MTL - CEO Above, Me Below-Chapter 76 Virus program

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How can I find out what happened three years ago?

She had wanted to meet Tang Yi again and asked about the ins and outs, but Tang Yi was sent directly to the country by Feng De.

The speed is so fast that I can't help but let her check it out.

Very strange, it is clear that Gong Ou brought her into this whirlpool, but he did not care about the truth at all, so he was paranoid and misunderstood her.

Now, her breakthrough is only found in the whistle.

But she can't always go to the front of the flute, and ask directly, three years ago, what happened to the Bach cruise ship and what happened to you when the flute is not an idiot, how could you tell her.

How to check it?

After a few days of squatting, Xiao Nian did not find any good way.

After finishing a bucket of vanilla ice cream in the kitchen, Xiao Nian holding a bucket and going to the office study of Miyako

Miyao is sitting at the desk and typing on the keyboard. A handsome face is focused and serious, and the slender fingers rise and fall on the keyboard.

"Ice cream is ready."

When I was holding an ice cream bucket, I walked over.

"feed me"

Miyao did not look at her, only commanded arrogantly, her eyes fixed on the screen, the movements on her fingers did not slow down, and she would still hit the keyboard quickly.


The president is on her next.

The president’s instructions are bigger than the day.

When Xiao Nian walked over to him, grabbed a spoon and took a spoonful of ice cream and handed it to his lips. Miyau opened his mouth and tasted the sweet taste. The face with no expression eased and seemed to be melted by the ice cream. .

When Xiao Nian missed a spoonful of spoonfuls, his eyes fell on the big computer screen, and there was a bunch of code that she couldn’t understand, "is doing viruses again."


Gong Ou should be.

"It is also used to deal with your own mobile phone system," asked Xiao Nian.



When Xiaonian’s forehead came up with a black line, how could he have this kind of focus on doing the virus for 18 years?

Seems to know what she is thinking, Miyako swallowed a spoonful of ice cream she handed over, her fingers banged on the keyboard, and her voice was low. "The virus is not a bad thing, it can not only be used to check itself, but also Used to deal with people you hate, it also allows you to get what you need."

Her woman thinks that the virus is like a germ, not a good thing.

"is it"

When Xiao Nian was confused, he faintly responded.

The virus is a virus, and how noble it is.

"Ignorance." Gong Ou lifted her eyes and gave her a low voice. "Continue to feed."


When Xiao Nian dig a spoonful and handed it to his lips, standing beside him and looking at the code that could not be understood on the screen.

Viruses can be used to deal with people you hate, but also to get what you need.

Get what you need

When Xiao Nian’s voice was turning in her eyes, a bold idea slowly came into her mind.

She looked at the man in front of the desk. "Miyao, do you have a virus that directly invades other people's mobile phones? Just like the eavesdropping technology in movies, you can overhear people's calls or text messages."

"Who do you want to invade?"

Miyagou stopped the action on his hand, and the black man looked at her with a look.

"No, I am just curious if there is such a virus." On his gaze, Shi Xiaonian smiled with some guilty conscience.

"Have you been bored lately?" Gong Ou looked at her and stretched out a cabinet and took out a silver box like a small u disk and threw it on the table. "Get it."

"this is"

When I was young, I asked the export questioningly.

"Put this in the charging place of the mobile phone, it only takes 30 seconds, the virus program will invade the mobile phone, leaving no trace." Gong Ou said, the voice is low and sexy.

When Xiao Nian put down the spoon in his hand, picking up the little silver box, so a small thing can invade someone else's mobile phone.

so smart.

If she can invade the phone of the flute, then when the flute and Tang Yi have a private contact, she will be able to hear it. I can understand the things three years ago, but it’s so good, it’s too much to invade other people’s mobile phones. bright.

She was thinking that people were held on the legs by Miyako.

Gong Ou hugged her in one hand and took a spoon in one hand and gracefully sent an ice cream to her mouth. "I don't want to invade my mobile phone, my mobile phone can't invade."

When I was smiling, "I certainly won't invade your cell phone."

She is now with him almost 24 hours a day, and it is not too tired to do anything to invade his mobile phone.

