MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 10 Foundation medicine

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Witch iron leaned against the wall and sat under the wall.

The old iron was laughing loudly beside him. Unlike the previous mouth, the sound is different. This time, the old iron opened his mouth, the two rows of big teeth did not break, and laughed loudly with extremely loud voice.

"Hah, ha, ha, ha... Grandpa, I am so happy..."

"This shameless guy, but died in front of my grandfather..."

"Is it deep, great?"

"Strong strength, great?"

"The position is high, is it amazing?"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha... dead!"

The old iron jaw opened and closed, and the whole head was shaking. The laughter in the hall echoed with his special laughter.

Wu Tie looked at the old iron sideways and watched his hysterical smile.

After a long time, for a long time, Wu Tie said gently: "Actually, you are sad?"

The laughter came to an abrupt end, and the old iron ‘when’’ was shut. The electric light flows on a big tooth, and the old iron said coldly: "The little guys don't talk nonsense, grandpa, I have no heart at all... How can I be sad?"

Wu Tie patted the top of the old iron: "But, are you sad?"

The old iron said reluctantly: "Grandpa, I am very happy."

Wu Tie immediately yelled at him: "You have no heart, how can you be happy? So, you are actually sad?"

The blood in the old iron eye flickered, and then his neat 32 white teeth spewed a very fine electric light, and ‘嗤嗤’ hit the thorns of Wu Tie.

Wu Tie screamed and slammed down on the ground, with a long hair and a erect, and countless tiny electric sparks jumped between his long hair and made a '啪啪' crisp sound. .

"You, do you want to take revenge?" asked the old iron cold.

"Think!" Forced to endure the pain caused by the muscles, Wu Tie bit his teeth and stand straight.

"I want to listen to my grandfather and me." The old iron said one word at a time: "Even if I say that **** is fragrant, you have to believe that **** is more fragrant than red dates and stewed old hens!"

"What is a dog?" Wu Tie stunned: "Red dates? 枸杞? Old hen?"

The old iron was silent for a while, and his neatly 32 large white teeth spewed out another electric light, and turned the witch iron to the ground cleanly.

"Oh, bear children don't listen to disobedience. The filial son in the stick, this is really a famous saying, it is the truth!" The old iron smiled happily, one of his eyes stared at Wu Tie, and the other eye turned to The crystal ball where Yang Lan is located has solidified for a long time.

"Cut... Grandpa, I have no heart and lungs... How can I be sad? No such function..." Wu Tie twitched on the ground, and the old iron whispered to himself: "The feelings are really a bastard!" ”

Wu Tie squatted and stood up. This time, he shut up.

This old guy has too many means, and he is awkward. He doesn't care if he is still a child. Wu Tie is afraid of him.

"Take me up, go to the opposite door." The old iron said coldly: "Kid, look at your luck."

Wu Tie’s body was stiff, and he picked up the old iron and hugged him to the opposite wall.

If there is an old iron there, you can improve the efficiency of his cultivation, Wu Tie will soon have enough power to avenge?

if there is not……

It takes twenty years to complete the foundation?

Wu Tie took a chill and accelerated his footsteps - the enemy must die old? How could he wait so long?

The portal opens.

It is also a pale white metal hall.

The hall is very empty, only a few pieces of the whole body flashing strange crystal light, like a strange object cast by crystal. In addition, the hall is several times larger than the outside room, and there is no dust on the ground.

"Ah...oh..." The old iron snorted: "The kid, a good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

Wu Tie’s heart twitched a bit, and he asked with a scorpion: “What is the bad news?”

"Here, there is no foundation-based medicine." The old iron said very simply: "It should be true, here is the last batch of ancient reserve barracks for emergency reserves... So, inside, you see, empty, many should have Resources are not transferred."

Coldly snorted, the old iron said: "Even the ancient **** barracks themselves, his function is not complete ... he does not even know what is in his own warehouse, I do not know what his use. ”

No foundation medicine?

‘Foundation Pharmacy’!

Wu Tie remembered the name, which is the baby who can speed up his cultivation and let him improve quickly.

"No... then me?" Wu Tie's body swayed.

"The good news is, which guy sent a set of refining equipment here?" The old iron finger led Wu Tie to hold him to a height of several meters, a few meters wide, a few tens of meters long, and a thick layer of whole body. The white transparent crystal is wrapped in front of the singular device.

