MTL - Celestial Immortal-Chapter 684 The Dragon King guides, the drought **** fire

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  After the banquet, the curtain of Chuan Du Shun came to an end, and all parties went back to their homes to watch the ceremony.

   "Today is really majestic. It's the first time that so many people have kowtowed to me, even Dali Huzi kowtowed to me."

   Little Guizi folded his arms around his chest, raised his head slightly, and raised his eyes, as if he was recalling something, which was very memorable.

   "Little devil, I salute Mr. What does it have to do with you?"

   "Yes, we worship the Master, the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty, who respects the gods and gods in every way. Don't put gold on your face."

   Guang Gengsheng and Hu Dali rolled their eyes.

   After getting along these days, they got to know the kid more and more, and the character of the so-called "senior master" has long since faded.

   Don't talk about Hu Dali, even Guang Gengsheng didn't treat Xiao Guizai as an upright senior with the fifth grade of Taoism.

   No matter the level of cultivation, as long as you are familiar with it, the "strong" majesty of the kid will disappear, and you will be reduced to the bottom of the food chain unconsciously.

   The only person who regards Little Guizi as a "strong man" is probably the only person who has never met and is on the small list.

   In their eyes, the kid is definitely an extremely terrifying powerhouse.

  The kid was ridiculed by one person and one tiger, his face flushed, and he muttered:

"I am the fairy boy of my brother's ear report. We share honor and disgrace, and we depend on each other in life and death. The scenery of my brother is my scenery. dont you agree?"

"Yes Yes Yes…"

  Chu Chen is very fond of the kid. Although the kid doesn't have much majesty, he still opens his mouth to show his respect.

   In fact, there is nothing wrong with what the kid said.

   This time, Chu Chen acted as a "doctor", teaching chlorine to three hundred Taoist disciples and leading them to convert to Taoism.

   There are three teachers in the sky, Taishang Laojun is the teacher, the emperor of the virtual emperor is the teacher, and Yuanshi Tianzun is the teacher of scriptures.

   There are three teachers in the human world. The teacher who is the teacher is called the teacher. The teacher of the teacher is called the teacher. The teacher of the teacher is called the teacher.

  The importance of the three teachers is comparable to that of the ancestors. If you do not respect the three teachers in order to learn, then the Three Treasures will not descend, the Three Realms will be disrespectful, and ghosts and demons will harm your body.

  Those who cultivate the Tao, leave the doorway and go around to learn from masters. They can worship several masters, but there is only one "rescue master".

  The three hundred Daoist disciples who have been converted and converted by him today, no matter how much they have achieved in the future, or how advanced their Daoist practice is, they still have to respectfully and respectfully perform discipleship in front of him.

   The little ghost boy saw his brother supporting him, with a satisfied smile on his face, and wanted to continue to babble, but before he could say anything, his eyes widened, his little finger pointed at Chu Chen, his expression panicked, and he said tremblingly:

   "Senior brother, you...the softness of disaster and calamity above your head, my God, the clouds of disaster are densely covered, so scary."

   Hearing this, the smiles on the faces of Chu Chen, Hu Dali, and Guang Gengsheng solidified and changed color instantly.

   The little devil is a harbinger of calamity.

   has never failed so far.

   Something big happened.

   Hu Dali and Guang Gengsheng trembled and looked extremely nervous.

   On the other hand, Chu Chen was still calm. After a moment of astonishment, he calmed down and looked at the kid:

   "Little devil, how big of a disaster is it? Could it be a catastrophe?"

   The little ghost boy's eyes are empty, his mana is surging in his body, he looks very labored, his little face is pale, and he says with a sad face: ...

   "It's over, it's over, Senior Brother, this calamity is really a catastrophe!"

   When everyone heard this, Geddon jumped in their hearts and his face was ugly. It was really a catastrophe!

  It's so good, where did the disaster come from?

  Chu Chen frowned and fell into contemplation.

   He has experienced a lot recently. A few days ago, the eight states in the southwest were in great chaos, and the heaven and earth were filled with disasters. However, he was not affected much, but he was blessed by misfortune and gained a lot.

   Looking back carefully recently, the calamity is most likely to come from that god.

