MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 28

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When everyone heard the strange sound, they all said in amazement, "Did you hear it?"

"Listen, I heard. It's not that the thing in the waterside is chasing after it. It can't be left here. Run away."

The hall suddenly turned into a pot of porridge, Chang Tong led the guards to quickly spread out, and while looking at the row of windows in the back hall, he shouted: "Hold on, maybe it's just the wind, if you run out rashly, wouldn't you hit the thief's trick? ?"

After speaking, I listened intently, the sound came from the rear window rather than the front door, the sound was somber, low and long, clearly caused by the night wind blowing through the window paper.

"It's the wind in the backyard."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but someone suddenly stood up and said: "It's not the wind, that thing is chasing, you have to leave here quickly."

Everyone heard Du Tinglan's voice and was stunned: "Miss Du?"

Teng Yuyi continued to gesture in Du Tinglan's palm, and Du Tinglan panicked: "Commander Chang, please lead the way, it will be too late if you don't leave."

She said, dragging Teng Yuyi to the door quickly.

At this moment, someone interjected in the darkness: "Commander Chang said that it was the wind, so why bother yourself, that monster was waiting for the gap in the dark, and it ran out to its tricks."

It was Lu Zhao'an's voice, and Chang Commander said: "This statement is reasonable, the fire zhezi still does not light up, it is most appropriate to concentrate here, if it runs away, I will not be able to protect so many people."

The guards hurriedly closed the door again, fearing that the monster would run in during the gap. Teng Yuyi's eyes flashed with fire. Xiaoya's words were not wrong. The thing was clearly outside the back window.

But being disturbed by Lu Zhaoan, everyone relaxed, including Azhi, all of them sat cross-legged in the hall again.

Teng Yuyi was so anxious that she lightly pinched Du Tinglan. Du Tinglan was just a ghost and pinched her.

The cry was extremely terrifying, like a ghost strangled by the throat, and everyone was terrified: "Miss Du, what's the matter with you."

Du Tinglan's heart skipped a beat, and only after she realized that it was Teng Yuyi's pinch, this move was unexpected, and no one could tell it was fake.

Du Tinglan was angry and funny, her little sister, she was so desperate to do anything, she knew that she could not delay, she bit her head and "screamed": "There are ghosts, there are ghosts whispering in my ear! Hurry up! "

Before he finished speaking, Teng Yuyi touched the door latch again, and everyone's legs trembled. They didn't have time to distinguish them carefully, and they also swarmed up.

Just as Teng Yuyi was about to open the door, her heart suddenly felt cold, and the door that could be easily opened just now seemed to be sealed. No matter how she pushed it, the door would not move at all.

The guards realized that something was wrong, and they hurriedly helped to pull the door. They all had the inner strength in their bodies. When they pushed the door, they shook the mountain. After trying for a while, they couldn't open the door. This door seems to have turned into a golden door copper lock, and it has not been able to open for a long time.

The guards remembered that Gu Xian and the two guards were still guarding the gate outside, so they rushed outside and shouted, "Young Master Gu!"

However, even after shouting a few times, there was not even a trace of movement outside.

Everyone was in a cold sweat. Gu Xian and the others would not have an accident. If they had known that they had just listened to the words of the two ladies and left, everyone would not be able to get out now.

Commander Chang knew something was wrong, so he simply put Azhi on his back and shouted, "From now on, everyone will guard a window to guard against that thing's surprise attack."

Teng Yuyi only hated the darkness in front of her eyes, otherwise with her sharp eyes at the moment, she would definitely be able to cut out a few holes in Lu Zhaoan's body. After fumbling for a while, she took out the talisman hidden on her body and wrote in Du Tinglan's palm: The talisman of Qingyunguan, Come.

Du Tinglan understood and helped Teng Yuyi to put up the talisman at the window. The guards couldn't help being surprised: "What is this?"

Du Tinglan explained: "The female thief doesn't know whether she is a human or a ghost, but she must know sorcery. This is the talisman that my sister asked for in Qingyunguan earlier. It may be able to resist for a while if it is attached to the door and window."

