MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 106 Reboot League One

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  Chapter 106 Restarting the Alliance Part 1

   After recovering from the grand mystery of the universe, if the information revealed by the black card civilization is true, Lu Yu immediately thought that he might be able to get the blue star map from him!

   Didn't you say you've been through a dozen universe reboots?

   Can’t witness the restart of the universe for tens of billions of years without even a star map of the entire universe?

  If you can find the location of the blue star, those space fleets that will arrive in the solar system fifteen years later can only sing and dance for mankind!

  However, after expressing this expectation, Hei Ka's answer was almost similar to the system's reply of a million points.

  【Cosmic star map... the value is too high, even if you are a newcomer to the alliance, I can't give it to you for nothing. 】

  ... White bleaching failed.

   So Lu Yu changed his mind again, trying to get some technology from it.

  Since you say that you are a senior universe-level civilization, the little bit of technology that emerges from your fingers is the top black technology for human beings, and it may be enough for human beings to tide over this difficulty.

   And Heika's answer made Lu Yu feel even more helpless.

  【Why develop technology by yourself? Do you want to be promoted to restarter? 】

  【The scientific and technological achievements of this universe are completely based on the current rules. In the next universe, if the technology you develop does not reach the rule level, then all your efforts will be in vain. 】

  This is Heika's reply, and it only highlights one point—it can only provide all kinds of help except help.

  Lu Yu can only get the so-called secret of the universe from it, and don't even think about other white drift technology or star maps.

The black card is quite a medium for cross-space communication, but it is not as easy to use as the Silver Star. However, with the deepening of the communication, Lu Yu's understanding of the restart alliance became clearer, and many puzzles left over from the exploration of the universe It seems to be solved easily.

  The black card civilization is indeed the mastermind behind the arrangement of the black domain, and the purpose is also very simple, which is to trap the lizard civilization in the black domain.

  The reason for doing this is also very simple, to restart the alliance.

  When civilization can continue indefinitely in time and space, and even the ultimate survival problem such as the end of the universe can be overcome, then what will civilization pursue?

   Or what is left in the universe for such a civilization to pursue?

   Can't be so boring as to randomly draw a lucky creature like Lu Yu, and randomly send out a copy of the system, right?

  The restarters of the Restart Alliance seem to have reached the ultimate form of civilization in human imagination, and their goals and pursuits have become pure and persistent.




  In the description of the black card, the restarters seem to have only these three purposes left.

  [Detachment] refers to breaking away from the current universe. This vast universe is already like a cage for them. Only by detaching from this universe can we see the next form of civilization development.

  This is the second criterion—development—after civilization self-continuation is the first criterion.

  However, since the establishment of the Restart Alliance, several restarters have embarked on the ultimate path beyond the universe, but no one knows whether they are successful or not, and whether they have found a form of civilization outside the universe.

  Because of the moment they opened the road of detachment, all the information and matter they left behind on the cosmic level were all erased together, as if they had never been born in this universe.

  Even when the restarters unite, they can only retain the fragments of these detached civilizations that once existed. The restarters who choose "detachment" just disappear in the universe forever.

Therefore, after many rounds of universe restarts, a small number of restarters gradually abandoned the stubborn and unknown path of [transcendence], and began to choose to fix the universe, make the universe eternal, interrupt its continuous restart process, and turn it into Eternal Paradise.

  But almost all civilizations that can become restarters are not born in the same cosmic epoch, and the cosmological constants they are used to may be completely different from the cosmic rules, or even diametrically opposite.

   Just like the overlord in the ocean, even if it can also live in magma, it will feel great physical discomfort.

  [Paradise] is destined to be only a paradise for restarters.

   Most of the restarters still insist on the path of [restart]. The restarters firmly believe that as long as the universe continues to reincarnate, it will eventually evolve to a node suitable for the further development of their civilization in a certain era.

   Only by constantly [restarting] can we usher in such a possibility.

  However, the precision of the big universe is beyond imagination. When returning to the singularity, it may never reach the critical state due to the difference of one atom's mass, and the restart will always be stuck at the beginning of the universe.

According to Heika, at the end of the universe, there will always be advanced civilizations that can create space bubbles, and they will frantically steal materials from the universe for the continuation of their own civilization, which is equivalent to blocking the restarters from pursuing their ultimate goal .

Therefore, the restarters have learned a lesson in the long cosmic reincarnation. They chose to lock up the passage to promote the universe-level civilization, and the space bubbles created by the river system-level civilization are fragile and have flaws. [Physical] means to make them voluntarily return the mass of the big universe.

  The restarters who tried to build 【Paradise】in this round of cosmic era will also be removed from the restart alliance, and the two sides will become sworn enemies.

  This may be the secret about the universe hidden in the stars.

  Lu Yu seemed to think of something, and immediately asked: "Then if there is a lot of matter in our space bubble, why don't we want to return it?"

  【... Even if our space bubble reaches the level created by a cosmic civilization, it will only take a little more effort for the restarters who can block the technology of the entire universe. 】

  【The meaning of their existence has changed from continuation to development. And only reboot! reboot! Constant reboots! Only then can they find a glimmer of possibility from this universe that has become a cage. 】

  【Other than that... Only their respective dependents can let them stare at the universe for a moment longer. 】

   Lu Yu suddenly remembered that when traveling through the wormhole, the space bubble of the Silver Star was also easily broken through by the existence of the suspected restarter.

  And why does A—who has only one brain left—attract his attention?

   Could it be that he wanted to accept him as a family member, or was he already a family member before that? Was A's obsession with building a Dyson sphere back then a so-called system task?

   Such guesses flashed in his mind, and Lu Yu paid more attention to the information revealed by the black card.

  【The creator of Base 52 is said to be a very young one among the restarters, and he has accumulated to a level of detachment in this cosmic epoch】

  【It may have set up millions of similar bases in the entire universe as cosmic data observation stations, and finally started the process of the entire civilization transcending the universe in one of the observation stations】

  The No. 7 base of the Horn civilization, the drill spaceship encountered when attacking the Dyson ball, and the No. 52 base of the lizard civilization, so Lu Yu encountered related super civilization creations so frequently?

   It is also because they will disappear in the end, so they don't care about spreading all over the universe?

  What about... Number Seven?

  The basis of her birth is the intelligent program from the No. 7 base, and once the creator of the base transcends the universe, won't it affect her?

  (end of this chapter)