MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 455

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The headquarters of the Southern Province and the provincial government buildings have been in ruins. Today's headquarters is located in the evacuated team from the Windy City, stationed on the outskirts of the city. The point is about ten kilometers.

There are more than a dozen teams in Wuyang City today, one is the Wuyang Corps, the original garrison of Wuyang City, and currently Wuyang City is still under the control of the Wuyang Corps. All belong to Wuyang Corps. Confronting the Wuyang Corps across the main traffic road into the city are the various legion teams that were ordered to come, known as the United Army. They almost encircled Wuyang City, and the water and land routes were blocked. Called the sheep intestine trail is not left. The other is the army stationed in the south of the city. The wall made of thorny vines and steel nets for them to climb firmly blocks the Wind City Legion from people's sight, looking up from a distance. Only those vines can be seen.

Insects flying more than 300 meters away from the wall will be knocked down. In a very inconspicuous place in the vine wall, there are also sentry sentries lurking.

Relying on distinguishing energy waves and various sounds, as well as the various flavors and particles brought by the air with the wind, the outer defense circle of the Wuyang Legion has almost nothing to escape in her eyes shape.

Feng Qingran tried to search the circle according to the way they set traps before, and sure enough, she found traps and detectors among the vines outside the fence. Those instruments were things she had never seen before, some knew them, and some didn't know what they were doing. You didn't even need to think about them. They were either attacks or warnings. The things used have become more sophisticated and advanced, but the methods are still those of the past.

In fact, it is not only their external defense means, but even the Southern Province, the fifteen cities of the Southern Province today, and the fifteen major legions of the Southern Province, traced back to the source, all can find the head of the hunting team of the year superior. The Wuyang Corps was developed by the armed police battalion brought out by Wu Nan and Xiangyang and moved to Wuyang City. Even the name "Wuyang" is based on the word for "armed police battalion" and the word for "yang" in the name of Xiangyang. combined. The flying corps led by the Xia family was born out of the hunting team led by Xia Yuting and the Flying Wings Camp of Bo Lin, and the city where they were stationed was named "Linxia City".

Feng Qingran covered the periphery of the black fog with the gray fog ability, hid himself in the protection of the ability, and crossed the wall at the fastest speed.

She wants to hide, that is, stepping on the water will not cause a ripple and a wave, and jumping in the air will not bring a trace of airflow. These are all evolved from the stone-clothed plants of the gray fog power system. The gray fog ability is a very rare ability. So far, Feng Qingran only knows that there are two places, one is in the Stone Cloth Xenophyte Mountains where the gray fog ability was first discovered, and the other is in the mountains. In Hai Province, there are only a handful of alien plants or alien beasts with the gray fog ability. It is estimated that there are no monitoring and defense methods for the gray fog power system.

When they were in the wind department, they used to cover the inside of the wall with traps and arranged to have secret guards squatting to prevent anyone from breaking through the outer wall and coming in. She couldn't see what was going on through the wall, but the dark whistle was found, and it is estimated that this method is still used to this day.

She avoids dark whistles and traps and hides in a shadow under the light.

The Windy City Corps station is not brightly lit, but it is not lacking in lighting. There are searchlights sweeping back and forth from high places, focusing on some shadows covered by tents and supplies. The tent and the tarpaulin covering the supplies are dark green, and the color is darker. Feng Qingran covered his body with the gray fog ability, and then stood against the tent and the supplies, and stood on the backlit side, even if a searchlight swept over it, The officers on duty could not see anything unusual from a distance.

Her expression hidden in the darkness was very bad, full of anger.

They were murdered, it can be said to be out of a power struggle, or it can be said that others are afraid of their strong strength out of anxiety and the threat of cutting them off in advance, these are human nature, they cannot be beaten in vain , it is impossible to let Aunt Qing and the others die in vain, they will naturally settle accounts with them, but to put it bluntly, it is a matter of some people at the top fighting back and forth. But she climbed over the wall of the Wind City Legion, and what she saw was a recharged army that was almost without any damage. The neatly undamaged tents could not be seen from the beginning to the end, supplies, chariots and The transport plane was barely visible, and there were so many that she was so angry that she had nothing but swear words to say.

The Windy City was destroyed, and the evacuated people were still on the way. They were even killed by a scheming bird with only SSS-level power, and a nuclear mutant bird gave them nearly one million casualties. It can be said that the City Legion has preserved most or even all of its power. Haishen, for disaster relief, the top fighting force was killed out of ten, and the most elite troops were killed in half a month. What they encountered was being hit by meteorites, earthquakes and tsunamis along with all kinds of dangerous alien plants. The rounds of alien beasts and a large number of insect plagues, even if the high-level commander occasionally has something inappropriate, but one by one, they are all devoted to disaster relief and disaster relief. Shen Yu drove a plane alone to find Mo Qingqing and them in the primeval forest.