Azhi was overjoyed: "Brother, are they Taoist talismans? That's great, Mrs. Du and Mrs. Teng, can you give each of us one?"

Teng Yuyi took out the stack of talismans and weighed the weight. He didn't bring so many, but it was enough for one round. If the rest was not enough, the two of them could share one.

Du Tinglan hurriedly said loudly: "The county master waits for me and my sister to distribute it."

So one took the guards and posted the talisman on the window, and the other was busy distributing it to the crowd.

Azhi, Duke Yu and the ladies each got one, and the rest of the young scholars could only share one.

Lu Zhaoan shared one with a young scholar surnamed Hu, only to hear Hu Sheng sincerely say, "Senior Lu, put the talisman in your hand."

Lu Zhaoan rejected: "I am a few years older than you, and I should take care of the younger generation. You can take this talisman."

Hu Sheng seemed to admire Lu Zhaoan very much: "Senior Lu has smashed the younger generation. It is only right that the talisman is placed in the hands of Senior Lu. In case of unfortunate accident, Wansheng and Senior Lu will advance and retreat together."

Lu Zhaoan didn't say a word, and it seemed that he reluctantly accepted the talisman.

With the talisman, everyone felt a lot at ease, and said, "Thank you two ladies."

Du Tinglan warmly said no thanks, and groped back to Teng Yuyi's side to help paste the remaining talismans.

After pasting the lattice windows on both sides of the things, Teng Yuyi listened intently. There were no strange noises outside. She breathed a sigh of relief. Although this talisman could not be used as a warning, it was also used to intimidate. Lin Chengyou and the others should hurry back. , will be saved.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Everyone was startled, and Commander Chang asked, "Who?"

Gu Xian said: "Commander Chang, it's me, open the door quickly."

The guard was stunned for a moment, and hurried over to open the door: "Young Master Gu, please wait a moment."

Teng Yuyi remembered that Mrs. Ge Jin had an accident because she opened the door without authorization. She was busy trying to stop her. Chang Tong took a step ahead of her and said, "Young Master Gu, where did you go just now?"

"The house is pitch-dark, and it's easy to fall down when escaping. I'm worried about someone missing. After you entered, I took Liu Mao and Liu Quan to look around the neighborhood."

Commander Chang stood still: "Young Master Gu is as careful as hair, so... Are Liu Mao and Liu Quan back?"

Someone immediately replied, "Commander Chang, Liu Mao and Liu Quan are here."

Commander Chang snorted: "Your name is Li Mao, why do you call yourself Liu Mao?"

The man smiled bitterly: "Commander Chang, the villain's surname is Liu Mingmao, when did he become Li Mao? The villain remembers that Commander Chang only drank a pot of wine last night, why is he drunk until now."

Commander Chang relaxed: "It's them right, open the door."

Teng Yuyi still didn't dare to slack off, but the Xiaoya sword in his hand never got hot. It could be seen that the three people outside were not evil, so they stopped blocking her.

The guard opened the door, and it was Gu Xian and others outside.

Gu Xian held the night pearl in one hand, and stepped into the flower hall while lifting his robe. The two guards behind him named Liu Mao and Liu Quan also followed closely with knives.

As soon as the three came in, the guards quickly closed the door.

Azhi said, "Brother Xian, I was worried about you just now."

Gu Xian did not answer.

Teng Yuyi's whole body was agitated, and he raised his head to meet Gu Xian's line of sight. The night pearl in his hand was flameless and bright, which illuminated his expression clearly. He looked at Teng Yuyi, his eyes were cold and strange, and the first two guards were also like wood. Like a stake, a smile solidified on his face.

Teng Yuyi ran away, and the guards at the door all pulled out their knives.

Commander Chang lifted his breath and jumped backwards: "Everyone, run! There is an ear room on the east side of the hall. Hide in first and then talk about it."

Everyone shouted and ran to the east, Teng Yuyi's mind was in a mess, the old man Xiaoya actually cheated on her, these three people had obviously become evil puppets, why didn't she warn her just now!

