MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 41 (two)

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No, let alone a seriously injured person.

As soon as the yin in the room dissipated, Cheng Bo and Huo Qiu, who were unconscious before, woke up. The corpse evil face was filled with black energy, desperately trying to pull the arrow out of the eyebrows, only to be unable to pull it out.

Cheng Bo and Huoqiu worked together to carry Peng Yugui to the opposite room. When passing the corridor, they saw Lin Chengyou dodging left and right, beating and scolding: "Old monster, don't blame me for not giving you a chance, you have time to escape now. To be mixed with the corpse evil, beware that hundreds of years of Taoism will be destroyed in one fell swoop."

The other is a handsome man in his early thirties. This man is wearing a pale golden robe, and a red peony with a big bowl on his temples is particularly eye-catching. He was dressed in a decent dress, but he looked like he had just been burned by fire. Burned, the right sleeve was long gone, and only scattered black rags were left from the shoulders.

"Stinky boy, you are already too busy to take care of yourself, and you are still thinking of making a difference." The young man in golden clothes replied quickly, "Just watch, who can walk out of Caifeng Tower alive tonight."

He laughed sloppily, but also revealed a bit of a sense of difficulty.

The group moved to the opposite room and quickly closed the door. Teng Yuyi squatted down to check on Peng Yugui's injury. He saw that his face was like golden paper, his anger was like a gossamer thread, and there was absolutely no chance of him surviving.

Teng Yuyi looked at Peng Yugui, and couldn't tell what it was like. Jue Sheng squatted on the other side, his voice was a little louder: "Just now... Thanks to you just now... Thank you... Boss He."

Teng Yuyi sighed, "His surname is Peng."

Peng Yugui barely moved the corner of his mouth: "Yes... You can also call me Peng Dalang."

Jue Sheng was at a loss, tore off a sleeve and wanted to compress the wound for Peng Yugui, but Peng Yugui's entire shoulder and neck were bloody, making it impossible to do anything.

"The Taoist priest doesn't have to be busy." Peng Yugui said, "I... can't survive."

Jue Sheng wiped his face in embarrassment, the beads of water on his cheeks were glistening, and he couldn't tell whether it was sweat or tears for a while.

"Prince Lin is right, from the moment I mutilated innocent people for my own sake, I am no longer me." Peng Yugui forced a smile, "For a sinner like me, it is not worth dying to die."

"Boss Peng..." Teng Yuyi tried to speak.

Peng Yugui shook his head: "Just now, you and Jue Sage Daoist are willing to let Zhexie come to you in order to save each other. Somehow, it reminds me of my grandfather and sister. I just said that, not just to save the little Daoist priest. , but also to... save the grandfather and mother of the year, save the treasure Jiao of the year... and...

"Save myself."

He was short of breath and paused for a long time every word he said.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to Taozhi Ferry." He reluctantly raised his right hand to take a look, "These hands are now covered in blood, and I'm afraid that even if I see my father, mother and sister underground, they won't recognize me. Over the years, in order to take revenge, I have become this inhuman appearance, my grandfather and mother are good people, and have never done bad things in my life, Baojiao she..."

His voice gradually became as bitter as a smile.

Juesheng shook his head with tears in his eyes: "No, Peng Dalang, you are close relatives, even if you change beyond recognition, they will recognize you."

Peng Yugui's face lit up: "...Little are a kind person. After hearing what you said, I...I feel much more at ease."

He struggled to touch the front of the front, but he would fall down weakly halfway.

Teng Yuyi moved: "Do you want to take something?"

Peng Yugui nodded gratefully, and the sage detective touched it, took out a deerskin bag, untied the tether, and inside was a key and a box.

The box is flat and long, and three objects are neatly arranged inside, from left to right: a ruby ​​seal, an emerald bead flower, and a vivid little puppet painted with vermilion lacquer.

Peng Yugui panted and said, "I had a hunch in my heart that the things I did would be exposed sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon... So far... I just want to ask Wang Gongzi for a favor..."

Teng Yuyi was shocked. He had just saved Juesheng. Even if he wanted to entrust someone on his deathbed, it was more secure to entrust Juesheng, but this person didn't know if he didn't want to repay his favor, or there were other reasons, so he turned to beg her.

She looked at the few treasures and nodded thoughtfully: "Boss Peng, please tell me."

Peng Yugui's brows loosened: "These things were prepared for my mother-in-law and sister. Because Tian Yunde suspected that I was not dead, he would go back to Taozhi Ferry every year to secretly inquire about my whereabouts. In order to hide my whereabouts, I never officially worshipped my father. Mother, now that my revenge has been avenged, I planned to bring these things to worship them. This puppet is for Baojiao, and the seal is for my grandfather. My grandma never wore any good jewelry before her death, this jadeite is for Baojiao. Pearl flowers are for her old man..."

