MTL - Bourne: Command and Conquer-Chapter 828 , a virtuous person

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Chapter 828: A virtuous person

"stop fighting…"

"stop fighting…"

 The captured prisoners howled desperately.

 Before he even understood the situation, he was beaten violently when he came up. I was immediately stunned.

 Hand-drawn. A bit shabby. The place names above don’t seem familiar either. Don't know where it is.

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 The young man suddenly seemed very excited. very happy.

 The murderer is a first-class criminal master. Work very carefully. No valuable clues were left at the scene.

 “I said, I said, I said!”

It is said that around the time of the Songhu Anti-Japanese War in 128, dozens of wealthy households in the Songhu area were robbed.


 “Who are you?”

 “It will be replaced if it’s genuine.”

“You call Lu Hualiang Lu Dutong?”

 Finally, the prisoner screamed repeatedly.

 The point is that the 152nd Division who kidnapped Wang turned out to be a subordinate of Lu Hualiang.

Hoping for good news…


 You say nothing else is of any use. Others only want money. No matter what you say, your talk is all false.


 “Keep fighting!”

Soon, Wu Songling and Wu Pinfeng came to Zhang Yong. Covered in sweat.

“I am Zhang Yong from the Fuxing Society Secret Service…”

 “Do you know Lu Hualiang?”

 Since we are acquaintances. That's easy to handle. Wait a moment.

 Zhang Yong reached out and took it. Discovery is a map.

 “Who’s the boss?”


“I’ve seen him outside. His name is Yingzuo Zhenzhao. He is a senior official in the concession patrol room.”

 Who did it?

 However, after Wu Songling’s survey, the conclusion was the same.

 “Wish for what?”

 “Team leader, someone is dead.”

Wu Pinfeng was already lying on the ground, looking for traces inch by inch. Unfortunately, nothing was found.

Lao Gou pointed to a lonely house in the distance.

"I do not know!"

right. Rich House Robbery…

 Zhang Yong sent Wu Songling away.

 It turned out to be two of them. No wonder there are two yellow dots. Unexpectedly, the police station actually sent them here.

  Not a yellow dot.

 Being able to leave no traces shows that the other party is definitely not an ordinary person.

"very professional."

Is your surname Wang?

 “Call the police station. Write again.”

  No weapon symbol. It means there are no weapons.

Hands on Lu Hualiang’s money.

Wu Songling began to survey the scene.

On the way, Zhang Yong asked casually. I learned that the prisoner was called Lao Gou. The surname is Gou. People in the world of martial arts call him the dog-headed strategist. It is specifically for giving advice to others. It seems that there is a special seat among the three religions and nine streams. Those who worshiped were Zhuge Liang, Liu Bowen and others. But what was done behind the scenes was all deception and abduction.

 Have weapons symbols. But there was no one.

"no no!"

  The young man in the peaked cap obviously has little experience.

 Zhang Yong frowned.


The other party held him tightly. Even if he is good at deception and deception, at this moment, he has no room to move or jump.

 “I don’t know. Really. I’m trying to figure it out too.”

 “I don’t know. But Kage Sasaki asked me to say so.”

“Then you can explain the case on Xiushui Street.”


 “Are you really Zhang Yong?”


 The walls are very low. Easy to climb over. Then go inside and scout.

This Lu Hualiang seems to have been a warlord?

 Zhang Yong walked around the house twice. No clues were found. No trace.

"No, no, I said, I said. Yingzuo Zhenzhao brought me out because he wanted me to frame Lu Hualiang. He said that Lu Hualiang was planning a big operation recently."

 So, it is not surprising that there are weapons symbols.

 “Team Leader Zhang.”

 “Hand over the money honestly. Otherwise…”

 Lao Gou hurriedly agreed.

 There is a wall outside. But not high. It looks like two meters at most. Ordinary people cannot climb over it. But for those who have been trained, there is no difficulty.

"It's you?"

 “Who is it? Do you know him?”


"Sir, have mercy! Sir, have mercy! I covet Lu Hualiang's money. But, I haven't had time to do it yet!"

"Yes! He used to be the governor. I used to be his adjutant. Later he announced his resignation, and I left him."

 “My surname is Ding!”

“What did Yingzuo Zhenzhao bring you out to do?”

“Inspector Wu, take a look first.”

 Zhang Yong was about to lead the team to leave. Suddenly, two yellow dots appeared on the edge of the map.

 Suddenly, Zhang Yong had a thought.

 At this moment, it doesn’t matter if your surname is Shi, let alone Ding.

 Zhang Yong greeted the other party.

Lu Hualiang actually lives in Taiping South Street. A bit unexpected.

 People died.

However, no clue is a clue.

“Tell me, is your surname Ding…”

I remembered. Li Boqi once mentioned it.