She ran for a while, then stopped abruptly, tore off a bunch of talismans on the windows by the light of the night pearl, and stuffed them into Du Tinglan's hands.

Only then did Du Tinglan come to his senses, running and shouting, "Everyone! If we don't open the door, they may not be able to get in at all, which shows that they are afraid of the talisman on the doors and windows. Everyone holds the talisman in their hands, don't throw it away."

Everyone screamed in response, and hula-la rushed to the east ear room. Gu Xian and the three smiled on the spot, as if they were sure that everyone could not escape.

In the chaos, someone suddenly knocked on the door outside, and the knock was urgent and heavy, as if he couldn't wait to come in.

Liu Maomu went to open the door in a daze. As soon as the door opened, a cold wind rushed in. In the dim night, a slender figure was cast on the steps.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around in their busy schedules, their teeth chattering with fright.

"'s the little lady in the waterside."

"What lady, is it a ghost?"

During the conversation, a small number of people fled into the eastern ear room, and the rest were either running too slowly, or were too scared to come over.

Teng Yuyi and Du Tinglan hurriedly put talismans on the two doors of the ear room. Du Tinglan shouted, "This is the safest place! Come on!"

Chang Rong sent Azhi to the ear room, and then took the guards back to pick up the rest of the people, but Gu Xian and the others suddenly started chasing after everyone, and the people in the room started to flee aimlessly again.

The guards had nowhere to retreat, so they had to bite the bullet and face the enemy. The swords didn't know what they had hit, as if they were hitting a log, and then they screamed and screamed.

Azhi said with trepidation: "Uncle Chang, you are not her opponents. My brother should be here soon. Come in too, it's good to avoid this moment."

Commander Chang shouted: "According to the command of the county master, go to the ear room and talk about it!" While guiding his subordinates to escape, he took the unable to run Duke Yu under his arm, and ran back and forth several times with his skills. The ones at the back were sent into the ear chamber one by one.

As soon as Teng Yuyi closed the door, someone said, "Wait, there are still a few less."

I heard Hu Sheng exclaimed outside: "Senior Lu, Senior Lu, you and I share a talisman, the talisman is still in your hands, you wait for me."

"Oops, I missed a few young masters." Someone in the room said in confusion.

Teng Yuyi was the closest to the door, and hurriedly opened the door again, only to see a dim light in the flower hall, which was emitted by the night pearl in Gu Xian's hand.

With this light, she saw two people who looked like scholars fleeing. Lu Zhaoan rushed at the front, embarrassed and screaming, followed by Hu Sheng, who seemed to be trying to suckle, and followed them closely. Behind them are the three Gu Xian.

Lu Zhaoan stepped into the front room, and "Gu Xian" had chased Hu Sheng's back with his back foot. Lu Zhaoan turned his head to look, and suddenly lost his spirits. He came in and closed the door with both hands, trying to lock Hu Sheng and Xie Xun together.

Hu Sheng's eyes widened: "Senior Lu!"

Lu Zhaoan gritted his teeth, and if he didn't close the door, even he would suffer. He blamed Hu Sheng for running slowly, so he closed the door without saying a word, but someone kicked him behind his **** and kicked him back at once. Flower Hall.

When Lu Zhaoan fell, he looked back in astonishment. It was dark in the ear room. He didn't know who kicked him. He only remembered a quick glance when he was running for his life. There was a little lady standing at the door, but the kick was so fast that he couldn't see clearly. Who is the opponent.

Unable to allow him to get up again, his collar tightened suddenly, someone threw him to the ground vigorously, and Hu Sheng on the other end was also caught by "Liu Mao".

Hu Sheng let out a whimper, and he was almost one step away from running in, but he was blocked by Young Master Lu. It seemed that he couldn't escape, and he would definitely splatter three feet of blood. Suddenly, a ball of paper was thrown from the ear room and hit "Liu Mao"'s crown at once. "Liu Mao"'s expression changed slightly, and he slowly released his hand.

Immediately afterwards, someone ran over and pushed Hu Sheng under his arm into the ear.

