MTL - Celestial Immortal-Chapter 642 three hapless

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   Chapter 642 Three Unlucky Eggs

   On the bank of the weeping willows, the lake water beats the reefs on the shore, and the sound of the water is one after another.

  I don’t know how long it took, but a monstrous wind blew from the sky, making the green forest rustled and the lake water tattered.


   The demonic wind wafted, and with a flash of light, two figures appeared beside the fishing old man.

   There are a man and a woman.

The male cultivator was wearing a black robe, his whole body was tightly wrapped, his face was full of sternness, he had a savage and arrogant momentum, and he was full of oppression. The other female cultivator was wearing a light yellow thin silk thin shirt. Enchanting and charming.

   "Friend Jade Bone and Daoist Five Poisons, you two are finally here."

   The old man in red robe smiled and put away his fishing rod and started to greet him.

   "I've seen fellow Daoist Blood Silkworm!"

   Venerable Five Poisons and Lady Jade Bone cupped their hands towards the red-robed old man and squeezed out a smile.

  Xu was having a big fight before, and the trouble was unpleasant. The atmosphere between the three was still a little awkward, and it was awkward.

   Blood Silkworm was very happy when he saw that the five poisons and jade bones dared to go to the appointment, and immediately explained:

   "Two fellow Taoists, the last time was really a misunderstanding."

   "During this period of time, I didn't know who I had offended. My luck was extremely bad, and I was plagued by bad luck. From time to time, I encountered minor disasters. These days, I asked for a transport instrument, and the situation improved."

   "Last time, speaking of it, it's very likely that the old man's bad luck hurt the two."

  The blood silkworm kept talking about his recent experience.

  Things are facts, but the causal relationship is his nonsense, and he himself feels far-fetched about the connection.

The purpose of    is just to give everyone a step down and ease the relationship between everyone.

   However, what the bloodworm never expected was that after listening to his words, Venerable Five Poisons and Madam Yugu were full of surprises and surprises. The next moment, they all exclaimed.

   "Fellow Blood Silkworm Daoist, you have also been plagued by bad luck recently, and there are constant small disasters?"

   After saying this, the three of them were stunned, meaning something was wrong.


   The three of them were silent, only the sound of the water in Taotao Lake echoed in their ears.

  The three of you look at me, I look at you, their faces are full of strange colors.

   The bloodworm looked up and down the two of them: "Two fellow Taoists, could it be that the two of you have been unlucky recently?"

   Venerable Five Poisons nodded heavily, rather depressed:

"Don't say it, I've been having bad luck these days. A few days ago, I was honored by a senior in the Desolate Valley of the Poisons. Wandering around, I was accidentally bitten by the poison in my cave, and almost died."

   "I was cultivating two days ago, and I was almost attacked by the five poisonous treasures that I had cultivated for many years. Unlucky things like this are all in one piece, a lot of mess, and I don't know when it will be unlucky."

   After finishing speaking, Venerable Five Poisons and Daoist Blood Silkworm all looked at the beautiful and moving Lady Jade Bone.

   Mrs. Jade Bone gave a wry smile:

"I'm about the same. I've had bad luck and bad luck one after another. The most thrilling one recently was half a month ago. I presented a baby to my king, but because of that baby, he was targeted by the cultivator of the heavenly supernatural power, and he was hunted down for three days and three days. At night, I was almost smashed to ashes by the king.”

   "I thought it was just my bad luck, but I never imagined that the two fellow Taoists would do the same."

   The three of them talked about the recent unfortunate events, and they were really talking endlessly.

  The three unlucky **** went silent after a discussion.

   Blood Silkworm Daoist practiced Taoism among the three, and his vision was also the highest. Immediately, his eyes were faint, and he said with emotion:

   "In this way, the bad luck of the three of us is not groundless, but inadvertently offends a strong man who is good at hating and conquering curse supernatural powers."

   Venerable Five Poisons and Lady Jade Bone nodded again and again, and then frowned.