"As long as there is enough material, it can refine the building base." Lao Tie said: "As for the formula, I have here... How can I say that I am also the ninth generation of the scorpion medical ancient soldiers, this basic information, or some."

The old-fashioned iron continued: "All the materials can be found outside, and I have found a lot on this road."

"But... the most important raw material..." Not waiting for Wutie to be happy, the old iron has a 'but' and let Wu Tie's heart mention mid-air: "I can help you find all the materials needed for a foundation-based medicine." After that, it is up to you."

"I rely on myself?" Wu Tie's body twitched. He still didn't understand what he was facing, but curiously asked Lao Tie: "What is the most important raw material?"

"Flesh!" said the old iron one word at a time: "The snakes, lizards, spiders, snails, cave rats, bats, worms outside... their flesh and blood, about a thousand pounds of flesh and blood, can be equipped with a foundation-based medicine. ""

"Flesh?" Wu Tie Jing Ling Ling had a chill.

A thousand pounds of flesh and blood were exchanged for a building-based pharmacy. He felt inexplicably that the machine in front of him became a lot more horrible.

“What do you think?” Lao Tie asked: “What do you think is the foundation? Building the foundation, creating a perfect body, and laying the perfect foundation for future cultivation. What does the perfect body need? Nutrition and energy!”

"Building base medicine is to provide you with the most pure nutrition, the most active energy, to stimulate your body to absorb these nutrients and energy perfectly, and to cooperate with the foundation to transform your body to the most perfect state." Iron quickly said: "So, flesh and blood is equal to building a base of medicine, is there a problem?"

Wu Tie shook his head.

He understood the words of the old iron.

Because the gray master told him that his father and brother never waste a little bit of food. Because of their strong body and extraordinary strength, they all rely on a large amount of food to provide enough energy.

"Blood and blood is equal to building a base medicine, I understand." A thousand pounds of flesh and blood, combined with other materials, can extract a foundation-based medicine, and Wu Tie firmly remembers it in his heart.

Two hours later, Wu Tie climbed the deep pit with the old iron.

A red light is constantly lit up in the mushroom bush and fern forest. The red light sprayed from the old iron eye is amazingly killing, and a lot of creatures are easily killed by him.

In just one quarter of an hour, the old iron accurately killed enough prey for a thousand pounds of flesh and blood. Wu Tie gasped and rushed to dozens of miles, and finally returned these prey to the main hall where the refining equipment was located.

What was returned, along with other materials needed to refine the building chemicals.

Three kinds of moss with different colors.

Seven species of mushrooms that are clearly toxic.

Two ferns that are said to cause serious consequences after taking them.

There are also a few drops of venom extracted from the black snake venom, a silky sac of a venomous spider, and two gray fog spiders with anesthetic drowning.

Put these weird materials into the refining equipment with the same kilogram of prey, a layer of white light shrouded the entire instrument, using only one time of the finger, accompanied by a subtle '叮' sound, the side of the instrument slipped Opened a small portal.

A tray slowly protrudes, and in the transparent crystal cup on the tray, a half cup of green viscous juice is emitting a strong pungent smell.

This builds a base.

Wu Tie looked madly at the building of the potion.

This represents the hope of rapid cultivation, represents the strength of rapid growth, and represents the power of Wu Tie to have revenge on the enemy.

"Oh... brother..." Wu Tie clenched his fists and his body trembled fiercely.

The old iron was placed on the ground by the witch iron. When I saw the Wu Tie look like this, the old iron was dry and said: "Although I know my mouth, it is very embarrassing...but I can’t help but say..."

"Little guys, these prey are stuffed directly... Oh, there is no cleaning, fur, internal organs, and other things that are not clean... Oh, drink, but the courage!"

Wu Tie looked down at the old iron, picked up the crystal cup, and drank the base medicine.

It is viscous, slippery and extremely odorous.

After entering the oral cavity, the building-based medicine is quickly absorbed by the oral mucosa; in the throat, a small amount of the drug is quickly absorbed; half a cup of medicine is less than one or two parts, after entering the abdomen, only After a period of breathing, it was absorbed by the body.