"Miss Teng's method is good, the evil thing seems to be very afraid of the paper **** rolled up by this talisman."

Hu Sheng couldn't help being overjoyed, and it was Commander Chang who rescued him.

As soon as Commander Chang rescued Hu Sheng, he closed the door of the room, but someone in the room said tremblingly, "Wait a minute, Young Master Lu seems to be locked out."

"Master Lu? Didn't he come earlier than Master Hu?"

"It's like running too fast and didn't stand still, and accidentally fell out again."

Commander Chang was stunned, put down Hu Sheng and said, "Then I'll go out and take a look. I have given all the talismans on my body. Does Lady Teng still have talismans?"

Teng Yuyi stroked in Du Tinglan's palm and said: No more.

Du Tinglan knew that this might not be the truth. Others didn't know what happened just now, but she saw that Lu Zhaoan was kicked out by Ayu, so how could Ayu take out the talisman for Lu Zhaoan to use.

Teng Yuyi quickly wrote in Du Tinglan's palm again: Don't go out.

Du Tinglan bit her lip, Ayu wanted to take care of herself, not to worry about Lu Zhaoan's life or death.

She cleared her throat and tried to persuade Commander Chang: "Commander Chang, that 'girl ghost' is in the flower hall, and those three people seem to have fallen victim to evil. You may not be able to save people if you go out alone at this time, and you may be injured. The prince is coming back soon, so it's better to wait a little longer."

Chang Rong was thinking about this. If even he was detained, the county master would be without a leader, but if Lu Zhaoan was not rescued, it would inevitably damage the reputation of Cheng Wangfu.

Therefore, knowing that going out will definitely damage the army and destroy the generals, because of the word "benevolence and righteousness", we cannot sit idly by.

He thought about it for a while, and put the talisman on the blade: "It's okay, the situation is not too bad tonight, anyway, Lady Teng has the talisman of Qingyunguan on her body, as long as she sticks this talisman on the blade, she is not afraid that she will not be able to escape. "

He followed Cheng Wang and his wife in his early years and encountered many thrilling and strange things. Although Chang'an City has been peaceful in recent years, the old Taoist priest and the young prince have never been idle.

Speaking of the little prince, it is like a magic star coming into the world. The little children who are full of Chang'an are not as naughty as him, but Daoist Xuzi loves his disciple Sun like a treasure, and he hopes that he can teach him what he has learned in his life.

During the day, the prince was studying calligraphy and talismans in the Taoist temple, and he was not idle after returning to the mansion. He either caught some little ghosts and demons to play with, or dug the ground for mice in the mansion. It was not enough to play alone, and he forced the servants to follow He played together, and people couldn't hide from him, and they complained all day long.

Commander Chang has seen it a lot over the years, and he knows a little bit about the mysteries. He glued the talisman to the blade of the knife, leaned over the door and listened carefully.

In the flower hall, Lu Zhaoan's mourning could be heard first, but it became quiet in an instant. It may have fallen into the hands of the monster, and it would be too late if he didn't go out to save him.

He was about to open the door when there was a strange sound of fingernails scratching outside the door.

Everyone was shocked and scared, that thing came again! Isn't the door of the ear room covered with talismans, and that thing is not afraid at all?

"Da Da Da", "Da Da Da", I don't know who's teeth chattered, fear like ice water, instantly overwhelmed everyone's heads, a few timid little ladies could not bear the torment, swaying fainted.

Chang Rong realized how bad the situation was, and said solemnly: "Don't go out to investigate. This thing is clearly tempting us to go out. Now we can only stay in the room, and we can endure every moment."

Everyone huddled next to each other: "Yes, yes, there is a talisman on the door, the female ghost should not be able to break in. Let's not move in the room, and it will be fine until the prince returns."

"Quick, whoever has the talisman, hand them over and paste them together."

The people in the room handed over the talismans in their hands, and in a short while they blocked the cracks in the door and the small windows.