   They thought that offending the backers behind them was careless and self-defeating, and they thought they were unlucky, but now it seems that this is not the case at all. It is obvious that someone behind them secretly used magical powers to harm them.

  The most terrifying thing is that they almost capsized because of this.

   If he was killed by his backer, he would be dead inexplicably and completely wronged.

  Thinking of this, Venerable Five Poisons and Lady Jade Bone looked ugly and were in a very bad mood.

   They would rather offend a strong person whose Daoxing supernatural powers are far superior to them, or even a great supernatural power cultivator, than offend a strong person who hides in the dark and curses them.

  The tyrannical power of mana is not terrible. They can run if they can't beat them. If they can't run, they can take refuge in the strong to seek shelter. Although it is difficult, it does not make them panic.

   But in the face of a strong man who can't see, can't touch, hides in the dark and curses you all the time, they beat drums in their hearts, and their hearts are covered with a dark cloud.

   Mrs. Jade Bone said depressedly:

"I don't know how we offended this strong man. He does it during the day and does it at night, and he doesn't know when he will start. He is really busy, as if every day, in addition to practicing, his practice harms us. Unreasonable!"

   Venerable Five Poisons felt the same way: "After the tide of evil spirits, as long as the other party acts, my best situation is that evil spirits breed and hinder my cultivation. In the long run, even if I don't die, my practice will be greatly affected!"

  The bloodworm heard the two complain and smiled:

"Don't complain, you two fellow Daoists, now I know that someone has been murdered, that's just a trivial matter. After I wore the magic weapon, the bad luck dissipated, and I took refuge in disaster relief. I still have two magic tools here, I'll give you first. Use it for a while."

   Venerable Five Poisons and Lady Jade Bone were overjoyed when they heard the words, and quickly and respectfully took two worm-shaped instruments from the blood silkworm, and thanked them repeatedly.

   Gifting the treasure, the misunderstanding was resolved, the estrangement between the three disappeared without a trace, and they were quite intimate, and the conversation was very enjoyable.

   After some chat, the Blood Silkworm Daoist smiled and invited:

   "You two, don't you mean that the turbid qi has been entangled in the evil spirit recently, and the evil spirit has grown. Let's go and listen to a Taoist master in Yunzhou explaining the "Qing Jing Jing", maybe you will get something."


   "It is better to obey orders than to be respectful."

  Wanquan Guangling Mountain, Lingxiao residence in the cave.

  Chu Chen walked out of the purification room full of energy after picking the Chaoyang Ziqi, Jinguangqi, Tiangangqi, and the heaven and earth mountains and rivers.

   Last night, he successfully printed "Tai Shang Lao Jun Shuo Chang Qing Jing Jing" into the Xiaguang of enlightenment, which confirmed his previous conjecture, which made him feel very good.

   The magical effect of educating and transforming Xiaguang is, to a certain extent, more powerful than the [Heart Telling God Biography] that can only be mastered by the legendary cultivator.

  Especially in preaching the scriptures and preaching the Taoism.

   After leaving the cave, the little ghost boy did not come out to greet him (begging for incense), which surprised Chu Chen.

   With a sweep of his divine sense, Chu Chen found that the little ghost was squatting in the living room, holding a small book and muttering in his mouth.

  Chu Chen smiled in surprise, this little guy is cursing people again.

   "Little Guizi, Senior Brother is going to teach the scriptures, do you want to follow?"

   "Senior brother, I won't go, you go."

   Little Guizi didn't turn his head, his eyes fell on Xiaobo, and he looked back and forth on the three names, but he was not angry.

"My good fellow, I scolded you, but you dared to speak back, and even used a weapon to suppress my calamity. It's too much, just forget one, and there are three all at once, and I don't teach you a lesson, you think I'm a kid. The supernatural powers are gone!"

  The kid was cursing, the opponent's resistance aroused his fighting spirit, he rolled up his sleeves, and muttered:

   "Today, I won't scold you anymore, so I will scold you and give you some color!"

   (end of this chapter)