MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 50 Misunderstanding

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In a few days, the queen first gave birth, and then Li Fei suddenly violently burst. The entire palace was covered with a sad atmosphere. In the palace, no matter the palace maid and eunuch, as large as the **** chief, and as young as the **** who just entered the palace, they all wore white mourning clothes as required.

Since the founding of Mu Youguo, there have been regulations that the queen will die and the emperor will strike for 3 days. The concubine died, and the emperor stopped on the 1st. Nationwide grief. In the capital, ordinary people hung white lanterns in every house, everyone changed into plain clothes, and white belts were tied around their waists. All the song squares, music squares and brothels are closed.

The once bustling capital city was silent like a dead city, filled with a sense of sadness everywhere.

In Luoxia Palace, a large coffin was placed in the center of the palace. The people put on a red shroud for Li Fei, put on delicate makeup, and placed her flat in the coffin.

The maid and **** knelt in two rows and surrounded the coffin, crying hysterically. Suddenly the master was violent, and the subordinate had to find a new master. Good luck was just a new master. The bad luck was assigned to the Huanyi Bureau. There was no day to turn around.

After Leng Yichen had arranged in the Luoxia Palace, he quickly left and went to Fengqi Palace. Mo Ling has fallen into the water, and has been fainting since he gave birth. He has not yet woke up.

At the Los Angeles Palace funeral, only Xuan Fei, Yan Fei and Ning Fei, as well as some young masters.

Fengqi Palace is luxurious and luxurious. It has not simplified the decoration of the palace because of Li Fei's funeral. The eaves are golden and splendid, and the eaves corners on the four sides are slightly upturned. At the eaves corners are three auspicious beasts, namely phoenix, lion, and Tianma. Implied queen's status is extremely noble.

In the dormitory of Fengqi Palace, the ceiling is made of birch wood, crystal jade as a lamp, pearl as a curtain, and Fan Jin as a pillar.

There are sapphire pillows on the bed, specific soft tussah silk icicles, and jade belts and drapes. A huge bright moon lamp hangs on the top of the palace, and it always glows at night, like a bright moon.

The cold white jade used on the ground floor is made of lotus, and blossoms like a five-stem lotus. The petals are fresh and exquisite, and even the flower core is delicate and discernable. Even barefoot, you can only feel warm.

Leng Yichen sat eagerly to the edge of the bed, opened the pink curtain, reached out and touched her forehead, and smiled at ease.

Fortunately, there was no fever.

Coincidentally, Xiner brought the traditional Chinese medicine stewed from Taiyuan Hospital from the medicine room and sent it to the emperor. Leng Yichen took the medicine bowl, took a sip, frowned slightly, and said unpleasantly, "The medicine is cold. Here! Ming Tai Hospital Redo! "

"Yes ..." Leaning back, nervous and scared.

That day, Queen Mother Xiao was rushed to the Huanyi Bureau, washing clothes day and night, being ridiculed by public officials, and being humiliated by slander from time to time. She was really scared! Day and night, she was bothered by the nightmare, she was really scared! Never want to go back to that dark place ...

Yesterday, if it wasn't for the empress to confer to her queen for Xin'er, how could she come out of the suit?

He was dressed in a white suit, with a white belt around his waist, and a simple outfit, which still wiped out his natural domineering king!

His face is like peach apricot, his eyebrows are picturesque, his eyes are like stars, and his beauty is intoxicating. He was obsessed with Miss Noble and Miss Qian Jin from an early age, but he was indifferent and never looked into it, never put it in his heart ... until he met her in Yizhou City ...

Leng Yichen stretched out his hand, scratched the quilt covered by Mo Ling, reached out and stroked her pale cheek, his eyes full of pain and anxiety.

"Linger, would you wake up soon? Would you like to accompany you?" .

She has always been as careful as her and as clever as her. If there is a desire for family and family, how can Molly's little tricks deceive her? !! How can I hurt her? !! Maybe she knew Molly's bad intentions, but she refused to admit it in her heart, faintly expecting, but in the end she was wounded all over with scales and no body!

