MTL - Celestial Immortal-Chapter 657 After I bloom, a hundred flowers will kill [5K]

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   Chapter 657 After I bloom, a hundred flowers will kill [5K]

   The righteous **** does not possess the body, and the possession is not the righteous god.

   In today's world of practice, anyone who says that they can easily invite gods to come down to earth, and ask gods to catch demons and subdue demons, are all sideways and unorthodox.

   In fact, it is not an easy task to invite the immortals from the upper realms to come down to earth, and it is not something that can be done with an ordinary talisman or a divine incantation.

This time, I was able to invite Zhu Tianjun, the rhinoceros of Lei Fu, to come down to earth. It was because Tianjun sensed the desolation and education and took the initiative to manifest the saints. Xianting also took advantage of the trend to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth. Avatar.

The process of    is quite complicated, and it took half a month to perform the ritual.

   "We meet the gods!"

   Layman Qingzhu, Daoist Chonglou and other state leaders led Chu Chen and others to pay homage.

  On the scene, only Mr. Mingjing, the real person of Yulou, and Yuxuzi did not bow, but clasped their fists and bowed to show courtesy.

  Zhu Tianjun nodded slightly towards the people who were worshipping in the hall, making countless demons fearless with their shaggy heads and black faces without the slightest signs of ferocity, with a kind smile in their majesty, and holding up everyone in the void, so that everyone didn't need to be more polite.

   Immediately, Zhu Tianjun turned around, and his eyes fell on Mr. Mingjing, Yu Xuzi, and Master Yuzhu.

   "I have seen the crown prince, the two fellow Taoists, this commander is polite."

   "I have seen Tianjun!"

  Mr. Mingjing, Yuxuzi, and the real person of Yulou are holding hands together, and they look like peers.

  Chu Chen was slightly surprised when he saw this scene.

   Yuxuzi and Yulou Zhenren have good cards, and the gods incarnate down to earth, and they are also called "dao friends".

  Mr. Mingjing is even more remarkable. When the Heavenly Monarch manifests his sage and descends to earth, he is also respectful and his status is slightly higher than that of the Heavenly God by three points.

   However, after thinking about it carefully, Chu Chen was relieved.

   Zhenger's Eight Classics have achieved the Golden Core Road. Even in the heavenly realm, his status is extraordinary. It is the existence of a big boss, and his status is much higher than that of ordinary gods.

Yuxuzi and Yulou Zhenren are the top three-rank great supernatural powers. They step into the wonderful door of becoming an immortal, not to mention the unreachable realization of Taoism and becoming an immortal. After death, whether they ascend to heaven or enter the underworld, they can be consecrated by virtue of their deeds, and they can also be in heaven, Netherworld mixed with a **** will be Dangdang.

   As for Mr. Mingjing, the Crown Prince of the Celestial Dynasty and the candidate for the Emperor of the People's Republic of China, one of them is humane and lucky, and his personality is not low in the heavenly court. It is not surprising that Zhu Tianjun's incarnation is polite and courteous.

  Mr. Mingjing smiled and said:

   "Heavenly Monarch, this time in the lower realm, is it for the local preaching and spreading the Dharma?"

   "Yes, here is Guangxing education, promoting Taoism, and being inspired by the supreme, the special commander will be rewarded by the lower world."

   said, Zhu Tianjun's iron rods and iron cables disappeared in the blink of an eye, replaced by a golden decree:

   "Crown Prince, the Supreme Law is aimed at this."

  Mr. Mingjing was overjoyed, stretched out his hand and said: "Tianjun please!"

Zhu Tianjun is in charge of the world and does not believe in the law. He usually fights against demons and witches if he refuses to accept it. The sticks take turns, and he has developed a resolute temperament. The golden light decree flew out with a "whoosh".

   Seeing this, everyone glanced at the past, all of them were quite excited.

   The decree volleyed into the sky, slowly spread out, and wrote the words Xuan Ao Yun Zhuan Yu, which appeared on the paper.

