MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 54 Lin Chengyou: "You said, I'm listening...

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When the people in the hall heard the movement, they all looked around, and when they saw the sleepy maids all over the floor, they screamed in fright.

Teng Yuyi shuddered as soon as he entered the room. The sun was shining brightly outside, but it was as cold as a cold winter in the quiet room.

There are two rooms inside and outside the quiet room. The tea room outside is empty, and the strong and pungent **** smell wafts from the inner room.

Teng Yuyi held her breath and walked towards the inner room. As she walked, she felt a strange and familiar aroma mixed with the **** smell. When she walked to the door of the inner room, a large area of ​​dazzling bright red came into her eyes. She saw a young woman lying on the couch. His entire body was soaked in blood.

Teng Yuyi's head banged, this face was fresh and plump a quarter of an hour ago, but now it showed a kind of paleness that only dead people have. The purgatory-like scene stimulated her soul and made her want to vomit.

In the end, it was a step late. Looking at the situation, Mrs. Rong Anbo had been dead for a while.

She was shocked and hated, and wanted to go to check it out immediately, but she hated that her legs seemed to be stuck in the ground, and she couldn't even take a step. The room was dead silent, only the sound of her heavy breathing could be heard.

But at this moment, Teng Yuyi heard another person's breathing.

The man's breathing was slow and low, like a beast ready to go, dormant in a corner of the room secretly, if it wasn't for the silence around him, Teng Yuyi might not have noticed it at all.

A person, and a living person. Teng Yuyi had cold hairs standing upright on her neck, and was about to wait for an opportunity to move, when she suddenly saw a short figure stand up from the window and swept out.

At the same time, there was a mess of footsteps outside, and Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi shouted, "Young Master Wang! Young Master Wang!"

Teng Yuyi swayed and almost fell to the ground: "Quick, the murderer just escaped!"

The next moment, Juesheng and Qizhi ran in, followed by Duanfu. Seeing the tragic state of Mrs. Rong Anbo, several people gasped. Duan Fu ran to Teng Yuyi's side. Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi rushed to the window and shouted, "Zhuang Mu, where are you running!"

Immediately jumped out.

Teng Yuyi was taken aback, Zhuang Mu? Is that person Zhuang Mu? Isn't he at the casino?

Suddenly realized, where did Lin Chengyou go?

She knew the answer very quickly.

As soon as Juesheng and Qizhi left, a large number of Marquis Wu came from the back, blocked the spice shop, and moved the shop staff and guests collectively to the next restaurant to wait for questioning.

Teng Yuyi was the first to find the body and was arranged to wait outside the quiet room.

Juesheng and Jizhi returned to the spice shop not long after, looking at the corpse of Mrs. Rong Anbo's corpse, and said bitterly, "It's too cruel..."

Teng Yuyi calmed down, and when he was about to ask a few more questions, strange footsteps sounded in the aisle. One was as light as the wind, while the other stumbled, mixed with the clanging sound of silver chains, coming straight towards the quiet room.

Juesheng and Qizhi listened attentively, showing surprised expressions: "Suohunzhi? Senior brother caught the murderer!"

So fast? Teng Yuyi looked at the door in surprise, and saw Lin Chengyou dragging someone over.

Lin Chengyou's clothes were stained with a lot of blood, one hand was holding a piece of blood-stained cloth, and the other was holding the Soul Lock.

The man bound by the soul lock looked black and thin, and his height was only as big as Lin Chengyou's shoulders.

Teng Yuyi recognized Zhuang Mu at a glance.

Zhuang Mu was bound by five flowers, stuffed something in his mouth, and struggled silently all the way, but he was no match for the heavy restraints on his body.

The faster Lin Chengyou walked, the more embarrassed Zhuang Mu looked. He stumbled along the way and almost fell several times. At the back of the aisle, there were a dozen or so Marquis, all of them nervous, as if they were on guard against Zhuang Mu at any time.

Teng Yuyi stared at Zhuang Mu for a moment, his front chest, waist, and legs were all stained with blood, especially his hands, as if they had just been fished out of a bucket full of blood.

Sure enough it was him. Entering the casino is just a trick, when did Lin Chengyou see through Zhuang Mu's trick?

Lin Chengyou looked at Teng Yuyi as he walked, seeing that she was unscathed, and then said to Wuhou behind him, "Seal up the ten shops adjacent to the spice shop, and the people in the shop are not allowed to leave for the time being."

Marquis Wu wondered: "But Shizi, didn't you catch the murderer on the spot?"