 Don’t want to admit it? Then keep fighting!

 Obviously, this white spot is tracking itself.

 “Inspector Wu.”

 “Are you sure it’s him?”

 homicide? That must not be recognized!

 “Wish Lu Zhong.”

“Yingzuo Zhenzhao asked you to frame Lu Hualiang. You agreed. Don’t you want to get some benefits?”

General investigation ideas are useless. He didn't bother to follow up. Let’s keep digging for money. This is his strength.

 There are several white dots around the yellow dot. But they are a bit far apart from each other. Judge whether they are running forward. It happened to be heading towards Taiping South Street.

 The prisoner suddenly became anxious.

Tian Qi made a conclusion after a brief investigation.


“Tell me. Were you responsible for the murder on Xiushui Street?”

“I don’t know. I only know one person named Zhu. If I need anything, I will always go to that person named Zhu.”

 “Who wants to do harm to him?”

 Dutong was a position in the Qing Dynasty. It disappeared after the fall of the Qing Dynasty.

 “I don’t know them. But one of them is Japanese.”

 We were all fine, but suddenly a group of people rushed up from beside us. catch. take away. Then hit.


"This is what Lu Dutong left for me, and I will hand it over to you."

 If he admits that he is a murderer. That would definitely kill you. He is not an idiot, of course he knows how to make choices.

 Well, judging from the other party's appearance, he really doesn't look like an enemy.

  mixed with the whirring sound of whips waving.

"Silk Street…"

 Definitely asking for money.

 Whenever he becomes impatient, he will be served with a whip. Definitely his Lao Gou's nemesis.

“These are some gifts left by Lu Dutong to future generations.”

 “Has anyone come to see him before?”


Zhang Yong then stopped and prepared to see what happened.

 He carefully unfolded the picture. Make sure there is no damage. Then he sent it to Zhang Yong.

 Since the police station has no clues, there is no need to bother.

 “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

 It doesn’t hit the vital points either. Specially whipped with a soft whip.

 One of the people wearing a silk shirt is probably Lu Hualiang.

 It seems that from the beginning to now, no spy has ever been so happy after hearing that he was Zhang Yong.

 He found a strange white spot. Always follow yourself.

Something feels wrong...

The place where Lu Hualiang lives now obviously does not match his original identity! Could it be that after being plundered, the poor people only had this little ocean left?

Of course, these are not the main point.

 The heat is almost done. You can ask questions.

 “Your Lu Dutong was unfortunately killed…”

However, this Lu Hualiang is Zhang Xun's subordinate. And Zhang Xun is the commander-in-chief of the Braid Army. Engage in restoration. He claimed to be an official in the Qing Dynasty. It feels weird.


“So, you also know that Lu Hualiang is rich. It’s definitely more than these hundreds of oceans, right?”

Then he asked unexpectedly:


 Zhang Yong gestured.

 Speaking of which, we are also old acquaintances. We had cooperated before when we were at Wusongkou Pier.

“He had known for a long time that someone would come against him. That’s why he gave me the map.”

 “Lu Hualiang? What big move?”

 Zhang Yong was confused.

 Soon, the courtyard door was opened. Zhang Yong walked in quickly. I saw a mess inside.

As long as there is no more fighting. Whatever your last name is, it's whatever you want it to be.

 “Are you looking for me?”

 “In the underground bank…”


 Zhang Yong is not good at investigating crimes or anything like that. But he is very good at digging money.


 However, Zhang Yong soon discovered something was wrong. There was no one in the house.

"you know?"

 “Bafang Bank.”

 He has completely collapsed.

 Another beating.

 Sure enough, the hidden weapon was found. Includes five shell guns and ammunition.

 Wait for the target to get closer.

 “What bank?”

"You have an encounter with Lu Hualiang. How much wealth do you think he still has?"

 There is nothing special about the appearance. It's just a small house.


 It happened to be at this juncture that Lu Hualiang was killed. No matter from any angle, it is full of fog. The clouds are treacherous.


 “Yes, yes, it’s great that you are here. You are the most suitable candidate.”

 “Over there.”

So, who will the other party be?

Hand wave calmly. Arrange for arrest. At the same time, look for opportunities to observe each other secretly.

Then what kind of thing did Lu Hualiang get involved in that warrants Yingzuo Zhenzhao's personal dispatch?

 Zhang Yong didn’t find anything unusual when he came here before. There were a few lonely weapon symbols, but I didn't care.

  Tian Qi led the people forward quietly.

 Zhang Yong watched quietly from the side.

 Search memory. You can be sure that you don’t know the other person. There was no interaction before.

 “Tens of thousands of oceans. Right?”

 “Take me to see Lu Hualiang.”

 Forget it, arrest him first and then talk about it.

