MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 30, the original world

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Chapter 31·Through time and space

I saw Ding Hao single-handedly caught in the void, a reel appeared in his hands.

Ding Hao handed the reel to the evil moon and said: "According to the location marked above, I will retrieve all the [遁天石匙] and I will take you to that place."

The evil moon demon king took the reel and opened it, immediately shouted:

"Oh, are you asking for a life? How is it not a cold ice cave, a prison fire crypt, no longer a dark forest, but also on the edge of the mainland, a few stones in the district, but also the king to personally go out... ..."

The evil moon complained for a while, Ding Hao looked at him and ignored the tunnel: "If you don't want to go, then I will change my personal."

The evil moon immediately said: "Is there a saying that I don't want to go? This kind of difficult task can only be completed by Benedict."

Said, the evil moon immediately turned out six pairs of twelve white wings that graced to the extreme. It retracted the scroll and flew around Ding Hao for a few laps. Before leaving, the evil moon asked Ding Hao:

"I heard that the new owner of the feathers has twenty-four pairs of golden wings. How is it compared with the six pairs of white wings? Is it a lot worse? Where did you turn him off? He went to eat his golden wings. Then, you can have golden wings."

Ding Hao is speechless...

"Ha ha ha, joking, go..."


The evil moon suddenly disappeared at the top of the hidden sword.

Ding Hao’s scroll to the evil moon, the location of the [遁天石匙] marked above, was detected by Ding Hao with a powerful sense of the gods. These places, even if the general warriors are risky, are difficult to reach.

Only the body like the evil moon does not invade, the sword does not break, can safely go to those places.

And the speed of evil moon is the best in the world, and it can be done in the fastest time.

At this time, under the peach tree in Wannian, only Ding Hao was left alone.

Ding Hao looked at the sky and seemed to be thinking about something.

Within six lanes, there is no place where Ding Hao can't get it. What kind of area is it that requires him to collect the [Shutian Stone Spoon] and use the power of time and space artifacts to cross?

It turns out that the six reincarnations are incomplete, so it leads to the regeneration of dark buds, which leads the world to fall into chaos.

Only by going to all the chaos and even the roots of the birth of the entire six worlds can we solve all difficulties.

That is--

Primitive world


It’s been another half a month.

In the past two months, although there are still many messengers and warriors coming to ask Jianzong, the number of [遁天石匙] is obviously not as good as in the first half of the month.

Ding Chunqiu took a moment, and it was still a hundred pieces [遁天石匙].

at this time--

"The court messenger is coming!"

The news of the arrival of the messenger came from outside the temple.

Ding Chunqiu’s heart is happy, and Lang said: “Xuan!”

The court is the greatest help of this [遁天石匙] search operation. Before the courtiers had come to ask the sword three times, each time with no less than ten [遁天石匙].

This time, the court of the court will come, and there must be no small gains.

"See Ding Zhangmen!"

The court gave a courtesy to Ding Chunqiu.

"You don't have to pay more, God makes a long way, but for [遁天石匙] come?" Ding Chunqiu opened the door to see the mountain road.

"Ding's head is wise, this is the collection of the "Shu Tianshi spoon" in the past ten days. Please ask the head of the door."

Saying, the court of the court took out a bag, which contained twenty-nine pieces of [遁天石匙].

The presence of the elder Jian Jian, who could not help but be shocked, the efficiency of the court is indeed admirable!

Ding Chunqiu nodded: "This action, the court is the most powerful, thank you."

The ambassador immediately said: "Dingzhang’s words are heavy, and ask the sect of the sect, the court will do its best to help."

Whether it is the relationship between Shendi Huajian and Ding Hao and Ding Chunqiu, or the strength and position of the court and the sword, it is an indispensable thing for the court to help each other.

At this moment, Ding Chunqiu saw a bit of difficulty from the face of the ambassador.

Ding Chunqiu looked in his eyes and asked the emperor: "There is nothing to say about God, so let's just say it."

The court of the court suddenly shocked, and did not expect that a trace of anxiety that he had inadvertently flashed was captured by Ding Chunqiu.

He also has no intention of concealing and honestly saying: "It is not the opposite. This time, looking for [遁天石匙], the court can be considered as exhaustive, although the Emperor still sends people to search around, but according to the ambassador, I am afraid It's hard to gain something."

The messenger is very real. Those who have the Lord’s [遁天石匙] have already donated or traded to ask Jianzong, and those stone spoons scattered in remote places are difficult to survey, and then The terrain is dangerous, and it is really difficult to gain anything at a time.

Ding Chunqiu will know what he wants, and he said to the emperor: "No matter, the rest of [遁天石匙], ask Jianzong to have a way..."

at this time--

Ding Chunqiu’s voice did not fall, only a white light, quickly passed through the door of the temple.

The people present were almost unresponsive.

He has not seen the figure, his voice has already sounded in the hall:

"It’s exhausting, Xiao Xiaoding, you have to open the warehouse door of Houshan today, and do a good job."

The "person" who speaks is not who is the evil king of the evil moon.

