MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 233 Make money

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Jon saw that his princess had begun to sympathize with Nie Yi, and couldn't help sighing secretly.

Does his princess have no eyes? Why can't I see that Nie Yi is simply willing to do this?

At first he doubted that Nie Yi had any unspeakable purpose to approach their princess, but now that he has been in contact with Nie Yi for a long time, he has to admit that Nie Yi has no purpose at all, and he does not even want to know them at all .

Finding this out, Jon couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Nie Yi was very repulsive to them, but their princess didn't know what was going on.

"Princess, Nie Yi is willing to do these things," Jon said.

"Nonsense! How could he be willing! It must be that Qi Jingchen used some special method to control him!" Louise said: "Qi Jingchen forced Nie Yi to do this, didn't he just want to open this restaurant? I You want to destroy this restaurant! "

Jon heard and persuaded: "Princess, this is not appropriate ..."

"What's wrong? Didn't the mother-in-law send someone? Those people couldn't get me Nie Yi. Couldn't they have destroyed a restaurant?" Louise said.

Although Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi said that Nie Yi's practice of the three-line power is okay because he has three powers and has no way of dealing with Louise's physical condition, he is now the only one who can be found by the Rose Empire The people of Louise, so the Queen of the Rose Empire sent a special mission to bring Nie Yi back.

As for her daughter's love of Nie Yi, this is really not a big deal to the Queen of the Rose Empire. Whoever didn't like his handsome guy when he was young will not care too much after playing for a while.

However, so many of them came to the holy city, but were stopped. The people of the Light God taught them that Nie Yi was a person of the Light God. They could not take away or hurt Nie Yi, otherwise they would be bright with them. God teaches against each other.

Although the Rose Empire is powerful, the Bright Deity has become more powerful in recent years ... It is impossible for the Rose Empire to offend the Bright Deity for Nie Yi.

Moreover, the Bright Deities did not allow them to take Nie Yi away, but did not forbid Louise to entangle Nie Yi, so the mission simply stayed in the end to take care of Princess Louise.

Now, Princess Louise just wanted this missionary to help her deal with Qi Jingchen's restaurant.

Jon listened to Princess Louise and was speechless for a while. So many big people have come to this restaurant today. How can this restaurant deal with it? Their princess thought too simple!

When Princess Louise got up to deal with Chenguang Restaurant, everyone in Chenguang Restaurant ate almost.

The smiles on the faces of those who are not low are sincere, and it is clear that they are very satisfied with Chenguang Restaurant.

"I will come again tomorrow!" The president of the soldiers' association blushed, and patted Anna's shoulder vigorously: "The things here are delicious, good!"

"I must come here often," said the vice president of the wizards union.

Others, like these two, have expressed their willingness to come here again.

Speaking of them, some of these people are not good at wine, but the style here is different from other places ... They feel that if they want to receive someone in the future, they can bring someone here.

By the time all these guests were sent away, it was already midnight.

Seeing that some people left at the door finally left after the big men left, Qi Jingchen finally relieved: "Everyone go back to sleep!"

Their routine has always been very regular. They suddenly stayed up all night, now they can't stand it anymore and feel very tired.

The restaurant is small and uncomfortable. Qi Jingchen thought about it and eventually returned to Central College with Nie Yi.

Qi Jingchen was still holding a shelf outside, and after he entered the room, he was so sleepy that he went straight to bed.

Nie Yi had a good spirit, but he had to get involved ... "I'm too tired and not interested." Qi Jingchen said directly.

"Do it, you're up!" Nie Yi's eyes were bright.

Qi Jingchen stretched his hands over Nie Yi's eyes: "Sleep!"

Nie Yi did not dare to continue entanglement, fell asleep next to Qi Jingchen ...

The next day, the restaurant officially opened.

The restaurant's opening time has already been hung out at the door. Most of Yell's stores are opened when and when they want to. They will not be notified in advance, but Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen notified the time in advance .

But even so, there are still a lot of people waiting in advance ... Of course, many of these are not waiting for customers who will come to their stores to spend, but purely to see the lively or want to meet those big names.

Although many people have become magicians or warriors, they are not very talented. Even if they become junior magicians or junior warriors, it is difficult to go further.

But they are reluctant to give up, want to continue on this road, or think they are very strong, so that as long as there is a famous teacher, they can become stronger and stronger in the future ...

No matter what they think, they will try hard to find opportunities to get close to those advanced magicians, and now, there are undoubtedly a lot of opportunities to wait here.

At about 11 am, the door of Chenguang Restaurant opened.

As soon as the door was opened, an intermediate wizard who had wanted to go in for a long time walked in immediately, and found that the pattern inside was not the same as yesterday.

Someone greeted the guests on the ground floor, and behind him recorded the prices of various food items in the restaurant.

Chenguang Restaurant is the cheapest ordinary liquor, these liquors are packed in ordinary wooden bottles bought by Qi Jingchen, a bottle of gold coins.

Buy this kind of wine, you can only take away, but also limited, and everyone who wants to eat in the restaurant must order the same specialty wine of Chenguang Restaurant.

The cheapest pot of these specialty wines is a four-star magic crystal.

The intermediate wizard who went in saw the price and couldn't help but keep his tongue out, but he gritted his teeth and paid for it.

At the beginning, he thought that the price was very expensive, but soon, he felt that it was all worth it, because sitting inside and drinking was really a great enjoyment.

With the first person, there was a second and a third soon.

Many of these people went in and found that the price was too expensive, and they could not afford it. In the end, they did not choose to stay in the restaurant to drink, but spent ten gold coins to buy a bottle of ordinary wine and left.

When they made such a choice, they were slightly embarrassed, but found that the people who sold them had no impatience or look down on their faces, and their hearts were put down, and then they felt that the restaurant was really pretty Ok.

Sun Chengyi standing in front of the counter: Of course I will not be impatient! It's a gold coin! Although the magician does not treat gold coins as money and uses magic cores for transactions, ten gold coins are placed with ordinary people and the purchasing power is equivalent to 100,000 yuan!

One hundred thousand dollars! You can buy a lot of meat and go back to eat in your own safe area! So a small bottle of wine is so expensive to sell, it's just a pit!

Sun Chenghuan groaned, and then smiled at each guest. The guests spent the magic core to drink here. There will be a special reception to let the guests choose a variety of side dishes with wine, and the guests buy a bottle of gold coins to leave If you do, you will also receive a few toffees.

That's a toffee made from the milk of ordinary animals. The cost is very low, so it's used as a gift.

Speaking of which, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen originally wanted to use dried beans as a gift, but they only made dried beans. They couldn't get enough people to do this, and didn't want to give this to others. Just told Anna how to make toffee, and then let Anna provide them to the restaurant toffee for free.

After entering, they were not able to go upstairs. Finally, those who spent ten gold coins to buy a small jug of wine, some of them felt lost as soon as they came out, and they felt that the wine was too expensive, but when they opened the bottle cap ... good wine! So strong taste!

This wine is so good, no wonder ten gold coins!

Lancado, who had previously come to the restaurant to watch the crowd, came early. He wore a magic robe and the wearer ’s badge of the wizard and walked in. When he just entered, someone was greeted and asked him what he was going to do. Services.

Lancado looked at it, and finally chose to buy a bottle of five-level magic crystal wine. According to Sun Chengyi, this bottle of wine is very suitable for people who have not drunk before.

"My lord, please go upstairs." The red-haired man came over to say hello, and then asked Lancado where he liked to drink.

Lancado chose the top floor without hesitation-when he saw the sun room on the top floor yesterday, he already felt that it was very, very beautiful and couldn't help but want to go and see!

The top floor at night is very beautiful, but the day is even more beautiful.

There are a lot of glass products here. Under the sun, those glass products look beautiful and extremely gorgeous.

There is a lot of flowers planted here. Lankado has no other hobbies. He just likes flowers and plants. Although I do n’t dare to say that Yell's flowers and plants are all known, the common ones are called by names. Don't know.

From this point of view, these are not common flowers and plants ...

Lancardo was watching this, and his wine and side dishes were brought up.

The wine is really delicious! Those special dishes are those he has never eaten before, even he can't see what they are!

Lankado especially liked the dried tofu inside, and after a while he ate it completely. At this time, someone came over and asked him if he wanted to add some.

Can you add it after eating? Lancado was very surprised and immediately said he wanted to.

While Lancado was sitting here, someone came one after another. After a while, the table on the top floor was full.

The business is so good ... Lankaduo sighed secretly, and after hearing someone say that the toilet here is very interesting, he also specially experienced it.

Really great! Lancado had a feeling that he was well worth it.

Lancado thought it was very worthwhile, and so were everyone else. When they went out of the restaurant and were told that because they were the first guests, they could get a small bottle of wine and toffee. They were even happier.

The wine they got was in a glass bottle. Although the bottle was only the size of the trial lotion, it contained one or two and a half white wine, but the bottle looked very delicate and beautiful, and everyone did n’t think of the gift. Shabby.

Lancado took the gift and walked out cheerfully, and then saw the people at the door apologize to some latecomers, telling them that they no longer have a seat, but they can buy the take-away wine in the store at half price.

Fortunately, I came early! Lancado was even happier.

Everyone who comes here to eat is as satisfied as Lancado, and even those who chose to take out last time don't feel lost.

Except for a bottle of ten gold coins, the wine here is full of strong magical energy!

Although this kind of wine is cheaper in other places, it is not cheaper, and the taste is not as good as here ...

There are a lot of people coming and going in the restaurant. Although Anna does not need to greet the guests, she is still busy behind her feet. By the way, she also remembers the preferences of those who are not low status. She plans to give them according to the preferences of the guests in the future. Guests serve dishes.

Of course, there are many people who are more busy than him, such as Nie Yi ...

There are too many guests today and their staffing is so low that Nie Yi has to help in the kitchen.

"Why don't you ask someone to do this?" Anna noticed the situation and asked in surprise: "Let the magician receive the guests outside is a gimmick, so that those who return to the magician and the magician think we are good here, But in the kitchen, you don't need to work? "Anna said.

"We have a secret recipe, and some things don't want to be known by others." Qi Jingchen said.

"Then you can buy slaves and sign a magic contract!" Anna said.

When Anna's words came out, both Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen were stunned.

They just wanted to keep it secret, so they let everyone do it, but they forgot that this place is not on the earth, but the magic world!

There are slaves here, and there are even special slave contracts that make people not betrayable!

If they bought some slaves early, they would not have to be so tired!

"You don't know?" Anna asked.

"We forgot." Qi Jingchen said that they had heard of slaves, but as he said, he forgot.

There are reasons for him to forget. There are many rules in Hyeres, and the first of them is that magicians and warriors above the third level cannot become slaves. The Shinto religion has always advocated the liberation of slaves.

The people of the Shinto religion believe that if there are too many slaves, there will not be enough manpower to cultivate the land, so they have always advocated the use of slaves less. In addition, the nobles generally have many servants. These servants do not need to work for them for generations. With the additional purchase of slaves, the existence of slaves becomes less important.

As for the slave contract ... In fact, the so-called slave contract is the master-slave contract, which is not necessarily only signed with the slaves. Those nobles generally only sign the master-slave contract with their stewards, and then let their stewards and other servants sign the master-slave contract. Servant contract.

Hyer's slave market was not thriving, and it's no wonder Qi Jingchen would forget.

"You can find some later ... No ... I'm afraid you are not free today," Anna said.

"Let's go tomorrow morning." Qi Jingchen said: "By Anna, I hope you can help me buy some more wine back."

They have saved a lot of wine before, but depending on today's situation, I am afraid they will run out in a few days.

"Are the spirits you make from those ordinary wines?" Anna asked curiously.

"This is a secret." Qi Jingchen smiled.

Anna did not continue to ask: "Rest assured, I will help you get things done, I am afraid that the price of the wine I bought will be much more expensive than before ... you have bought too much wine recently."

"It doesn't matter if it's more expensive," Qi Jingchen said. These ordinary wines are made by ordinary people. One silver coin can buy a barrel. Even if it goes up, it takes several silver coins a barrel. They can distill into several bottles and buy dozens of gold coins. Still Make a lot.

Everyone spends this day in a busy day, and such a busy day is obviously rewarding.

The charge at the front desk was handled by Sun Chengyi and Yu Yuehui. Nie Yi gave them a space ring with little magic core and gold coins. As a result, the space ring was already full!

In the past, in order to open a restaurant, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen took out all their belongings and spent them, but now they have earned a fifth of their belongings.

If this has been the case, as long as a dozen days, all of their capital will be earned back!

After calculating such a result, both Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen were very happy, but ... Louise came back again ...

Really haunted!

The author has something to say: Thank you dear mines ~

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