  He was killed with a sharp weapon.

 “My surname is Ding!”

 “Xiu Shui Street! No. 37!”


 “He didn’t say it. But he expected it.”

 At any rate, he had been a powerful man with tens of thousands of guns under his command. Even if he was down and out, he could not only have 800 oceans.

 Withdraw the whip.

 If the money was robbed by the Japanese invaders...

"Silk Street…"

 “How to frame the case?”

So he ordered to be loosened.

 “Why are you so sure?”

 There is no way, this Zhang Yong is really too focused.

 In addition to weapons and ammunition, hundreds of oceans were also found. All in one letter. Very well packaged. It seems that it has not been used for a long time. A rough inventory. A total of eight hundred oceans.

 “Where is Lu Hualiang’s other money?”

"It would be great."

 Maybe he has poor eyesight and cannot see any clues.

  The skin and flesh were torn all over from being beaten, and the flesh was bloody. But he never fainted.

The people who died in Xiushui Street were Japanese. He has received the message.


It was actually Yingzuo Zhenzhao who came in person?

 Zhang Yong led people to search for weapons signs.

"Sure. It's him. I can recognize him even if he turns to ashes."

There are so many gangsters on the beach, and there are so many people who steal and steal. If you don't have a gun at home, you can't suppress those gangsters.

 Now I remember it. It seems like who is that, a subordinate of Zhang Xun, the braided army?

 Once you admit it, it will be a capital crime! It's going to take your head off.


That painful feeling, one second seems to be as long as ten thousand years. In addition to the screams, the rest was still screams. Until he was hoarse.

 Everyone rushed forward. Hold the opponent down.

 Monitor the map silently. Raise the telescope. After a while, a yellow dot appeared in the field of vision. It was Wu Songling. And Wu Pinfeng.

 Say nothing. Just fight.

 Hmph, little boy. Wait until you are more mature. Let me tell you, you still have a lot of room for improvement...



 Sorry, his IQ is limited. I really don’t know what’s going on based on my imagination.

  Not a red dot.



 Zhang Yong:? ? ?

 Isn’t he an enemy?

 “Keep fighting!”


"Yes, yes..." "Okay, now tell me where these assets are."

 At the moment, many wealthy people in Shanghai have guns in their homes. Some have more than one handful. It's weird not having a gun.

 There is no resurrection after death. However, the money stolen by the Japanese invaders must be recovered.

Tian Qi went to make arrangements.

 See the other person take out a picture from his pocket.

 As a result, Tian Qi’s voice came quickly.

Who is the one?

 “Tens of thousands, tens of thousands…”

 Two yellow dots?


 What to do now? Of course it’s money digging!

 I have always felt that Lu Hualiang should not have only such a small amount of money.

“I don’t know. Lu Dutong didn’t tell me.”

 Shakes hands with Wu Songling. Turn a blind eye to Wu Pinfeng.

 It is almost certainly done by the Japanese.

Or kidnapped someone named Wang?

 Or a third party?

  Or maybe it's a small bandit who happened to be meeting?

 Shaking his head…

 Come to Taiping South Street.

 “You did it all?”

 It seems that this Lu Hualiang is very low-key.

 The young man in the peaked cap struggled desperately. But it didn't work. Was quickly tied up.

"Yes Yes…"

 “I’m going! I’m going! I’ll take you there right away!”

“Are you sure you are here?”

 Zhang Yong waved his hands coldly.

"what gift?"

 The prisoner was anxious. Hastily changed his mind.

There is also a Mosin-Nagant rifle. Very well preserved. The barrel is shiny. It should be Lu Hualiang's favorite thing.

  Found out it was a young man. Its appearance is unattractive. Wearing a peaked cap. The brim of the hat is set very low. It is simply a standard feature in spy dramas. You can tell there's something wrong right away.

 Lu Hualiang is dead. The money he left behind became ownerless. The virtuous live there. Um. Zhang Yong is a virtuous person...

Lao Gou immediately became anxious when he heard about Xiushui Street. It's a real capital crime over there!

 They were still very clever Japanese invaders.

 “I, I, am, am…”

 Zhang Yong did not continue to ask.

 “Lao Gou!”

"What's this?"

 “Take me to him.”

 Let's wait until the people from the police station arrive...

 From the beginning, he has been lingering near himself. Now that I have left the scene, the white spots will also move.

 “One knife kills.”

 “Call people from the police station.”

"you do not know?"

 Zhang Yong waved his hand.

 That’s it without a car. You have to rely on two legs to go anywhere.


 In addition, two men and two women were killed. It seems like a servant? The murderer is ruthless and won't let anyone go.


 Easily entered the ambush location.

"I know."

 There was another scream.

so complicated…

  【To be continued】

 (End of this chapter)