MTL - Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy-Chapter 16 Yangye

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Han Sixian, the chairman of Weihan Group, is now 32 years old. At the age of 20, he took over Weihan formally. He worked rigorously and thoughtfully. He married six years ago and had a daughter two years later.

The last point in the data made Fu Zhengzheng most curious: Why was the personality so different from the same parent?

It is said that Han Siqi was brought into the company by Han Sixian, and she felt that Han Sixian's three views should also be influenced by Han Sixian!

As she thought about it, she reconfirmed whether the information on the table was placed securely, feeling a little tide on the table, and quickly opened the window to let out the air. She didn't want to get Han Dong's fired pigtails.

The mobile phone on the table rang, and she hurried over to find a kindergarten phone. The teacher said that Fu Xing pushed a child to a wrestling. Now the parents came over and asked her to hurry over. She put down the phone and greeted secretary Xu Yan, Han Siqi, and flew to kindergarten.

I do n’t know when it will become gloomy. A few strong winds caused Fuzheng ’s hair to be messy. She did n’t have time to clean her hair and rushed to the kindergarten office.

In addition to the principal and teacher Li Xiaomeng in the office, there is also a man and a woman. The director just introduced her to the man and the woman, and the two women scolded him for a while.

The principal hurriedly pulled Fu Zhengzheng aside to explain the whole story.

Previously, the kids in the lamb class went to play the slide together. Because Fu Xing, who was standing behind Hao Hao, was fun for a while, he pushed a handful of Hao Hao from behind, so he rolled off the slide. Fortunately, it was just a little bruised. If there is a fracture or something, that's really troublesome.

"Fu Xing just refused to admit it. In fact, many children saw him push, and Mr. Li was also present." The sighing director pointed at Li Xiaomeng, who was standing aside.

There seemed to be a little sympathy in Li Xiaomeng's eyes, but he nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry Dahao Hao. If it was Fu Xing's responsibility, I would definitely be responsible to the end." Fu Zhengzhen quickly apologized.

Haohao ’s father, Chen Lianghua, smiled and was about to speak. Haohao ’s mother, Lin Hong, glanced sneerly and sneered: "It ’s okay to be responsible, medical expenses, nutrition expenses, frightening expenses, nursing expenses, nursing. Expenses, lost-time costs, count the same! "

"Sister, there is a scar guarantee fee, I got it. Seeing her poor sourness, let her take 50,000 yuan." Lin Hong sister Lin Jiao added.

"Five thousand? Grab money!" Fu Zhengzheng stared at the woman who opened her mouth.

"Mom Haohao, it's more than 50,000 yuan. Haohao's face just scratched a little." The principal and Li Xiaomeng quickly helped to speak.

Chen Lianghua also quickly rushed to pull Lin Hong and persuaded: "Wife, Hao Hao is a bit of abrasion. Where is it for 50,000 yuan? Besides, Fu Xing is not intentional, and his mother has apologized. "

The scene of Lin Hong's eyes staring at Fu Zhenzhen with Chen Lianghua's eyes full of heart. He so persuaded that she was even more angry, and flung him aside and said, "Hey! Shameless things, see I wo n’t be so stupid when I get fox spirits, right? I tell you, I usually do n’t even want my son to let my hair fall, and now it ’s broken like this, without losing money. clear."

"Don't go!" Fu Zhengzhen quickly blocked Lin Hong before going out.

"Wife, don't overdo it, then we will just ignore it." Chen Liangxin still smiled and persuaded.

Lin Jiao, who had never spoken, suddenly sneered: "Brother-in-law, you still can't change your temper when you see a beautiful woman."

"Let me ignite the wind less often! Get me aside!" Chen Lianghua reprimanded.

"Dare you scold my sister, you're tired of it!" Lin Hongchong Chen Lianghua yelled, swayed a move, and slammed his palms at Fu Zhengzheng.