When it was finished, he put a bag of goods on the ground and asked the elders of the swordsmen to look at them. All of them were shocked. This is --



At least fifty!

No, it should be sixty.

It is seventy! A full seventy pieces of [遁天石匙].

The evil moon demon king, this ancestor-level fat cat, asked the Jianzong to eat white and drink, stealing and stealing for thousands of years, its horror, everyone knows, did not expect that it actually has such ability.

I found seventy pieces of [遁天石匙] at once, which is a great achievement.

The courtiers of the court looked at him and were shocked. They could not help but admire Jianzong.

Ding Chunqiu’s heart is overjoyed. For such unreasonable demands as the evil moon, this time it is not impossible to consider.

"This matter, you have to find a father to discuss one or two." Ding Chunqiu did not immediately agree to the evil month.

Where the evil moon can endure, this half-month has been working hard, even if the flight speed is amazing, it is not a sword, but this trip is also extremely dangerous.

The evil moon's stomach is bitter, and it is necessary to go to Ding Hao to open the conditions immediately.

After Ding Chunqiu finished, the evil moon did not say hello, and all the ninety-nine [遁天石匙] were taken away and flew toward the hidden sword peak.

The ancestors, come and say, go and leave, no one can take it.

Ding Chunqiu turned to the court and said: "When you go back, please tell the Emperor, search for the stone spoon, and come to an end, thank God for helping you during this time."

The minister was appointed, and he immediately went away.


During the period of the evil moon to find those remote [遁天石匙], Ding Hao returned to the earth, and one was to retrieve a small stone fat man who stayed on the earth.

Then, ask your father about things about time and space artifacts and say goodbye to your parents.

According to Mu Tianyang’s instructions, going to that secret place is of great importance, and the future is unpredictable. I don’t know how long it will come back. He has to say goodbye to his parents.

He did not stay in the earth for too long, but he stayed for a short time, but in a moment the world of heaven has passed fifteen days.

Hidden sword peak, a stone room.

This stone room is Ding Hao's practice room, and few people can enter.

There is no decoration around the stone room. This is directly formed by the amethyst ore mined from the back mountain. The only "decoration" of the entire stone room is the stone-grained gossip picture engraved on the ground.

The center of the gossip map is where Ding Hao meditates.

When Ding Haogang came back from the earth, he sat quietly in the middle of the stone room and carefully looked at the items in front of him.

Placed in front of Ding Hao is the [遁天石匙] collected so far, they are placed in a shape of incompleteness.

After the scattered stone spoons, the surface texture has also undergone great changes. If Ding Hao did not observe the inside of the seven-handed shackles, others would not be able to restore them.

at this time--

The evil moon rushed in. It just wanted to complain.

Just as it came in, the [遁天石匙] of the portable body, like a sudden induction, all flew out of the bag and suspended in front of Ding Hao.

In an instant, the whole stone room is filled with some subtle blue light.

The attention of the evil moon was attracted by this incredible blue light, and I forgot that I was looking for Ding Hao.

I saw the seven-point starlight in Ding Hao’s eyes, and it became brighter. He sometimes looked at the stone spoon fragments placed on the ground, and sometimes looked at the ninety-nine [遁天石匙] in front of him.

After a while, Ding Hao seems to have realized, one hand stretched forward, grabbed a stone spoon, slowly placed on the ground, so repeated.

His movements were slow, his eyes were not standing in front of him and on the ground, and his mouth was faintly confusing.

When the last stone spoon was also placed on the ground by Ding Hao, hundreds of [遁天石匙] appeared...

Still an irregular shape, it doesn't look very extraordinary.

The next moment -

Ding Hao urges the law.

Blu-ray suddenly disappears, replaced by countless colors of different colors, these lights, as if covering all the colors of the world.

The place where the stone spoons are spliced ​​together also instantly shows unspeakable light.

[遁天石匙] is slowly blending!

The evil moon is stunned.


A clear sound.

[遁天石匙] White light, and slowly floated up.

The power of Ding Hao's law reminds me that the white light is scattered, and the colorful light that originally filled the whole stone room is also scattered. They are turned into countless light spots, scattered in the stone room, like the stars in the night sky.

After the white light was dispersed, the [遁天石匙], which was spurred by Ding Hao, showed a new look.


A smooth disc with a short needle running vertically through the disc. The disc and the short needle are as white as jade, and the surface is slightly cracked. It seems to be innate and integrated with the entire disc.

The short needles are engraved with incomprehensible textures and clear scales. On the discs, there are also some runes that are invisible, and some patterns similar to the sun, moon and stars.

Taking a look at this sun-drenched artifact, I can't help but feel that the whole body, even the soul, will fall into it.

What is contained here is the power of a vast universe.

The evil moon looks at the score, and the sun, moon and stars on the disc, like living creatures, are working freely, like the sun, the moon and the stars are turning one day.

"Ready, go!" Ding Hao suddenly said.

The evil moon seems to have not reacted yet. "Want, where are you going?"

Ding Hao smiled slightly and said:

"Original world!"