The door is made of cypress, which is extremely thick and solid. However, on each of the two doors, there is a small frame blocking the gauze curtain. There was a cold wind blowing from somewhere, and the front door suddenly became gloomy and cold.

Teng Yuyi was sweating coldly on her back. It was useless. This talisman could only block the flow of "Gu Xian", but it couldn't help the corpse evil. The reason why it didn't come in was because it wanted to torture them more.

From the moment Prince Cheng's mansion fell into darkness, everyone's will was destroyed bit by bit. Look at their current situation, how like caged birds trapped together.

The corpse evil was teasing them outside the cage, and when they got tired of playing, they deliberately stopped, so that the people in the cage mistakenly thought that they had escaped, but as long as they ran out, they would find that they just escaped into a larger cage.

It is estimated that for Zombie Xie, the only accident that happened all night was Gu Xian. He carried a luminous pearl, and light means courage. Zombie Xie didn't want people to see his environment clearly, so he took the lead in controlling Gu Xian's mind.

She gritted her teeth, no wonder Xiaoya was so afraid of the corpse evil. Although this thing looks like a girl, it is more difficult to deal with than the worst evil in the world. Xiaoya just gave up the warning, I am afraid that he has already guessed the current situation.

She drew out the Xiaoya sword and wrote in Du Tinglan's hand: Let Commander Chang protect me.

Du Tinglan thought about it carefully and whispered to Commander Chang: "Amei said she has a way to deal with monsters, but Commander Chang must protect her, no matter what she does, don't stop her.

Chang Rong is full of doubts, what does this mean? After thinking about it, the Lian Fulu was taken out by this lady Teng, so she agreed with some real skills.

The movement outside the door suddenly became louder, and the girl seemed a little impatient. She scratched around with her long fingernails, then probed into the crack of the door, like a child playing hide-and-seek, and began to fiddle with the talisman paper inside.

Without hesitation, Teng Yuyi inserted the sword into the crack of the door.

The people in the room were so frightened that they hugged into a ball. After staying in the dark for a long time, their five senses became sharper than ever. When they saw Teng Yuyi's movements, they hurriedly stopped: "Miss Teng, what are you doing?"

Teng Yuyi didn't care to explain to everyone that her sword was aimed at the finger of the corpse evil, and she only wanted to let that thing escape by chance. There was movement on the veil on the right, and he hurriedly turned the tip of the sword and stabbed it hard again.

Seeing this action in the eyes of everyone, it was like deliberately destroying the talisman on the door. The people in the room couldn't hold back anymore. Although Chang Rong promised to protect Teng Yuyi, he was inevitably a little puzzled: "Miss Teng, you cut all the talismans to pieces. Now, how can you resist the evil spirits outside?”

Du Tinglan hurriedly explained: "My sister's sword is a Taoist magic weapon. It has always been used to exorcise evil spirits. She temporarily used this sword to defend against it. She probably felt that the talisman could not resist the female ghost."

The people in the room became more and more excited: "Nonsense, if there is no talisman from Qingyun Temple, we can take refuge in the room? You lied about the Taoist magic weapon with an unknown sword, but wantonly destroyed the life-saving talisman, what are you going to do? Clearly ill-conceived."

Du Tinglan was stunned for a while, wondering if it was an illusion, she vaguely felt that something was wrong with these people.

Another person said angrily: "I know, this lady Teng is sneaky, maybe her mind has been controlled by monsters. Be careful if she destroys the talisman, and tell her to stop. No, she is trying to harm people, let's control her first. ."

"Yes, maybe she has become a female ghost's puppet like Young Master Gu."

Du Tinglan's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly said loudly, "Commander Chang, don't forget that you promised to protect my sister just now."

At this time, someone leaned over and grabbed Teng Yuyi, but was stopped by Commander T Chang, and he shouted in a deep voice, "What are you doing!? Just now, Mrs. Teng has been in the room, how can there be a chance to become a puppet, why are you all guilty? It's like a demonic barrier, and you're going to attack your own people first?!"

But everyone's reaction was out of control: "Commander Chang, don't be fooled by her, she is clearly the monster's accomplice."

