MTL - Chang’an Peasant Girl-Chapter 1 A stone girl who can't give birth?

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   Sitting quietly in the two-meter-deep hole, raised his head, and kept shouting for help at the entrance of the hole, hoping that someone could hear and rescue her.

   But, after shouting for a long time, no one came to save her.

  's voice was a little hoarse, and Quiet planned to take a break before shouting.

   Looking down at the ancient sackcloth clothes on her body, Quiet was a little complicated. She was very happy to be able to live again, but in a country that did not exist in history, she wanted to sigh a little.

  Yes, Quiet was already dead.

   She was killed by sniping while on a mission.

  As a special soldier in the 21st century, she could die for the motherland. She died with no regrets, but she did not expect that her soul would transmigrate to an ancient woman.

   This ancient woman was called Lin Jingjing, which only had the word 'Lin' more than her name.

  An Jing is very fortunate that she has not only been reborn on Lin Jing, but also has Lin Jing's memory, otherwise, she must not know what her situation is by now.

   Thinking of Lin Jing's situation, Jing can only sigh deeply: "Alas..."

  Lin Jingjing is the youngest daughter of an ordinary peasant family in Jiuping Village, Xiyun Country. She is 18 this year and has not yet married.

   It's not that Lin Jingjing doesn't want to marry, but that no one gets married.

Originally, Lin Jingjing must also have a family, but the family who was engaged to her didn't know how they knew that Lin Jingjing had never had a menstrual period, and thought that Lin Jingjing was a stone girl who could not have children, and the most important lineage in ancient times. Lin Jingjing, who was only 15 years old, was rejected by the family.

  It was also because of that resignation, that Lin Jingjing was a stone girl. As a result, no one wanted to marry Lin Jingjing at all, and Lin Jingjing became an older leftover daughter.

  Because she is a stone girl, Lin An Jing has been ridiculed by the villagers for the past three years.

   Being ridiculed all the time, making the sensitive and cowardly Lin An Jing unable to raise his head at all, and it also made Lin An Jing become more and more withdrawn, and finally changed—every time he went out to work, Lin An Jing walked with his head down.

Lin Jing's family didn't like Lin Jing in the first place. Now that Lin Jing is a stone girl, she still can't get married and stay at home, which makes them even more dislike Lin Jing. It was to beat and scold Lin Jingjing.

   Lin Jingjing's parents are still alive, and there is an older brother on top of him. The elder brother is loved by his parents, but Lin Jingjing is always enslaved and lives a life inferior to animals.

   "Oh," Quietly sighed again, "It's bad to give preference to sons and daughters."

   Early this morning, Lin Jing was instructed by Mother Lin to go up the mountain to chop wood, but accidentally fell into the trap set by the hunter.

The    trap is a two-meter-deep hole, which is specially designed to hunt prey. When Lin Jingjing fell in like this, it is estimated that he knocked his head, and Lin Jingjing died on the spot.

   When he opened his eyes again, his body was still the same body, but the core had been replaced by a quiet one.

   "It's really cheap for me." Quietly and satisfied, he looked at his current body. Although he was as thin as a bamboo pole, his strength was not small.

   "Lin Jingjing, don't worry, I will cherish your body." Jing Jing solemnly assured the air.

   Anyway, in modern times, she doesn't care about anyone.

   I don't know if it's because of her death, but now she really cherishes her life and wants to live again.

   took a deep breath, quietly raised his head again, and shouted at the entrance of the cave: "Help—"