"There's one more important thing I haven't found."

Lin Chengyou dragged Zhuang Mu directly to the door of the back room, saw the tragic state of Mrs. Rong Anbo's wife in the room, threw Zhuang Mu to Marquis Wu behind him, and stepped into the back room to check the scars in the pool of blood.

Looking around, Lin Chengyou squatted in front of the couch, and compared the fabric in his hand with the corner of Mrs. Shizi's skirt, and determined that it was torn from the skirt.

He was silent for a while, looked at Madam Shizi's **** abdomen and said, "Where is the fetus?"

These words were obviously addressed to Zhuang Mu. In just four words, they were full of bone-chilling coolness.

Zhuang Mu closed his eyes and leaned against the corner of the outer wall, without any intention of answering.

Lin Chengyou came out to Zhuang Mu's side, squatted down, raised his hand and grabbed Zhuang Mu's bun.

Zhuang Mu's stagnant expression finally reacted, he slowly opened his eyelids and looked at Lin Chengyou mockingly.

Teng Yuyi looked at Zhuang Mu coldly, and unexpectedly found that his eyeballs were much lighter than others, an amber color that was almost light tea.

Lin Chengyou pulled the silver chain and lifted Zhuang Mu's bound hands up high. Zhuang Mu's fingernails were full of blood and flesh, and his arms were even more shocking. Presumably before the blood dried up, the blood had flowed along him recklessly. His arms flowed everywhere, and now they were dry, and they became rust-colored ravines.

Lin Chengyou looked down at Zhuang Mu's hands, very good, just like the first two victims, they were dug out with bare hands today.

"Where is the fetus?" Lin Chengyou looked at Zhuang Mu expressionlessly.

His voice was low and his face was as cold as ice. Most of the people in the room, including Teng Yuyi, had never seen Lin Chengyou's solemn appearance before, so they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

A certain Marquis of Wu spat at Zhuang Mu: "You disrespectful dog, why don't you say it!"

Zhuang Mu stared at Lin Chengyou silently, and a meaningful smile slowly appeared on his face.

Lin Chengyou's eyes narrowed, but he stabilized again, smiled and said: "No hurry, I will go to Chang'an from Tongzhou, make chaos in two places, and cause disaster to four lives. You can think about how to say it first, when you get to the prison in Dali Temple, I have a way for you to speak."

After hearing this, Zhuang Mu's originally hard face finally showed a few cracks, and stared at Lin Chengyou, as if he had something to say, the muscle lines on his cheeks were looming, showing that he was clenching his teeth.

Lin Chengyou said, "Is there something you want to tell me?"

Zhuang Mu blinked.

"I'll ask, you'll answer. Nod your head if you're right, and shake your head if you're wrong."

Zhuang Mu did not move.

"Want me to take something out of your mouth so you can talk?"

Zhuang Mu had a sincere expression and nodded slowly.

Lin Chengyou sneered: "If you really want to take something out, you will bite your tongue and commit suicide. How can I ask questions?"

Zhuang Mu's plan was seen through by Lin Chengyou at a glance, his expression became fierce again, a low roar came out of his throat, and he stared at Lin Chengyou.

Lin Chengyou dragged Zhuang Mu up from the ground without a word, and said to Marquis Wu, "I caught the murderer and showed up when he was escaping. In theory, the fetus won't hide too far, or hide somewhere in the street. In the corner, or he has accomplices. After the incident, all the guests in the nearby shops have been detained. You should check them one by one immediately. As long as the thing is hidden on your body, it will not be able to hide the smell. By the way, leave one person at the entrance of the West City. , if the colleagues of Dali Temple come, bring them immediately."

The Marquis hurriedly said, "Yes."

Juesheng and Qizhi volunteered: "We also help to find it."

Lin Chengyou said, "There is always a reason for this thief stealing the fetus. You should look inside and out of the store as soon as possible to see if there are any strange talismans or golden seals. After sending the message, several Taoist priests should be here soon. Dongming Temple is the longest open Taoist temple in Chang'an. There are many Taoist classics hidden in the temple. "

"it is good."

As soon as Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi left, there were only a few people left in the room.

Lin Chengyou turned to look at Teng Yuyi. Seeing that she was still a little frightened, she took a Qingxin pill from her arms and handed it to Teng Yuyi: "After eating this, let's talk about it."