  According to the instructions of the Dragon Lord, he took action to plot against the gods, destroyed the clone of a peerless beast, and inadvertently participated in the battle between the powerhouses.

   Could it be that the deity of the **** fox knows my identity and wants to take revenge on me?

  Chu Chen couldn't help but speculate secretly that he was very successful in pretending to be the Venerable Five Poisons, but it was inevitable that there would be some sparseness in one hundred secrets.

  If that's the case...then things really happened.

   That **** hunch is a peerless beast, and the Taoxing supernatural power is not comparable to the ordinary supernatural power monks.

   When someone comes to the door, he must prepare early, shake people in advance...

   Just as Chu Chen was thinking frantically and planning how to protect himself, the kid on the side made a soft "Huh" sound.

   "Little devil, what's wrong?"

  Chu Chen, Hu Dali, and Guang Gengsheng all looked at the kid, nervous.

   At this moment, no one dared to underestimate the little ghost boy.

  It is a word that can make people sleepless at night, sleepless and terrifying.

   "Little devil, won't the catastrophe come down soon?"

  Chu Chen's expression was rather ugly.

  If the catastrophe came so quickly, he planned to leave the Taoist temple immediately.

   In the first place, the Wanquan Daoyuan would be saved from the disaster of the pond fish; in the second place, without the drag of the Daoyuan, he might be able to escape the disaster by relying on the top-level escape method, and casually ask Longjun and Xianting for help.

   "It's not!"

   At this moment, most of the impatience on the kid's face disappeared, replaced by "confused", very puzzled:

   "Senior brother, there seems to be something wrong."

  Chu Chen frowned: "Little devil, what happened?"

  The kid scratched his head:

"It's so strange, Senior Brother, the court of disaster and calamity above your head is weakened again, no, it's thick again, eh... It's weakened again, chaotic, chaotic, ups and downs, one moment the disaster army rushed to the sky, the next moment fell to the bottom of the valley , changing back and forth..."

   As he spoke, the little ghost was stunned.

   It was the first time that he encountered such a situation, and he was a bit at a loss.

what's the situation?

  Chu Chen was the first time he saw the little ghost boy's omen and calamity play abnormally. After thinking about it, he asked:

   "Little devil boy, what do you mean is that the calamity will rise and fall from time to time, and the catastrophe will not come down for a while."

   Little Guizi nodded again and again, "Yes, brother, that's it."

  Chu Chen heard the words and nodded again and again.

   As long as the disaster does not come down, there is still a chance for mediation, and the situation is not too bad.

   As for what happened behind the macro transformation of the catastrophe, he could not speculate.

  Everything hits the point, just grasp the key point.

   His calamity is likely to be caused by the Dragon Lord, and at this time it must be the first time to ask the Dragon Lord for help. …

  Thinking of this, Chu Cheng immediately said to Hu Dali and Guang Gengsheng:

   "Vigorously, regenerate, don't make a statement about this matter, it's not a big deal, I contacted a senior, he has supernatural powers, and with his protection, disasters will not invade, you go back first."

   Hu Dali and Guang Gengsheng said in their hearts that they were not worried, it must be false, but they did not dare to delay Chu Chen's affairs, and immediately retired.

   "Senior brother, are you looking for Lord Long?"

  The kid is innocent and innocent, but he is not stupid, and he knows how to shake people.


  Chu Chen nodded, didn't say much, took out the [Nine Serenity Order] from the bracelet immortal mansion and contacted Long Jun.

   took out the [Nine Serenity Order], and just as he was about to enter his divine sense, an indifferent and majestic divine sense sound transmission came from his ear.

   "Don't look for it, this king is here!"

  Chu Chen and Little Guizai changed their faces when they heard the transmission of the divine sense, and the divine sense swept around.

   Soon, one person and one ghost saw Diyuan Longjun wearing a white shirt on the boulder of the stream in the Guangling Mountains not far away.

  Longjun drank tea to himself, his face expressionless.

  Chu Chen was overjoyed when he saw this, and felt that he had found the reason for the abnormality of Xiao Guizi's peeping at the disaster.

   Obviously, God Roar was going to attack him, but the Dragon Lord just happened to be here, which saved him from danger.

   "I have seen the Dragon King!"

  Chu Chen hurried forward to meet him, very happy.

   He was about to say a few words of flattery when Long Jun just raised his head and looked over.


   The moment the four eyes met, the smile on Chu Chen's face stopped abruptly, and the belly was stuck in his throat...

  There is no other reason. He found that Longjun's expression was a little wrong, as if a wild and ferocious beast was entrenched there. Even if it was dormant, it would give people a terrifying pressure.

   Indistinctly, Chu Chen felt a chill in the air, which made him shiver uncontrollably.

  In an instant, he realized.

  What is the source of the calamity, it is clearly from the Dragon Lord.

   A year ago, Long Jun asked him to greet Qingying, but the result... Well, he did take care of him, and he took good care of her.

  Especially recently, Qingying's Taoist practice has made great progress.


  Chu Chen vaguely guessed the truth of the matter, and he felt a guilty conscience.

   For a while, no one spoke on the field, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

   Even the little ghost boy saw that the atmosphere was wrong, and he didn't dare to kick the air. Long Jun glanced at it, and the little ghost boy walked away without saying a word.

  The wind blows the leaves and the stream babbles.

  I don't know how long it took, Long Jun slowly put down the teacup, looked at Chu Chen, and finally opened his mouth, he said calmly:

   "Erlang, you have made great progress in your Taoism and cultivation."


  Chu Chen's smile was even uglier than his crying.

   Can your cultivation level rise recently?

   A few days ago, he swallowed the Refining God Fox Origin Orb, and transformed [Leg Yuanjun] in one fell swoop. In the past few days, he and Qingying have been cultivating with each other.

  The former is easy to say, the latter is about to die.

  Although the art of occult scenes is a hidden book of the Supreme Being, the splendid and splendid way is different from the ordinary magic tricks, the way of red and yellow, but the double cultivation of occult scenes is also a double cultivation.

   To some extent, the relationship between the two sides is closer.

   Once you look for it, join hands to ask, the only one in this life. …

  Longjun looked up and down at Chu Chen, his expression remained unchanged, and said lightly:

   "It's a good thing to be diligent in your cultivation, but it's easy to be vain and leave troubles later. This time, your Aunt Longling specially asked me to give you some pointers. Come, this king is just free now."

   When Chu Chen heard this, his face changed greatly.

   After he and Qingying had a couple of occasions to cultivate, how could there be a little bit of vain in Taoism and cultivation? With the eyesight of Longjun, how could he not see it.

   This "pointing", is he serious?

   "Longjun, I..."


  Under the majestic gaze of the Dragon King, Chu Chen grimaced and nodded.

"All right!"


  ~【Coffee blood sugar.

   "Longjun, tap, my bones are all falling apart."

   "Young man, you can't bear the pain. Come again, you attack me."

   "Longjun, my leg is broken, I won't fight anymore."

   "It's okay, I have a magic medicine to renew the bones..."

   "Broken, broken again..."

   The miserable screams resounded through the Guangling Mountains.


  Only the mountain **** Feihong Daoist, Xiao Guizai, and Hu Dali faintly heard the movement, and their expressions changed greatly.

   Daoist Feihong was quite frightened and muttered:

"The mountain chief is too miserable, such a terrifying powerhouse, I am obviously the mountain **** here, he sealed the power of the mountains and rivers with a wave of his hand, completely banned my divine power, vigorous, how could the mountain chief provoke such a terrible person. "

   "I don't know either." Hu Dali looked at Little Guizi: "Little Guizi, you seem to know this senior, what are you talking about?"

   Little Guizi smiled and said, "I said why my brother would have a fake disaster. It turned out to be here. You can rest assured. Long Jun is a senior brother, and he is pointing him. He is measured."

   Daoist Feihong and Hu Dali heard the words and looked at each other.

   Is this really a pointer?

  How do you feel that there is a bit of personal grudge in it, otherwise, it will never be so ruthless.


   After a full two hours.

   "Thank you for your guidance!"

  Chu Chen limped to Long Jun to thank him.

  Speaking of which, Long Jun really pointed him. After a fight, it was as if he had opened up some secret realm of the flesh. His blood and blood were like fire, violent and burning, and a pair of [Taishan God Legs] had quietly undergone a little transformation, becoming more and more powerful.

  Invisibly, his legs were as hot as fire, and a powerful divine power was born from his legs.

  Chu Chen had extraordinary knowledge and immediately understood that the [Taishan God Leg] happened.

  Dry Charming Fire, the power of scorching drought!

  The black-haired **** fox was cultivated by a zombie drought. It is a veritable beast and beast of disaster. It was born with the power of scorching and drought, and cultivated into a tyrannical drought-comforting divine fire.

In the past, Chu Chen swallowed the softness of the source of the refining magic hole, and inadvertently cultivated the super-grade method of the master's profound art, opened the body's secret treasure, and transformed the killing supernatural power [Taishan Supernatural Power], linking with the Five Sacred Mountains, the mighty power of the earth, The power is astonishing.

   After being "instructed" by the Dragon Lord, and using the divine fire of drought as an introduction, [Taishan Divine Ability] has transformed again, possessing the power of connecting the fires of the earth and unleashing the terrifying power of drought. …

   kicked out with one leg, and the top of the mountain was pressed against the top, not to mention the landslide and the ground split, and the power of incinerating all things, a piece of red ground, and the power of supernatural powers further.

  Longjun saw that Chu Chen's face was full of smiles, and he was not angry, and snorted coldly:

   "It's cheaper you kid."

  Chu Chen laughed again and again.

  Longjun was too lazy to look at Chu Chen, and ordered:

   "Your supernatural powers are linked to the fire, and it is easy to cause fires and droughts. Be careful when you use them, and don't lose your efforts."

"it is good."

   "I'm afraid Hei Pore guessed that someone was plotting against him, and shrank back. You have become Wanquan's inspector. You have a lot of eyes and ears. Pay more attention on weekdays, and contact me if you have any news."


  Chu Chen nodded again and again, very "well-behaved", and didn't dare to talk much at all.

   After some instructions, Long Jun snorted coldly and left.

   "Finally gone."

  Chu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he had seen Long Jun so many times, and this time he was the most nervous.

   The kind of fidgeting.

   Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard the voice of Dragon Lord again.

   "You bastards, other people don't know about the magical powers of your Lingshan faction, but this king is very clear. If this king finds out that you are doing something messy and ruining your practice, then I will see how this king will deal with you."

  Chu Chen was taken aback when he heard the words.

What's the meaning?

  Longjun warned him not to plant golden lotus in the fire?

   His teacher's "golden lotus in the fire:" is useless, but Oujing Shuangxiu is practicing.

  With Occasional Shuangxiu, who can repair the "golden lotus in the fire" that harms themselves and others.

   Just when Chu Chen was wondering, someone invited him to a dream.

  Dreamland Moon Palace.

   Qingying was quite nervous and looked at Chu Chen: "Erlang, my father didn't make it difficult for you, right?"

   "I'm fine."

  Chu Chen was a little curious and asked:

   "Ying Er, what's going on today"

"My father came to visit me, and I accidentally discovered [Kowloon True Qi] Dao Yuntiancheng in my body. I was surprised, but I didn't dare to tell my father that we have a dual cultivation of scenes. The family rules are very strict, and it is strictly forbidden not to be in the realm of supernatural power Any way of double cultivation."

   Speaking of this, Qingying blushed slightly and said, "I was afraid that my father would think too much and cause us trouble, so... So I lied that I had an insight into the way of yin and yang, and my state of mind had changed, which is how I made progress in my practice..."

  Qingying's words sounded mysterious, but in fact the meaning was very simple.

   That is the girl Huaichun. With the person she likes, her state of mind has changed. Only then can she be diligent in Taoism and cultivation.

   In other words, Qingying undoubtedly told Long Jun that she had a crush.

  Chu Chen's face was very wonderful when he heard this.

  Longjun just didn't know that they had double cultivation.

  Good guy, just knowing that his daughter has someone he likes, he is so cruel...then...they are really double cultivation, then...

   After thinking about it, Chu Chen couldn't help but feel numb in his scalp.

  Daughter slave, so terrifying!