   The decree is the divine decree of the Supreme Being, and the rules of the Great Dao are transformed. Although it is a decree of commendation, it is silent, as if the Dao is running, imperceptible and everywhere.


   A sound of thunder drums came from outside the sky, and the entire hall trembled.

   In the next moment, a golden light flew out from the decree of the Supreme Being, and the strands of light were constantly changing.

  The golden light of merit!

   The person who knew the goods in the hall recognized the origin of this golden light at a glance.

  Apart from Han Chen, who watched the ceremony, everyone else had the opportunity to get the golden light of merit, and they were both excited and looking forward to it.

   However, the first golden light did not fly to Chu Chen and other mountain leaders under the steps of the main hall, but flew straight to Mr. Chu Jun Mingjing and submerged in his body.

   The first path of merit and golden light falls, followed by the second path, followed by the third path.


  In the palace, golden light works.

   In just a short time, twenty-eight golden lights of merit and virtue flew out from the decree and submerged into Mr. Mingjing's body.

   For a time, Mr. Ding Jing's whole body was dazzling with golden light, like a god.

   When everyone in the hall saw this scene, they were all envious.

   However, they are also just envious and have no other ideas.

  Mr. Mingjing, as the crown prince, governor of all affairs of the eight states in the southwest, this time to promote Taoism and revitalize the orthodox religion, it is precisely from the hands of Mr. Mingjing, there is no doubt that his education is the greatest.

   "Disciple thanks Taishang Patriarch for the reward!"

  Mr. Mingjing bowed three times to the decree in the hall, and thanked Taishang Patriarch.

   The decree of the law banged, and the bright golden light bloomed again.

   This time, Jin Guang flew to the real person of Yulou.

  Zhenzhen Yulou, as the deputy head of the Imperial Academy, the great master of this realm, and more than half of the heads of the Daoyuan in the eight states in the southwest have been instructed by him to teach Daoism, and this time he is in charge of the mission of the Southwest Daoyuan, and he has made great achievements.

   "Disciple Xie Taishang Patriarch Enshang!"

   In the blink of an eye, ten rays of merit and golden light flew into the body of the real person of Yulou. This time, the senior of Yulou, who was already immortal, became more and more "real".

   Seeing this scene, Yu Xuzi felt a little jealous in addition to envy.

  There is no other reason. He was born in a military family, and he was in the military affairs of the southwest.

  The golden light on the decree of Taishang was still bright, and strands of golden light flew to the chiefs of the state and Taoist academies such as Daoist Chonglou and Lay Master Qingzhu.

   These days, the chiefs of the major state and Taoist temples in the eight states have also held sutra lectures. The scene is much larger than that of the county Taoist temples, and most of the people attending the meeting are those of the fifth and sixth grades.

   In addition, the chiefs of the state and Taoist academies are in charge of the education of one state, and their educational achievements are not small.

   Among them, the monk Qingzhu of Yunzhou Taoist Academy had the most merits and golden light, and there were eight paths, which made the governors of the prefectures around him frequently look at him and congratulate him.

  The chiefs of the prefectures, counties and Taoist temples in the hall also all looked at Layman Qingzhu and praised him privately.

   "Qingzhu, you are good at Taoism, not bad!"

  Mr. Mingjing and Master Yulou nodded slightly towards Layman Qingzhu, and received many awards through the transmission of spiritual consciousness.

   Layman Qingzhu’s face was full of joy, and he had indeed made a lot of progress in the study of Taoism during this period of time.

   However, he also did not expect that so many people had come to understand the sermons in Yunzhou this time.

  Rao is his kung fu for cultivating qi, and he is not afraid of humiliation. In the face of unexpected joy, he is also in a good mood.

   After the eight state and Taoist temples have received the golden light of merit from the Taishang Taoist ancestors, it will be the turn of a group of county and Taoist temple leaders.


