MTL - CEO Above, Me Below-Chapter 61 Take her with her

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She does not want to.

She definitely doesn't want to.

When Xiao Nian fell into the chair, his hands clenched around the knife and fork, and his heart was very messy.

In the end, she was dragged to the company by his company, his company.

Tianqing Qingqing, ne building is located in the science and technology area of ​​the city, magnificent.

The president's office is on the upper floor of the building. In the large-scale floor-to-ceiling windows, Miyako works at the desk, holds the mouse to move, and checks the technical report on the computer.

The security risks of ne mobile phone software are perfectly solved.

Miyako put down the mouse, pressed his fingertips to press the eyebrows, soothing the fatigue, he slowly turned his head, and when he saw the little thought, he sat in front of the white desk for her.

She sat there with a brush in her hand and a pen tip against the white paper, but nothing was drawn.

"What to do"

Miyako opened her mouth low, and the black gaze stared at her deeply.

When Xiao Nian was called back to God, she looked up to Miyao, and the squat in his eyes gave her a glimpse. She was slightly squinting and opened her eyes.

The confession in his morning continued to emerge in front of her eyes. She saw the confession for the first time, and it was the first time she was confessed, only to panic.

"What do you mean, don't return me?"

Miyagami’s tone immediately became angry and his brows were tight.

"When I was drawing a comic, it was like this. When people think about things, they are relatively empty." When Xiaonian looked down at the white paper, it was faint.

"What is wrong with cartoonists?"

Miyao taunted and said nothing.

When Xiao Nian sat there, her hand held the pen a little hard, sitting here, she could not paint anything.

As soon as she thought that Gong Ou was moving to her, she was too annoyed.

She thought about it, didn't know which one she was up to, and she wanted to get it. She even wanted to rush to him. He said, don't be interested in me, don't do it. I am, I will change it right away.

The short doorbell rang twice.

Miyao picked up the remote control on the table and pressed it. The office door that had been away for a long time opened automatically.

A secretary came in from the outside, holding the documents in his hand, and obviously disappeared when he saw the little thoughts, but the good professionalism made her ask nothing, and only handed the documents to the table of Miyako, "President, This is the information you want."


Miyako picked up the information and turned it over.

"President, ten minutes later, you have a lunch meeting with Feng of Fengtai, and the car is ready." The secretary said, "What else do you want?"

"No, go out."

Gong Ou Dao, directly let her go.

"Yes, president."

When the secretary walked, he couldn’t help but look back and look at the time, and he was so upset that the president also brought the woman to the company.



"Look at what, when I was a zoo," Miyau noticed the curiosity of the secretary, and his face suddenly became cold and his face sank.

As his secretary, he shouldn’t look at it.

The secretary stood in fear, "President, I"

She just took a look at it.

"Go to the marketing department yourself, you don't have to stay in the secretarial room." Gong Ou calmly said, his face was not happy.

"Yes, president."

The secretary’s tone was full of tears, and he hurriedly covered his face and went outside.

When Xiao Nian sat there, he looked at the secretary's back.

Miyagami looks at the time, "How, sympathize with her"

"No." Xiao Nian shook his head honestly. "I just think that this secretary is stupid enough to know that you are a person who can't move and scream."

"You are saying that my temper is bad."

Miyau is very angry.


"I am a bad temper, how is it?" Gong Ou admitted so confidently, "You can help me?"


When Xiao Nian got into a deep speechless state, she took out her mobile phone, took a look at the time, and stood up to collect the draft.

"What do you do" Gong Ou Dao.

"Pack up things." When Xiao Nian put the draft into a big bag, on one shoulder, and then looked at Gong Ou Dao. "You don't have a lunch meeting right away. I don't want to stay here, I go out and turn, by the way. Find something to eat."

Sleepy here for a long time, she wants to leave.

"Who approved you to go"

Miyao stood up from the table and threw off her backpack into the chair.

He never respected her paintings.

When Xiao Nian looked at his brutal action, he frowned, and a small face was dyed with anger. "Then you go out to eat, I always want to eat it. Do you want me to stay here? Is she really your dog?" The dog should also let go."

He wants to keep her stuck here.

Wen Yan, Gong Ou was teased, Jun Pang dissipated with anger, smiled through the charm, reached out and touched her head, said, "I will go out and marry you now."


"I am going to the lunch meeting, you are waiting for me in the car." Gong Ou Dao.

When Xiao Nian was shocked, "why"

He is meeting, why should she wait.

"Because, you desperately want to leave me look makes me very uncomfortable." Gong Ou patted her head, deep and deep, "And, I want me to see you as soon as I finish."

In the last sentence, he bite the word very heavy and is very overbearing.


Xiao Nian looked at him a little bit sullenly.

He said, I want you to see me as soon as I finish it.

In the past, he always taunted her, and she was worthless. From the night of the cruise last night, he did not want to hide his interest in her.


Miyao said, she grabbed her hand and left without hesitation.

When Xiao Nian was forced to be dragged by him, his legs were very heavy and he couldn’t help but say, "You can't take care of my wishes?"

Since he likes her, isn’t it more important to respect her?

Upon hearing this, Miyagami stood in the footsteps and looked back at her, and the black man fixedly stared at her.

Time seems to be freezing.

After a long gaze, Shi Xiao Nian heard him with a sigh of relief and said, "You can take care of it, but compared with my wishes, your importance is not important."


When Xiao Nian looked at him silently.

He really is a paranoid, arrogant paranoia.

Gong Ou La took her to walk quickly, his long legs took a big step, and when he was young, he could only trotting to keep up with him.

Outside the upscale luxury hotel, a luxury car stops at the door.

When Xiao Nian was sitting in the back seat of the car, he was bored with a few fingers.

Miyao has gone to the lunch meeting, leaving only her.

She suddenly understood that before the palace, she really did not force her, but also gave her a certain free life. Now he simply clarified the words, she only knows what is called a tight life.

The present life is truly imprisoned.

He went to work, she followed; he went home, she followed; he talked, she must stay in the car.

She is now a member of Miyao, and her girlfriend is not right, more like he said, she is a dog, a pet dog, she has no time at all.

She has lost her spirit both mentally and physically. She can't afford a paranoid man.

Which is like, what is love, clearly is to take possession.

When Xiao Nian was sitting in the car, the more he was sitting, the more boring, the suffocating, and she pushed the car to get off.

The driver hurriedly followed the car and nervously said, "Miss, Mr. Gong told me that you can't go anywhere."

"I am standing here to breathe."

When Xiao Nian said, he walked back and forth at the entrance of the hotel, wasting time waiting for a minute.

Her belly is getting empty and hunger is coming up.

She turned at the door of the hotel for a long time, and finally returned to the car, tightened her legs, and held her stomach to resist the feeling of empty stomach.

"Mr. Gong, you are back."

The driver’s voice sounded and he opened the door for the palace.


Miyau Ouyi lazily responded, bent over and sat in, throwing a wooden lunch box on the little thought legs.

Through the lid, Xiao Nian can smell the fragrance. She looks at Gong Ou, he is not too conscience to know the extreme, knowing to bring her food.

When Xiao Nian opened the box, he began to eat.

"Thank you, or you are not allowed to eat."

Miyao is dissatisfied with the authenticity, this woman is not polite.

"Thank you."

When she was a little hard to learn, she forbeared for lunch, and she lowered her head and quickly stuffed her mouth into the mouth.

Miyako sat next to her, and the more she saw it, the more she abandoned it. "You can't eat a lot better than you."