MTL - CEO Above, Me Below-Chapter 65 Parent-child relationship

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"What's good." Qiu Qiujun was worried. "Your dad and Qian's sister are fighting in the heat. At the beginning of the thousand, they didn't even bother to ask. They spent the whole day accompanying the flute shopping to buy things, completely ignoring the overall situation. Give your dad a person to do it."

Obviously know that Mu Qianchu and Shiqian have a good relationship, but once again, she still could not help but be stabbed.

"The love of their husband and wife is a good thing." Shi Xiaonian said.

"Every love is better, but they are not too flat. I have heard from the servants of Mu, and I have already quarreled several times after the marriage of Qianchu and Shidi." Qu Qiujun said.

When I quarreled, Xiaoyan squinted at the big eyes. "This is impossible."

To say that the weather is changing, she believes that it is possible to say that Mu Qianchu’s and Shidi’s feelings are not good. She has been entangled in the beginning of the years and they have not scattered. It is not proof that they are true love.

"The reason for the quarrel seems to be because of you." When Qiu Qiujun looked at Xiao Nian, his tone was somewhat uncomfortable.


When Xiao Nian’s body was stiff, the reason for the quarrel was how she might be.

"The servants said that they are quarreling at home every time at home. Two people are quarreling. After the first marriage, it is like being a person. He is such a gentleman and actually quarrels with the time flute." The head shot, "Your sister called us to cry when I quarreled. How can I advise it?"

At this time, there are two cups of coffee on the server.

When Xiao Nian sat there, she couldn’t figure out how she was entangled in the past. How did she get into their fuse after marriage?

She is not going to see them now, hiding far away, they are not quite flat.

what is this

However, Mu Qianchu is indeed a bit strange. In order to give the flute a perfect wedding, even the painful medicine does not eat. Now how can I not let the flute in words? This makes no sense.

"Your father is annoyed that he has not slept for a few nights, and he is bothering him with his family affairs. He is"

Having said that, Qu Qiujun wants to stop talking.

When Xiao Nian looked at her own foster mother, she looked at her embarrassed face and faintly felt that the next words of the foster mother were the topic of today.

Sure enough, Qu Qiujun looked at her for a long time, then took a document from the bag and put it in front of her. It was very difficult to talk. "Your dad wants you to sign this document."

When Xiao Nian’s hand was on a steaming coffee cup, he looked down at the file.

There is a dense word on the document. She didn’t see it clearly. She only saw a big title.

Cut off the book.

When Xiao Nian’s face was pale, the finger leaned on the cup and the whole cup of coffee was poured onto the table. She didn’t want to pick up the file, the file was not wet, and the word was not wet. The coffee dripped on her. It’s amazing.

"Little thoughts"

Qiu Qiujun exclaimed, and quickly stood up and picked up a paper towel to wipe her stains.

When Xiao Nian stood up and pushed his hand away, "I am fine."

"No, you are easily burned."

"Let's talk about business." When Xiao Nian looked at the concern in her eyes, she suddenly felt a little ironic, pushing the hands of the foster mother, and when she was cold, she said, "Isn't it to talk about signing?"

The waiter came over and cleaned the table.

"Little Mind" Qiu Qiujun sat down and looked at her in a difficult face. His face was full of bitterness. "I have been arguing with your father for a long time, but he still insists on it. He thinks that it is your previous entanglement that will make Qianchu and Shidi are now in a bad marriage, and he must go out of your house."

"I haven't been evicted from the house yet?" Xiao Nian laughed with a mocking voice, his eyes sour. "A few years ago, you would not let me stay at home."

Can you evict this kind of thing over and over again?

"Little thoughts."

"Now I have to expel me from the legal sense. It doesn't matter. I signed it. Anyway, I don't think I can still be the daughter of the family." Xiao Nian didn't care.

Qiu Qiujun looked at her with grief.

When Xiao Nian still smiled, he smiled very lightly, completely disregarding it. "Mom, you must have a pen with your pen. Oh, I can't call your mother now."

It’s ready.

"Small thoughts, you don't want this." Yan Qiujun looked at her lips with a smile that was very uncomfortable, but she took the pen from her bag and gave it to her. "The family is your father, I can't fight him, but later, I Will sneak out to see you."


Mom looks at her daughter to look at it secretly.

"It doesn't matter, I have long thought of this day, and my signature is."

When Xiao Nian took the pen from her hand and directly turned to the last page of the document, the pen tip reached for a second, the tears fell on the paper drop by drop, and the tears could not be controlled.

She is far less indifferent and strong than she imagined.

She didn't care much about her time.

Qiu Qiujun looked at her in a wrong way, "Little thought, you"

"Why did you adopt me and abandon me?"

