MTL - Celestial Immortal-Chapter 652 Eight states sensational account [4K two-in-one]

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   Chapter 652 Eight State Sensational Chuan Shuai [4K two-in-one]

  The southwest frontier is deserted, the commander's tent.

  Mr. Mingjing sat on the throne of the commander-in-chief, and the Taoist masters, Confucian scholars, and military generals were divided into two sides to discuss important matters.

  These days, since Mr. Mingjing, the prince, has commanded the governor of the southwest, he has made frequent moves, announcing with a powerful gesture that the Dachang Heavenly Dynasty has marched into the eight major border and barren states in the southwest.

   After a month of games, life and death, the Dachang Heavenly Dynasty marched forward with great success, and the main force of the demon army was expelled from the eight southwestern states.

   Overall, the Chinese strategy achieved initial success.

   Of course, it is far from reaching the goal.

  The demon kingdom of the wasteland has grown stronger and stronger with the recuperation of these years, and it is not easy to bully.

   At present, the army of demons has only been repelled temporarily, and the dark forces may come back at any time, ravaging the eight southwestern states, and there is still a long way to go to open up new territories.

   After some discussion, a group of scribes and generals led their respective orders to retreat, one by one, all in a hurry, and if they were not in a handsome tent, many people would like to directly perform the escape technique.

In the    handsome tent, only two people remained.

  A person is wearing a black armor, the gossip heart protector on the chest is yin and yang Pisces spinning endlessly, the flaming red clothes behind him are windless and automatic, and he carries a sky-high killing spirit on his body.

  Although he was born in Taoism, his eyes are sharp like knives, and he is very sharp.

   This person is the head teacher of Yu Xuzi from the Guigu line.

  The other person was wearing a gossip robe, holding a whisk and a calm smile on his face. It was the real person of Yulou.

  Mr. Mingjing saw the crowd retreat, and he stepped back slightly from the majestic seat, and said with emotion:

   "Hey, it's not easy to open up territory. The Demon Lord of the East Pole joined the Southern Barbarian Alliance with all the demons under his command. The southwest border is getting more and more lively, and the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea is really messing up, and a basket is thrown at the critical moment."

   The real person of Yulou and Yuxuzi shook their heads and did not agree.

   It is about the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and only Emperor Lingwei and Mr. Mingjing Tianshi can say a few words, but they are inconvenient to evaluate.

   Guigu headmaster Yu Xuzi thought about it, and nodded again and again:

   "Sir, Pindao had a face-to-face with the Dongji Demon Lord and exchanged hands in the air. What this old man didn't expect is that in just over a year, his magical powers have recovered, and his strength is extremely amazing."

   After finishing speaking, Yu Xuzi's face showed lingering fears.

A year ago, the East China Sea Feast changed dramatically. The Dragon King of the East China Sea joined hands with Dongyue Fujun and Xianting masters to kill the demon body of the deity who had been cultivating for many years. I thought that the Dongji Demon Lord would have to dormant and cultivate for a few years at least. Will come out to stir the storm.

   Never would have imagined that after just over a year, the magical powers of the East Pole Demon Monarch had recovered seven to eighty-eight.

   The so-called "Southern Barbarian Alliance" is the way of the Dachang Heavenly Dynasty.

   In fact, this alliance is a force united by the major demon kingdoms and forces in the Southwest Wasteland, and the purpose of the alliance is to fight against the Dachang Heavenly Dynasty.

  The Demon Lord of the East Pole joined the Southern Barbarian Alliance and became one of the top leaders of the alliance. This was also a lot of trouble for the Dachang Heavenly Dynasty.

  Mr. Mingjing nodded slightly and said:

   "Presumably, it won't be long before the Nanman Alliance will start a counterattack, and it will be a vicious battle by then."

   "Sir, when the soldiers come, they will block the water and cover the soil. My military cultivator protects the family and defends the country. I won't let an inch of land. Please rest assured, sir."

   Yu Xuzi expressed his position quickly, with a firm and powerful attitude.

   "I'm relieved to hear this from fellow Daoist Yuxuzi."

  Mr. Mingjing was quite satisfied when he heard this.

  There are lieutenant soldiers and masters of the three religions sitting on the frontier, and he is not so concerned about the counterattack of the Southern Barbarian Alliance.

   On the contrary, he is most concerned with the operation of the eight southwestern states.