Linger, why are you suffering?

Molly murdered the queen, killed the prince, and could not escape the death penalty. If Xiner was not around, she was really lonely, and she didn't even have a talking partner.

Two days later, Mo Ling was in a coma for two days, and he accompanied her for two days. He corrected the memorials, lived in food and clothing, and moved to Fengqi Palace. in.

In the past two days, he had hardly rested, his face was haggard, his eyes were darkened, and he felt pale and weak. He was always by her side, for fear that Mo Ling would wake up. The first person he saw was not him. Linger will be angry!

Xiner held a plum tray, and on top of it, a small white porcelain bowl was placed. The porcelain is delicate and transparent, the appearance is beautiful and elegant, the color surface is moist and bright, and the bowl is filled with freshly cooked Chinese medicine. smoke.

Leng Yichen took the small porcelain bowl from the tray, and stirred it with a small spoon. The movement was slightly slow. He took a small spoon and put it in the mouth. Wait until the temperature of the medicine drops to a suitable entrance before feeding her with a spoonful, especially with care.

After the medicine was fed, she wiped the remaining juice from the corner of her mouth with a Jinpa.

In the palace, everyone said that the emperor was as cold and indifferent as a thousand-year-old iceberg that refused people thousands of miles away, but in Xiner's eyes, the emperor cared for the lady and took care of it. I have never seen the emperor's love for other concubines.

Night fell, and the palace in the middle of the night was as cold as water, cold as ice, dull and silent. Princess Li was violent, and the queen gave birth, leaving the entire palace shrouded in death.

Throughout the afternoon, Leng Yichen did not leave the bed, and never closed his eyes, sitting, watching and guarding. With one face on one hand, his eyelids became heavier and he fell asleep.

Mo Ling, who was unconscious for nearly 3 days due to excessive blood loss, finally woke up under the careful care of the emperor and Xiner. She just opened her eyes and it was Leng Yichen who caught her eyes. Seeing him supporting his head with one hand, without a cloak on his body, struggling to support himself, took the coat next to him, and draped him, but woke him up.

"Eh?" He opened his eyes dimly, and when Mo Ling woke up, she was actually a stimulant, forgetting Mo Ling who was still in the body, excited, and reached out to grab her delicate shoulders. Great! Great! You finally woke up! "

"The emperor ... it hurts the minister ..." He grinned painfully and frowned slightly. Although she was awake, her body was still in a state of weakness, and she could not bear the strength of Leng Yichen at all.

"It hurts? Where does it hurt?" Released his hands nervously, frowning tightly, like a child who did something wrong, full of indebtedness.

"It's okay now. Emperor, who has been guarding Linger?" He asked tentatively, seeing that he was extremely embarrassed.

"Well, nothing upsetting has happened recently, I just took the time to look at you." Then he got up and walked towards the locker.

Looking at his figure, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned. It turned out that in the deep palace, she also had her own reliance, just like the winter sun, warming the heart and the spleen. Just like a strong shield, it is safe and reliable. Like the lights in the home, it gives people hope.

"Come, Linger, eat some red dates and make up your blood." Leng Yichen took the eggs and the red dates from the locker and handed them to Mo Ling.

"What a big red date! It was really the first time I saw it." Before crossing, she was accustomed to seeing Hetian dates, which she could even see in Muyou Country, she was very surprised.

"Well. It was bought by Yan Fei's special entrusted person in Huancheng Kingdom. She knew you had a small birth and had too much blood, so she gave some to replenish your body. She was also interested. Before, Ning Fei also sent someone to give Come here, it's all used for stew. "

The heart that had just been warmed, and gradually became cold again ... It was she who thought so much ...

Yan Fei, Yan Fei, Yan Yan, Yan Yan. She monitored her in Yizhou for nearly three years, and returned to the palace, still doing surveillance work!

It seems that the existence of Yan Fei is to remind Mo Ling at all times that she is just a pawn, so don't think too much! Chess pieces are chess pieces. Even if it is important, it is only the role of the chess piece, not the life of the chess piece!