  Two golden lights flew out from the decree of the Supreme Being, and in the blink of an eye, they flew into the head of a county and Taoist academy in the front row of the palace.

  Because it was the first county magistrate to be rewarded, and it was a matter of his own, all the county magistrates in the hall were more interested and chatted.

   "This fellow Taoist is the mayor of Guqin County in Cangzhou. He is really powerful. There are two golden lights of merit."

   "Oh, I'm ignorant and ignorant, I don't know what's the point of this? For us, two merits and virtues are too many golden lights?"

   "Yes, according to what has been written in the past, the two golden lights of merit and virtue are not bad. Guqin Junshan Changjing has a good knowledge of scriptures and is quite good at preaching and preaching."

   "Really amazing."

  Guqin County Mountain Chief bowed to thank the Taoist Taishang, his face full of spring breeze, overjoyed, quite satisfied, and repeatedly bowed to the congratulatory Taoist friends.

   It was too late to say, but it was fast, and a golden light flew out from the decree of the Supreme Court and landed on the fellow beside the chief of Guqin County.

   Well, this time there is only one golden light of merit.

   The chief of the county, who received a golden light of merit, bowed to the Supreme Being as usual, and immediately surrendered to his fellow disciples.

   To be able to obtain golden light of merit and virtue, no matter what, it has the power of enlightenment. It is not ashamed to be recognized by the Supreme Patriarch, but it is not a shame or a joke, but regret in my heart is inevitable.

   Similar opportunities, but not common.

  Many people can only meet once in a lifetime.

   A few more golden lights of merit and virtue will be of great benefit to all aspects such as breakthroughs in future practice and consecration of gods.

   However, it is a pity that the golden light of merit is not easy to obtain.

   There are not only one or two people who get a golden light of merit, but a lot of people.

   As everyone discussed before, getting two golden lights of merit is quite good, and belongs to the middle and upper class, which is gratifying.

   There are also several people who have obtained the golden light of three merits, which amazes everyone and congratulates them again and again.

   However, the three golden lights of merit are not the most, and the most rewarded is the mountain chief of Qingyan County, Yunzhou.

   For a while, there was a lot of heated discussion in the hall, and countless people looked sideways, and in addition to envy, one by one cast a respectful look.

  Anywhere, in a certain aspect, a person who is highly accomplished can attract the respect of everyone from the heart.

   The people present were very good in their conduct and behavior. As long as they were truly talented and learned, they were all convinced and praised.

   Even Mr. Mingjing and Zhu Tianjun wanted to cast approving glances at the chief of Qingyan County.

  Chu Chen was quite envious when he saw it, but he was more excited and apprehensive.

  There is no other reason. The Supreme Dharma decree queued up to come one after another, and now that he is on the Yunzhou side, it will be his turn immediately.

   "Ling Xiao, you are coming soon. Many people are very concerned about you."

  Han Chen sent the voice transmission to Chu Chen, looking like he didn't think it was a big deal.

  Chu Chen smiled and understood the truth.

   Thanks to the supernatural power of [Heart vs. Divine Biography] from Jiaohua Xiaguang, his preaching and preaching benefited most of the low-level monks and demons who attended the meeting. After a lot of fame, his fame far surpassed that of his peers.

   Tired of his reputation, everyone has different requirements for him.

   A golden light of merit and virtue, other people will get it, and no one will say anything, and if he only gets a golden light of merit, it is not worthy of the name, and it is suspected of touting.

  The golden light of the two virtues is considered to be so-so, although it still does not deserve the great reputation, but the knowledge of the classics is genuine and practical, and no one can criticize it.

   If you can get the golden light of three or four virtues, then the doubts in the practice world will probably disappear overnight.

   There is no real conflict between him and the county chief and his colleagues. He is young and suddenly famous, and it is normal for him to be questioned.

   This is the disadvantage of being famous, and the requirements are different from those of ordinary people.

   During the discussion between the two, the first few people either received one or two golden rays of merit, and soon it was Chu Chen's turn.