"That's right, we'll be killed by her sooner or later."

"Kill her, or none of us will survive!"

Although Teng Yuyi's attention was outside the door, her mind didn't stop for a moment. When she heard the people in the room, she burst into a commotion. She was shocked. related.

It seems that Zhexie is indeed a little afraid of Xiaoyajian, otherwise how could he drive everyone to target her.

At this point, I can only gamble on Commander Chang's temperament. He is the heart and soul of Cheng Wangfu. It is best for him to stabilize everyone. If even he is bewitched, then no one will want to escape.

The things outside the door were still lingering. Teng Yuyi tried to get rid of the distractions and stabbed the third sword, but at this time the back was already in a mess, and even a guard grabbed her: "What are you still doing, you must get rid of her!"

Commander Chang was startled and used the hilt to block the opponent: "Aren't you all crazy?! If Mrs. Teng really had a problem, the door to the back room would have been opened long ago, so there's no need for you to shout and kill behind her. "

Unexpectedly, the guard punched Commander Chang in the face: "Okay, it seems that something is wrong with you, you are all demons, and I won't forgive you if I stop you!"

Commander Chang was full of anger, holding a knife on the left to block the frame, and a slap on the right: "Open your dog's eyes and see who I am! I am so confused! I don't think the monsters need to spend a single soldier, enough to make us Fish and meat for themselves."

The man seemed to be stunned by the slap in the face, stunned for a moment, and finally lowered his arms, but soon someone rushed over: "Stop talking! Kill her!"

Amid the clamor, even the elderly Duke Yu said tremblingly, "Kill her, ahem, kill her."

Du Tinglan was powerless to control the situation, her legs could not help weakening, but Teng Yuyi was always as heavy as iron. She didn't know why Commander Chang was not bewitched, but it seemed that she could hold on for a while. The corpse outside the door deliberately played games with her. Patiently waiting for the best time.

The corpse evil's voice was no different from that of an ordinary girl. She muttered in her mouth, as if she was complaining about something. She slowly put her hand on the door, and then suddenly retracted it. It was estimated that she thought this game was very interesting. I tried several times, deliberately teasing Teng Yuyi.

Teng Yuyi took a step every night, pretending to stamp her feet in anger. That thing sensed Teng Yuyi's anger and seemed very proud.

In order to make her anger more realistic, Teng Yuyi deliberately couldn't stab the corpse evil, while recalling in her mind how she was plotted against by Lin Chengyou, the thought of her throat being rendered speechless by this man made her heart swell. come up.

The corpse evil tried repeatedly for a few times, and finally got enough patience. He unexpectedly cut through the veil on the fan grid, and was about to grab Teng Yuyi's chest in the room. Unexpectedly, this time, Teng Yuyi shot with unprecedented speed and stabbed out with a sword. The tip of the blade was pointed directly at the back of the thing's hand.

"go to hell."

The corpse evil dodged just in time, but she was still cut with a wound. Under the pain, she babbled, and a gust of wind blew outside the door, returning to the silence, together with the lingering heart palpitating in the room for a long time. The gloomy feeling also disappeared.

Teng Yuyi gasped loudly. That thing was extremely powerful. It wouldn't damage its mana after being stabbed. The reason why it escaped was because it was the first time he encountered a magic weapon like Xiaoyajian. Come here, but after a long delay, I just hope that Lin Chengyou can come back at this moment.

But before she could relax, someone else grabbed her from behind: "Commander Chang, didn't you see that she broke the door of the room. She is an accomplice of the monster, kill her soon."

Although the corpse evil escaped, the people in the room became more and more excited. Commander Chang and Du Tinglan got one to ten, and they were gradually tired of dealing with it.

Du Tinglan shouted in a hurry: "Didn't you hear? The monster wanted to come in just now, but my sister blocked it!"

Commander Chang shouted: "One by one is crazy, put down the knife, don't force me to teach you a lesson!"

The guard slashed at Commander Chang again with a knife: "I understand, you are also a puppet of a monster! Okay, kill you first, then kill her!"