Leng Yichen, from the beginning to the end you care about your world, your country, your people ... and I, just a **** in your hand, can sweep away troublesome pawns for you!

"Linger? Why don't you eat it? Do you feel uncomfortable? Would you like to ask the doctor for a diagnosis?" Seeing that she was holding red dates in her hand, she was still motionless and very worried.

"No, don't use it. It's too late. If you disturb the doctor, it won't be good." Gently refused. Putting jujube in the mouth is unwitting.

"Well. You, usually, take good care of yourself, send in supplements, and eat in time, don't let it go." He said bitterly again, and even Leng Yichen felt that he was even better than his mother. nagging. "These days when you are unconscious, the harem is cumbersome, but you can exhaust your mother-in-law. She also praises you every day and makes the harem excellent."

Obviously, it was Shuxin's praise, but it sounded false to Mo Ling. But I want her to take good care of her body and take care of her harem properly to worry about Leng Yichen and Empress Xiao.

He couldn't help humming in his heart, and said deliberately, "The emperor will rest assured that Linger will do his part to remove the trouble for the emperor and the queen mother. To be a pawn, you should fulfill your responsibilities and obligations."

He chuckled and stopped preparing to touch her hand. He felt a sense of incontinence, and his heartache couldn't exhale. "Does it seem to Ling that the reason why you depend on your use value? ? "

"Isn't it?" She asked weakly, without the strength of questioning, and her heart grew colder.

Leng Yichen didn't answer, just looked at her directly, saw the coldness in her eyes, and the firmness in her eyes! He was too lazy to explain, and stood up suddenly, leaving the bedroom.

For a long time, I heard the sharp and loud voice of Father Gong from the outdoors, "The emperor set up the Jade Palace!"

Seeing the emperor's sudden departure, Xiner ran to the bedroom anxiously, Mo Ling had lay down, her face was covered by the quilt, and she could not see her expression at this moment.

"Miss! What did you say to the emperor! You took the emperor away!" She was so anxious that she stomped her feet. After entering the palace for a few months, she naturally knew the rules of the palace's survival. The emperor attaches great importance to a good life, otherwise the **** of the palace will bully the master!

"I'm tired, you can step back." Still covering her face with her head, the whole person shrank into the quilt.

"Miss! You're leaving the emperor, how will our lives go in the future?"

"Go out."

Knowing her own temper, she pouted helplessly and retreated. My heart is so sad. If the emperor never comes to Fengqi Palace again, the master is not there, and I am afraid that it will be Fengqi Palace in the future.

In the imperial palace, on the path covered with small stones, Grandpa Rui held a paper lantern and led the way. Leng Yichen was walking slowly behind him, but he got slower and slower.

"The emperor rest assured that Linger will do his part to remove the trouble for the emperor and the queen mother. To be a pawn, you should fulfill your responsibilities and obligations."

Earlier, Mo Ling's words in Fengqi Palace still lingered in his ears, deeply hurting his heart, and he was distraught.

Is it that these days he treats her well, cares for her and cares for her. Mo Ling, can't you feel the slightest? For her, no matter how to annoy the queen mother, let Xiner return to her side. For her, regardless of the opposition of the shadow, let the shadow protect her. For her, regardless of the minister's gossip, she must be stubborn Fengqi Palace, talking about state affairs.

Is everything he does wishful thinking? !!

With this in mind, he simply stopped and stood still, his eyes dull and expressionless. Colder than usual, it is even more daunting.

It seemed that Xiaorui had found the person behind him, and without any movement, he turned around and found out that the emperor had stopped 10 steps away from him. Immediately turned back again, leaned over and said, "The emperor, Lady Yan is waiting in Yufu Palace."

"Send someone to tell Princess Fei, don't wait, just rest." He turned in a different direction and said, "Go back to Longxiao Palace."


He took a heavy step and glanced at the Fengqi Palace behind him. His eyes were full of complexity. He wanted to rush to Mo Ling's side, but he was stopped by his own reason.

Linger, what do you have to do to make you believe that you are sincere? !!