Teng Yuyi nodded and took the pill, slowly feeling that the icy coolness on her body subsided a lot, then pointed to the corpse in the room, and said in a hoarse voice, "I was the first person to find out that Mrs. Rong Anbo had an accident. "

Suddenly, two sharp knife-like eyes were cast towards him, and he turned his head to look, just in time to meet Zhuang Mu's icy snake-like eyes.

Lin Chengyou looked around, walked to one side and tore off a piece of the curtain in front of the couch, then came back to cover Zhuang Mu's eyes, and then took off the wax block from the candlestick, squeezed it into two **** and stuffed it into his ears, and then clapped his hands. He got up and said to Teng Yuyi, "Whatever you want to say, you don't have to be hesitant."

Teng Yuyi couldn't help shivering when he recalled the situation at the time of the accident.

Lin Chengyou looked at her. In fact, he wanted to ask a lot of things, such as why she followed Zhuang Mu, and why she suddenly ran to the spice shop,

Just now, knowing that Mrs. Rong Anbo might have an accident, wasn't she afraid when she broke in?

But looking at her like this, she must be terrified. No matter how daring she is, she is a talented little lady after all. Suddenly encountering such a tragic incident will inevitably shake her heart. If he repeatedly cross-examines her and makes her sick Well done.

"If you're really scared, you can talk about it tomorrow. Why don't you go back first, or I'll let Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi send you off."

As he said, he picked up Zhuang Mu, turned around and walked towards the back room. He didn't look carefully enough before, and he planned to search every corner.

Teng Yuyi was busy following Lin Chengyou's pace. She didn't want to leave. As long as she thought that Zhuang Mu should be inextricably linked with the man in black, she felt a strong sense of unease in her heart.

A Zhuang Mu is already so inhumane, and the man in black doesn't know how cruel and terrifying it is.

While Lin Chengyou caught the thief, she had to tell everything she knew.

"I met Mrs. Rong Anbo on the second floor. She had just come out of the guest room on the right side of the second floor with five maids and two old maids with her."

As she spoke, she looked at the back of Lin Chengyou's head. He didn't respond. He didn't know whether to concentrate on looking for something or not have time to listen to her. She secretly sighed, why don't you wait for him to finish?

Lin Chengyou waited for a while without hearing the follow-up, and turned to look at her: "Go on, I'm listening."

Teng Yu slandered and you didn't say a word, how do I know you were listening. She hurriedly repeated the whole thing carefully.

"Are you sure you heard the baby's cry?"

Teng Yuyi nodded: "Not only did I hear it, but the guy who took me downstairs also heard it, but I didn't see any lady holding the child in the hall, and when I broke into the quiet room later, I didn't see it in the room. baby."

Lin Chengyou frowned.

"Isn't it weird? When Chen Erniang talked about the Tongzhou case last time, she also said that someone heard the baby's cry next door on the night of the incident."

Lin Chengyou thought for a while and asked, "When you came here, you only smelled blood, but no other strange scents?"

"I didn't pay attention. The situation was too dangerous at the time. Even if I smelled it, I wouldn't think about it."

Lin Chengyou looked around: "That's right, this is a spice shop, filled with all kinds of strange fragrances. After staying in the shop for a long time, even if you smell the strange fragrance, you won't be surprised. I think those servants can be caught unsuspectingly. Dizziness is indispensable for this reason. The murderer will release the incense before every move, and the spice shop is indeed a good place for him to do it."

Teng Yu thought about it and said, "The prince means that the murderer had planned this time, not a temporary one?"

"At least the escape route must be planned in advance. The West Market is full of vehicles and horses, and the murderer can mingle in the crowd, kill people to get the tire, escape through the window, and disappear into the city hall logically. If the planning is good enough, it can be done in one go."

"But the prince caught the thief on the spot." Teng Yuyi had long been curious, "When did the prince find out that he slipped out of the casino?"

Lin Chengyou leaned out to check the traces outside the window, and said: "You Migui's business is very good, Zhuang Mu, a blacksmith in a pig iron shop, why would he leave his work in the shop and not go to the casino to play? Guard the front door and the back door, but I don't know that there are several secret doors in the casino. The old fritters who have been involved for a long time know this. I inquired about the direction of the secret passage, and took three Marquis to guard one secret door, but unfortunately The Marquis of Wu did not know defensive magic, and they were injured in the end. When I got the news, Zhuang Mu had already fled. Fortunately, there was a powder around the secret passage. Otherwise, I would not be able to chase all the way to the back alley of the spice shop. It's still a step too late."