   As Han Chen said, Chu Chen received the attention of many people.

   They stretched their necks and looked around, looking forward to it, wanting to see how much of the real ability this famous Koriyama had, how many people he preached and educated, and how much credit he had.

  Chu Chen himself was not excited, others were more excited than him, and he even shouted out through the voice transmission of his consciousness.

   "Come on!~"

   As this person shouted, the dazzling golden light erupted from the Supreme Decree.


   A golden light erupted.

   The golden light of merit and virtue penetrated into the body, and Chu Chen consciously felt warm all over his body, which was indescribably comfortable. The whole person was extremely comfortable.

  The crowd didn't care, and continued to stare at them. When they saw the second golden light of merit and virtue flew out after them, the discussion in the hall suddenly faded.

   The low volume of discussion means that everyone basically recognizes Chu Chen, and his reputation is not famous. He has attained the knowledge of the classics, and the level of preaching and preaching is not bad.

   Another golden light flew out and submerged into Chu Chen's body.

   When the golden light of the third path of merit and virtue flew out, the voices of everyone's discussions were basically gone, and they were all lost.

   Then, another golden light flew in.

   Seeing the fourth golden light of merit, the eyes of everyone in the hall changed, and the strange expressions of doubt disappeared without a trace, replaced by exclamations.

   "Good guy! Rumors from the outside world killed people!"

   The mountain chief of a remote state and county sighed with emotion, which immediately aroused the approval of others. Seeing the golden light of the four virtues, no one can say that it is not worthy of the name.

   However, things are not over yet.

   The decree of the Supreme Being still burst out with brilliant golden light.

   After the four golden lights flashed, the fifth, sixth, and eighth golden lights flew out immediately after and submerged into Chu Chen's body.

   Since the golden light of the fourth path of merit fell and another golden light flew out, there has been no sound of discussion in the hall.

   "Thousands of horses are in unison", the needle drop can be heard.

   It was not until the golden light of the eighth path of merit fell and finally flew away that there was another heated discussion in the hall.

  The decree of the Supreme Daoist is embodied by the rules of the Taoist ancestors. In other words, with the certification of the Taishang Patriarch, the reputation can be hyped, and people can be hired to brag. However, the decree of the Taishang Daozu is an absolute authority and cannot be faked.

   During the discussion, the Supreme Dharma decree is still giving golden light of merit.

  The latecomers, many of them with profound knowledge of Taoism and scriptures, were highly recognized by the Taishang Patriarch, who bestowed three golden lights of merit and even four golden lights of merit.

  However, with Chu Chen's eight-path golden light in front, the three and four golden lights behind him were suddenly eclipsed, and they were not as eye-catching as before.

   Until the end of the Supreme Dharma decree reward, everyone's attention was placed on the Eight Paths of Merit Jinguang and Chu Chen.

   "This rumor is actually true, and the words of praise in the market are not out of nothing."

   "Gossip kills people. Fellow Daoist Chu, he is a poor man and has a straight temper. I have offended many people just now. Please forgive me."

   "Fellow Daoist Chu is worthy of being an immortal seedling of the heavenly arrogance in the Middle Earth. Not to mention the cultivation of Taoism at such a young age, the study of Taoist scriptures and the teaching of Taoism are also so powerful, which really makes the old man ashamed."

   Almost in an instant, Chu Chen's reputation among the county chief and his colleagues turned upside down, the doubts disappeared, and there were only exclamations and praises.

  Han Chen and the senior fellows from the Daoist Chonglou looked at each other in dismay. Chu Chen approached them, and they were surprised to see Chu Chen shining brightly.

   Layman Qingzhu was also quite surprised and relieved, but his face was more embarrassed.

Just now, he got eight golden rays of merit and virtue, and he thought that his Taoism and scriptures had greatly improved. This time, he enlightened many people, but seeing that Yunzhou has four golden rays of merit, Chu Chen suddenly got the extremely rare eight rays of light. Golden light.