A strong heat flow spreads from the mouth, throat, and abdomen to the body.

The skin began to turn red, and Wu Tie clearly noticed that his strength was growing and his breathing became hot.

“Building a foundation to create a perfect physical foundation.”

"What is the perfect physical foundation? Strength, physique, agility, spirit."

"It means that the strength is big, the vitality is strong, the speed is fast, and the energy is abundant."

"Blood gas condensate, qi sputum, suffocating sputum..." Laotie laughed: "Before you heard that you have divided the level of cultivation in your home... It’s really a group of grandchildren who have nothing to do... This realm divides, and Grandpa, I didn't make any difference at the time?"

While laughing, the old iron's eyes flickered, a large light curtain emerged, and the figure wearing a white tight armor appeared again.

"Building the base, the first type, starting!" The sweet and soft female voice sounded, and the white figure also moved.

Wu Tie subconsciously followed the white figure and began to move, playing in one fell swoop. The movement is soothing and soft, full of natural harmony; the female voice with a strange rhythm, Wu Tie unconsciously followed the rhythm of the female voice began a rhythmic breath.

One breath, one breath, one breath...

The heat flow of the foundation-based medicine flows gently to every corner of his body with the action of Wu Tie.

It is like a spring breeze, and it is silent.

It is also like a mercury rush, reaching every corner of every corner.

Soft, slow, but meticulous, without any dead ends.

There are two hundred and six bones in the whole body, there are 639 muscles, and there are nearly six billion muscle fibers. The nerves in the whole body are connected to the front line and there are nearly four million long...

Wu Tie's biography of "Tian Tian Quan", hegemonic, fierce and violent, and the speed of cultivation is extremely fast, but he can only exercise a dozen dozen bones and a hundred muscles.

The foundation is soft and soothing. There are a total of 1,200 different postures and movements, but it can perfectly mobilize the whole body and exercise every detail of the body.

"Building the base...the most perfect method of building the foundation in theory...but it's too slow...but it's too slow..." The old iron looked at the sweat and the skin was burning red, and the iron was whispering to himself. : "But... we don't lack time, yeah, little guy?"

"If you can build a foundation, why not gamble?"

Laotie smiled and said: "My grandfather, I have been desperate. I was lying in the earthen bag. I haven’t seen anyone for years. I thought that I was completely hopeless. I didn’t expect... you were actually sent. Come in……"

"Grandpa, I never believe in God, never believe in life... But now the position is a little shaken."

"You let Grandpa struggle out of despair... that desperation has gone through, why not gamble?"

"Although it's just theory...but I choose to believe..."

"As long as it can build a foundation..."

"You have to build a perfect foundation... Grandpa, I want to fight."

The soft and soft female voice echoes in the hall, and the basic style continues. The movement is more and more soothing, slower and slower, and each movement keeps the time longer and longer.

The sound of the tendons and the tiny vibrations of the bones gradually came from the body of Wu Tie.

His body began to subtly adjust itself to slowly approach a certain 'perfect body form'.

This will be an extremely long and extremely difficult process.

Zhuji Pharmaceuticals is still working.

The sweat dripped continuously, and a trace of blue electric light flashed on the white metal floor. The sweat dripping on the ground disappeared without a trace, and the ground was still clean and inconspicuous.

The witch iron breathed long, and the breath he exhaled was vaguely gray with a pungent smell.

The foundation type gradually evolved to the one hundred and eighty-eighth style.

This movement stretches like a bow, lying on the side, only the left elbow and the left heel hit the ground.

Wu Tie maintains this movement, and the tiny spine of the spine is like a dexterous snake. He just kept this action and slept.

One hundred and eight styles are the ultimate of his present.

The building base has spread evenly throughout the body, nourishing the most subtle components of the body.

A whole thousand kilograms of flesh and blood and other materials extracted from the nutritional essence, is quickly integrated into the thin body of Wu Tie, which is less than sixty pounds.


The subtle sound came, and Wu Tie’s body was pumping.

Under the skin, the muscles are extremely squirming, and the nutrients that are full of vitality are stimulating muscle growth.

The base-like singular posture ensures that these muscles maintain their optimal shape.

The red light in the old iron eye converges. He quietly squats on the ground and waits patiently.

"Grandpa, I am very patient..."