After finishing the call, Lin Chengyou didn't hear Teng Yuyi's answer, so Lin Chengyou turned to look at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Teng Yuyi stared at the window, her voice a little tight: "When I broke in, the murderer was still in the room."

The murderer is in the room? Lin Chengyou's expression changed slightly: "Why didn't you say it just now?"

Teng Yu thought for a while: "I thought Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi told you."

She told everything about the situation.

Lin Chengyou stammered: "Teng Yuyi, you are really brave. With your three-legged cat skills, you are not afraid that the murderer will give you by the way—"

He swallowed the words behind him.

"Actually, I don't want to stay either, but Xiao Yajian won't let me go, and the warning is much hotter than usual. If I refuse to stay, he might burn me to death, and I can't do anything about it. —”

Lin Chengyou waited for her to speak, but Teng Yuyi did not speak.

Lin Chengyou added for her in his heart: Besides, after all, these are two lives, you have compassion.

But Teng Yuyi spoke again: "If I knew the murderer was in the room, I wouldn't have come in if I killed him."

Lin Chengyou snorted, and don't be **** Teng Yuyi. After thinking about it, I can see that the cause may be as she said, because of Xiaoya's obstruction, but she has already sent a message to Juesheng Qizhi, and then she just needs to wait at the door. Because she was in a hurry to save people, she bravely broke in. As long as they came a little later, she might also be attacked by the murderer in the room.

But at that time, anyone with a heart of compassion could not just sit back and ignore it. Teng Yuyi had also confronted demons like Zhexie with Yujian, and it was not uncommon to have the courage to break in in order to save people.

The woman in the room was pregnant, and the murderer could only kill her in an instant. Going in early might save two lives. If she didn't go in, she could only watch the mother and son being killed. Teng Yuyi was hard-hearted and soft-hearted. .

He glanced at her sweaty temples: "Don't think that if you learn a little kung fu, you can be on your own. Juesheng and Jizhi have studied for so many years, and they are still two little scumbags. You are just on the road, beware of confusion I lost it. The next time I encounter this kind of thing, I think I will send a letter and run as far as I can. Even if you are there, you can't stop the demons and murderers from harming people. Hey, don't mention your divine sword , if he really works, you don't have to be scared to death every time."

The Xiaoyajian in his sleeve instantly became hot, and he seemed very unconvinced. Teng Yuyi patted the body of the sword. Don't be like this. Lin Chengyou's words are not totally unreasonable, you are really good sometimes.

Xiaoya can't wait to get out on the spot and argue with Teng Yuyi, my food? The chef is obviously your little master.

Teng Yuyi didn't allow Xiaoya to criticize her, and said hurriedly: "Your Highness is right. Next time, no matter what the old man does, I will not act without authorization. Your Highness, where did you catch Zhuang Mu?"

Lin Chengyou asked Teng Yuyi, "What was he doing in the room when you came in?"

He pointed to Zhuang Mu under his feet.

Teng Yuyi looked at Zhuang Mu with a hesitant expression.

Lin Chengyou's expression changed: "What's wrong?"

Teng Yuyi recalled the previous scene carefully: "It was too dark in the room at that time, he ran too fast, I didn't see his face clearly, I only knew that the murderer was hiding under the window and fled as soon as he saw me. Shizi, you What was he like when the thief was caught?"

"His hands and arms were full of blood, and he was holding a piece of fabric torn from the skirt of Mrs. Rong Anbo, as if it was going to be used to wrap the fetus. It was strange that there was no fetus that was just stolen. He was blocked in the back alley of the spice shop, he should have just escaped from the room, and the fetus was in the alley, but I found it all the way, but there was no trace of the fetus." Lin Chengyou's eyes were full of doubts.

Teng Yuyi said coldly: "You let me think about it, I always feel that the person I see in the room is a little different from the Zhuang Mu in front of me."

Lin Chengyou was slightly startled, then nodded and said, "No hurry, think about it slowly."

At this time, someone came from outside: "Sir, Yan Sizhi and Zu Zuo of Dali Temple are here, and they have brought a lot of yamen with them. By the way, there are also two old Taoist priests."

I heard someone say: "Pindao has only been clean for a few days, and he was dragged by that little devil again. The weather is so good today, and Pindao still wants to go out for a walk with the female nun of Xianyun Nuguan. Hey. Hey, if you tug at it lightly, can you afford to stumble over the old man?"

Before the words were finished, Juesheng and Qizhi ran in first: "Sir, we have finished our question, but the little ladies in the opposite Mozhai were frightened and dared not get in the car and go home."