"The one who wants to invade," Miyako's gaze squinted, pinching her chin and forcing her to look at herself, "I want to invade which man's cell phone."

"I didn't say it was a man."

It’s not a man.

Miyako’s face was slightly slower and continued to ask, “Who is that?”

Her paintings still want to learn to eavesdrop.

When Xiao Nian bit his lip, honestly, "I want to invade my sister's mobile phone, I haven't thought about it yet, I just think about it."

She is still hesitant.

After all, she just heard a little wind from Tang Yi, it is too shameful to use this kind of trick to eavesdrop on her sister.

"Your sister"

Miyau looked at her with no expression.

When Xiao Nian thought he would ask why he was eavesdropping on his sister, the result was that Miao Ouwen just chuckled, his fingers pinched her chin, and a pair of black scorpions with approval. "It seems that you still can't put up your parents. The matter of severing relations with you, your foster mother said that your sisters are not in harmony, but only to drive you out. This is naturally a report to your sister, and doing beautifully."

He doesn't like the Virgin woman.

There is a must report to the enemy.


When Xiao Nian squatted, he thought she wanted to avenge her sister.

"Whoever makes you unhappy, you have to let no one be happy, this is the woman of my palace."

Miyau hugged her, rubbed her on her lips, and the corner of her lips slid a high arc. "Would you like to hear something ugly, you will burst her out and let her star's reputation plummet?"

His lips were cold because of ice cream, and the kiss came over to make her lips cool.

When I miss my lips, "I don't have it"

Miyao has misunderstood her big tricks.

"This kind of revenge is also the level of the family, but if you want to play, you should play it first." Gong Ou did not listen to her at all, and decided that she was in retaliation.


When Xiao Nian was very helpless, I wanted to explain that Gong Ou suddenly hugged her. "Wait a while, I have a big gift for you."

His dawn has become deep.

"Big gift"

When the little thoughts are stunned.

What a gift, what kind of heart-shaped diamonds, glass please, she can not.

"Yeah." Miyao encircled her in her arms, her hands continued to tap on the keyboard, watching more and more code on the screen, making his virus.

When Xiao Nian looked at him, he didn't want to say what the big gift is now. She didn't ask.

After feeding a bucket of ice cream to him, Xiao Nian stood up from his arms. "Then you are doing things slowly, I will go out first."

"kiss Me."

Gongou stared at the screen.


When Xiao Nian obediently lowered his body, his lips were printed on him, and he was again tightened by Gong Ou. His warm lips blocked her soft lips tightly, kissed violently, kissed the air, and took all her. The taste is swallowed into the abdomen.

When I left the study, I was a little dizzy when I was kissed by my head.

When Xiao Nian went out, Feng De went to the study room, took a document in his hand, and walked over to Miyao. "Young master, the department of the family has been established when you suppress it, I don't know when to start."

"No hurry, you have all the information collected by the time family."

Gong Ou asked in a low voice, the fingertips crossed his thin lips, and there was still the temperature left by the little thoughts.

"It should be almost the same. Anyway, the family is relying on the home, and the Mushi Group is intertwined."

Feng Dedao.

Miyau got the file and turned it one page at a time. The more he turned it down, the more he was ridiculed by the curvature of his lips. "It’s really a time when you can’t be beaten. When you retaliate, I will personally give orders, according to me. Just do it."

"You come in person" Feng De stunned, "This little thing does not have to come."

The young master still needs to manage the whole ne, so there is so much leisure time.

Gong Ou combined the documents, the black scorpion became sharp, and the word was cold. "I want to be home all night and I will fall back when I want to drop her tears one by one."

This, she naturally refers to the time.

Feng De can feel the revenge of Gong Ou, and he can't help but squeeze the sweat. "Yes, Master, then I will wait for your instructions."

The young master seems to be more than he thought when he was still thinking.

When he was a young lady, he personally experienced it.

"Well, let's go."

Gong Ou cold channel, the line of sight fell on the document, a glimpse of the light in the eyes.

When Xiao Nian wants to avenge her sister, she will let her play first, and will not notice his actions against the family. When the house is lost overnight, this surprise gift must make her happy.

At that time, she thought it would be difficult to fall in love with him.

When I left the study room of Miyau, I was in a small silver box with a u disk.