   Only when the Celestial forces can gain a firm foothold in the eight southwestern states, will their game against the army of demons be meaningful.

  Thinking of this, Mr. Mingjing glanced at the real person of Yulou next to him and said with a smile:

   "Fellow Daoist Yulou, the teachers of the Daoyuan Colleges in the eight major states and counties in the southwest have been in place recently. I'm afraid they are recruiting disciples. How about the local seedlings in the southwest prefectures?"

The essence of    pioneering and expanding soil is that the Celestial Dynasty has a firm foothold in the prefectures and counties of the southwest, and the most important thing is people if you want to gain a foothold.

   Especially the local monks from the eight states and counties in the southwest.

  Only when the local monks have grown, can the Celestial Dynasty take root in the local area and withstand the ups and downs.

  Even if one day, the front-line army fails, the defense line collapses, and the southwestern county of Huangzhou falls, there will be a certain amount of self-protection at that time, and the fire will be left, so that there will be no one-shot defeat, and the whole game will be lost.

  Because of this, Mr. Mingjing is very concerned about the Taoist temples in the eight southwestern states, and he asks about the situation of the Taoist temples from time to time.

   "Sir, I asked the mountain chiefs of the states. The cultivating seedlings in the counties under their jurisdiction are very good. They have received more or less good seedlings in the first two days."

   Among the errands of the real person of Yulou, there is the education of the eight states in the southwest, mentioning the eight state prefectures and Taoist temples, and has a good understanding of the situation of the major state prefectures and Taoist temples.

   said, a faint smile appeared on the face of the real person of Yulou, saying:

   "Sir, speaking of it, these days, the eight states and counties in the southwest have been very lively, and the scene is very sensational."

  Mr. Der Spiegel suddenly became interested.

   These days, he was in charge of the three armies fighting against the demon army, and he didn't dare to distract himself. As long as there was no major trouble in the eight southwestern states, he would not interfere, but he didn't deliberately understand.

  The real person of Yulou has a strong smile on his face, and it is a good thing to see it. Mr. Mingjing has a good heart and cannot help but feel curious.

   "Oh~ I don't know what happened?"

  The real master of Yulou looked at the Guigu headmaster Yu Xuzi in battle armor, and said with a smile:

   "This matter is related to fellow Taoist Yuxuzi."

   "Related to Pindao?"

  Yu Xuzi pointed to himself, and there was a surprise on his face: "What does the preaching of the Taoist Academy have to do with me?"

  Mr. Mingjing was also very puzzled, looked at the real person of Yulou, and waited for the following.

   Yulou Zhenren explained:

   "Naturally it has something to do with fellow Daoist Yuxuzi. It has to start with Xiaoyou Chu, who was born in your Guigu lineage. With his own strength, he made the entire Bazhou Daoyuan lively."

  Chu Chen?

  Mr. Mingjing and Yuxuzi were a little surprised when they heard the name, and then they were relieved.

   "What did Chu Chen do recently?"

  Mr. Mingjing became more and more curious when he heard Chu Chen's name.

   A few days ago, he personally held a meeting of the chiefs of the mountain. Chu Chen learned about the Taoist scriptures and almost overdrawn the spirituality of the Taoist scriptures, which left a deep impression on him, and he still remembers it fresh.

  The prince asked twice, but the real person of Yulou did not hang his appetite any more, and he said:

   "Chu Xiaoyou is extremely talented in preaching scriptures and preaching. In the past few days, he held two scripture lectures and dharma conferences in succession, all of which caused a sensation and moved the Yunzhou practice world."

"Because he preached the scriptures well, not only did the local loose cultivators in Wanquan rush to Wanquan Taoist Academy to learn the arts, but people from the surrounding counties also heard the news and rushed to Wanquan Taoist Academy to study, wanting to worship in Wanquan Taoist Academy. "

"When the chiefs of the county and Taoist academies around Wanquan saw that their good seedlings were taken away, they became anxious one by one. Chu Xiaoyou taught the scriptures one after another, and they were not reluctant to be left behind. The second lectures on the scriptures, the promotion of Taoism, and the strong teaching staff of the Taoist institute, attracting children from various families."

"The prefectures of Yunzhou's prefectures and avenues have held sutras and dharma meetings one after another, which has affected other prefectures and counties unwittingly. Right now, all the avenues in the entire eight states in the southwest have begun to lecture on the sutras, every three days, each showing their magical powers. It was a lively scene."