In the southern province, high-level officials are seizing power, and the Wind City Legion abandoned the city and the people, and gave up its own city and people to **** the territory of the Wuyang Legion.

In the last disaster, the government troops, as far as she saw, were protecting the people and fighting to the end. In the end, they climbed out of the pile of corpses. Almost all the top troops fought. The dead, the surviving, the highest-ranking battalion commander who crawled out of the corpse. They ran out of bullets and ended up fighting with the bones and horns and scales of the beasts. Luo Yixin, who had picked things up and calculated Mo Qingqing, took her people and killed her in the end. She still remembers Luo Yixin standing on the corpse of the beast with his sword covered in blood after the beast swarm, dazed. And sadly looked around to find the figure of his teammate's body. She still remembers that the people in the armed police battalion were still fighting with their arms and legs missing. She still remembered that they were desperately digging through the corpses to find the survivors regardless of their injuries.

At that time, they were wandering between life and death every day. People were sent to death after being padded. Even if they were attacked by the snow beasts or threatened by the dragon city, the first to evacuate, the first to evacuate to Ziquan, must be the old and weak women and children in the team who need protection the most.

She did not expect that when she came back, the Kazubu team she saw would become such a team.

Perhaps the wind department of that year has long disappeared in the long river of history with time, and now this team is not the people of the year, and it is no longer the team of the year.

Feng Qingran was full of grief and grief, she raised her eyes to look at this army, she just wanted to ask, what is the use of an army that abandons its land and its people? What's the use of keeping it? An army can't keep its own land and its own people, because sometimes even if it's desperate to do something, it can at least bleed all its efforts for it, and it's worthy of the army under its feet. Land, worthy of paying taxes to support their people.

Feng Qingran attacked the nearest tent, searched for communication equipment, and asked Mo Qingqing to borrow a social account. After logging in, she started live broadcasting and video recording. She stood at the height of the Fengcheng army, the camera Facing her and the military camp behind her. Feng Qingran stared at the camera and asked: "People from the Wind City Legion, you answer me, when disaster strikes, when the people need your protection, where are you? The land in Wind City was plundered by alien plants and alien beasts. Where were you at the time? You evacuated earlier than everyone else, you gave up your territory, abandoned your own people, fled to Wuyang City, and launched a war against other legions. Outside is King Yizhi You are looting with the alien beast king, but you are killing each other with guns and guns. You answer me, how did a alien bird that was chased and escaped in a hurry cause so heavy casualties to you? Protect the people Where is the team? Where is the team that resists all kinds of alien plants, animals, birds and zerg?"

"In the southern province I know, there is no soldier who withdraws before ordinary people, and no soldier who abandons the people. , they have not abandoned their responsibilities, nor the people they want to protect... When giant alien beasts attack, they have no abilities, no weapons, no bullets, even if they hide under the ruins, they still use their bodies to block In front of the children, stand in the most dangerous place near the entrance of the cave. Even if any wild beast can tear them apart, they still stand there to protect the people behind them."

"But what about you? People from the Windy City Legion, tell me, what are you doing? Tell me, what happened to Windy City?"

A searchlight shone on Feng Qingran.

Fighters and helicopters flew into the air and surrounded the wind.

Robe, facing the people who once protected you, protected your ancestors, and fought side by side with your ancestors. The blue-scaled beast family of three has saved countless people, they have passed through countless dangers and desperate situations, but they are used by you in a strange way. Use your bullets to kill in Windy City." She pointed outside, "The fleeing team from Windy City is still on the way, and the alien plant king and alien beast king are chasing them, have you managed, have you protected them? The Windy City is gone, the people have suffered heavy casualties, and you all evacuated here intact..." Her eyes were stagnant, and her expression was extremely stern, angry, and disappointed.


However, a faint gray fog filled the surroundings of Feng Qingran, forming a circle with a diameter of about five or six meters.

The flying bullets entering the gray fog ability are like entering the mud pool, falling diagonally, and falling one meter into the circle.

The slender armor-piercing bomb with red ability crashed into the surroundings of Feng Qingran, almost at the same time, hundreds of bullets hit and fell to the ground at the same time.