The others also rubbed their sleeves and fists, trying to work together to deal with the three people blocking the door.

"Stop!" Someone suddenly shouted, "Are you crazy enough?"

As soon as this person made a sound, the room was stunned. The voice was clear and innocent, and it was clearly the Lord of Azhi.

Azhi struggled to separate the crowd and walked to Teng Yuyi's side, Jiao said: "I heard it very clearly, that female ghost has been harassing outside, and it was Mrs. Teng who blocked it. If she is really an accomplice of the female ghost, why should she resist and let it go directly? It doesn't come in and it's done."

Everyone was silent for only a moment, and then shouted again: "County Lord, you are confused—"

"I'm sober, it's you who are confused!" Jingdejun advocated putting her arms behind Teng Yuyi. She was still young, undersized, and round. quite limited.

"I see who dares to act rashly. With me here, no one wants to move Madam Teng!"

After all, they are the young masters of the mansion. Even if the guards are confused, they still have an instinctive love towards the master of Azhi. Although the weapons in their hands have not been put down, they have not rushed up.

Princess Azhi breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and whispered to Teng Yuyi: "Miss Teng, do you know Taoism? What method did you use to drive away the evil spirits?"

After asking, she realized that Teng Yuyi couldn't speak, she couldn't help but secretly anxious, suddenly felt a soft hand grab her, and wrote in her palm: Don't be afraid, Azhi.

Azhi was stunned for a while. She and Mrs. Teng had only met twice. How could Mrs. Teng know that her nickname was Azhi? She called her so smoothly. Could it be that she heard her brother call her like that in the waterside pavilion today.

Bewildered, she did not forget to reply: "Don't be afraid of Mrs. Teng! Don't worry about dealing with female ghosts, I will take care of them!"

Teng Yuyi's heartstrings were tense at first, but when she heard this, her heart was suddenly touched. Sometimes, the relationship between people was really unclear. In the past life, Azhi and her met at first sight, and this life seems to be strangely involved again. She wrote another sentence in Azhi's palm: Azhi, don't be afraid.

As he spoke, he listened intently to what was going on outside. As soon as Azhi stood up, the room finally became quiet a little, but after a while, a cloudy wind suddenly blew outside the door.

Teng Yuyi clenched her Xiaoya sword tightly, and thought about the countermeasures. She had already thought of all the ways to delay, but she hated Lin Chengyou for not showing up. Zhexie seemed to be fully prepared this time, and she no longer used her fingernails to pull the yarn. Man, Teng Yu didn't expect the corpse evil to attack them again, and for a while, cold sweat broke out.

Suddenly, a white light flashed in her mind, and she glanced at Azhi beside her. She had long felt strange. The people in the room were bewitched by the corpse evil. No matter how old or young, they all lost their minds. Among her people, there are even people like Yu Gong and Zheng Shuangyin who have read poetry and books, but Azhi County Master and Chang Commander have always retained their own sanity.

Could it be that the two of them also have some Taoist magic tools hidden on their bodies, which can resist the bewitching of corpse evil, which is probably not an ordinary device.

She thought about it, and quickly wrote a sentence in Azhi's hand.

Azhi hurriedly asked Commander Chang, "Uncle Chang, did brother give you any self-defense items?"

Chang Rong was stunned for a while, touched his neck for a while, and quickly took off a small embroidery bag: "A talisman drawn by Shizi when he was a child, he put it in the embroidery bag and gave it to the villain, and asked the villain to wear it every day. , said it can resist evil. The villain is used to wearing it over the years, so he never took it off."

It turns out that Azhi is Lin Chengyou's younger sister, and she must also be wearing such an amulet. Teng Yuyi wrote: Quietly tell Commander Chang, when I take action later, ask Commander Chang to throw this thing out.

She knew that with the evil nature of the corpse, she would definitely not ask Xiaoyajian to plot the second round, and whether it could be delayed for a while would depend on whether this thing was effective or not.

Azhi tiptoed and explained a few words in Commander Chang's ear.

Commander Chang responded.