   Lay Scholar Qingzhu suddenly realized that he was afraid that at least one of his eight golden rays of merit was smeared with the light of his subordinates, which made his face a little hot.

   Just now, he boasted a little about himself in front of his colleagues in private, which is embarrassing.

  Mr. Jingjing, Zhu Tianjun, Yulou Zhenren, Yuxuzi sitting high in the hall, just like the others in the hall, their eyes all fell on Chu Chen.

   Even Zhu Tianjun, who had never spoken in the sage realm, had a look of surprise on his face at this moment.

   He hadn't read the decree of the Supreme Supreme Being before, so he didn't know it at all. Seeing the sudden appearance of the county and mountain chief who received the golden light of the eight virtues, Zhu Tianjun, who was very knowledgeable, was also a little surprised. He looked at Chu Chen frequently, as if he was looking at something.

  Chu Chen felt Zhu Tianjun's gaze, although it wasn't the kind of aggressive peeping, and there was no sense of oppression, but he was a little nervous in his heart, for fear that the biggest reliance on the temple would be exposed, so he immediately cleared his mind, let go of his mind, and prevented the gods from peeping.

  Xu Shi felt Chu Chen's resistance, Zhu Tianjun smiled, and his divine sense voiced:

"Little friend, don't be nervous, this **** doesn't intend to spy on your fortune, the top preaching methods are all from the sage's door, no one dares to spy, even if others get it, they won't be able to learn it if they don't have the opportunity to understand, and can't covet it, haha, Xiaoyou. Good luck!"

   "The juniors at the end of school are frightened, making Tianjun see a joke."

   Chu Chen heard Zhu Tianjun speak, he was relieved immediately, and hurriedly returned to Tianjun respectfully.

  Of course, his heart is more joyful.

There are great supernatural powers and high powers in the practice world, and they will also preach the Dharma door, or the Tianyin Sanskrit burst, or the Huang Zhong Dalu, or the hype, or the heart tells the divine biography, all kinds of preaching methods can make the listeners immersed in it. in the law.

   Obviously, Chu Chen's [Education Xiaguang] supernatural power belongs to the top preaching method.

  Zhu Tianjun's Divine Consciousness Transmission did not shy away from Mr. Mingjing, Master Yulou, and Yuxuzi, and they could hear it clearly.

   The three of them were not surprised to see that Tianjun revealed that Chu Chen had a way of preaching. They had already guessed it, but they did not take the liberty to ask.

   "That's right, Ling Xiao, you really let fellow Taoist Yulou be right, you really learned a top-level preaching method, you really have a deep immortal relationship!"

  Mr. Mingjing was very gratified. When Chu Chen was assigned to be the head of Wanquan Mountain, many Xianting Gao Gong raised objections to the transfer in person when he drafted the decree.

  The top-level preaching method is extremely difficult to learn. As Zhu Tianjun said, ordinary people will not be able to learn even if the opportunity is in front of them.

   Seeing Chu Chen preaching the scriptures and preaching, and the enlightenment side amazed four people, he was quite happy and fulfilled, and was delighted by his vicious eyes.

   The real person of Yulou and Yuxuzi did not speak, but the expressions on their faces were quite wonderful.

   The former had a faint smile on his face, while the latter had a complicated expression.

Of course.

   If anyone in the hall was the most excited and jumped up with excitement, it would be the kid.

   It clearly saw that the merits and virtues of his senior brothers were much more golden than others, and they were almost the same as the predecessors of Qingzhu Laity.

   Even if you can't count it, you will understand that your senior brother has hit a big chance this time.

   If it was normal, it would have fallen to the ground, "dong dong dong" a hundred and eighty times.

   However, the scene is too formal at the moment, he was afraid of embarrassing his senior, so he held back.

   However, this made it anxious.

   "Senior brother, when will this fast be over, why hasn't Tianjun left, is he in the world? When are we going back, I'm dying of anxiety."

   (end of this chapter)