Armor-piercing blasting bombs are the first bullets used by Wu Nan. The ability is injected into the red gold bullet, and the red gold bullet penetrates the armor and enters the body of the alien beast, and the ability explodes. Now this bullet can be equipped on firearms, and it can be activated without abilities, but it is used to snipe her.

The extreme anger and disappointment passed, but in the face of this round of sniping, Feng Qingran calmed down.

She slowly raised her hand, and the bullets on the ground flew up and landed on her hand.

She held the bullet, raised her head to look at the fighter jets in the sky, and looked at the snipers standing in high positions in the distance, she looked at the camera again and said: "Qianqian, I I thought that all of this was due to the competition for the position of commander-in-chief. People are selfish and will do some disgraceful things for their own interests. Before that, I thought it was just a matter of time." She slowly Spreading out her hand, the bullet fell from her palm, she said, "Runsheng led someone to kill the Snake King and didn't come back, she is worthy of all of you, and you, Lin Qianyun, and everyone in the Wuyang Legion, including Nanfang Province, are at the moment. You are all sorry for her, but what you can't afford is the land under your feet and the people who support you."

She said slowly: "The Windy City is gone, and the Kaaba has long since disappeared in the long river of history, but the alien plants and the alien beasts are still there, I am here, and the four giants of the Wind Department are all there, We are all back. Aunt Qing's family of three is still there. They are watching you who killed it on the Daxue Mountain, how they are going to be destroyed, waiting for us to give them justice. Because they can't get the protection they deserve, because they are The people who abandoned them and died in this disaster are also waiting, waiting for those who abandoned them to give them an explanation. I, Feng Qingran, officially announce to you—you are not worthy of living!”

Alloy shrapnel shot in all directions.

Feng Qingran was pushed out by the shock wave, the flame was a moment later than the shock wave, and when the volume came over, Feng Qingran had already "flyed" out. She raised her leg and kicked an armored vehicle hard, and the heavy armored vehicle flew out and smashed into the fence and fell outside the fence. All kinds of sensing equipment installed on the wall hit the armored vehicle, and the air fighter bullets and various bullets mounted at high places chased Feng Qingran and covered the wall. However, Feng Qingran did not move in front of the wall. Go, but go in the opposite direction to the Wind City Legion, and at the same time the black mist ability is released from her.

The black fog ability, which is as thick as ink, rushed along the ground like a tide in all directions and then flew into the air. A strong wave of power was released from her body, and the gray fog ability was in A circle of power protection with a diameter of tens of meters was formed around her. She ran and leaped quickly in the camp of the Wind City Legion. The fighter in the air was caught by the gray fog ability and fell straight to the ground. When she fell, the fuel tank exploded, forming a huge high-temperature flame.

There are people with abilities dispatched, all kinds of weapons chasing Feng Qingran frantically, but they can't even get close to her. On the contrary, with her rapid movement, the black fog ability appeared everywhere in the military camp, but the black fog ability did not spread.

The induction device set on the black barrel in the shape of the trash can lights up, followed by the sound of the engine running, like a high-power oil extraction smoke that will change the surrounding black mist Can absorb the past. There seems to be some substance in the machine that has a great attraction to the black fog ability, and the black fog ability within 100 meters around a "trash can" is heading towards it. Those materials and people that are covered with black mist abilities are constantly being melted, and the black mist abilities formed by them are also absorbed, until the black mist abilities become less and less and gradually disappear.

The unmanned fighter jet with a diameter of less than thirty centimeters flew out. The black fighter jet seemed to be cast from the metal extracted from the black power ore. It absorbed the black mist power in the air while absorbing the power of black mist. , also chasing the black mist different energy, and launched a violent attack on the black mist different energy. Hundreds of unmanned fighter jets were dispatched together, encircling and suppressing Feng Qing Ran from various positions.

Feng Qingran is very clear that there is no Black Mist Ability Mine in the Southern Province, and even the place where the Black Mist Ability Monster ancestor slept was only a Red Ability Crystal Mine. As far as she knows, the only place with this mine source is Zhenze Province, and because of Chen Yingxi's relationship, they have sufficient experimental conditions. This weapon specifically for the Black Mist ability is provided by Zhenze Province.

Feng Qingran thought that if she didn't have the gray fog ability, her black fog ability would be almost useless under the target of this weapon, and she would have been beaten into a sieve long ago .

Suddenly, a different wave of supernatural power came from outside the fence. It was slightly stronger. Although it couldn’t compare to them, it was definitely the strongest wave in today’s technologically civilized society. Yes, and she is very familiar - Lin Runsheng is back, just outside, is approaching fast, moving very fast, seems to be in a hurry.