As long as my people are still trapped under the sky, I am afraid ..."

Lime nodded and said to Wu Tie seriously: "So, Your Majesty, think about it, if we can completely solve the crisis facing the human race? If we can completely eliminate them, what about the outer demons?"

Inside the ship building, Misty and others were all excited with goose bumps coming out.

Conspiracy, conspiracy, Lime's conspiracy is about to emerge ...

Lime smiled at Wu Tie, then crushed the jade in her hand. A faint aura of light erupted from the jade pendant, and it disappeared as soon as it was wrapped in lime.