When Xiaonian bowed his head, the hand holding the pen was shaking, and the voice choked and could not make a complete sentence. "I did something wrong from childhood to age. You and Dad prefer the flute. You secretly sneaked it to her. I secretly took her to the tutoring class. You secretly took her and took another family photo. If I were so redundant, why didn't I send it away in the morning? When I didn't remember, that would be great."


Qiu Qiujun stared at Xiao Nian, but she did not expect these things.

At the beginning, their husband and wife only adopted a baby who abandoned the baby safe island because they could not have children. I did not expect to find that she had already had it in her stomach.

The natural child of the whistle is hard to come by, so their husband and wife will inevitably prefer.

She thought that when she did these things, she didn't know.

"Because I am not your own, so what is wrong with me, what evils are me to bear." Shi Xiaoyan said with some excitement, tears kept falling, "In the beginning, take care of Mu Qianchu It is me. When he restores his eyesight and returns to Mujia, you will make every effort to promote him and the whistle. He secretly told Muqian that he was the best whistle and he was before. You only blame me for entanglement, but have you ever thought about my feelings?"


"Now, I gave up and I admit defeat. I am no longer entangled in them. The result is still me."


When Xiao Nian seized the pen in his hand, he had already burst into tears and his voice trembled. "I have to become an orphan again. I have no one to ask. Why should I abandon me like this, because I am not born, can I just abandon it?" Parents can just throw away, right?"

She actually cares about this family, she cares about family.

Why is this the end?

Qiu Qiujun sat across from her and cried when she heard her words.

Xiao Nian has been muttering, "Why should you abandon me, why don't you want me, why don't you want me? I always wanted to do it well. I always wanted to be your daughter. I didn't dare to walk half a step, I am So how can you not see it?"

She is like a child lost in the wild.

From small to large, she worked hard and won't get praise; she tried hard to do housework, and she didn't get praise; except for entanglement, she didn't do anything else that made her parents unhappy, why didn't she want her, why?

Qiu Qiujun was not a hard-hearted person. When he couldn’t hear it anymore, he cried. "Forget it, don't sign, don't sign, don't sign it."

The documents in the small thoughts were suddenly taken away.

She stayed, raised her head, tears blurred her sight, and saw Miyao's face standing beside her, holding the file with one hand.

Why is he here

"Oh." Gongou stared at the documents in his hand and sneered. "I thought it was a big deal that made you cry like this. When you think about it, you can still have a little bit of interest."

"you are"

Qiu Qiujun looked at Gongou in a wrong way.

"You are her foster mother." Gong Ou looked at Qiu Qiujun and asked coldly.

It is obviously a young man, but he is very strong. In front of him, Qiu Qiujun feels that he is inexplicably humble, and even the answer becomes involuntary. "Yes. I am the mother of Xiaonian."

How do you always feel that you have seen such a handsome young man?

"People who discard their children are called mothers." Gong Ou had a wave of his hand, and he pushed the little thoughts to the inside. He sat up beside her and looked at Qiu Qiujun coldly. "She is not worthy of her biological mother. You are not worthy."

"Miyao, what are you doing this is my business."

When Xiao Nian did not cry, he quickly went to the palace.

Ms. Ou’s disgusted her face with tears on her face. “Look at you like this, what qualifications do I have to say that I am doing my own thing?”

He is so mad.

When I was "I", Xiao Nian was blocked and couldn't speak. She was really awkward.


Qiu Qiujun was shocked to see Miyau, he was the palace of the palace

Miyao will take his eyes back from the time, and look at the Qiujunjun across the table and erect the documents in his hand. "Your signature I saw is already on," Ms. Ms. Why do you want to be a good time? Broken relationship

"This" Qiu Qiujun is still not free to answer the eyes of Miyako. "It is because their sisters are not in harmony."

This reason sounds a bit weird.

"Oh, why didn't you sever the relationship with the little daughter, but with the eldest daughter," Miyau asked with a cold smile, suddenly made a big sigh, "Yes, when Xiao Nian is a foster daughter, the natural thing that I want to lose is not a kiss." ”

"It is not like this. There are many things happening in the middle. Outsiders will not understand."

Qiu Qiujun could not help but defend his own daughter.

At least in the case of Mu Qianchu, their family thought that the flute was right.

A normal sight and excellent Mu Qianchu should naturally be with the time flute. As a sister, they should give up, not fight, and they will be turned upside down.

Wen Yan, Gong Ou smiled even more, the curvature of the lips was full of ridicule, he looked at the documents in his hand, "Abandoning the daughter can be thrown like Ms. Ms. Such a look, I am seeing for the first time." ”

When they talked, Xiao Nian sat there and kept his head down, clasping his clothes with his hands.