  As the real person of Yulou explained the matter, the expressions on Mr. Jingjing and Yuxuzi suddenly became very exciting.

   "This kid can really toss!"

   Guigu headmaster Yu Xuzi can't help laughing and laughing. He is extremely optimistic about Chu Chen. If Chu Chen intends to follow the path of the military, he will definitely try his best to cultivate it.

   It's a pity that Chu Chen has no intention of majoring in the martial arts.

  Mr. Der Spiegel's mind moved slightly.

   At first glance, the cause of the incident was that Chu Chen did not hold a scripture lecture as usual, but held two sessions in succession, which stimulated the mountain chiefs of other Taoist temples, and then caused the avenues of the eight states in the southwest to scramble to preach the scriptures first.

   However, Mr. Spiegel heard a little bit of doorway.

   The reason why the chiefs of the avenues and academies scrambled to preach the scriptures first was probably Chu Chen's "content of the scriptures". Only if he spoke well would the chiefs of the other avenues and avenues feel threatened, and then scrambled to preach the scriptures first.

  Mr. Mingjing remembered that day when Chu Chen overtook the spirituality of the Taoist scriptures and almost destroyed the turmoil of the scriptures, he immediately became interested and asked:

   "Fellow Daoist Yulou, how did Chu Chen teach the scriptures? How could he make the mountain chiefs so nervous?"

   "Sir, I really asked this before."

  The real person of Yulou understands things, but at this moment he comes at his fingertips and says:

   "Chu Xiaoyou lectured on the Dharma meeting twice, the first time was "Lingbao Saving People Sutra", and the second time was "Tai Shang Lao Jun Shuo Chang Qing Jing Jing"."

"The first time I explained the "Lingbao Saving People Sutra", the envoy from Xianting did not go, but according to Master Wanquan Duguan Tongda, Chu Xiaoyou talked about the simple and profound, and spoke in a small way. Countless people have benefited greatly.”

  Mr. Mingjing nodded slightly when he heard the words, this kid Chu Chen really didn't steal scriptures that day, but really comprehended the Taoist scriptures and gained a lot.

"The second time I explained the "Qing Jing Sutra", it was even more powerful. Loose cultivators, demon clans, and even side door demons also hibernated and listened to the sutra. After listening to the sutra, many people were greatly enlightened. The turbid Qi and the evil spirits in the body are instantly dissipated."

   "It is said that after listening to the scriptures, there was a sixth-grade demon who gradually realized the true way, and then took the initiative to convert to the Taoist sect, worshipped under the sect of little friend Chu, and followed him to practice."

   "Right now, Chu Xiaoyou is well-known in the cultivation world of Yunzhou, and many colleagues respect him as a master of classics, and he has the atmosphere of a master."

   After listening to Yulou's description of the scene of Wanquan's sermons, Mr. Jingjing and Yuxuzi were extremely surprised.

   The grand master of the classics is so tolerant of Chu Chen?

  Rao is Mr. Mingjing and Yuxuzi are very optimistic about Chu Chen, and they have high expectations for him, but after listening to the words of the real person Yulou, the two feel a little dreamy.

   It seems that their expectations are a bit low and the pattern is not big enough.

  Chu Chen's performance in Yunzhou Wanquan Daoyuan greatly exceeded the expectations of the two, and it made them a little unbelievable.

   Especially Yu Xuzi, his mind is a bit complicated.

   A few days ago, Chu Chen asked him for a thousand-year-old spirit beans, and he was a little embarrassed.

   For the Guigu faction, the Millennium Spirit Bean is the core cultivation resource. Even if he is the Supreme Headmaster, if he wants to get an extra batch, he will have to work hard to balance the interests of all parties.

  Because of this, he did not immediately agree to Chu Chen's request, thinking about pulling a wave and bargaining.

   Who knows, Chu Chen doesn't play cards according to the routine at all.

   I didn’t ask for it, so I didn’t ask for it at all.

   This made Yu Xuzi speechless.

   Originally, this was nothing, but now that he heard that Chu Chen's attainments in scriptures and alchemy were extraordinary, he regretted it for a while.

  At this point in his practice, he certainly knew the importance of sutras and alchemy.

   "If I knew it earlier, I didn't ask for it in the first place. It was a waste of a good opportunity to win over."