Teng Yuyi nodded, and deliberately slashed the veil on the door one by one with his sword. As a result, the light of the night pearl in the flower hall flowed in through the holes on both sides.

The corpse evil was humming and chirping outside the door. Unlike the last time, she seemed to be impatient this time. Seeing Teng Yuyi's shot, she put her hands on the door frame, creaked softly, and slowly pinched the door into powder.

Teng Yuyi bit her lip, Commander Chang lost his amulet, and I'm afraid it won't last long, but it's better than being buried under this monster right away.

She deliberately sold a flaw, the tip of the sword flicked, and stabbed straight into Zhe Xie's right claw. Zhe Xie seemed to have expected this, and her right claw suddenly shrank back. Teng Yuyi.

Teng Yuyi took a risk and kicked Commander Chang lightly with his right foot. As expected, Chang Rong threw the embroidered bag out as he said.

Commander Chang used his inner strength, the embroidered bag went away like a spark, and he hit the corpse evil's face accurately. He only heard a pop, and the corpse evil's flesh burst out with a foul stench, and the corpse evil seemed to be unbearable. Pain, quickly back away.

Teng Yuyi, Chang Rong and the others were all relieved, it seemed to be of great use, they resisted it for a while, hoping that Lin Chengyou would come back as soon as possible.

The corpse evil made a girl's cry while running, as if suffering endless grievances.

One after another, it touches people's hearts.

Cries floated in, and the guards' eyes went straight: "Go away, let's kill her!"

Azhi shouted: "If you dare to be presumptuous again, I will ask my brother to punish you severely."

The guard said: "County Lord, it seems that you are also bewitched by monsters, so don't blame the villain for offending."

When he was about to speak, he was about to start, and Commander Chang turned pale with fright. He raised his palm to split the guard, and the rear window slammed open, and someone flew in.

The man held a glazed lantern, kicked the guard in the heart, and said sternly: "I was fooled by the monster, and I don't even recognize my master?!"

The guard was kicked fiercely, and fell backward in embarrassment. The hula-la overwhelmed a large area. Everyone raised their heads in panic. Instantly illuminate every corner of the room.

Azhi's eyes lit up, and she said in ecstasy, "Brother."

The guards shook their heads, and their eyes suddenly became clear: "Prince."

Teng Yuyi breathed a sigh of relief, this guy finally came.

Lin Chengyou's face was frosty, his eyes were cold, and he quickly dragged Azhi to him, as if to make sure his sister was safe.

Juesheng and Qizhi jumped in immediately: "Daoist priests, it's here, please hurry up."

The two of them fell to the ground one after the other, not to be wary of there being so many people in the room, so they stood firm: "Senior brother!"

Lin Chengyou threw the glazed lantern to Juesheng, and kicked the door of the wing with his foot up: "Pour some talisman soup into this group of stupid things, so that I don't even know my grandfather."

Juesheng and Qizhi took out the talisman and quickly split up: "Senior brother, the five Taoist priests of Dongmingguan were just behind us and disappeared in a blink of an eye."

"Nonsense, people are going through the main entrance."

As soon as these words were finished, the sound of footsteps came from the flower hall, and some people exaggerated and exclaimed: "Oh, it's incredible, the young master in golden clothes is playing around with us. It turns out that the corpse evil has come straight to the palace."

Lin Chengyou's face was frosty, and he shook off the lock soul in his hand.

Azhi was full of fear, and hurriedly grabbed Lin Chengyou: "Brother, that thing is in the flower hall. It has to break into the ear room several times and hurt people. Thanks to Sister Teng's use of a weapon to defend against it, it didn't succeed."

Lin Chengyou glanced at Teng Yuyi, and saw that she was holding the Xiaoya sword tightly with a white face, and then looked at the two doors that had been kicked, and scratches appeared on the top.

"It thinks that it hasn't been in the ground long enough, and it can't wait to be kicked back to the mound. Don't worry, how did it scare you just now, I'll scare it back even more."

He didn't worry about leaving Azhi under the care of others, so he carried Azhi on his back and flew out.