He coughed violently, bringing out a large mouthful of black blood in his throat. Cheng Bo hurriedly tapped several large acupoints on his chest, and Jue Sheng hurriedly wiped the blood for Peng Yugui with his sleeve.

Peng Yugui gasped for a while and slowly recovered.

"My grandfather and mother are buried on the hillside of Qiuyang Mountain not far from Taozhi Ferry, and there is a simple wooden tablet erected in front of the grave..." His chest was heaving, and his voice was intermittent, "Without relatives, the neighbors have already Forget, I, the son, can't show up, and for many years there has not been a worshiper in front of their graves, I have secretly visited them, and the tombs of the old couple are already dilapidated."

Tears were looming in his eyes, and his tone was getting lower and lower.

Huo Qiu couldn't bear to listen any longer, and turned his face to the side silently.

"Baojiao was buried in Xiao Huaishan back then. I felt sorry for her lonely and lonely, and I was afraid that she would not be able to find her tomb in the future, so I quietly removed her corpse in the first few years, and it is now hidden in the backyard of my Luoyang house. Inside." Peng Yugui's hands trembled, and he struggled to reach for the key, "I want to move my sister's corpse back to Yuezhou, so that she can be buried with my grandfather and mother. I moved my corpse back to my hometown. After so many years of separation, the family is going to be reunited. These things should have been arranged by themselves... Now I can only ask the prince. There is a box in my room, which can be opened with this key. Wang Gongzi can use my life savings at will."

Teng Yuyi was in a complicated mood. Is Peng Yugui asking her for this reason? Yuezhou is thousands of miles away, not to mention repairing tombs, just to move the bones of his brother and sister to Yuezhou would cost a lot of manpower and material resources. For a little Taoist priest, it was really too difficult.

Well, she took the key: "I promise you."

Peng Yugui squeezed out a pale smile: "Young Master Wang, to be bold, Peng always thinks that you and I are somewhat similar, but Young Master Wang is different from me - you will be blessed."

Teng Yuyi's eyelashes trembled, it sounded clear that she meant something.

Peng Yugui tried to lift his neck: "Young Master Wang, come over here, Peng has something to ask you."

Seeing that Teng Yuyi was about to lean over, Huo Qiu raised his hand to stop him: "Young Master, let the villain come."

Peng Yugui shook his head weakly: "...Only the prince knows this."

Cheng Bo pulled Huoqiu away: "No, let the son listen to it himself."

If Peng Yugui wanted to plot against the lady, she would not entrust all such important matters to the lady.

"You said." Teng Yuyi leaned down.

Peng Yugui raised his head laboriously, and said in a very small voice, "I know that Young Master Wang really wants to know the origin of that hidden weapon."

Teng Yuyi was shocked.

"I can't tell you who my master is, but I can tell you where this hidden weapon came from. You go to a pig iron shop called You Migui in the West City to guard it. If you see a prankster named Zhuang Mu, think about it. According to him, I was the hidden weapon I got from him back then."

Teng Yuyi's heart was pounding, and she thought that once Peng Yugui died, the clues would be completely hopeless, but she didn't expect to suddenly know the source of the hidden weapon in such an unexpected way.

No wonder Peng Yugui didn't ask Jue Sheng but only her, and he expected that he would agree to his request. It turned out that he had already seen that she wanted to inquire about hidden weapons, and he also reciprocated and prepared the answer she wanted to know.

This person really had an exquisite heart with seven orifices, and she definitely looked at Peng Yugui with mixed feelings in her heart.

Peng Yugui fell back to the ground feebly, and in order to explain these things, he used his last strength. There was light in his eyes, but at this time the light was slowly going out, and the black pupils seemed to be covered with a layer of white mist, becoming more and more indifferent.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps approaching outside the door, Lin Chengyou suddenly pushed the door and came in. His face was covered in blood, and his clothes were torn a lot. When he entered the door, he lowered his head and coughed. He was about to say something. He ran to the front and squatted down, wanting to tap on Peng Yugui's large acupoints, and when he saw Peng Yugui's appearance, his movements suddenly stopped.

"It's too late." Jue Sheng couldn't bear it.

Peng Yugui didn't seem to be able to hear the movement around him. He stared out the window sluggishly, with a melancholy expression on his face. There was no bright moon visible from this window, only the blue night and the low-hanging treetops.

"'Last night's dream from the west window, the dream of entering Jiangnan Road'..." His voice was weak like a puff of smoke, "This is my grandfather's favorite poem during his lifetime. All these years, whenever I think of Taozhi Ferry, my ears will fall. When grandpa recited this poem, I often thought... If our family hadn't gone to pick lotus pods that night, maybe... Maybe Peng Dalang will always be that Peng Dalang, I..."

His body trembled, the last word drowned in his throat.

The author has something to say: Last night's dream from the west window, the dream entered Jiangnan Road: The original poem is "Last night's west window dream, the dream entered Jingnan Road", from "Chang'an Qiu Xi" by Rong Yu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty.