MTL - CEO Above, Me Below-Chapter 1103 People who are crazy than me

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Chapter 1103. People who are more crazy than me.

Isn’t it necessary to open all the curtains to the goal of Gong Ou?

Originally, the manor was not necessarily able to aim at it, and it was too easy to open the curtains...

A few bodyguards did not dare to pull.

When Xiao Nian’s body hurt so badly, he barely supported the body to stand up straight, and looked at Enid, who was looking out of the window, and Enid stood still in the position and lowered his head, and met them for the first time. general.

Who met at that time would think of today.

Just how come there are two Enids? When Xiao Nian frowned, but quickly understood, it was a holographic image. For the first time, she felt that holographic images could be so terrible.

George and Miyazaki are going to fight with holographic images today.

When Xiao Nian felt his head hurt more.

"Come on! Fast, give me the curtains!" George lifted the gun to the bodyguards, his eyes were terrible obsessive.

"Sir, this must be the trick of Miyako. Those are just holographic images. He wants to quickly find our target in a wide range. Maybe the sniper rifle is aiming at us now." A bodyguard tried to stop George. .


A violent gunshot rang the ear of Xiaonian.

George put a shot up, his face full of crazy cockroaches, "Impossible! The light outside is so strong, how can the holographic image be so clear, he must have caught Enid, it must be!"

When Xiao Nian stunned, he turned his head and looked away. Yes, the sun is so dry, the holographic image will be affected.

She fixedly looked at the people outside the window. Suddenly, Enid was manually moved outside the window. The palm of her hand was clearly a cellophane crane. The wings of the paper crane reflected countless rays in the sunlight.

Real people?

When Xiao Nian was shocked, it wasn't the image of Enid. It was a real man's disguise. Is it a half-hour time for Gong Ou to make makeup? So how do you know that she is in this villa?

Could it be that……

A real "Enid" stood outside the windows of the entire manor? When Xiao Nian was shocked, there was no way to add it. How could Gongou do such a large arrangement in this half hour?

"Sir, if he has to do so, he wants to make so many people, he just wants to use the same method as you." The bodyguard is eager.

The masters who once controlled the huge family now have no reason to be sensible.

These holographic images failed to drive the woman of Miyako to the madness, but they forced the madness of George.

Gong Ou is still counting down.

The bodyguard hurriedly turned on the TV set not far away and called up the monitor screen.

When the little thoughts look over, it should be the monitoring of the highest part of the entire manor, monitoring the entire manor's every move, the picture can clearly see Enid's robes figure covered every corner of the manor, everywhere.

It’s so much that people feel scared.

When Xiao Nian was low, it seems that she guessed it. Miyao used the half hour to make the biggest one, targeting George's game.

George didn't expose himself to the window. They had guns. The people outside didn't dare to come in and save her. She had to find a way.

Listening to the bodyguard, George rushed toward the TV set, staring at the manor on the screen, his fingers twitching and stroking the small figure like an ant.

"Fake, it's all fake." George seemed to understand. "Yes, he wants to use my tricks to deal with me, he can't think about it! Palace Europe, you can't think about it! You want to stimulate me? Impossible, I will let now Look at how your woman was tortured to death!"

Here, Gong Ou’s voice has slowly counted down to three...

When Xiao Nian stood there, watching George rushing over to himself, with a crazy body.

Rushed to the window, George stood by the wall, pressed the small thoughts to the window, pointed the gun at her arm, and threw the remote control to the bodyguard. "Press it and let the children of Miyao Kill one by one! Kill one by one!"

"Yes, sir!" The bodyguards took the opportunity to hide in a safe place.

When Xiao Nian looked at George in horror, George smiled, his lips covered with blood red. "I just watched how crazy Miyaul!"

The "Ionde" standing outside will see the window breaking.

When Xiao Nian was holding his breath, he shouted loudly and hoarsely. "Do you really think that Gong Ou didn't catch Enid? You think about it!"

"He can't catch it!" George shouted at her madly. "She was well protected by me! There is no monitoring on her side! There is no network! I can't contact, Miyao doesn't have that." I caught it!"

Several bodyguards stood next to each other and frowned. George was still talking to a hostage, hesitating, self-righteous, how this state of mind and the palace fight.

When Xiao Nian saw him pick up, he was relieved, and he said, "Do you think that Gong Ou knows that Enid has become normal?"

She still doesn't understand it. Why is it normal? Was it not normal before, what happened to Enid?

Weng’s eyes changed. “Yes, why did he say that? Why do you say that?”

He kept repeating his words, forgetting that the countdown to Miyau ended, and the manor was not bombed.

When Xiao Nian broke away from his own hands, he watched him move a little bit to the side. "There are bits, bits are coming back, can't you think of it here?"

"The bit is not dead, this child is not dead."

George stood there, slowly bowed his head and muttered to himself, "Bit is not dead, she is good, she wants to avenge me for her son, she betrayed me, she hates me, she hates me..."

When Xiao Nian saw him like this, he thought about continuing to add fire and said weakly. "Why do you want to do this kind of game that you have to go through, you don't want to see Enid again? She is normal, I know you have a lot of questions. You don't want to ask her well?

"Ask, ask, she doesn't want to talk to me, I have to ask, I have to ask..."

George kept talking to her in her words and looked up at her, her eyes almost protruding. "I should go to find her right? For decades, I have never listened to her to say a word, one sentence." None, no words!"

As he said, he walked over and thought that his body was gradually exposed to the window.

When Xiao Nian looked at him nervously, a little bit more, as long as she could be exposed a little bit, she would be safe.

George stared at her and stepped closer to her.

When I was nervous, I forgot to breathe.

Suddenly, George seemed to find something, and took a step back and re-pointed the gun at her. "I want to lie to the window and become the target of sniper? I don't think about it!"


A shortfall.

George, who is dying for a while, and awake for a while, will have little strength to support him, and then drag on, she is not dead or driven crazy.

When Xiao Nian bit his lip, he opened his mouth weakly. "I lied to you? If it is true, you really don't want to see Enid again. For decades, you really don't want to listen. You really don't want to hear." Does she say something in her heart?"

George turned his head and held the gun with his hand. The finger almost pulled the trigger, thought about it and let it go, then he tried to buckle it, then released it...

When Xiao Nian saw that he did not dare to move like this, the nerves had reached the limit.

"A few of you go out and give me a shout, ask Miyao to bring me to Bitt and Enid, don't get these tricks to make a ghost!" George muttered.

It was quiet to answer him, and a helicopter sound came from outside.

When Xiao Nian and George looked side by side, there were still a few bodyguards, all running.

The bodyguards should have rushed out to ask for mercy with a remote control that controlled her family. It was estimated that it was stimulated by the bodyguard just now, thinking that such a host is not worthy of being followed.

That said, the righteous father, big brother and children are safe for the time being.

This is fine.

"This group of traitors!"

George screamed exhaustedly, picked up a white remote control from his pocket, and excitedly screamed at it, listening to loud noises from outside.


Such as the thunder and lightning explosion.

There is a scream of screams.

When Xiao Nian stunned and stared, his body was cool and cool. George laughed and threw the remote control in his hand to the ground. "The traitor is not worthy of his family!"

"You killed all of their family?" When Xiao Nian was unbelievable.

This remote control is to control those bodyguards?

"Yes! No one can control me this game!" George stared at her.


When the little thoughts are speechless.

Daddy, the voice of Gong Ou Zhang’s madness came, "George! You dare not talk to me!"

Listening to the sound outside, George sneered and pointed at the time and said, "You give me over, or I will scrap your limbs now!"


When Xiao Nian can only walk towards him.

George grabbed her and walked to the TV. He grabbed the gun with one hand and picked up the TV and connected it to the network. Almost instantaneously, the smart TV was invaded, and the signal was on, and the face of the palace was indifferent.

Miyako sits at a desk, surrounded by a pile of equipment, and the background behind it is the conference room in the main building of the manor, and many bodyguards surround it.

It was only a few hours before I saw it. When I was young, I felt like I was half-life, and my eyes were red.

Palace Europe...

When George grabbed the little thought, he reached the gun at her temple and shouted at the TV. "I know you can't let you stay in a network! It doesn't matter, Gong Ou, as long as I have this in my hand." Woman, this game is still not yours! You are not going to blow up the whole manor? You are bombing! Isn’t it countdown? Why don’t you blow it up? Gongou, you have the ability to blow up!”


Miyako sat there, the darkness of the cockroaches slammed coldly at George, and the teeth closed.

When Xiao Nian looked deeply at the face of Miyako, if she could not leave alive today, at least remember this face.

For a long while, Gong Ou sat down and sat down. He was not angry and laughed. He spread his hands and fingers. He was very slender. "George, your game is very interesting. I have never found a man who is crazy than me since I was born!"