   Guigu headmaster Yu Xuzi felt remorse, a little unwilling, and slightly bowed his hands to the real person of Yulou:

   "Fellow Daoist Yulou, does Zhenyi really have such profound attainments in the study of classics? Can he surpass the chiefs of other prefectures and Taoist institutes? He has only been practicing Taoism for five years"

  The real person of Yulou sees Guigu headmaster Yuxuzi's complex expression, and he can't help but feel amused in his heart.

   Seeing Chu Chen shine, Yu Xuzi must have a complicated mind.

  In the beginning, last year, Chu Chen asked for a thousand-year-old spirit beans, but the Guigu faction did not give it, but instead he gave it, which was an unintentional fire.

   "Sir, fellow Daoist Yuxuzi, in terms of sutras and academic attainments, Chu Xiaoyou can only barely rank among the mountain chiefs of the prefectures and Taoist academies, and there are some mountain chiefs with higher academic attainments than him."

   "However, the sensation of Wanquan Daoyuan's sutra lectures is real. It's not an exaggeration. The daoists who listened to the sutras did gain a lot."

   The real person of Yulou saw the doubts on the faces of the two, and immediately said:

"The great success of Chu Xiaoyou's Path Talking Conference is not because of the depth of his sermons, but the fact that he speaks well, is easy to understand, and speaks in a small way. It's better than [Heart vs. Divine Biography]."

After   , the real person from Yulou slightly bowed his hands to Mr. Mingjing:

   "Mr. is really smart and discerning, and at a glance, you can see that Chu Xiaoyou is talented in preaching and educating, and he uses people boldly, and the poor people admire him!"

  Mr. Mingjing heard the words, and it was an accident in his heart, but he smiled and put on an unfathomable smile, saying:

   "When he practiced in the Imperial Academy of Taoism, he specialized in the study of Taoist scriptures, and learned from the strengths of various families to deduce and improve the basic practice method of the teacher's sect. I can see that he has an extraordinary background in this regard."

   "Mr. wise!"

   The real person of Yulou and Yuxuzi handed over again and again.

   Soon, the three went on to talk about many issues in the counties and monasteries of the eight southwestern states.

   Referring to the results of the sutra lectures in various prefectures and Taoist temples, the real person of Yulou is full of emotion:

"There is no shortage of people in the eight prefectures and mountains with profound Taoism. If the audience has a deep knowledge of classics, in fact, it is easy to see the real heat. After all, Xiaoyou Chu's background is still a little shallow. It must be very lively, and who can come out on top is really uncertain."

   "This is a good thing. To promote Taoism and educate one side, the more lively the county and Taoist temples are, the better."

   Mr. Spiegel laughed loudly, happy to see it happen.

  Lingxiao Residence, practice clean room.

  Chu Chen meditated on the futon and learned the Taoist Dharma.

   In the past two days, as the chiefs of the various prefectures and monasteries scrambled to hold the scriptures and dharma conferences, he gradually felt a little pressure.

  According to Qingying, many monks and demons in Jinchanling are discussing the Buddhist ceremonies in Yunzhou and commenting on the sutras of the chiefs of the Taoist academies.

   The monks of the seventh rank and below have a very high evaluation of him, and no one has shaken him for a short time.

However, among the 5th- and 6th-grade Taoists and practitioners, they began to polarize. Some people felt that he had high attainments in the study of the classics, and quite a lot of people had listened to the sermons of other county and Taoist priests. Classical attainments sneered.

   In addition, the spear hit the first bird, Chu Chen was the first to "roll" up, and he couldn't see it from all over the place.

  Chu Chen is self-aware and has the courage to admit his own shortcomings.

   He knew very well that in terms of his knowledge of the classics, he could only say that he was good, but he was definitely not as good as the old-fashioned five-rank powerhouses such as the chiefs of the various courtyards.

   For this reason, in the past two days, Chu Chen was not in a hurry to hold a sutra lecture, but comprehended the true meaning of the Taoist scriptures in the cave.

   In the past few days, he has also gained a lot from teaching the scriptures, but he did not calm down to understand it thoroughly, and even further comprehend it.

  Reading a hundred times, its meaning is self-seeing.

  Recite the sutra ten thousand times, and you can see the great way.

  Chu Chen recited the scriptures aloud, unknowingly immersed in the realization of the Dao.

  PS: Yesterday, I accompany the baby to sleep, but I was so sleepy. I also fell asleep. I didn't wake up until three in the morning. As a result, there was no update last night, and I was dizzy.

   (end of this chapter)